Testing Weird Car Accessories with Gus Johnson

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- You can buy some pretty weird crap for your car on Amazon. We've done it before on this channel. And today we are back with some of the downright weirdest crap that Max could find. I'm joined with one of the funniest dudes on the tube, Gus Johnson. - Hey mom, I'm on the tube. (men laughing) - And together we're gonna find out if any of these products are worth buying. - I'm James and this is - [Announcer] The D-List. - A big thanks to Off The Record for sponsoring today's video. The Memorial Day weekend is coming up, and cops are gonna be ready to give out all kinds of tickets. That's why you need the Off The Record app downloaded on your phone. With a 97% success rate, they have a whole network of lawyers to help you get your tickets taking care of, and they even offer a full refund if they can't reduce, or keep it off your record. So go register today, use code DONUT and offtherecord.com/donut to save 10% off your first ticket. Happy Memorial Day! - We're really big fans of Gus, like actually in real life. He does a lot of really, really funny videos. I don't want to set you up for failure in this video. - Yeah. Don't over hype me. - Check out his channel on YouTube, if you like funny stuff. - Please, if you guys don't come sub to my channel then this whole day will be a bust. This is not, I don't care about the professional relationships with any of these people. I'm just here for you. - And if you guys want to win any of this stuff, we're gonna give them all the way because we don't have any room to store them. Sit around to the end of the video to find out how! So let's get into the first product. This is the Sumerlly, 1 Pieces, Car Anti-static, Rubber Strap Eliminator, Grounding, Safe For Vehicle Driving. I don't know what it is. - That's good brand recognition though. - Yeah. Prevent shock by static electricity. Positive. Easy to install in your car. - Aint bad. - Nice. Eliminates static electricity to prevent spontaneous combustion. - Oh, thank God. - Five stars. It keeps the dust from clinging to my car, has been quite the conversation piece. - AKA. I work here. Huh, that's weird. - I don't know if it does anything, but it looks cool. - Why they buying it then? (man laughing) - Ooh, Conduct Electricity The Rubber. - [Gus] So this is a piece of rubber that just drags the entire time? - Yeah, man. Then there's a little bit of copper wire in it. - [Gus] Oh my God. - I mean, it is a conversation piece. - Like what the hell is wrong? Why would you put that on there? - I don't know if it does anything, but it sure does look cool. - [Gus] You know, this is gonna rub off after like 10 miles. (man laughing) Dude, it's scratched. You just put it on! Can you see this? This is scratched right now. You placed it against the ground. - Well, are you on fire? - I mean, no. - It works. Okay. So I think true to the reviews. The Earth Belt looks cool. - [Gus] Yeah. - [James] You can't deny that. - [Gus] I wouldn't. - Neither of us are on fire. - Not yet, no. - The car hasn't spontaneously combusted either. - I think it works. - Yeah. Earth Belt works. All right. Next up, we got the Saucemoto Dip Clip. - Whoa, dude! (men laughing) - An in-car sauce holder for ketchup and dipping sauces. - Okay. - As seen on Shark Tank. - Why did they need to separate ketchup from the rest of the other sauces? That's got a lot of ratings on it. - Yeah, a lot. - I'm surprised that even 500 people bought this. - 85% of them are five-star. This is the best invention ever. I am a sauce queen and this allows me to have sauce in my car without wasting any of it. Whoever invented this knows my live language. - Live language? If that's your bar for happiness is eating ketchup in your car, what a joyous life you lead. Alrighty. - I like the packaging. - Okay, well I guess I get it now. It's shaped like the sauce packet stuff. - Okay. - [Gus] You just push it in? - Yeah. - Oh, I get it. - In yours, we'll put, - Some ketchup. - Some ketchup. It's working so far. - That's pretty good. Here's a huge threat that I'm seeing right away. This **** is like, spring loaded (men laughing) What the hell? You're just going to dip a little nugget, this stuff is going on the windshield. You know too, like you're trying to put the air on like this. - [James] Oh, yeah! - Face full of ranch the entire time. - Even if it doesn't blow it out, it's just gonna stink. - I know, dude. This is awful. That's a ripe ketchup, dude. (man laughing) On a hot day, just breath in that. - I mean, like ranch or like, mayonnaise. (men laughing) - Worst **** ever. - Fish sauce. Saucemoto Dip Clip technically works. - I guess. - Pretty embarrassing. - Yeah. Don't be caught dead with these. - This will come in handy maybe to, for our sauce? - To eradicate your stanky ketchup. - Car Fragrance Diffuser PATEA Car Solar Rotating Perfume slash Car Perfume Seat For Aluminum Alloy Build Aroma Therapy Diffuser Reusable in-Vehicle Do Not Fade, Remove Smoke and Odors Air Force. - I think that was the alternate title for Borat: Subsequent Move Film. (man laughing) The fan is not working. I use it without fan and return is not easy to print out a label these days. It sounds like a you problem. (man laughing) I'm not even doing a bit. I don't know what this thing does. I just do not have any clue what this is. - Okay. So here it is. - Solar horse driven Sansei air purification. - Wait? (man laughing) All right, so it's basically like a scent fan thing? It's just like, a little beanie. - I mean, - It's going away, dude! - Who says this doesn't turn, is a freaking liar. - That is fuel efficient. - That is actually like a cool little desk piece. - I like that. I'd put that on my desk. - Oh, it's heavy too. Feel it. - Are these the scent pads? Oh, that is heavy. - I think that's tape. - Oh, this is adhesive? - This is the scent pad. - Smells like 3M. - All right, so where should we put it? Just like, - [Gus] Yeah, right there. (men sniffing) - Oh, it's. - I'm just smelling ketchup. (men laughing) - It is still very, very saucy in here. (man sniffing) Well, apparently if you open it a little bit. - Oh, do that. Dude, I do smell it. It's kind of like ricocheting off the windshield here. Like, would I purchase this ever? Absolutely not. - Never. - But does it kind of work? Yeah, sure I guess. - So the car fragrance diffuser, PATEA car solar, rotating perfume. Better than expected, I would say. - Yeah. - Is it worth 16 bucks? - Hard no for me. - Depends on how much he likes spinny stuff. Next up we got the Acouto Fuel Saver, Universal Magnetic Fuel Gasoline Saver, Energy Saver, Car Assisting Tool. - Two! It's the sequel. (man laughing) - The first one was really good. - Dude, there's one rating on this. My hopes are rock bottom. - But it's five stars. - Oh, good! Fuel saver? So what does it do? - Emissions reduced by 50%. Better performance, quicker startup startup. Startup isn't really slow. - I don't, - I don't even think I ever go to start fast. - Yeah, no, what am I just chomping at the bit? Let's go, dude! - 100! - Oh, it's tiny! - It's very small! - I thought this was like, a life preserver size. - My hand did a double-take. (men laughing) So I guess you clip this on a fuel line, and then you got zip ties to keep it on. - Okay. - And the magnet somehow, - Slows the gas down? - Well, they're also saying it makes it faster. (man laughing) - What the hell's this? Choose a lane. (man laughing) - Okay, so you just got to strap this on to, says save gas mileage. - Oh, shit. - And improve performance. - Yeah, those work. - It's magnets. - I have four of those on my car. They're good. - You imagine showing up to a dealership and trying to straight face tell the guy, "So I installed this to, of course, get better MPG." - Yeah, that's for like a better MPG. A faster ignition, start-up is better. - Anyway, won't be needing an oil change. (man laughing) - The Acouto Fuel Saver I just don't think there's any way that it could possibly work. - I don't see it. (man laughing) All right. (men laughing) This is a great one. - Gus, what is one celebrity that you've always wanted people to think is in your backseat? - Well, I mean the only one that comes to mind is obviously Prince Harry. - Well you are in luck, man! - No! - Yeah! Cause we have today, The Ride With Prince Harry Passenger Window Sticker. My family has gotten a big kick out of this headshot of Harry. It is a head turner when we drive down the street. Had a couple of folks stop and take selfies. - No, they didn't. Anyone that says that it's just completely lying. - Maybe a couple! - That's such R/thathappened crap, you know? I put this in my Volvo and everyone claps for me. It's complex now, like wow. (man laughing) Alan says five stars. This is a fantastic attention getter and conversation starter. I guarantee Alan is initiating all of those conversations and no one wants to speak to him. - I mean, if you pair this with the Earth Belt, the conversations are just going to start themselves. - Through the roof, dude. Oh man, one star? Was told that this is for the right side steering cars only. Really disappointed me, and two Prince Harry fans. - Two! - [Gus] Collateral damage. What? That's tiny! It's so dim! Look at the print on that! - That is awful. Okay. So a lot of people want to be seen driving with Prince Harry. - Yeah. - But what if I want people to think that I am Prince Harry. - Oh, and you're driving? - Yeah, so you put it on the driver's side. - I like that. (man laughing) Oh my God. Make it smooth. Don't get him all wrinkly. Who would that fool? (man laughing) - Hold on, wait a second. - Let's see the body in there. - Excuse me! (man laughing) - No, you're wrinkling the tie! - This is like, if anyone in my family had this, - Yeah? - It's like, we better have her over for Christmas and stuff because she just, - It's a discussion. - Yeah. - It's sad. I feel like if you buy this, there is a hundred percent chance that you got three to five copies of like National Enquirer in the backseat, The Sun, all that stuff. I just don't see who this benefits. - The Ride With Prince Harry, Famous Passenger Car, window sticker is heartbreaking. - It is. (man laughing) - [James] It is very funny. - [Gus] Dude, from a distance, it kinda shows up a little bit better. - Like, a double-take. - Yeah, that is so wonky. - What is this? - That's a little, - A free, bonus sticker. - Don't forget to smash that MF'n like button. - Yeah, hit that like button, cause the algorithm says it works good for us. - Prince Harry knows about the algorithm. - We have reached the end, the final product. We do this for every Amazon review video. We give all this stuff away, to Donut Underground members, to learn more about that, hit the join button down below, or I'll put a link in the description for it. - There's also a link down below. You can join the Royal Family applications open. They're sick of Megan, you can just slip right in, honestly. (man laughing) - All right. The final product. - Ooh! - [James] Car Sign, oh! Another window. - I love it. - Car Signs Window Display Auto Mood Emoji, Vehicle LED Human Car Talk Screen AP, Oh, app controlled, Siri Turn On. Dude, so this is like a thing that you put in your back window and it does emojis. - That's cool! I kind of like this. - I actually dig this quite a bit. One star. The idea is really good and the product looks great. Interaction with Siri is not working, and driving using the phone to interact with the device is risky. That's just a general note. - He says he's returning it. I will return it. That's a threat. It's tiny. I thought this is gonna be bigger. You gotta be like tailgating somebody to see this. This is great if you get kidnapped, and you find yourself in the trunk, and you're like, let me just download the app and out a little SOS. (men laughing) - There's a lot of, oh, I can just do a QR code. - That's pretty cool. - Not secure. - Yeah, no duh. (man chuckling) (calm electronic music) - Oh, there it is! Yep. It's the thumbs up. - I think it's like this. - Oh, thumbs down. - Yeah. (man laughing) Dude, look. - Aw dude! Cop! (men laughing) - We got a little tint on this car, which I would remove to use this accessory. - Here we go. (man laughing) How's it look? - Amazing. Hey, watch out. There's a pedestrian ahead. - [Gus] Oh, I saw Po Po up ahead! - Cop! - [Gus] Oh, there's a nice woman selling flowers at this next intersection. - Hey, in case you need one! So it took us a little time to get it all set up, but the Car Signs Window Display Auto Mood Emoji Vehicle LED Human-car Talk Screen APP Controlled, Siri Turn On? - It's a turn on. I like it. (man laughing) - Gus, thank you so much for coming down and being on the show. - Thanks for having me. - Where can people find you? - Got to YouTube. You're already on it. Type in Gus Johnson. That's me. Just go subscribe to me, dammit. I asked for so little. For the love of god. - Again. Check out the join button for Donut Underground information. I love you. (upbeat electronic music) - [Announcer] Damn James, you're loco.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,386,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gus johnson, gus, amazon car products, amazon car accessories, best car accessories, best car air freshener, amazon products, worst amazon products, best amazon products, worst car mods, cheap car mods, dlist, donut media, james pumphrey, gus johnson donut, gus johnson amazon, car accessories, car gadgets
Id: vH0qhZadcyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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