Testing VIRAL Minecraft HACKS You'll Never Believe Work

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you watching right now are a fellow minecraft gamer why do i know that well you would not have clicked on this video if you weren't a fellow gamer for everybody that is a big brain gamer today i'm going to make your brain just a little bit bigger because we've got this week's minecraft hacks that are literally going to change the way you play the game forever when you watch this video all the way to the end and go back and play minecraft i promise you you are going to be a completely different player well according to youtube only like 30 of you guys that watch my videos are actually subscribed so subscribe right now or you're gonna be a bot don't be a bot please welcome to the beautiful world of blocks ladies and gentlemen the first hack that i have to share with you guys we've shown this one similar in the past but i want to show it in a different concept that you can use this in this is how you can get legitimate x-ray in minecraft yes legitimate x-ray you're not downloading any cheats you're not hacking you're not breaking any rules you are literally just exploiting the buggy and broken block game that we all know and love so check this out i got a little mine here okay and and right here we've got a composter and a barrel beside it now inside of this barrel we've got one piston and one lever this is very important you need to get your booty inside of the composter just like this okay and place the piston right on top of you now once the piston on top you also go ahead and put the lever right here now you may see where this is going flick the lever and check it out guys i can literally see under the map look there's a mine shaft over there there's a skeleton hey you bought you never subscribed to my youtube channel look at you you look he literally disappeared what am i telling you he is a bot i am telling you you actually need to subscribe or you will be that skeleton come on you can literally see great distances while down here and like should be such an easy way to see what's around you and where is worth mining at oh my gosh uh only problem with this is um well i can't flick the liver you'll have to break the piston afterwards but that is our first hack and it actually works in the latest update so that is that is a great success great success okay next up on our list here is how you can go super fast in minecraft and this one is actually very easy to set up if you were transporting something from one end of your world to another literally just use blue ice because check this out yes bro look how fast i am oh my god oh dude i almost just broke my neck yeah let's go bro this is amazing this is literally such a convenient way to get around the map if you guys haven't already done this seriously set this up in your world it's going to save you so much time no water elevator or no more running you can literally just sit for the rest of your life now doesn't that sound great i mean that's kind of already what we do anyways we sit and play minecraft all day but you know what i mean now you can sit in minecraft so here's a little issue with the next tick tock hack um this one's actually difficult to do but if you are able to pull this one off i'm telling you it is so worth it this is a legitimate way that you can break bedrock in minecraft no hacks no glitches no creative nothing now the only issue is i wasn't actually able to pull it off because i'm too much of a bot but my good friend mogi he was able to alright so for this hack we're going to break bedrock what i suggest you have is a fast pickaxe one trapdoor you need one piston i'd say at least 10 tnt you need flint and steel 20 obsidian and you need ladders and some ender pearls so that's all you need to break bedrock so first you have to find where you can break the bedrock so you make your way up to this roof of the nether and then start mining so there's a specific place we're looking for there we go all right so i find what i'm looking for i am looking for a bud rock that is one two three four up since this is the fifth layer of bedrock and that's where we want to go so i take my ladders and i take my ender pearls and i make my way up here and i also save my coordinates so i see my coordinates are 22 minus one four six you gotta remember those when you go up that's where your ladder is and that's where you're going to be creating your whole we're going to be breaking this block so i look at the corner i under pearl and i glitch through the roof this is where i'll end up and i only got one back and here under here is my ladder so what i do when i'm standing above the ladder i look to any of these sides and i place two obsidian i'm still standing on top of the ladder so you gotta remember that location you place one piston here right so above the lander is where you place your piston take one trapdoor place it here and then take two tnt there you go and then you take your levers and or lever and you place it here so you should have something that looks like this i suggest also just have some armor all right so now what i suggest doing is uh positioning yourself where you need to be so you need to go under trap door like this push yourself all the way up to the block then press escape go into options controls then go down a little bit to use item place block change that to a button you don't use for anything so v right and then hit done here we go so hit v to activate the lever make your way up here hold the piston and click on this block there you go so now what i was looking at i was looking at the block that the bottom block here where the piston was pushed up from so if i place this now you see that there's a little bit of space here right and that's where i'm clicking so between the blocks on the bottom one that's confusing but when i break this piston now you'll see that there's a hole and it's as easy as that thank you good sir mogi all right this next one i'm sure is going to blow your mind now guys um in here somewhere in this house here there's a secret base and i want you to try and tell me where it is your first guest would probably oh it's probably inside of the shulker box oh well no it's it's actually not nothing here you know you literally you can't go around you know there's there's no invisible blocks no you thought there was an invisible block nope look at that look at that no invisible block still don't believe me fine i'll just mine out the rest of the wall it's all good don't worry if you actually go ahead and stand on top of the shulker box and open it check out this crazy hack you ready three two one and boom we have just fallen through to our secret underground base literally that's the best hiding spot nobody would ever expect that we got oliver netherrite of course i i totally did all this legit by the way and now you can just throw diamonds for the rest of eternity inside of your secret base nobody will bug you now you might be asking how do you get out of here we'll just go ahead and flick this and uh voila another door opens up click the lever again and it closes just like that it's like you weren't even here now if you want to know how to set this one up it's actually very simple all you really need is a shulker box a base underneath and you have to make sure that there's a block on top of you so you get stuck once you open the shulker box you'll literally just fall through just like that literally as simple as that it's not that hard okay so the next hack that i have to show you guys is actually one of my favorites on the entire list this is how you can duplicate items in minecraft and not just any specific item this is how you could duplicate dragon eggs in minecraft which i don't know about you guys there is literally only one dragon egg no matter how hard you try but we found a legitimate way that requires no hacks to actually duplicate it so once you actually go ahead and beat the ender dragon and you get the original dragon egg now for demonstration purposes here we have just opened up this fresh ender pearl i'll go ahead and give myself the ender dragon egg i now have a dragon egg in my inventory here there is a legitimate way that you can duplicate this now first things first you might be curious why there's glass here and the glass doesn't matter we just use glass to count how many blocks of you have to build so one two three four five blocks up you want to place the dragon egg right on that yellow glass now here's the catch okay you need to do one more thing go ahead and get some stone walls it doesn't matter what kind and place them all under the portal just like that there we go that should be good right when you place this dragon egg down on this yellow glass the second it goes inside of the end portal you have to jump in and time this perfectly it may take you a couple tries to get this right let's see if i can get in my first try okay here we go three two one eat oh i don't know i don't know oh it worked it freaking worked wait wait wait no freaking way no freaking way hold up hold up i want to make sure i can do this legit so we're doing it in survival mode this time okay three two one there we go there we go oh oh dang it okay okay it didn't work that time this is the one three two one go oh it worked look i literally just picked one up i picked okay so the glitch worked i picked up the original item that hit the cobblestone walls underneath the end portal and the duplication happened when the ender dragon egg goes through the end portal and lands here in the end but you also end up picking one up now just like that guys we have literally duplicated the ender dragon egg and now you can go ahead and pick up a second one all for you to keep for yourself look at that now we got two dragon eggs bro this is amazing all right so the next hack that i've got for you guys is actually really cool and it also involves the end as well first things first go ahead and find where your end portal is located in your world uh just give me a minute so i can actually find it i don't know about you guys but finding the end portals one of the harder things to do okay we're good we found it next thing you want to do here is actually go ahead go ahead and activate the mportal okay cuz this is actually really cool there we go boom all right we're done now let's go ahead and clear all the area beneath us here all right so boom once we've got that now you also need to grab bone meal once you've done that go ahead and actually put dirt right about here where the end portal is and then place your red mushroom and use and start spam clicking all that bone meal come on please work please work please work please work oh oh my gosh yo this this is legit so the whole point of this glitch is you can actually get rid of the entire end portal and it'll actually stay there but it'll look like mushrooms and who wouldn't want a mushroom portal bro this is literally so clutch i wonder if this would work with trees as well yo no way let's empty out this side real quick and we can turn this portal into an all mushroom portal what if this is a secret game breaking glitch that brings us to the new mushroom dimension yo i'm just saying i'm just saying yes yes yes yes yes yes run away all right and last but not least this side mushroom and bone meal we officially have a mushroom portal you can go ahead and get rid of all the other mushroom blocks just so it's not spamming up spamming up the stronghold right here but at the very end of this actually looks really unique and it's a good way to it's a great way to fool your friends as well because they'll never know what you'll never know how you did this bro check this out what the heck and what's cool about it is the portal still stays it doesn't break the portal you can still go to the end if you ever needed to so hey great life hack random one but it's also still really cool i guess in theory now we what happens if we break the mushroom block does it break the portal oh no way we can have a floating oh no i just broke a portal block let's pretend i didn't break that portal block because now we literally have now we've literally got a floating portal with nothing attached to it yo i'm just saying guys how cool would it be to build your base right here oh my gosh oh look from underneath it i jump in while i go to yet you go to the end for all you bedrock players this one's for you this is how you can make a rainbow shulker why would you want to do that because why not who doesn't want a rainbow shulker first things first all you got to do is actually go ahead and spawn in a bunch of shulkers just like this then go ahead and grab different color dies and right click them to change all their colors so we got red orange yellow green blue a darker blue yo that actually looks really cool and now we want to do here is go ahead and grab any block of your choice we'll just use stone bricks just cuz and thankfully for bedrock bedrock is the only version of minecraft i know that actually allows you to do these kinds of redstone glitches go ahead and put a piston at the very end of the shulker and just start casually pushing them all together just like this just keep pushing them all together just like this till you get to the very end there we go last one boom now we have rainbow shulkers like what the heck i don't even know what the purpose of this would be but i it's still really cool this one's super random and honestly it's a little bit cursed go ahead and grab a command block and a lever and you want to type in this command inside of the command block play animation at e animation dot bat dot flying a9 just like this we're gonna change it to repeat and now let's put let's put a lever on it and flick the lever check this out what is even happening to my player right now i i am so confused my body is detached completely from itself when i say this is cursed to level 100 this is legitimately cursed to level 100. you can go ahead of course and just turn it back off and oh god oh oh god wait wait wait hold on wait wait wait stop oh stop stop stop stop stop stop i'm stuck like this alright guys that's all the hacks i have for you this week thank you so much for watching sure to leave a like if i change the way you play minecraft even if it was one percent thank you for watching i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video
Channel: Shark
Views: 448,076
Rating: 4.9410915 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft hacks, minecraft viral hacks, viral minecraft hacks, testing minecraft hacks, testing viral minecraft hacks, trying viral minecraft hacks
Id: l4uaLD_zJc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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