Testing Viral Makeup Hacks!!

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hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel for today's video we're doing something that I've never actually done on the channel before but a lot of people have okay and that is a makeup box video now I will be honest to do and tell you okay that there is a reason that I've never done and makeup hacks video and that is because I think may come have some stupid can I would say God listen I am all here and I'm super supportive of whatever tips techniques and tricks that you want to do to finish your makeup routine and for being honest if you're a beginner makeup artist a gift can be a really really tricky and sometimes there are really helpful tips and techniques online and as long as you feel beautiful and confident with the finished result that is truly all it matters so do whatever you got to do but the reason that I personally hate these like makeup hacks videos that have been popping up on tik-tok and on YouTube and on my Instagram is because 99% of the time they just do not work so for the past few weeks I've been paying very very close attention across the different social video platforms at these advertisements for these makeup hack products that claim to make my routine 18 million times easier they're all sitting here in front of me and for today's video we're going to put these makeup hacks to the test so let's get started [Music] I'll write you faces when we jump into our actual makeup routine this at first hack is something that has to be done before the makeup goes on and that is an eyebrow lamination now I do not know what laminating and eyebrows is basically it's like a technique that like locks your hairs in a certain direction that sounds crazy mother just open this up and get this started so we can see what we're talking about here it's like if you just like put brow gel in your hair and then just like left it there for a few weeks eyebrow elimination upkeep eyebrows dry for 24 hours I mean if I'm just careful with my foundation I feel like it'll be fine right Yolo so first it says use a cleanser which is solution number 4 use a clean micro brush to apply lift solution oh my god that smells rotten ok I'm gonna just brush this through the hairs yeah oh it's worm it's a chemical reaction okay so I feel like in the meantime of at the brothel is really laminating we could get started on another makeup ha and this one I have honestly been the most hated to try and that is this makeup brush cleanser so basically what this is is a fun little fishbowl is the what this looks like a thing that looks like a nose hair trimmer we're gonna grab this morphe i'm 5 to 7 this is normally my bronzer brush and as you can see it is very very dirty it normally looks like this so clearly quite the color difference going on and I'm gonna grab and wanted like the little rubber thing he said shove it on the end we're gonna shove this now onto our spinner like this what does what whoa give her a nice fish bowl filled with some cleansing solution and our water dip oh whoa really turning around this is taking too long I'm all over this oh that's definitely not clean now like okay let's does a few other brushes before we make our decision so we took out this morphe i'm 4-3-3 and as you can see this one has it some nice red a shadow on it and if you remember back to 2018 when I really like how we know that this color stains yeah now we're gonna clean it off oh no can you give a nice zoom into that wait here oh yeah that's a nice and a ruined brush right there ooh okay I'm gonna go ahead and call it quits on this makeup brush cleaning huh as you guys can see both brushes are in fact actually cleaned which is not really surprising to me I mean it's water and makeup soap and brushes which is always gonna be a foolproof thing we're really talking about this whole spitting situation as the actual high and I'm gonna say this actually would not recommend and I'm going to tell you why okay when you're cleaning your maker brushes obviously everybody has different techniques some people don't even ever clean them which okay hello there are some definite recommendations and spinning your brushes at a very very high speed to the point where they get flattened and ruin their shape is definitely not the ideal technique I'll tell you that right now they're going to basically like to stay the shape forever and then you're a twenty dollar bronzer brush that you spent your hard-earned money on is now going to be a nice little mushroom situation alright so moving on at this point I'm pretty sure we are right oh that is triggering the lifting solution has been on for 12 minutes now so we're going to peel this off now we're going to take another clean brush with a solution at number two which is blue oh this one smells fine thank God okay and we're going to apply this to the brows once again and I guess the solution that's going to like lock the brows in place so we're going to make sure that we get them in the right position okay now that we have this around a pond I'm going to let the solution set once again for eight to twelve minutes and this time I do not have any Hawks to do in the meantime so I'm going to set my alarm right now on at my phone and we're going to cut and I will see you guys hopefully with some very very fluffy brows malleus has used the nutrition who's gonna nourish and stimulate my eyebrows stimulate I think the point is just again whatever direction you push them in they'll go I mean cool I feel like it kind of yeah this is good all right you guys well I think that is the eye brow and lash lamination part of this makeup hack all complete and I will honestly say I feel like this was a definite success which I was not expecting at all I think this kit was like $40 on Amazon and I'm gonna put the link below if any of you guys want to actually check it out I do not think that for me this was necessary but I do like the result a lot I feel like this would be so so useful to people who have a little bit of thinner brows or not as many brow hairs I would definitely definitely recommend just don't sniff a solution to number one and you should be good to go yeah let's move on all right you guys we're back in our base is all on it but as you can see we're looking a little bit flat we're all one color which means it is time to contour now normally I would describe up my contour kit lying around and a nice fluffy contouring brush but for today's video we have this it looks like a flamingo this PC a contouring tool and apparently if you hook it on your ear like this and then well contour should never be like why would it go this way yeah I can already say this is stupid I feel like the biggest mistake that people make when conjuring is they don't know where to put the actual product and like the angle of which to put it and this doesn't help like because you could literally rotate this at any angle and put your conch parts still anywhere no it's not no idea 3d I am so sorry while I'm trying to fix this and blend this out as best as I can general rule of thumb if you were somebody at home that has struggled with contour in the past and you would ever feel like you might need a hack to help you out the best trick that I ever learned is to pretend that there's a line from the top of your ear to the corner of your mouth and that is where you should start the contour also if you literally just take the end of your makeup brush they can you can feel where your cheekbone is mine is right here and you want to keep that product right on like the base of your cheekbone and blend upwards to create a natural shadow alright you may sit for the Isetta portion of this look today I actually have a ton of different Beauty hawks some of them I'm excited about and some of them I am just dreading and horrified to even try at this point but we just need to go ahead and get started and the first thing we're gonna do for our shadow is of course crabber eyeshadow palette now we picked up this one right here that I've seen a few different ads about and if you open it up it just looks like a plain you know eyeshadow palette there's a ton of different colors nothing really that special for being honest but what makes this crazy is you actually take off the top layer and there's some more in there Plus long and then you can take off that layer and there's even more in there this eyeshadow palette is 250 colors for twenty to twenty dollars or twenty dollars the James Charles export yourself it could never of course I'm laughing at this because two hundred fifty two shades for twenty dollars probably means that these shadows are gonna be pretty cheap quality but we're gonna give them a fair shot and try them out and this is almost like nostalgic to me because that the first thing that I ever bought when I first started doing makeup was one of those BH Cosmetics palettes that have like a million different colors in it I saved up for weeks on end and I bought it and the shadows were definitely not great VHS shadows are really really good now so they've improved quite a lot but if you are an OG at makeup community probably had one of these in your collection this is sidewalk chalk oh this is hey I definitely want to put that to the test today for a finer rainbow look since it is June it is Pride Month happy Pride to all my fellow lgbtq+ sisters out there I'm sorry for how homophobic this eye shadow look is probably about to turn now so first I'm gonna dip into this beautiful yellow shade called miracles right it's gonna really pop it onto the eye next I'm gonna dip into this nice Tropicana shade right up in here and we're gonna blend that next to the bumble bee this isn't supposed to be like a pastel look but like if you were going for a pastel bark like next I'm gonna dip into the shade called Tampa and right up in here and we're going to and we're gonna blend it into emergency tablet okay so next one's gonna dip into this a nice light pink shade right here called labia minora this is a good nice like pastel look so now I'm gonna dip into this nice green shade called Lima Bean right here and we're going to a little bit of this one too I just really place it now gonna dip into this blue shade called bubble bath yeah oh yeah every literally about a follow up that's happening here all jokes aside is like that's from literally dipping into the blue shake like one this is chalk the house downwards and then if I I'm gonna dip into this nice purple shade called Barney was arrested and we're going to finish off the cut crease all right so now all the colors are laid on there and honestly at this point it's not looking it's too bad like I said in the beginning okay this is one of like the first products that ever bought and although the quality is definitely not ideal you're able to make looks work I mean I definitely did it I know a lot of people out there have as well so you can make your own decision or whether not this makeup Hawk is a fail or a success but anyway I decide to onto our next thing which is going to be a cutting my crease and instead of using a brush and some concealer we have this cut crease stamp now this for me I feel like is where this look is going to go very very self very very fast but we're gonna try it out and see what we can actually do basically you're supposed to grab you want to like crease cutter of choice whether it be a light concealer or like a liner put it on here and then you stamp it onto the eyeball and it's supposed to be a perfect cut alright you guys so I just went ahead and put on my favorite white concealer and now me too oh no it Louis no it doesn't why did this one end up so much higher than the other one I mean come on we knew that was gonna be a fail horse Liza so now to set these really beautifully cut creases in place I'm just gonna grab this shade right here called goat's milk our next step so this apparently life-changing eyeliner product is called the flexed and now my liner is still to this day probably the thing that I get the absolute most questions comments team's emails about like everyone said oh how to do their eyeliner and it is very very tricky so I can definitely see why a eyeliner Hawk would be very very helpful but apparently this flick stick is an eyeliner stamp the tip of this marker is not an actual tip it's literally it's a stamp and it looks like the wing of an eyeliner so I guess you're just supposed to stamp this on your face and then the other side it's a regular eyeliner I mean it okay yeah it definitely creates like the stamp let's see no it's not let's go ahead and finish the wing using the other side this literally feels like I'm using a sharpie oh all right you guys finally we are on to our last makeup hack of the day and this is one that is notorious and the makeup world you all I am positive at some point I've seen an advertisement for these and these are magnetic eyelashes now before I even put these on I'm gonna tell you spoiler alert these are a scam and they're stupid they do not work like why okay so these eyelashes are longer on this side so I'm gonna take these like this and I'm gonna put them how do you even get them just like to these tweezers are also metal so the magnet is sticking to them oh I'm gonna literally scream I'm getting mad now [Music] okay it this way I have had enough of the makeup Hawks cut it quit its video it's over weigh the Fallen all okay I stand behind what I said in the beginning of today's video if you were a fellow makeup artist it really does not matter what you want to do to get to the final step there's so many different tips and techniques and products that you can use that I am fully supportive of doing those that I would almost teachers recommend checking out some different channels here on YouTube and if you do want to be an artist I would definitely recommend learning the actual techniques rather than taking stupid shortcuts like this or like yes that being said if you guys enjoyed it today's video testing out these Hawks please make sure to give it a big thumbs up down below to show your love and support and leave me a comment down below and let me know what was the one tip or technique that change your makeup game forever if you have not ready makes you click that big red subscribe button down below and come join this sisterhood we are 19 million sisters so I would love to have you in the family and also click the bell icon so you can be notified every time I upload a brand new video if you want to all be animated journey all the way social media accounts are listed right here and if you want to touch me on my Clinton off phone number right here for new updates on everything it is three one oh nine oh five eight seven at four six this video is sisters how that goes to at Maddie thank you so much to love her always following you reporting I love you so so so much and if you like you the next videos a sister shadow don't forget to please and reach people buddy like something go live on Twitter thank you for watching I love you so much and I will see you [Music] [Music]
Channel: James Charles
Views: 9,071,489
Rating: 4.9410286 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, e girl makeup, e boy makeup, makeup 2020, prom makeup, how to apply makeup for beginners, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, trying instagram hacks, my ads buy my makeup, tik tok buys my makeup, instagram buys my makeup
Id: PGsUrlws6sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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