Breaking Minecraft With TNT Mods To Nuke Everything

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when you think about explosives in Minecraft what what comes to mind do you think about like TNT or something like sure it's an explosive but it doesn't really have a big blast radius do you think about nend crystals like sure those are something I I guess or do you think about creepers and how annoying they are because I don't blame you as you can see there's a lot of potential with Minecraft explosives but they don't really live up to it there's so much you could do if you could just make them a little teeny bit more powerful so I'm going to see what that' be like I'm going to completely break Minecraft with explosive mods like seriously I'm I'm going to Nuke this entire world it's going to be gone but what's the first step to making anything more powerful you multiply it or maybe like exponent eyes it but whatever so we have some TNT that does exactly that first off you know the basics like a half powered TNT you ignite it and it uh like kind of explodes but here's TNT * 10 which explodes at 10 times the strength of regular TNT Jesus this is this is already getting like a little bit overkill for Minecraft standards and we're barely even in screw it bro we also got like like TNT times 100 you see that right there let's see let's see how powerful this is holy hell I should mention right now that this is called ghosts explosives and it is it is crazy screw it one more one more TNT Time a th000 this might crash my computer uh it's kind of like lagging oh oh holy hell so that that's TNT * 1,000 I I don't know what you want to kill but this might be a bit too much but holy hell it's not even over yet we got nuclear TNT so this is probably going to be the biggest explosion yet I guess there's only one way to find out please don't crash my computer H holy crap what's with the Sirens what's going on what's with the Sirens uh the the bombs gone and like nothing's happened am I like lagging out in a s single player oh crap what just happened I heard an explosion sound stuff died uh am I in the past oh oh my God everything's gone literally everything everything is gone and also a shelter TNT which uh gives you shelter I don't know what I was expecting when i r shelter either okay now those are cool but they're honestly kind of basic you could do a whole lot more nuking the the world wasn't enough for me so let's go even further okay so by that I mean this thing I have in my hands right here this is a nuclear bomb launcher and it is rapid fire so you see this beautiful Forest right here let's make it not so beautiful holy hell holy hell holy crap look at all this dude it's it's it's wiped off the map more more I need more destruction more more a crap my frames my frames help me my my my frames my frames but if that wasn't enough for you we also got what I have in my hands right here it's called the water drop rocket and apparently no material can withstand it let's see what we got right here let's uh fire at the ground real quick and what it it it it it it it broke through the Bedrock this thing broke into the void okay I guess we need to blast ourselves a new way up so uh let's open the way a little bit and uh this this thing is rapid fire too so you could do this a million times why have just one hole to hell when you could have a million holes to hell I also have like no idea how far this thing travels when you shoot it it it it could it could go on forever I think let's fire it underground about right here and let's let's see how far this goes it's still it's still going it's it's it's still going it can't keep up with the chunks it's still going okay I'm about 2,000 blocks away from the spawn now so I I I I think this is just going to go on forever oh my God the creator of this mod is a psychopath there's also some more minor explosives like there's an incendiary bomb and like a smoke bomb oh Jesus okay if you want to cover your path that might be a bit too much yeah screw it who who who needs to see anyway that's not even close to how powerful we can get we also have the lucky TNT mod and these TNTs are really really unique I've I've never seen anything like this in Minecraft ever but beyond just normal TNTs like that we also got God TNTs there's literally a million things right here and I I I don't know where to even oh crap what is no no no no no no it's it's kind of just like eating me I guess okay let's get out of here and a Canon TN I wonder what this one's going to be uh it it stopped trying to like explode everything around it did it did it just go what what what what happened when I wasn't looking okay uh where do I even begin to describe this we also got got some pretty vague stuff like Mankind's Mark uh it looks like some kind of house or something holy crap uh uh okay it it just spawns a really big house I guess is is this Mankind's Mark but we've got one more really interesting tier right here the Doomsday TNTs and you know it's pretty standard we got like Phobos wait hold on wait Phobos isn't Phobos like one of Mars's moons like hell is that a TNT okay well time to explode it I guess might as well and it's like gone okay okay it's taking a bit of time to like really make its Mark you know you got to give it time you know these things don't happen like instantly you got to give them time that comes along with everything in life you have to give everything time just keep working towards it and keep holy crap uh um uh okay it really did leave its Mark what would you even like want to destroy with this thing like who are who are your enemies okay but we also got like mansion TNT and if it's anything like the other like structure TNT oh crap I stuttered over that sentence I couldn't even finish that thought oh jeez okay this place is kind of nice we got like a whole enchanting room with chests oh a books holy hell bunch of building materials we got like furnaces crafting tables coal for all of them a free set of netherite gear but screw it you know we should do we should deathray this house I don't know what this TNT is going to do and I I'm kind of scared to find out where what's with the Riser like what's what's going on I'm scared what's going to happen to this house wait [Applause] what uh um well what am I even supposed to say again who are your enemies bro but for the next thing we're going to have to get a little bit secluded all right cool look at this it's a desert so it's already a wasteland too bad there's a village nearby though they'll be fine okay so I'm going to build a Contraption right here all right and this is said Contraption it's it's kind of small kind of basic but you'll see in a second okay so we need to put some awaken draconium into this thing and it instantly gets bigger and then we need to charge it and holy hell this is the draconic reactor so what this thing is is that it's basically a reactor that can generate infinite power or at least a lot of power but there's something very interesting about it to say the least it has a very unique meltdown mechanic as you can see here the core temperature is pretty low like definitely within like acceptable levels so let's make it not within acceptable levels and to do that we just got to destroy these things so the reactor doesn't have any stabilizers anymore but it still has energy just being pumped into it core temperatures rising and rising and look it it even says explosion imminent emergency Shield Reserve is now active but it won't last long there's no way to stop the overload the stabilizer is fried I suggest you run so basically this thing is going to explode in about 3 minutes and it's not going to be some dinky little explosion like trust me we just need to wait all right we got less than a minute watch this 5 4 three two one brace oh crap my game my game's completely fro oh my God I my game's completely I I I only see a white wait what the that that was the draconic reactor explosion my render distance isn't even high enough to see the edge hold up give me a second look at this this place is basically like a wasteland like it the apocalypse happened I hate it when people put like relatively minor bombs into Mods and label them like nukes like oh this is so big this is a nuke like no no this is a nuke I basically just level a city my frame rate is collapsing but this might seem hard to believe but this isn't the most destructive bomb I have there's just one more bomb I have that might be in the same level as this if if not in a higher level when you think of a bomb what definition pops into your head probably thinking of like an explosive device that annihilates everything around it and well you'd be right and that's the problem with the draconic reactor explosion sure it like pretty much leveled the entire landscape around it but it didn't do a lot of destroying it left a lot of the underground and everything pretty much untouched this bomb does not do that it's the Supernova bomb and I purposefully left it out from the lucky TNT because it's it's what you'll see and when I say that this thing is going to break everything I mean it now we just got to sit here and wait and look at that it's it's it's completely gone uh it probably already exploded it was such a huge explosion that the world can't even keep up with it oh look at that I just got the achievement for killing a mob that it it did some damage oh crap ah my game ah it it it's completely Frozen I okay uh I I I don't have words this is the effects of the Supernova bombb everything in probably at least a 500 block radius is just gone there's just nothing but Bedrock down here yeah but you know it it was worth it I'm I'm proud of what we did today and after all this I I I I really just I really do believe that Minecraft modding was a mistake
Channel: Arox
Views: 77,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arox, minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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