Testing Wish Gadgets!

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I do whatever I want and today I'm going to test more wish gadgets I know I literally just did a video doing wish products the bug repellent stuff that you know was an epic fail except thus water water was fantastic what more wish stuff came and I said darn it I want to do it so these are just random gadgets that's their theme just random gadgets I found so we're gonna test these and see how we like them ready let's begin boom-shaka-laka first this just might seem like and this one's really late I'm sorry this might seem like a normal charger but it actually glows let's plug it into the dark and see ladies and gentlemen all right y'all let's see if this lights up wait I should turn off all the lights in the room let's see what happens when I plug opponents charging the phone you know what online this was like it shoots lights this is like they put some glitter in the cord and that's it it's nice that it changes colors like that's cute and all but like they made it seem a lot more epic online just gonna say it does kind of remind me of like Christmas has a little Christmas vibe so I'm fine with it it's just like I expected more wish come on next product I keep getting ads for this on Facebook so I'm glad I found it on wish its tape that's read stick oh I get to gel basically and it Reese ticks and it doesn't hurt the wall and it doesn't hurt stuff I don't quite know looks a little melty sticky all over it holds really really well but then also you can take it off it's peelable but not draggable is what I'm getting so let's stick this the stuff see if other things stick to it if it sticks to the original thing if it can read stick afterwards if it leaves a residue let's take a gander what's that cool no so I've cut a piece of tape I don't know what this is and we're gonna see if we can stick the picture on just using this oh so this is on there we go rub-a-dub-dub when you peel off the outer layer beautiful now let's see if this stick holy jeez Louise Batman it sticks okay but then I'm gonna take it off okay yeah yeah it's a little stuck it's a little stuck there we go oh rip the back of my canvas this part did this really wanted to stick and then ah hold on okay aggressive-aggressive no it's stuck to itself this what's the stick to its up like this oh it broke I think my any issue I had was because of this thing what smells very heavy okay it's stuck to itself it's supposed to be reusable fun stick to yourself now let's see if I can restate the same thing it's very difficult to untangle itself you did not do any damage to my wall you are just being a butt-head that being a butt-head what happened let's see it's stuck okay this is magical I don't know it's like long-term I don't long-term it's gonna hold up and I don't know if long-term it's gonna leave a residue it definitely sticks herself I wouldn't say it's necessarily because it's reusable they say you can wash it let's wash it oh it's sticking to the paper towel well that didn't do any good but let's see if it still sticks to stuff it still sticks Oh next product for those hot hot hot days I got a portable fan with no blades that's right ladies and gentlemen no hair getting stuck in this no fingers getting stuck in this just everyone getting cooled down it doesn't come directly from here the air comes out right here that's how hard it Bluffs sit on my hair it's very loud it's extremely loud it doesn't blow very hard kind of like it's annoying amount of air like I can't feel it though I can kind of feel it hold on okay here I cannot feel it maybe a little bit and here's where it actually has an effect on you so I think if you were outside I don't think this would do much if you are hot the speeds the intensity doesn't get that much greater like it's not a huge difference on your face the sound just gets louder telling a song I don't know how much I like this I don't think it's strong enough to make a difference in my life and it's really loud like blow-dryer that it's cute and it's tiny and it's nicer there's no blades that can't hurt myself or my dogs but I don't think it's going to improve my life the way I want it to I don't think this is a success I'm kind of really sad I wanted this to be powerful enough like I could take it places and it would make sense that I took it if you just need a subtle breeze with the sound of a blow dryer in distance this is for you and no one just gets like little spots at a time yet the moon beats your whole face I move on which is this stud finder as a human who hangs things on her walls that's the end of that sentence I have to constantly find studs in my house other than my boys I have gone through many stud finders and none of them worked so I literally have to go to a doorframe and then measure out how many inches from the next stud it would be and then hopefully and then do the hammer nail thing I can't do that like that does not work for me not at all so I'm gonna see if this stud Center finder metal and AC live wire detector actually works also they sent me two of these bonus unless I accidentally paid for two and I didn't realize it but we're gonna see if it works on my wall I'm supposed to press something Oh hold on a second Oh that's the center okay screaming you've done it again but that's also the center but that's also the center see if you didn't know stats in a low are like 18 to 22 inches apart 16 to 22 I don't know so they can't all be right here and it says it finds the center of the stud Center center Center center literally impossible of get angry let's let's try this wall maybe because that's an outside wall it's different okay and between the coke and elephant but also five inches over and then three more inches from that I'm gonna say that this stud finder sucks by the center of the stud it was in the middle of a face Oh what does it think it's doing I'm so disappointed - it's pure trash I went out I bought a 9-volt battery for trash alright and the last thing today that we're going to look at I'm very excited about and that says I'm not allowed to use it on people only like animals and you'll see why it's this nature observer we recording and playback dish ladies and gentlemen I will be able to observe birds and animals at eight times the magnification hears sounds over 300 feet away digitally record the sounds play them back to my tape recorder to my tape recorder people so I haven't busted this out even a little bit I haven't open the box I was waiting for the video even though I was really excited when I ordered it I'm really excited when I got it oh yes here are my headphones oh this is first-class airplane edition oh you can see how they don't fit to my ear oh I look great here's my gun or observer whatever you want to call it yes give me my dish well can't oh my I can't see anything hold on you want to take a look inside you can't see anything oh all right we're gonna set this up completely and see what we can hear around the neighborhood you got kinda late so I don't think I'm gonna go search for any animals outside but I just wanted to turn it on and at least see I put a batter in but I accidentally broke the thing that keeps the battery inside so that's an issue beware things break I'm I press this and see what happens it's loud oh oh it's loud oh say something come on just say something just say it just say anything I won't tell anyone if you speak English espanol but Abu francais okay so this I oh I don't wanna listen to you lick yourself oh no no oh yeah I'm supposed to see through it that's not something that's happening okay we're gonna go play with this in the morning and maybe I'll let you take a listen this is fine I don't think that the eyepiece is gonna work trust me I know it's a good eye piece and what's not I'm a professional at those things but I think the sound thing is actually not the worst I had a lot of kids spy toys growing up I wanted to be a spy it didn't happen so I've had a lot of like stupid toys that were like this but you know like neon colors and you're stupid from what I can tell the 10 seconds it's been in my hands seems to be better than those stupid toys from Kmart so to the morning time so we're just gonna see if we can find any animals we have a lot of squirrels possums mice neighbors in this area so let's see if I can identify anything then I'll let you guys take a listen I mean all I hear is an airplane but I can hear that without this the viewfinder does not work like you can kinda see that there's a bush it doesn't work I hear that there's a dove okay I can hear blazes footsteps which is kind of I can't hear that dumb though with this on this is a very short range of what it'll pick up when this is off I can hear a duck when it's on I can't hear the Dove but I can hear blaze rustling in the bushes which I can't hear when it's off so it's like I think maybe I think a 300 foot thing was a lie I think it's more like a hundred feet I cannot hear the birds flapping their wings there's a lizard back there ah I can hear blaze that's why blaze is looking back there I can hear a little scattering I could hear a lizard okay I'm gonna put this on the microphone so you guys can hear what I'm hearing we're just gonna let this exist can you hear it does it sound different you move around so I can hear my dog is currently frozen see this is what it sounds like gonna talk and now it's on off on can you hear his little footsteps I hope the mics picking that up I have no idea what the mics picking up this whole thing is a mystery I'm gonna rate this a 5 out of 10 it barely passes it's functional the sight on it is a mesh I think that's mainly because it has this in front of its sight thing like there's no way that that's gonna function this sound it's not I don't think it's as good as they promised me it would be I cannot hear the birds I can hear my dog walking a little bit amplified and that's it I'm wrapped up in this Oh God so I'm glad I didn't take this to the part and look like a total fool for nothing I can hear my dog sniff it's kind of fun I wish you guys could hear it I don't think anyone has done better research on a product than me this is terrible but it wasn't a complete waste I'll say that I'm not totally disappointed just a little disappointed alright guys that is it for today I hope you enjoyed this I enjoyed this I love stupid gadgets I love things I don't mean and I love that I get to use them and play with them for videos so thank you for supporting me on this stupidity journey that's all I have to say if you liked this please give it a thumbs up and make sure you're subscribed so you can see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel giveaway time the winner is this human but that's it I love you guys so much make sure you check out my podcast my blog channel my twitch which is all miss are baller except the podcast that's all things Internet I love you guys so much links are below links or at the end slate you know what to do you're the best I love gadgets except this fan this fan can go suck it I guess it's kind of nice no I don't like it too well remember guys above all else they awesome possums [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 955,176
Rating: 4.9376583 out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, testing, test, trying, try, using, use, wish, gadgets, toys, electrpnic, buying, buy, bought, stuff, things, products, listening, device, spy, reusable, tape, sticky, bladless, fan, charging, cord, lightup, stud, finder
Id: 2cuBSEROyV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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