I Bought As Seen on TV Tools

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through some miracle I was recently served a 10-year-old video of Tom Silva using none other than this incredible as scen on TV product the speed out this took me right back to the Glory Days of television when I'd be popped down in front of the TV watching TRL and Eminem be amazing and then get served an incredible commercial of Billy Mays doing something absurd or the Sham wild dude wiping up something that you didn't even know needed wiped up and it got me thinking are there still tools out there that are in the category of as seen on TV and you can bet your ass there is we found six of them and we're testing them out right now first up coming in at $26.30 we've got this beauty the king measure 3 in-1 digital tape measure it's heavy duty accurate large display fast easy more efficient supposedly it replaces everything you'll ever need to measure anything we're going to test that out oh it's got a laser of course it has 3 in one roll mode I mean that is does look convenient yes you definitely need to measure your Couch's exterior flexible nylon tape we can measure people pillars and old ass lamps and it's digital and it's got a laser this does seem like the tape measures to end all tape measures let's dive in first up this package was not as difficult as it should be to open we all know that when opening any sort of plastic package like this you need to be at least losing a fingernail and cutting yourself in multiple places there's no batteries you son of a this thing weighs like nothing it's the lightest tape measure I've ever held there's a string hold up hold up hold up wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait tape mode that's a flexible nylon look at this flexible nylon tape do we see that can you see that can you see that that's a damn string what in the hell before you can use it you have to take this whole side panel off this is so dumb I don't hate it though excuse me I have to get a screw and some batteries if you were someone in their 30s you probably spent a lot of your youth watching television and the commercial back in the day like the amount of gamesmanship and Charisma was required in order to like win putting out commercials was something that just doesn't exist anymore this whole concept for I seen on TV it just got me thinking about all of the absurd things you used to see on the television there no way they would be allowed these days I'm pretty sure the claims being made by some of the stuff out there like there was guys running themselves over with trucks saying that there was like impact proof body armor or something that they were using for something or other I remember that I don't remember what that product was the Sham wow was everywhere I mean I remember that thing just taking over my life it brought me back just just sitting there my butt on the floor sweating probably eating something I shouldn't be watching incredible infomercials Billy Mays a lot of yelling Billy May here you know why he was yelling these days anyway back to this so she's on you can see on the top here good thing because when you pull this out you have none because it's a string and it claimed to be a nylon tape that's a damn lie you line sack of so that let's take a measurement here you got to touch it to the end it says 2 ft and 2 ft hold on do I have to zero it see the buttons are in a terrible spot cuz when you go to use it you press them again 1 foot no it says 2 ft let's get a real tape measure do we have a real tape measure anywhere okay 23 and 3/4 we've got clear we're at zero it's on snake mode snake a snake which I think is the string that's at 1 11 and 1316 which would be 23 and a 16th over 3/4 so it's it's close not bad Let's Go the whole bench this is so finicky I hate that you have to hit zero every time too this one's saying 7t 11 and 3/4 nope 8 ft so only slightly off let's see maybe the roller can do better so let's change the mode ooh look this is cool you have snake explosion and truck wheel so that should be this thingy nope that's back on snake I wonder if I have to hold this down it's cuz it's on snake mode again I hate having to read directions press the mode save button until the roller mode icon shs hold the measure button and roll the measure release the measure button when done check your measurement roller wheel holding the measure button oh there we go that's kind of fun that was 6' 10 in so you guys know it keeps just literally not working this thing is 2 ft and 1/4 in that's not that that's pretty wild they have the measuring like round stuff let's measure this I mean if you wanted to build like a case or something for it that was 6'9 and 16 I guess that's kind of cool how much was this 26 bucks let's go to laser mode laser laser mode it says oh press the measure button once it's pointing 12 foot 9 and 716 okay I wonder how tall that actually is can you see it anywhere I mean we're looking at straight up for me 157 plus the tape and this tape is 3 and 1/2 so 160 1/2 don't let me down 132 13 and 12 is 157 and I said it was so I would put at 160 1/2 this one has it at 3 and 1/2 that's going to be 161 and it's off by an inch but I actually don't know where it's Landing do it have a a DOT see it up there see it she is it's not working I'm just getting errors now so error hold for 2 seconds still getting an error I've been fussing with this thing for like 10 minutes and I got to say I do not think this is the king especially because it has a string and I hate that don't buy this to on to the next up next we have a crowd favorite the tiger wrench ultimate Deluxe actually see what this sucker's about introducing the tiger wrench I've seen this thing the tiger wrench who doesn't need to wrench on a fire hydrant oh just flip it quick look how fast standard and Metric oh my God okay let's see the sucker $16.75 I am never going to financially recover from this The Branding impeccable now I'm really curious why a tiger is a tiger like a more versatile cat I don't understand what makes it a tiger like they didn't even use tiger colors come on tiger wrench Fairfield New Jersey made in China okay so I think I mean the general intention of this is we've got 10 11 12 and 1 nope we've got 10 11 13 and 8 mm on this side 9/16 3/4 11/16 and 5/8 all of them are pass through would you say how many tools 48 48 how there's four and four that's eight 48 look at the listing 48 tools into one how is this claiming to be 48 tools it does say 448 tool in one socket works with spline bolts 6o 12 point torqu that's what it is because of the way they shaped the head it's working with your standard bolts and all kinds of other bolt heads so you don't need to have all of those tricky s so in the ad these goobers are calling for Speed but I think that the best use of this tool would just be allinone and I actually misspoke earlier when I said it had 8 mm 10 mm 11 and 13 they're also claiming that those sizes are/ in 5/16 38 and 716 as well as the 3/4 is the same as a 19 mil the 1116 is the same as a 17 the 16 mil is a 58 and the 9/16 is 14 mil which means we should be able to pretty much walk around to every random bolt in my shop and see if we can loosen it so that's exactly what we're going to do look bolts you don't fit you don't fit oh oh kind of maybe no all right well that's a failure all right test one you suck let's find another bolt I found the dangerous Pits on the bottom here this big one sucks to like rotate it like locks and has this stupid thing Okay so we've got this bolt here on the bottom now look this is an incredibly dangerous environment right here be safe this could stab me in the eye at any time protect your eye some shop Shades I know you're like John what the hell are those beautiful looking things on your face that's what they are shop Shades they're the clearest and most comfortable glasses you'll ever wear in the shop protect your eyes this bolt that doesn't fit this bolt hey we got a winner all right so we're one for two that is kind of convenient now granted I can't do anything on the other side oh look at that look at that stop turning now Ah that's convenient okay second test does not suck now the most important test is going to be the automotive test that the tiger wrench claims it's designed to handle up to 300 lb of torque we've got the tiger with the perfect fit right here on Sam's lug nut on the ranger these lugs Sam just get so much more love than they ever thought do you have your uh Thor crunch well look at that it fits in a pinch I mean you care if I loosen this you try it's not going to happen let's give her the old College try oh tiger wrench baby I would say for 16 bucks throw that sucker in your toolbox your Ranger will thank you on to the next one up next is the gator grip and I could swear to you I've seen these in like every single kitchen I've ever been in in my life I feel like every human being on the planet in the 9s or early 2000s whenever the hell this came out saw this and had to have it it was probably because it had incredible marketing look at this video starts off with a bang we are unscrewed screwing and screwing in everything literally oh we're working on trucks we're working on motorcycles we're putting together a Christmas tree base it covers it all let's crack this sucker open so ironically I'm saying to you seen this in every drawer in America my drawer actually does not have one somehow I missed out on the gator craze Gator never been about that check this sucker out we got a bolt here to show you but the intention go figure that Bolt's too big the intention here is these will depress to whatever bolt size you kind of have or whatever size shape that's 3/4 which I think is the biggest but it'll depress around it and then give you the ability to lock and tighten now obviously this thing will work on bolts but I want to see how much weird we can get to screw with it because the concept is awesome let's be honest guys you think this is as cool as I used to think it was you're nodding your head right now so let's test it all right so to test this sucker this thing comes in multiple pieces you can put it on your socket it actually does come with impact ready so that's what we're going to be using the um Incredible S Pula has created this obstacle course of things for me to test this sucker on Shall We Begin first and foremost 1/2 in Bolt it feels so weird Breeze next tapcon with a nut driver on it it just doesn't land Square ever Breeze next eyebolt WoW Breeze next whatever the hell this is works both ways is it's not deep enough come on baby messing with my gator this is backwards threaded Breeze I mean it's gimmicky as hell but I think it's old as because the thing does work Gator don't play no I mean I'm not going to use it in like an industrial mechanic setting but it's cool it's going back in the drawer baby let's go up next we got the speed out now I said I already referenced the incredible Tom Silva in a video for this one but they do still have their original advertising on the web for you to check out we're going to put all this in the description just in case you wanted to watch these incredible videos too or broken off the head of a bolt yes I have stripped a screw and broken the head off of a bolt never again it's claim in 10 seconds or less all right don't need the rest of that these are actually awesome at least that's what I'm told a lot of people run into instances where they're using the wrong screw for an application and because of that they'll strip the head on it so we're going to open the sucker up it did get a little beat up in packaging cuz some idiot backhanded it and it went across the shop it was me all that being said it comes in at an incredible deal of $10.49 comes in this an amazing carrying case you can really tell that when these things hit the market the economy was in a much better place cuz the packaging on every single product we've opened has just gone to all right I can't open it now look come on ah speed out so Sam is preparing some stuff that's stripped we're going to test this sucker out if Tom says it's good I have to believe in it I believe everything he says all of it and look if you're not subscribed to this channel yet I don't know what you're doing literally like 90% of you aren't subscribed if you're not enjoying it leave actually don't leave Please Subscribe I watched the entire infomercial and and I will say incredible piece of content do yourself a favor don't leave this video but go watch that it's hilarious they choose like carpentry diyers and then out of the blue they're just like boat Builders cuz it's a must for boat Builders I actually laughed out loud like I said I think this thing cost 10 bucks you can find it in Home Depot cuz they literally have it on the Shelf there it's pretty rad we've got a bunch of stripped screws here and you can see they've got a bunch of cutter heads and whatever the hell they call this bit the multi bits or something like that we'll start here so you want to grab a bit that's pretty close to the the strip there we didn't actually need all these you supposedly you just put it in the drill chuck her up you want to cut a nice clean cone in there with their patented technology flip it put it in reverse and it's supposed to come right out literally exactly like that I'm telling you I'm not into like gimmicky stuff and I don't know how durable these are they work though they're supposedly pretty freaking awesome so we're going to just do all of them that use this head that one didn't work great that one will bust out maybe maybe bust out the bigger one one [Music] ridiculous two all right we'll take [Applause] it wh did I already strip it out it works right I think over the years in order to make them cheaper look how damaged that tip is already obviously it's not made of like a high quity carbide I think these two are the same size number three number no number two they're they're different let's see if the number two will work on this screw I'm fairly impressed the fresh cutter heads get her out all right let's put this Behemoth in there it goes this their number four look how much bigger the like this is the three is the two two that's the three and that's the four what are they measuring look how similar two is to three and then they just jump up to this Megalodon of a drill bit I mean I don't hate it if I could have my own drill bit line it would be called the Megalodon let's go that thing rules I'm not going to lie must have must have buy it throw it in a drawer in a pinch it's getting out I'm so pumped I'm actually going to call the 1800 number on the 12-year-old when was this published 5 years ago on this ad 1 1800 738- 5711 look at that let's see what they have to say I'm going to get put on so many spam lists for this 738 5711 hello and thanks for calling about the ABD 360 to ensure the best customer service this call may be recorded you liar your order now you know I was going to give you an incredible verbal review because you know this thing rolles speed out for life but they change their number sons of sons of on to the next to and last I know I said we had six but it's kind of a twofer because our guy Phil Swift is stantly innovating now if you have not seen the flex tape ad that has been going strong for what I feel like is my entire 36 years on this planet you're missing out but it's right here I saw this boat in half and repaired it with only Flex tape but before we do that they just launched this brand new product called Flex caulk and we use a lot of caulk around here if you guys haven't seen culk is life but you don't need a caulking gun to use Phil Swift's Flex caulk say what now the innov that Phil Swift brings to the world doesn't come without a price the flex culk comes in at $38.98 for two cans that's pretty pricey cult but you don't need a caulking gun so I can see like what their play is there and it's a new product so it's going to be it's most expensive ever the flex tape is 15 bucks and there might be like one foot on here cuz that is short but it's 4 in wide and we're going to test them both first off the culk on random things let's go we're in the epoxy room I'm just going to throw a beat of culk down on the inside here they have their tip that they claim will save you from your in laws in every problem you have in life as well as being able to twist this you can Lock and Load the volume of culking coming out Max Min twist damn it come on Phil all right we're going to start out yeah we'll just keep her right in the middle I see what they did there that's a stopper they want you to snap that sucker off for 20 bucks a tube this better to be the most glorious beat of C I've ever run are we ready supposedly you just press and go 3 2 1 and nothing oh you got to be kidding me Phil clean area got it remove tab before initial use got it remove snap and save cap got it adjust the flow setting the desired amount got it hold at 45° angle keep pushing trigger while moving the nozzle always use a smooth even motion remove tab before initial use is this the tab where's the tab Phil you can't let me down here is this a joke Phil come on oh you know what that that thing stood up a little bit once I tightened it Phil you tricky bastard you all right here we go o son that's incredible oh my gosh it's so easy I mean it's so expensive let's go less see the the adjustability of volume is not really working for me I tell you what if you're like doing your bathroom or something and you don't want to go get a caulking gun that is not a bad rap there my friends where the hell is this man he loves caulk he must try this this is incredible come lay a bead down touch this caul but wait where's the gun at there Phil you know how brilliant Phil Swift is you don't need it wow are you prepared I'm ready 3 2 1 oh wao wao wo wo isn't that incredible is that not one of the three most satisfying things you've ever done in your life that's pretty impressive Phil you Gentlemen let's go caul some random come on Friends front doors feel like I saw aha there's a hole this hole needs repaired thanks Phil no caulking gun needed should probably get some paper towels though Gap right here no gun needed thanks Phil no caulking behind your sink thanks Phil it's so nice to not need two hands all right Flex caulk W I literally think that was the easiest application of C I've ever done even if it wasn't the cleanest expensive yes but awesome double yes I don't know if there's two good things but on to the most anticipated test any Millennial has ever kind of wanted to do with a product that they saw online but they never really did it because it would be a little bit messy the cutting a hole in a bucket of water and patching it with flex tape let's go all right so we've got a hose we've got a Home Depot bucket a hole saw and some Flex tape we're going to fill this up we're going to have to cut the hole while it's full in order to get the full experience help now Phil slapped this thing pretty hard we're going to put that to the test delicious let's open this sucker up we've got the 4-in wide it also does say easy open I'm going to get a piece prepared while Sam preps our whole saw I'm not going to lie out the gate this stuff feels exactly the same as like some G tape you're going to put on your deck okay there's a liner on there stay right there let's cut a piece off it literally feels like an exterior sheathing tape that just got a new advertising stuff on it so it's like that tar tape but it's like a little less Tar this has like got some give to it it's like a window stripping tape it reminds me of so all right I am prepped that is sticky though Sam's going to blast a hole right there go ahead and sender now you're going to probably hold on this is going to go quick Joe if we have to do it again I don't know if we're going to be able to afford it these buckets are expensive I'm not moving from right here I'm not leaving okay oh it worked [Music] it even works underwater that was so fast I was not anticipating any of that that is Inc Phil you son of a Phil you son of a that worked way better than I thought way faster than we're so fast all right well with that I got to say this one was a lot of fun let me know what other products you want me to test and buy and do dumb with down below and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: John Malecki Unscrewed
Views: 538,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oOJofYmpMYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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