Testing Internet Ads Products!

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I test products so you don't have to and today I've decided to test all of the ads I've been shown on Instagram and Tik Tok now these are the ones that are shown to me constantly it's just five of them there's 3050 maybe that are constantly shown to me but here are five that I've been very much wanting to test so I am testing Internet ads please don't clean your mouth this is not the time to clean your mouth he's just sitting here making gross mouth noises as I'm trying to talk to I'm doing the world of service and you're performing your own DST d d DST Dentistry Dentistry that's the word you want to see what we got all right the silent basketball apparently you can dribble it inside and it doesn't make noise this Step Up thing I it knows I own a truck or something it's a little thing you put in the latch of your car and then you step up on it and you can get to the roof of your vehicle door hinge things so that your cat can get through a door but your dog can't and we actually really need this this painters tape applicator you put this on your baseboards or around wherever you need tape and you don't want to do it yourself and it gives you a clean crisp sticky line and lastly this dust pan that you stick on a [Music] bucket I have a wide range of things offered to me when I go online so ready let's begin all right so when you got a truck this big or a Jeep this big my security system's going to whistle at me until I turn this off hold on sh so when you have a car this big you want to get to the roof this this is about as much as you can get this is about as high as you can you even see me excuse me can you see can you maybe if Emily could frame the camera right this is as high as you get and I'm falling I'm falling trying this again this is as high as you get and as you can see you can fall and then you can if you have long arms like me get to the middle but it's not as easy right now imagine if I had to like strap stuff up there now that's what this is for so you just stick it on your car in the little holy holes you want to see the hole I'm show you the hole do you see that hole ho do you see that you just boom now let's see how well that works get it get it I'm trusting it I'm TR that does not seem safe that seems like the least safe thing ever but I I have more I feel so unsafe that I've never trusted something less maybe a man patent pending why is it pending why haven't you secured your patent I feel like the metal on my car would bend before it broke here we go oh this doesn't even let's see if it works in the back come on now I'm scared of it it doesn't seem trustworthy it really doesn't I'm also supposed to trust that thing look it come here all right when I step on it look look at what bends what moves all right slowly did things move it looks it looks like the car right here gets a little bendy also this oh don't no I want to trust it and in theory it there's no reason for it to break it's not made of plastic like it's I this is but like it's good material it's not cheap it's a bolt that's gone all the way through just something about it I don't trust but it works and does what it says it's going to do let's see the weight limit it has a 400 lb weight capacity reinforced rubber bumper and coated hook prevent vehicle from damage two locking positions for a customized fit with your vehicle two what there's two locking positions oh you can make it do that if you have like a I don't know for but for some reason people need one that does that oh okay oh no and then oh so you could you slide it there's a slidey make sure it's on the one you want and then you just close it if you tie stuff to the roof of your car often I can see that this could very much come in handy or if you're just trying to wash the roof of your car like scrub it clean it this would definitely come in handy TI in your Christmas tree up I wouldn't say have a dance party on it but it definitely does what it's supposed to do so it works keeping it next all right next we're going to test the basketball I had to put Blaze outside for this one because he will attack any bow anything that makes noise any bow whatever it is so this bow it's got really bad reviews but the ads keep coming so you know what I'm going to test it myself it's supposed to be a toy all right people are like the has are like so you can practice your dribbling inside and then other people are like don't practice your dribbling on this because it's nothing like dribbling a real basketball in my mind I'm like well you just be working on your hand eye coordination and that's better than nothing right if this works now oh my God it smells of chemicals oh man that texture is so fun okay but also the shape nowhere near here what the shape should be maybe we leave it out to expand a little bit and we come back okay sure in the meantime we'll sweep all right here's my normal method of sweeping outside all right this is this is for yard work you don't want to carry around a big trash can your yard waist bin whatever so I actually do carry around a bucket with my broom and my I didn't like it anyway I wanted it out of here cuz I know it's going to suck compared to the bucket dust pan bin clip bar honor yep so this is this is the normal ready you ready for the normal oh I'm making a pile time to put my pile in the desk pan Tada and then put it in there that's normal screw normal let's get innov in Innovative [Music] you [Music] you just clip it on get on there H and then get yeah all right here we go can you see it perfect okay that didn't work I have to admit this is quite steep do you see the difference the dirt has to travel quite far let me see if I can just get the hang of it all right it's a new thing you really have to kick it up and then get stuck on there you got to kick it up Kick It Up kick it [Music] up it works but I have two quorums I don't know if that's the right word I don't know the definition of Quorum it just seemed right in the this moment you can't fill up your bucket as much as you'd be able to if you kept it at such an angle because eventually it's just going to start tipping out it's like this you can fill it to the Top If it's like this you can only fill it to like here estimate you want to make sure you don't put it on the side that this thing's on because that was getting in the way that was just that's user error that was user error you need to put it on the side that this is it and another thing like I said before it's very steep I'm feeling like I can't just push I have to smack it I have to smack the dust inside of it so if you have a little pile that you don't mind really kicking at it this this works it does work I'm just seeing some flaws cuz I personally just think this would be a little easier maybe if you have a hard time bending over that's great because this you do have to bend over cuz you have to hold it and do it and hold it do it those are usually the steps hold it and do it and this you just kind of keep moving around kicking it with your foot and sweeping so if you have a trouble bending over that could work also sometimes the bucket is too heavy when it's full so you don't want it all the way full and maybe you like just a little a little gusto in your sweep and that's fine that would work for you I'm just saying it's not all it cracked up to be I personally think I'm just going to continue using a dust pan or also if you have trouble bending over they have dust pans with the sticks Ona where you just hold it and you sweep sweep sweep and then you pour I'm not wowed here the wow factor didn't hit me and I'm quite disappointed because I like doing yard work and I like when things make my yard work easier it's really steep like I get why it has to be that's quite a little ramp for that dirt to have to get up all right let's check on my basketball we're still not there let's see how should I try and bounce it now am I supposed to wait 24 hours when I hold it I feel as though I can feel it moving for reference I'm going to put what a circle actually is around this so you can see how much it's not a [Music] circle okay let's test my painters tape applicator do I have anything to paint my gem now I already painted that well we can act like I need to paint it let's go welcome to my gym if you don't watch my Vlogs or my Snapchat this is my gym you want a tour squat rack free weight bike blazes dog bed sewing machine bench the mirror that I'm constantly looking at myself and hey sexy you sexy okay so apparently if you've ever had to paint and you've had to put tape on the baseboards here the molding you know it sucks so let's just clean this off let's clean it make it stick better let's see how easy this is you just start and go [Music] okay boom that's sexy that's sexy that's sexy that worked really well it's oh it kind of scraped the wall a little bit but I think that's fine wait lock and unlock oh where is this there's dog F all over it it says lock and unlock oh that so you can replace it I was so confused as to what that meant figured it out that's a does it work on the wall though hold up wait a minute let me put my two cents in it oh I love the gadgets oh my God that works so well okay one one thing you might have an issue with nothing's perfect right not even me mindblowing I know I have several flaws I'm not going to tell you what they are except I've admitted them on the Internet already I sleep with my mouth open that's my main one if your molding is it all wiggle waggle it's not going to line up perfect there is a slight itty bitty little Gap here I'll show you see that itty bitty little Gap but that doesn't really matter much when you're painting and like see here my wall my wall is a little so it'll go with the wall see how I have gaps here I didn't put any cocking in yet I actually didn't like finish this room finish it all right but this that saves you some time if you've ever worked with painters tape this this will save you time where have you been all my life I'm pissed but so happy cuz I own it now yes feel like we're getting somewhere I feel I feel that we're close we just have a really flat side right here so many chemicals so many chemicals but I think just a little bit longer and it'll be good oh God that is so squishy so squishy all right let's go test the last product and then hopefully the basketball's done by then I don't think you guys have ever seen my house from this angle we're in the nothing room this is the room next to the laundry room and we want to make this the cat room so that somebody actually he never eats her cat food it's always the other two little girls they eat her cat food and also we don't like that her cat food and her litter box is in our bathroom because it just doesn't feel spa-like in there anymore so we want to make this room into a cat room so I want to be able to put her litter box and her cat food and her water in here but it's connected to the living room so the animals would be able to very easily get in here if we kept this open so we have to keep it open for her but not the dogs which is where this comes in so this is to make it so the cat can get into this room but the dogs can't so they can't get to her food her water her litter box only she can apparently it's very simple so you put it trying to figure this out well I'm stuck now also she would never fit that where would she fit that maybe I'm just locking I'm just locking myself in this room give me a second okay so she could get in but the dogs can't now can I set this from this side [Music] okay if a dog really wants in a dog can get in oh it tore it off I did one hip bump and it tore oh this is terribly made that came right off I mean oh my God that was trash I thought it'd be a lot more secure than that ow can I put it back in maybe was some tools I could but for now I'm going to unbuckle it that was the least secure thing of my entire life okay let's try this again on a tighter one here we go okay great that's for a cat light pressure light pressure it's fine so like it will not protect if your cat is like running from your dog and slips in there and your dog just does one pound on the door it's flying open but if you just have a dog that just goes or doesn't like to try and open doors it's it's good it's going to keep the door where it's supposed to be and and it's easy as a human to get in and out it's just this I just feel like there's something better I feel like there's a different product that is better than this I don't know how realistic this is I think it'll keep away just a a a nosy dog but if Snoop really wants something he figures out how to get it if blae wants something behind a door he'll figure out how to get it the little ones I don't think they'd be able to bust through this I think that's fine if you're trying to keep a dog from busting through it's not happening but to keep a dog just like from snooping I think it's okay it will break and it's not secure I'll say that huh I wanted something better I might try and find better ones stay tuned on my Vlog channel to find out Stevie will you use that room if I make it a cat room with tunnels and grass everywhere follow my Tik Tok and my Vlog channel to find out we're still waiting on this it's almost there let's see how it bounces right now all right here we go okay that is terrible that's okay I'm hoping it's because it's misshapen but right now it sucks really hard but we're going to wait a few hours it'll be dark sorry let me straighten you out there no G is allowed thank you we'll straighten her out we'll inflate her a little bit and then we'll try her it'll be a little later cuz I think I think she's going to need a minute to come to full lumpity it's a word don't look it up it is much lighter and it is finally filled out but this room reeks of chemicals now all right it's it's squishy I don't know quite how it's foam it feels like a squishy foam it's got a little weight little noise to it let's hear how I forgot you were in here all right BL is locked in the gym real quick let's see how this works no not a chance no no zero zero out of 10 would recommend the amount of strength okay when you drop a basketball it's supposed to come up to your elbow just ju please forgive how messy my room is just one sec this is I am throwing it I am throwing it I'm pretty strong this should not be this difficult and it still makes noise this is terrible you have to use so much arm strength to dribble this are you kidding me no there's nothing about this that would make this like a real basketball now sure if this is just like a toy where you have a fake little hoop inside your house and you're just messing around but they are advertising this as a real like basketball it's like dribbles the same practice indoors no this is no better than a Nerf basketball this is so dumb it should come up to at least here this is so bad do not buy this just go buy a Nerf ball that's smells less like chemicals that's what this smells like it smells like a Nerf ball like the super chemically ones oh this this was a disappointment I wanted this to work I am having to really throw that down I should just be able to terrible terrible to the outro I already filmed all right guys but that's it for today um today's products some wowed me some made me iffy some sucked that's just the gamble all right not every ad you see is going to be telling the truth painters tape applicator I say yes because I hate undoing it sticking it and undoing it sticking it that worked the thing that helped me get onto my roof of my car it does work I'm iffy of it but it gave me no reason to be it just didn't seem like it should work but it did the cat thing it was a so so and so was the dust pan and the basketball the basketball just sucked uh but if you want to check out any of these there's an Amazon affiliate link down below where you can check out to my store or you can just go on Amazon and type these things in I think that's where they all came from but if you ever see any other ads you'd like me to test please send them my way so that I can test them for you so you don't have to if you're iffy on something or you're really excited about it but you want to just double check I will buy things and test them so you don't have to make sure you're subscribed to see videos every Tuesday on this channel also hit that Bell notification so you're notified cuz sometimes things don't come up in the subscription boxes and that's fine we'll just Vibe through it also make sure you check out my Vlog Channel my Tik Tok Channel my Snapchat and my Instagram I love you all and I will see you next time [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 68,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, comedy, humor, Rachel ballinger, vlogger, influencer, testing, testing products, product haul, does it work, viral, viral products, honest review, product review, test, internet, ads, tiktok, instagram, instastory, facebook, produts, gardets, pushed, advertised, advertisements, softs, dribble, basketball, dustpan, bucket, painters, tape, aplicator, applicator, applicater, cat, door, dog, block, blocker, car, step, latter, ladder, laddar, roof, help, helper, shop
Id: URI-fiNX-g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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