Testing out your OP card combinations in ROUNDS

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hold on but that is that is really cool what the heck that is oh my God this video I'm gonna be trying out your cool ideas for Rounds cards I asked you guys to leave me some ideas for cool combinations to do with cards and you did and it's enough for a video so now I'm gonna do it they also get progressively better throughout the video and the last one was actually insane like I think this might be my new favorite combination in all of rounds like ever and the best part is you can actually get it when you're fighting someone online so watch the end of the video to see that also check out our patreon Linked In the description below along with other stuff of ours and you might enjoy oh shoot here we go let's just get right into this let's get let's get it going all right first up um Laurel Neff 7138 it says uh sneaky homing and fastball is good and uh oh damn it I just did something weird um yes so I'm gonna try that I think that is a good idea so sneaky oh my God I don't know why my caps lock is on homing and uh fastball cool let's try it out bam bam cool and Bam so uh okay well maybe with a guy oh my God there's walls in the way let me get up here oh shoot oh shoot yeah it is good you do still have to aim some uh but I mean that's not too much to ask for in a game uh I think there is I have an idea to make it a little bit better so let's try it let's try sneaky um remote and fast forward I think this might work a bit better for what she's trying to do here okay so let's see so if I if there's someone up there let's say so yeah see so then it it works a bit better if we also combine homing okay see that that works pretty well oh God okay um just here man it is kind of like like it it does okay maybe this is just not a good map for it like I know what she wants I know exactly what she wants and it's uh it's not that sneaky I'm gonna try exactly what she says homing and again and fastball so let's just say I'm done here and uh I want to shoot someone who's over there let's try if we go straight up [Music] oh my God hey there we go kinda actually that's kind of cool you can shoot them in the air and then just kind of finds finds their their way you hide down here and then sort of rains down I don't know oh my God almost come on okay I mean not not super good not like a great combination but you can only see like I know the idea you're trying to go for and it the idea is cool but uh the upgrades you just for it are not like that great together oh God because the problem with fastball is it uh it doesn't increase the rate at which sneaky and homing turn the bullet so it just kind of rams into walls well sometimes it goes but it's a lot harder for it to turn so I think fast forward is better for what you're trying to do oh that's kind of cool actually kind of works when you do it like that I don't know well on to the next all right here we are uh for granting lives suggests uh parasite Defender and refresh parasite Fender and refresh foreign oh God okay okay oh God yeah that actually that is a really good idea yeah that's that's a really good idea because you just constantly you're constantly getting your block back that's a fantastic idea dude you're a genius and like because of because of just how it works I uh you're constantly like it's very hard to die that's a smart idea you know what very cool idea and you can even combine that with um some kind of block ability like what about uh I don't know uh Shockwave for example foreign just blasting that's cool yeah cool idea okay this is an interesting one uh make a sworn okay sorry uh Camilo pastas Slaughter gas four one eight one says uh I don't know I'm sorry if I'm butchering these names but anyway they say make a swarm of bees a bunch of remote control fast forwards so it's fast but controllable a bunch of drill ammo so I can basically go through walls Okay so remote a bunch of those uh fast forward [Music] wait what how does this fast forward equal careful planning [Music] okay my bad they're gonna do some damage uh that's that's on me uh and a bunch of drill ammo drill okay let's see how this works oh my God no no this is gonna be flashbacks the careful planning oh my God the cooldown takes so long oh my God it looks like a bee though it looks like a bumblebee like a fat B oh my God what oh God I got so big that it killed me oh my God no what where am I oh my God look at this B look at it Go flapping it flapping its little wings ah it actually does like it kind of looks like some sort of like ghost bae come on come on little guy oh do not hit that come on buddy wait oh my god oh okay well I gotta fast forward oh man oh my God why this is horrible why why have I messed this up so bad [Music] why does it only trigger the cooldown thing whenever I hit something like why does it not trigger right away that's so stupid uh I'm starting a new thing okay um so swarm of bees remote let's take it slow at first one two three four five let's only do five fast forward one two three four five and drill one two three four five okay hopefully this is uh hey okay I think I need a bit more remote oh my God foreign oh God what there we go what oh my God what is this this is so weird what the heck like this is such a cool idea okay let's try one fast forward fast forward War one fast forward okay and remote one two three four five I don't think I did anything wrong there okay now we can try maybe one more fast forward uh [Music] oh God okay okay and now remote okay um that's not super fast but I mean hey it's the best chicken to get uh drill two three four five um hey hey that's awesome okay now you want to make it a swarm so I should also give it like spray um burst uh barrage okay oh that's interesting it it goes so fast through the walls because oh that's cool well there's your Beast worm oh my God kind of wish I was on a different map that's cool though and eventually they're just gonna hit each other but hey whatever you know young love I don't know what I just said or why yeah bam bam what is funny guy let's create a beast worm I see you come here now you can escape no no ah fine let's go different map hey this is a good map oh man oh my God that is uh kind of crazy so for some reason it goes so fast through the walls I I that's just so weird to look at and then spray Mirage uh burst uh okay oh my God yeah that's wow okay guys you kind of don't want them to go through walls because they just go insane if I give it too many fast forwards I don't know I mean it's a cool idea it's weird the way the game does it though oh come on let me kill him at least come on oh my God yeah be really careful ah enough to hitting walls oh he died all right uh finally Laurel again says uh what if you did radar and power and shield charge oh that's such a cool idea radar and Power Empower M Power were what am I doing radar and power I can't do it all at one uh and shield charge Shield charge so yeah so that's really cool so Empower says that your next bullet will be like a shot but I don't know if um I don't I'm not sure if that applies to the radar thing I guess we'll see um let's try and spawn a guy come here oh my god did it did that work hold on but that is that is really cool what the heck that is oh my God what the heck that is so cool what hold on I um like uh tank come here bro come here follow me get these get these dude get over here yes yes get him catch them all yes one more one more come on yes so okay now I want to see what happens oh my god oh man you're saying close proximity that's the only thing laughs that is awesome and what about what if we do like um what's something that like oh my God I don't know I don't know I don't know like is it Shields up is that is that the one or what is it where you where you get a block back when you hit when you take damage there we go okay um so what what's it called Shields up maybe foreign [Music] it must be refresh right you gonna block my new damage okay so watch this oh come on what oh my God [Music] oh my God what I'm in a wall that is insane oh my god wow that is crazy and that's only five and I don't even need one of them so this is this is a a strength that you could actually achieve in the game that is oh my God that is so cool this is only you can actually do like in a in an online game there is no way what the you're like a you're like a some kind of like Assassin I'm like the Terminator or something I'm just speeding around shooting this guy that is so crazy what else could you mind that with what else scavenger Maybe no that wouldn't be good that wouldn't be good um like well I don't know I don't know that is literally so cool oh my God that is my favorite like that is our hands down my favorite combination of like of uh cards that you could actually get in the game like they're in an online match like I'm not even gonna like I'm not gonna try and get it because the probability is just so low but like if you can go for this like this is what you want oh my God I'm insane what if I combine it with um about uh uh Echo shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me Echo oh my God that is crazy come here that is that is so wild what in the world that is that is so cool like oh my God I can't get over that but yeah so so that's what you want this is like a full set of something you can actually get in the game so you want Empower Shield charge um radar shot uh refresh and Echo and that is that is like you can do stuff like this okay well they wouldn't have as much help as this guy like he has so much health and I'm just like killing him so consistently that is actually crazy and then just for fun what if we want to imply have implode too sure funsies oh my God so now he like pulls him in so he can't escape foreign like block ability oh my God what if we get Abyssal countdown oh my God this is going to be insane come on oh shoot me don't do it Don't Shoot Me oh oh my God that is that is so cool oh oh what in the uh okay I don't know what that was okay well damn it but that that is awesome that is my that is definitely my favorite all right uh I guess that's it for this video um there's some other there's still some cool things I want to try like you know what about if we take actually I'm not gonna spoil it but yeah there's still there's still things I want to try um so I really appreciate that you watch these videos like them subscribe and stuff uh tell your friends about the channel so that helps us grow um yeah thank you thank you so much we are we we just hit our 300 subscriber Milestone and we're already like almost at 400 we're like halfway there like in a day so that's kind of crazy um but yeah so thank you so much for the support and stuff like that uh have a have a great day hope you enjoyed bye
Channel: Dark Mind
Views: 4,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROUNDS, Gameplay, Gaming, Dark mind, Sight, Ray, Entertaining, Funny, Landfall, TABS, Stick fight, Square brawl
Id: 0jr11sigf0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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