Testing Soda Gadgets by Request!

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welcome back everybody today I'm back with several different soda gadgets to see how they actually work now all these gadgets has been around for a while there's reviews out there for them already people have asked you what I think about them because reviews are pretty mixed so let's see how these soda gadgets work including a bonus item I found on clearance editing asean TV store in today's video let's take a look and see what we've got first up this is a soda dispenser have not even opened it up yet now admittedly this is not very highly rated but the way it's supposed to work is a two liter bottle of soda goes here and you have a dispenser right there I mean it's a simple design I'm not sure why the reviews are so mixed but let's find out as we test it out next up is soda dispenser number two this is what it's supposed to look like let's open it up foreign a bit but basically the bottle goes on top and you have a spout right here where you dispense it so I'll put this together and try it out number three is going to be this Fizz keeper can pump you just place it over your can pump it a few times repressurize it and keeps your soda from going flat and finally this is my bonus item I found this is an Etsy on TV store I only got it for a couple bucks it was on clearance it's called the grab and pour I don't see any information on this it seems like it just no longer exists but I wanted to try it out this goes over a soda bottle and provides a handle seems like a good idea but it doesn't seem like I've been very popular based on the clearance price I got it for so let's get started with the first item and see how it works I'm gonna go with the I'm going to go with this one which is the lowest rate of the bunch this one has a pretty dismal 2.9 star rate on Amazon I kind of like the design of it it just has kind of a nice look to it but although it doesn't stand up on its own in fact a lot of people were saying that it tips over other people were saying it doesn't really fit in the fridge easily as well there's a couple different versions of this spout going around there's one where this is the off position and You Pull It Forward to dispense others where this is the opposition so you can actually push the glass in that way or Pull It Forward both of my dispensers have this configuration where this is off now normally the way this is supposed to work is this is the opposition and you put your glass up to it press in and it will dispense and you let go I'm behind it so see that's a little bit of a weird angle so I'm going to pull it forward but normally you press your glass against it that way this one doesn't have very good reviews but maybe I can get it to work we'll see so let's grab our first two liter bottle of soda I'll use my master opener to open it up all right now this one does have a gasket in there that I placed in there I mean there's not there's no instructions At All by the way none no instructions whatsoever all right so I guess what I'm supposed to do is just twist it on the top that seems pretty pretty tight Oh it's leaking out we got a leak oh oh no oh no I end up leaking some of the soda out but I still think I got enough to test this out so here we go now that I've got this all situated let me try it out oh you know it's working it's a bit foamy but it is working it seems like it's kind of slowing down you know what's actually not terrible let me see if I can do it below the table here maybe it's designed to be off the table so this is so slow you can actually put the handle up automatically and just wait for it it's very slow and the bottle is still only about half full so it seems like as you get down to the bottom it really kind of dribbles out it takes a long time to pour a cup all right I think we're done I just want to try and see how slow it goes towards the very end here just open it up see it right now it's just dribbling out that is dribbling now that's a dribble and this is how much soda is in there so there's still a decent amount left but look how slow it's going I'm guessing once the soda line gets below that it's not going to come out anymore well that's about it I think that's that's it and we have all that left so it's not even going to dispense an entire bottle it's done it is done all right let's try the next dispenser can't be worse than the last one right so we have a gasket to put there a gasket to put in here I guess snaps on all right so the spout goes on here I'll make sure this one's nice and tight well that's pretty tight I feel like I'm going to break it it's that tight put this on top what do I have a bad feeling about this one too I mean it was higher rated not much higher but a little bit higher rated okay that's pretty tight now we're supposed to flip it over let's see what we got all right it was so far so good now I've got to poke a pinhole in this one as well all right my pinhole is poked I don't have any leaks not terrible not terrible it's working it's very foamy but it's working let me let me keep trying here I'm going to dispense as much as I can it comes out pretty foamy but it's not it's not unbearable I'm going to spend several glasses worth and see how it goes very foamy that's glass number one glass number two Let me see if I just go all the way up how much foam we get and it's pretty full that is a lot of foam let's see how much actual soda we get in that cup after it goes down so this is how much it dispenses before you actually have to put some more in there that's a lot of foam not much soda I'm going as slow as I can no matter what I do it's just going to be foamy all right I mean you know it's it works is it ideal probably not I think soda will get flat in here because if you've got a hole in the end it's not going to stay cold but I think maybe in some situations it could work all right off the edge of the table for this one now let's see we got very foamy at first is it going to stay foamy a lot of foam a lot of foam and we're we're full look how much foam was in there two-thirds foam at this point my third Gadget are the Fizz keeper can pumps I got three of these for 20 bucks it's an Amazon's choice they claim that it repressurized cans of soda it fits most cans color-coded to help you identify which can is yours they say it saves you money by not having to throw out flat soda this one is also mixed reviews on Amazon people seem to like it or say that it doesn't work or it doesn't create a seal I started this test yesterday so I can do a 24 hour test so let's Splash back and see how that went let's take a look at the canned pump shall we now here is one of them out of the package all right let me start with this empty can now it just supposedly slips over the top of that which it does pretty easily and then you're supposed to press it down until you hear two clicks that was two clicks then all you're supposed to do is press the button which supposedly pressurizes the can when you're done use this tab pull up oh yeah that that was pressurized I wonder what happens if I crumple the can a little bit and see if I can push that outward just to see if it is pressurized pretty well put it back on there oh yeah it's pushing outward all right that works pretty well anyways let's get to marchester now what I'm going to do I think I'm going to take two soda cans I'm going to empty half of them out I'm going to put them both in the fridge one with the can pump one without and we'll check them again tomorrow and see how it goes I'm gonna pour equal amounts in here so we'll be fair about this aren't they were equally empty now let me add a can pump to one of these all right two clicks let me see if it doesn't leak it shouldn't leak it's not leaking all right it's not leaking that's good they say to press the pump three to four times that's what I'll do one two three four all right these are going on the fridge I'll come back tomorrow and see how they turned out all right here we are now the cans have been in the fridge for 24 hours so let me uh see what we got here here is the uncovered can let's see how fresh that one looks surprisingly there's still a little bit of a little bit of uh bubbles in there let's see how the can pump worked I didn't really feel a big release of uh of air let's see foreign it's probably a little bit better I guess I was expecting more than that for some reason when I release the pressure unlike yesterday when I felt a big pop it really didn't feel like that maybe maybe the air kind of leaked out let me taste these this is the uncovered can not the freshest I've ever tasted but not completely flat Fizz keeper next roughly the same I'm a little bit disappointed I think that that seal just did not hold for 24 hours it maybe as the can change temperature in the fridge it maybe broke the seal I don't know it doesn't seem like I got much of an advantage over 24 hours so I'm kind of disappointed all right so after I turned the camera off yesterday I decided to put a second one in the fridge and last night just in case so let me grab that one all right so this one's been in there for about 23 hours I pumped it eight times instead of four I figured I'd add a couple extra variables in case the first one didn't really go well and it didn't so let's see if first of all if this one actually leaks okay it's not leaking that's a good sign let me see if there's any air release Here oh wow now that didn't happen the first time the first time there was no air release this time it was a big explosion and it does seem to have more foam than the first time so as I suspected based on some of the Amazon comments some people were saying there were duds among the batches it seems like my first one lost a seal overnight my second one didn't so it's a bit inconsistent I like the idea of it when it works but I'm kind of disappointed both of them didn't work let's move on to my bonus item now this is the grab and pour which I paid a couple bucks for now that way this wasn't supposed to work is you have your two liter bottle of soda here and it just fits over the top here just like this and then there's a kind of a gap so when you squeeze it together it's going to hold the soda bottle let's see how much it holds it all right that's pretty good so I guess if you're pouring it let's pour into a glass here pick it up by the grab and pour now I got it on a handle which is kind of nice well you know actually it does provide a pretty good grip feels like it holds it pretty securely too the handle probably isn't the most comfortable because you're kind of squeezing it while you're holding on to it but on the other hand it does it seems easier than just holding it by the sides I don't know I kind of maybe I kind of like this one better of all the others this is my bonus cheap items on clearance looks like it wouldn't take up too much room in the fridge I'm gonna walk around a little bit with this and see if it's actually going to stay secure right now it seems like it's in place what happens when I walk around a little bit let's check it out I was just wondering like outside when you're at a picnic or something you can use this not only to carry around with you when you're walking but I want to see uh if I swing this around a little bit if it's going to fall out it works pretty well in a controlled environment how about out here say we're at a picnic hey what's going on it's not falling it is not falling I think it holds it pretty well should I open this up maybe not in the end I'm going to say I wasn't really that impressed with any of these although I think that the two dispensers worked better for me than it did for some people online although this one won't even dispense an entire bottle this one at least will because it's above the line of the spout but both of them kind of dribble out when it gets lower both of them seem like they're foamy in the beginning so I know they're not perfect and they're gonna they're gonna go flat because there's a hole in there and you can't take the bottle off there and put it put it away because there's a hole in there maybe for some situations but certainly not all I feel like in both these cases though they kind of solve a problem that doesn't really exist I would pick this one over this one but really I'm not sure if I really pick either one all right as far as the can pump goes I'm a bit mixed about this one the first one didn't really go so well the second one did that kind of Echoes what people on Amazon were saying that some other batch worked some other batch didn't I have about a 50 success rate so I don't know I guess it would be good for keeping bugs out of the cans even if it doesn't work but I'm kind of on the fence about this one and as far as my bonus item goes this is probably my favorite of the bunch I got it for a couple bucks it does seem to provide a purpose unlike some some of the others here this one I can see some people want to use but that's all I've got if you've tried this product tell me you think in the comments below I appreciate you watching and I'll see you next time sounds like something from an early 2000s song it's like some Lincoln Park thing or something
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 182,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, soda gadets, soda dispenser, fizz keeper, fizz keeper can pump, can pump, grab n pour, cool gadgets, soda can gadgets test, soda can gadgets, coke gadgets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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