Testing Viral Marvel Stunts in Minecraft That 100% Work

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today we're going to be recreating viral marvel stunts to see if we can do them in minecraft will we be able to successfully complete these stunts watch until the very end of the video to find out the first stunt that we have to try and recreate is ant-man fitting in a really tiny hole now scott okay i see what we're doing here okay let's see if we can recreate the first stun we've set up this massive dropper here and at the very bottom is a hole that we have to make moki do you want to go and try and recreate this first oh sure yes okay okay now whoever can get the most points in this video is gonna win a thousand bucks okay deal mogee deal that's a great deal let's get started yeah i did put this building in the way right yeah i don't even see the bottom oh my oh wait yeah i see it okay oh okay i'm going i'm going oh you got this you got this dude oh is he gonna get it mad oh oh you just missed it no bro oh i'm gonna fall and die if you thought this one was hard we've got an identical dropper right over there that's so much more difficult let's see if i'm able to complete this one okay here we go three two one go go go go i can do this can i see you all the way oh i was so close go monkey go monkey go monkey go gosh dang it bro that's literally so close now dive through the keyholes shark you charge big you dive small then you emerge emerged oh my god so close again i know all right i'm gonna do this in f1 so i don't have the giant cursor good idea good idea good idea [Music] know what it literally looked like you hit it bro what how can ant-man do this first try yet we can [Applause] yes i did it i did it yes let's go that's the first point to me mogi if you can't make this one you don't get a point all right i'm just going to say something from here it looked like you're wearing creative and just landed i promise i'm not creative can i do is he going to get the point is he going to get the point is he gonna get the point no looks like it's 1-0 for your boy let's go this next dropper is incredibly difficult we've made it almost impossible to we're only gonna have three lives to attempt this if we can't do it neither of us get a point bogey do you want to go first okay yeah i'll go first okay okay okay on your marks there we go it's set three go two one okay i'm going oh god okay here we go i got this i got [Music] no this i literally can't even see there's there's houses in the way there's houses in our dropper three two one go oh god how am i supposed to he's gone oh oh oh my god that was so close oh my god oh you made it me too what you made it all right mogi give it your best shot go ahead all right we'll do there we go you got this bro you got this bro i know you can do it come on come on did you do it i did it yes let's go get it if i can't complete this next one mogi's gonna be the only person getting a point which will make us tied here we go three two one there he goes oh my god oh oh my okay so close one to one let's move on to the next one okay we got captain america jumping on a bus and getting shot at at the same time oh my gosh bro that's insane let's see if we can pull this off first you've got to start on this platform flip all the way over onto our makeshift school bus here and then land in the water at the same time you are being shot at with a multi-shot crossbow go all right oh oh that help me yes i did it yes what that actually helped me mokey i was not gonna i was literally not gonna land in the water if you didn't shoot me that literally helped me out oh my gosh that was so clutch but i ended that one with two hearts all right now it's moogie's turn okay mogee on your marks all right get set three five ten eleven seven [Laughter] i felt bad because mogi didn't get a proper chance of that one let's do it again moki are you ready one second on your marks get set go all right there we go oh you hit oh oh no my crossbow oh you did it okay good job mogee that's another point for the both of us two and a half hearts two and a half hearts bro the second crossbow would have got you now we are still tied two for two let's move on the next one we got ant-man being shot at and he ends up grabbing onto a wall this one's gonna be really difficult i mean there's so much pressure on you all at once all right are you ready i am here we go all right give me a countdown moki three seven go all right oh god oh god dude i think this is going to be way harder than anything shark oh yeah is it oh god oh god no no the fall damage bro i literally was making so much progress no dude come on oh my gosh bro this is hard to hit with this oh come on i literally had i was almost at the top oh my god okay okay now it's your turn mogee okay oh man oh my gosh dude the crossbow oh oh no oh see the falling the falling dude the falling i can end you right now moki what's your final word good you could what's your final word help help no come on you just gotta get to the top up here and you're good that's all you to do come on moogie oh and he's out we are still tied two for two who's gonna win this one you guys gotta let us know down below in the comments okay okay so we gotta leap over a block and hit something at the same time i think this one will be a little bit easier let's give it a shot we're gonna make this one a lot easier all you have to do is plunge off those slabs right there and hit the villager mid-air to complete this challenge i got my diamond sword mogi do you think i can pull this one off uh i think you can okay all right here we go i'm starting at the slab here we go three two one there we go yes yes let's go that was easy that was good that was good all right let's see you pull it off all right nice okay we're both tired land up there but it's fine dude we we are now tied three for three this literally a tie breaker who's gonna win this video somebody is walking home with a thousand bucks oh it's an iron man scene okay this one we have set up perfectly but let me warn you it's a little bit janky in minecraft each contestant must start on this platform be punched off the platform and land face down in this water pool if you do not land face down you don't get a point all right mogee are you ready i am hit me whenever you're ready my friend all right don't even give me a countdown make it random make it random okay three 11 20 17. oh what i'm face down but i didn't get in the water you're just laying there wiggles here i want to try i want to try one more thing do you give me permission you can give you can give a second attempt as well yeah go for it you can do the thing three two one eight oh yeah okay okay let's go let's freaking go dude all right so mogee you get two attempts at this one i'm gonna punch you the other one you can just uh try and land flat there just like i did are you ready good yeah two one oh my god dude i think the sword does not help for some weird reason it really doesn't all right now i won't punch you and you just have to land perfectly in that water face down are you ready mogee i am ready i see the water i see my destination you got this you got this off we go oh nice dude freaking let's go bro we are tied this whole game mogi i think the most challenging one of them all was the wall jump i think in order to make this not a tiebreaker anymore we have to see who can actually complete that wall jump sounds good all right mogee whenever you're ready go ahead i got the crossbow ready for you to all right i'm going to go on three okay yep i'm ready one oh wow nice nice tried to fool me a little bit not today huh a little bit i missed you at the first one [Music] whoa that was a critical oh my gosh you just deleted me oh i deleted your minecraft moki i hope you realize if i win this you owe me a thousand dollars this is literally the whole game right here i do i do i realize that and i yeah i'd rather have you give me a thousand dollars yeah wouldn't we all wouldn't we okay here we go without further ado three two one oh i tried to pull the cheeky one and shoot you before i even jump oh no no oh oh oh what oh no once i made it to the top oh i'm gonna have to add this pens oh my god i'm gonna let you guys the viewers decide who won today's challenge make sure you guys click the end cards that are right there to watch another video without further ado we'll catch you in the next one peace out
Channel: Shark
Views: 238,473
Rating: 4.9213367 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, testing minecraft, testing viral minecraft, testing viral marvel stunts, testing viral marvel stunts minecraft, minecraft viral, minecraft viral marvel, minecraft marvel, minecraft marvel stunts, minecraft marvel stunt, testing viral marvel stunts in minecraft, minecraft testing
Id: VdRJZfY0xd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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