Testing Wish Kitchen Gadgets

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I do whatever I want and today I want to do the last installment for now of wish things they are kitchen gadgets so I got some things we're gonna test them I just drank an entire cup of coffee at 8 p.m. ready let's begin okay first things first we're gonna start off with this - this rubber thing you're like what is this do Ballinger well I'll tell you insert your last name this wonderful thing is to put in between the crack of your oven and your counter this looks so bad so that things can't go down in the crevice that looks so bad like terrible let's see how long it takes Matt to notice that it's there yeah because look at this crevice oh my goodness look at all the stuff getting stuck in that crack not more now that I have my rubber I just I don't know maybe it blends it now I don't think it looks good I don't think I like that I mean we're gonna keep it there cuz I bought it thanks oh next product it is a garlic crusher here's the one I ordered here's the one I got so this is just a new way to crush some garlic apparently it looks like one of those boards you stand on to do the app exercises it's just good anyway so let's see if this crush is what I met my goal for today it was those ab exercises we're gonna get a clove of garlic come on I don't prove I'm not getting out a knife and taking and peeling this garlic what Billy's been barking it absolutely nothing all day let's crush some garlic here we go I didn't peel it all the way dang it no there's that's my hair that's my hair alright let's try our ab board for the garlic ready okay well now what okay so we've crushed the garlic but I don't quite know how to get it out because it's at an angle so I can't know how you get it out we found on the pole ladies and gentlemen okay no it's not crushed it's more what is the what is the shape octagon yeah we'll go with octagon II circles I don't know how to get it out but you get out well it's not crushed it's more cubed it's in that big mode that's how big a circle is so I must say this sucks cuz you can't get it out once it's crushed and I just rather use a normal garlic press thing I have one this this works way better the holes are smaller you push it out and this is flat so you can scrape things off you can't get it out you need a spoon I don't want to use a spoon when I'm cooking ridiculous so so far of our two products the slab of rubber is better next product I have to say pretty exciting first off at the part oh I'm scared I'm gonna pee if I do it don't force it let it happen oh no I'm gonna pee if I keep doing this I have no idea what this even is it's called the Golden Goose and you scramble the egg in the shell so you know like what you are making scrambled eggs you put the egg in a bowl you whisk it and you're mixing the white and the yellow together well this is saying you're supposed to do that in this before you open the egg we have here these are what the insides rubber connected to some strings focus operate your goose with confidence before attempting an a putting that in there putting this in here is that work yeah that works okay and then wait no what how I'm so confused how does this work who the what sees let's go through this my goodness I'm confused yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa figured it out I could tell it it's not locked look I don't want egg spewing out all over my body I know you're not locked I see that you're not locked are you supposed to lock this yeah it is barely on you know what that's a say if I get egg everywhere I get egg everywhere so then you wind up the core hmm oh maybe I suppose do this one this that way how am I supposed to do this hold the handles abrupt what and I'm stuck what are you saying hold the handles and the busine one direction okay swing it oh I think it's a yo-yo oh no hold on supposed to spin it flip it you still on there I don't trust you oh okay you're supposed to be able to like keep it go oh oh oh I could only do it like twice I'm gonna get this I'm gonna good to stir it oh oh there we go okay so basically I don't know how long I'm supposed to do this for how long don't let it sag you mean don't let it sag I'm doing the best I can egg goose ooh hoo hoo I don't know how they think I can keep this going shine the light through your egg to know if it's scrambled guys I feel like this is way more work than just opening your freakin egg and putting it in a bowl what is so wrong with putting it in a bowl oh oh wait I got distracted by talking to you guys now I really got it going oh look at me go oh yeah oh yeah oh I'm going now look at me oh this is a workout oh this is great watch the egg fly um splat everywhere over me oh this is actually just kind of like a fun game all right are we done I'm sweating jeez now we're gonna break open the safe but we're gonna do it with another product I know ladies and gentlemen I'm getting crazy so this there's no instructions because it's in a language in which I am not smart enough to speak what I've got from the things online apparently you put it on the top of the egg you pull this up and release and it'll break the egg perfectly on the top and you'll be able to open it that way ready that did not work at all let's try this again not even a little bit am i doing this wrong how am I supposed to do this [Music] please I'm it's an egg it's not the door it's an John wait so concerned about my egg oh I did I feel that I have opened it yeah okay here we go ready nope you could see that there's a crack all the way around but it won't come up oh there it is oh god oh oh no I did not plan well Oh Bart's million hurt my egg didn't mix the yolk is intact still I was going I'm laying hard and the egg is still all of that work all of that muscle yo crap Mike look they just broke it's a little broken it is not at all with the pictures online said it would be now this on the other hand did break according to how it said it would but like why would I need it to break like that okay I use have so much wrong with what just happened one why do you need this what is wrong with putting it in a bowl and whisking it around now this one that was very difficult to do I was doing it for several tries to the egg immediately disturbed going everywhere because the eight is filled to the brim and three why do I need that what's wrong with cracking an egg the normal way maybe this is some technique what if having eggs that I just don't understand maybe that's because of my lack of culinary skills but I just feel like the two products I just tested back-to-back were the most pointless things ever how is my strip of rubber the best thing so far next product we got two things we're gonna do simultaneously one I got a corn shredder it shreds the corn off the cob so we're gonna skid a thing a quart I'm touching egg I'm touching egg it got everywhere where's my cleaner kill them bacterias Lucy I'm gonna boil this corn then we're gonna make some pancakes and put them into little shapes any excuse during a cooking video or a kitchen video to make chocolate chip pancakes I'm gonna take it I'm gonna take that first I gotta figure out how to boil corn because I actually don't know how to do that call me Martha Stewart cuz I am owning this kitchen so I've got my corn boiling yeah and then I've sprayed the pan I've sprayed the gadget itself and I'm gonna pour in the pancake that I mixed with another kitchen gadget I used that I kept I made fun of it but I kind of like it now about it being about a boom great boom so that's going this is how it looks I didn't fill them up all the way because I have a feeling it kind of rise a little bit but now I'm thinking I should have filled them up more because when I flip it don't know if they're gonna stick or go to the bottom I don't quite know doesn't matter I'm gonna put some chocolate chips in this business that's why else would you make pancakes chocolate chip and are you ready to flip they give me these handles oh no it's not ready to flip at all I've ruined it I've ruined it what does let it sit for a little bit how long though what's supposed to let this sit know when the corns done we'll flip them my cooking dance my cooking dance yeah this is my cooking pit my cookie dance this is not a copyrighted song no record label can click okay are you done better be done get my tongs from my target versus $0.99 store video how do you tell if corns done don't know I'm using the kitchen while I'm cooking well let that stop being so hot is it can I flip this yes you're touching the rubber okay how do you flip Oh No failed failed drastically I'm well-aware that was a fail I'm gonna stick those in probably you're supposed to do what I'm doing right now I want to take this off just to see the mess I made oh yeah look at that mess that's lovely that's what you make your kids on Sunday morning place you're not supposed to be in here you know train that dole oh you can just see my ring right back there that's so unprofessional whoops I care so much are you done yet mess I'm gonna try to plate them to look cute okay give me a minute look how good they look I will say they would probably look better if I knew what I was doing I fully think that these could be cute if you need shaped pancakes in your life I think that this could work for you it's just gonna take a few tries um they're like a hand snack now they're small enough you can just pick them up so that's all oh that could be the core huh Oh fine all right so this is the last thing we're trying is corn shucker it's got blades and the corn is supposed to go in there and then you can part out through here so let's see get a grip and you can't see it oh no you can't see it but I can hold up Oh mmm no that's some dumb corn yet what come out I'll eat you let me in oh yeah you can get it up close shot it does get stuck it gets stuck sometimes I think it's just because it's full so let's add a boom bada bing Oh guys good work you got your kernels you're fine for being here you know it how many things did we try to do we have the rubber we add the garlic we had to egg things we had a corn thing I mean the pancake thing I think Mike's favorite was definitely the corn shucker I think it was the most useful and most logical and the one that actually executed the best I don't know what this is for the pancake thing I sucked at but I can see actually being a thing my rubbers doing pretty well I must say the rubber is doing its job it looks terrible but it's doing what it said it would do big things were just stupid so was the garlic so that's my assessment of these wish products place has now just fallen asleep on the floor so there's that so I guess that's it guys is it Tuesday am I supposed to give something away great amount of things I'm gonna give away this terrible garlic press thing I'll wash it first so if you want this terrible garlic thing make sure you're subscribed to the channel like this video and share it on some sort of social media pack me in your sharing and you could be in the running to win a terrible garlic press thing did you think my giveaways would ever get good cuz you were lying to yourself if you did but make sure you whether you want to enter or not just to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel make sure you check out my vlog channel in my podcast channel and there you're following me on Twitch links below links at the end I love you guys so much let me know on Twitter or Instagram or in the comments below what are the videos you'd like me to do what are the products would like me to test clearly I'm great at them I love you so frickin much and remember above all else they awesome possums [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 1,739,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, testing, with, kitchen, gadgets, tools, appliances, products, from, test, trying, try, using, use, internet, good, bad, fail, successful, GARLIC, PRESS, CRUSHER, PANCAKE, egg
Id: dRM3wBEA5fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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