I Secretly Cheated Using An AUTO Build Mod in Minecraft

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today i'm gonna be secretly cheating using an autobuilding mod in minecraft but there's a twist kevin is our victim in this video i have brought on an alt account and told kevin that it is just a completely random person that we're gonna be playing with however little does he know that's gonna allow me to cheat and the random person aka me is gonna be cheating in this competition make sure you watch until the very end of the video because uh let's just say my final build is going to blow your mind and kevin he's got no idea cat man yes are you ready for this challenge uh you give me like 15 15. no no no there's no 15 minutes to this okay listen here i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you creative mode okay and uh so listen we're gonna our first round all we wanna do is let's build something um aesthetic okay something whatever whatever you would consider be aesthetic um that's gonna be the first round okay and by the way i forgot to mention the winner's gonna get a thousand bucks all right i have a question what what what what do you what do you consider aesthetic i don't know like a freaking rock oh okay whatever you want as long as you're in classified as aesthetic okay three two one are you ready yes okay so i'm on my main account right now obviously that is me right there ready watch you don't believe me look ready you see me moving look now i'm jumping now i'm jumping see it's me okay i'm gonna build something really basic real quick so like kevin would uh kevin's not gonna expect h sphere uh we'll do uh diamond blocks uh five by five by five okay great done this is my static build it's a freaking it's a diamond move who knows okay now i'm on my second account right here this is gonna be the best auto building competition we've ever done so be sure to stick around to the end okay also i play tennis now if you can't tell what do you think all right listen uh so schematic yeah i gotta play it off like i'm a complete random so i'm gonna say can i start and i'm gonna go onto my other account yes okay i'm not really sure i don't know what this dude means by aesthetic okay we gonna do that we gonna do that we gonna do that uh we gonna get some of those yo i don't know what to do here okay here we go no freaking way dude okay scam list all right so image two is the one that you guys want to see after but i can't show you okay because it's literally gonna blow your mind and it's gonna freak kevin out like crazy the first thing we got here guys this is gonna be good let's just go ahead and we're gonna paste it in right here i hope it doesn't break the world oh oh it's pac-man yo who doesn't like pac-man bro throw back to the arcade days now uh just to add something to it i'm gonna i'm gonna put some magma blocks uh coming out of side of uh pac-man's mouth make it look like he's throwing up because you know why not he's a little sick pac-man or maybe it's a fireball i don't know whatever you could classify it yeah there we go there we go i don't know it's so random and stupid what the heck it kind of looks like a lizard tongue a little bit scary okay now i'm back on my main account i gotta make something uh unique here uh oh i have a good idea okay here let's do this we're gonna make an aesthetic diamond uh random thing i don't even know what to call this okay there we go we're just gonna do this okay now all right so we've got a jungle tree here let's just quickly go ahead and do this replace jungle log with bricks ah beautiful beautiful what about that huh what about that that's freaking beautiful hey kev what's up dude how you doing kevin hey man hey man i i'm struggling right now to count so you're struggling to count dude didn't you pass grade one like the rest of us uh hey listen coloring and counting is a lot more difficult counting is not hard kevin okay it's not come on you can't deny dude it's not hard all right count to a thousand then why count to a thousand one two one thousand done see i know how to do it it's not that hard dude i don't think i know how to place blocks i think um it's a little difficult ain't it i i feel you kev listen i i'm sorry to burst your bubble but there's like literally like one and a half minutes left wait what yeah why why these are speed rounds dude they're speed rounds they're meant to be quick your build is not supposed to be the best it's supposed to be the quickest and best goal well uh can i get like 30 seconds i don't know dude there's a rando here we got to make sure we got i'm we're waiting up on the random guy oh okay you know i'll take it i'll take it okay see see now i'm figuring out where where my mistake with my map was okay all right there's my build right there and this is our uh random person's build oh boy all right time's up dude i'm done yeah time is up now yeah i'm done i don't you don't need any more time you're done no way i'm done okay let me just get the other guy here all right listen i'm going to tp you to uh we'll do my build first how about that very simple right and then we'll go to yours okay okay all right okay welcome come and check it out what do you think whoa that's kinda what do you think it's like a cool look and then you can come inside it's a little diamond it's like it's supposed to be diamond roots so like a diamond tree kind of i don't know it's not really diamond tree but hey it's a diamond rooted tree pretty cool right what do you think um yo are you serious why would you why would you do that what do what why are you trying to blow my base up but well i'm not i'm just i'm just i'm just conscious i can see you holding tnt bro hey at least epic games thanks all right let's go and check out your build what do you say okay let's go what did you just did you blow my kevin okay i get it i get it okay what is this this is um this this is interesting to say the least it's aesthetic is it not the colors uh kev i don't i don't know i don't know how i feel about this one dude the colors it's aesthetic okay oh oh see this i don't okay you know what kev because i'm a nice friend i won't blow it up but i'm giving you a one out of ten oh we've got a tent you gave me a one out of ten what are you talking about what are you talking about boy i gave you a two out of ten you said you literally it says right there one out of ten oh it does nah that was the other guy oh my gosh dude what a freaking savage he literally said one out of ten yours better be good yeah yeah yeah you guys are teaming up on me i ain't teaming up okay i'm gonna teleport you what the dude what no no stop stop how did you huh what hey guys little does kevin know right now i'm in full i'm typing right now he said what do you think bro there's no way there's no way this is actually really where did you yo where did you find this guy i dude i literally just found him in the discord which if you guys wanted to join there's a link down below he was chilling in discord he said hey can i be in a in a building video what the heck bro this guy's insane bro he's cracked at fortnite my god geez dude there's no way you're giving him a 0.5 out of 10 guys okay everybody comment down below would you what you would actually give this awesome person here okay because we don't want him to be upset right that's not cool all right well let's move on to the uh to the next round sound good what what's the just build anything kevin freaking just build anything all right whatever you want all right it's time to spice things up a little bit now guys listen we got some spicy things that i want to share with you guys but that comes in the final round because it's going to blow kevin's mind literally gem list here let's load in our next schematic which i believe is this one right here look at this it's a statue it's a guy holding it like a scythe or a pickaxe one or the other and it's a cool statue this one's not as blatant i'm gonna say ah oh yeah look at that dude that's so cool that's so freaking cool i wish i could build stuff like this okay i'm done now uh what should i build here uh oh i know what i can do i know what i can do you wanna see real speed boom boom there you go that's real speed and now we're gonna do this voila we got a giant freaking fish tank be jealous wait the fish tank ain't done until it's done this would look a lot better if these were uh if there was no bedrock here i must say oh is everybody in this entire planet better at building than i am you know what he said build something he never said i can't like build like continued buildings so we're going to do this we're going to grab some bone meal just like that we're going to do this we're going to keep spamming it until something actually happens which nothing's happening oh speaking of the devil something has happened okay now this is what i like to see now we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit of a twist on this one my boy this is a speed round only 3.35 minutes cool shark nobody asked you look at this guys we got a freaking fish tank this is so random okay listen for everybody that is sticking around i'm telling you when i say this the next round is going to blow your mind it's literally going to expose kevin kevin has no idea for this this next bill i'm telling you guys make sure to stick around and hey if you're new subscribe to my channel we're trying to hit five mill by summertime the only way it's possible is with your help so please subscribe and share the video with a friend and i will love you forever okay how long what do you want uh we're time's up can i can i get like two seconds two seconds two seconds i'm i'm like i'm just doing something like the other guy just said he's done too dude freaking gg let's go you guys are a bunch of noobs word noobs how are we could you sure yeah whatever whatever whatever built the most basic thing ever either most basic thing ever okay fine a tree with a diamond root my guy seriously like what are you trying to do why are you dissing me wait uh there epic or is it epic games or i don't know sudden k are you done are you done kevin yes what's he going to build let me guess he's going to build like the empire state building like that will you subscribe to his channel no what dude you're so mean why because he gave me a one out of ten i don't like this guy well then again you kind of gave me uh one out of ten oh he wants my high pixel bed works with you i'll destroy him in bedwars what are you talking about he's okay you don't want to be me okay i'm staying come i'm staying calm i'm staying calm 1v1 i think calm is an understatement all right kevin are you done some don are you done i'm done rmt ping three two one you [Music] it's a giant fish tank all pathetic you say pathetic this is what you did this is what you did yeah don't you like it you you used a little bit of world that it put some water down with some glowstone oh it's actually you're watering 10 minutes you got to get it right a 0 out of 10. bro kev dude are you kidding me wow you put down a little bit of water what do you want what do you want me to bow down because you're the greatest builder in the planet i mean i would i dude i am the freaking greatest builder of the planet what do you have you probably built a freaking what what a spoon let me guess you built a spoon what is this i it's uh what is this is that your enchantment you can't even walk up properly because there's enchanting tables in the way bro yeah it's oh wait you know why you can't get up you know why you can't get up why only the most legendary people i got off look at that look at that and oh what's that oh hey hey hey hey hey uh oh hey hey hey no no stop stop stop are you are you getting mad or something sudden k this this took me for freaking ever no it didn't it took you literally two minutes we've only been doing this that round for two minutes my guy all right kev i don't even know i'll let the viewers decide for that one man that's that's a that's a wishy washy watch listen guys now uh we got epic gamers build i don't even oh my gosh bro it's a statue that's actually so sick dude like it's isn't that good though i would say it's good is it though why why are you tnting why why i'm not doing this i'm gonna put it here i'm out you guys suck you guys suck all of you you guys can't even build did it blow up no it didn't blow up okay well kevin i don't know what's gotten into you today i don't know who took a dump in your corn flakes we got one more final round this is the speed round okay this is a 60 second round build whatever you can in 60 seconds all right okay are you ready uh in like two seconds i'll be ready one whoa wait no one mississippi two mississippi oh all right you guys waited so everly patiently for this one and you're gonna be so glad you did this final schematic that we have here everybody ladies and gentlemen introducing a life-size giant massive king kong looking sized kevin it is literally a photo of kev that is kevin that is literally kevin down to the finest of fine details there's his beard there's his pink lips there's his calvin klein hat you can literally see the ck that is heaven this is something done i'm just gonna say done there we go i'm done my build that was quick what are you doing kevin i can what do you what are you what are you building i'm so confused okay we got we got ten seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one hey i'm sorry you you were speeding up at the end there don't put the thing down my creation is impeccable wow i don't know how i just did that but i'm just like so good right now oh baby now that's what i'm talking about okay that's what i'm talking about that's how you become a pro minecap cat player i've never seen you do something like that what did you even build uh why don't you come find out yeah i'm looking at it kev what is this it's uh so i put water here okay so we'll see the water listen i'm gonna be honest with you man come through this wall okay i didn't build anything no no but you want to know what epic gamer built wait why didn't you build anything because i i'm guilty by association kevin follow me follow me come this way i'm coming come i'll [Music] that's me it's it's beautiful you're missing a nose i love it it's part of your ear 100 out of 10. this is beautiful are you crying stop crying i'm not crying this is just beautiful it's me wow you think it's that good it's very good i look beautiful you're not like you know curious as to how somebody built this uh i don't care i look beautiful oh dude hey hey hey hey that's not my name hey stop stop a is for horses my name is not hey shark you go go back to the ocean stinky boy wow that's what you got for me well kev i got something to admit to you okay what you see our friend here yeah at the game board [Music] [Music] me i have some questions nope no questions no questions here boys it's me i'm looking at them no questions it's your doctor thank you guys for watching this video click right here to watch some more auto building from us and we'll catch you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Shark
Views: 3,986,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, i secretly cheated, i secretly cheated using an auto build hack in a building competition, i secretly cheated using an auto build mod in minecraft, auto build mod minecraft, auto build mod, auto build minecraft mod, auto building mod, auto building minecraft, auto building minecraft mod, auto builder, auto builder mod, auto builder mod minecraft, auto builder mod minecraft competition, minecraft cheating
Id: E0GQATkp46I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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