Testing Flattards - Part 5

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what is best in life crush your enemies see them driven before you hear a lamentation of the women [Music] greetings once more and welcome back in the last part we saw that flat odds don't understand the table shakes further away have a smaller angular size look their magic flowing spotlight must change speed to maintain 24-hour days whilst also magically moving after the same apparent rate across the sky every day whilst also breaking the fundamental principle of the conservation of angular momentum naturally a continued deluge of more basic geometry that kids can handle without adult supervision was too much for flat odds and not one attempted to actually address the material presented they will after all deny the most basic and readily observable aspects of reality we saw in part two the completed trainwreck of thought that led the finest flattered Minds to set form the idea that the flying spotlight is always above the surface of their fantasy frisbee in this part then we're going to continue doing the thinking for them and we'll find out whether a magic speed changing momentum defying flying spotlight with a shape-shifting lampshade can rise and set over a bogey prestidigitators pancake let's go we've previously seen that earth has two celestial poles the southern one of which flat odds have no working explanation for and that a portion of the sky will be circumpolar and that portion is given by your latitude outside of the Arctic and Antarctic circles everything in the celestial sky outside the circumpolar region for your latitude rises and sets every day this of course includes the Sun and Moon satellites in low Earth orbit also rise and set though directions depend on their orbits you can watch them with the naked eye if you don't have a lot of light pollution closer to Earth no matter where you are clamps and aircrafts can appear from beyond the horizon and disappear beyond it to a scan boats and ships on large bodies of water objects attached to the earth be they structures such as oil rigs buildings or mountains can - provided that you as the observer move instead how do these things happen the prime justification that fluttered vomits between each other like the intellect of equivalent of two girls more than a cup is but the lure of perspective however they will not provide when asked any specific wording or mathematical model for what their law of perspective is how it allegedly works or how we can predict what any given scene should look like to an observer whilst it is true that lines parallel to the observers line-of-sight will appear to converge as a single point at an infinite distance so that arcs like to avoid the infinite distance part particularly as they're flying spotlight is according to them less than 5,000 kilometers above Earth they also ignore the fact that any didn't seen can have multiple vanishing points but let's just stick with one because we don't want to overload the poor fools here's Cletus the flattered looking into the distance on his flat earth let's have his eyes a nice round of 2 metres above the ground he's looking straight ahead so his line of sight runs parallel to the ground we can all agree that his line of sight will be 2 metres above the ground forever given that Cletus is stood on a flat surface we stick a pole in the ground with three lights on it a green light on the ground a red light 2 metres high and a blue one 4 metres high let's have a whole bunch of these poles stretching out into the distance imagine them carrying on forever past the right edge of your screen whichever pole creatures looks at and no matter how far away it is the blue light will always appear above his line of sight the red light would always appear on his line of sight and the Greenland always appeared below his line of sight lines running through each set of lights run parallel to the flat earth forever we can see that from cletus view as the lights stretch into the distance the angle from his line of sight to the green and blue lights narrows that is to say as he looks into the distance they appear to converge on the red lights at what distance - the lines passing through all the lights converge well those lines are parallel so they never do from cletus view the imaginary point at which the lines appear to converge infinitely far away is the vanishing point in this example it is 2 metres above the ground for the benefit of flat arts it is worth stressing parallel lines never meet the vanishing point is an abstract concept it is an infinitely far away if the earth were in the infinite plane cleetus would see its surface stretching out into the distance toward the vanishing point but the surface would never quite appear to reach it cleetus will always have to look down from his original horizontal line of sight to look at something on the ground no matter how far away it is similarly if cletus were in a corridor that went on forever he would always have to look up from his original line of sight to see a point on the ceiling no matter how far away it is what's true for ceilings and lights on poles is true for anything else above your reservation height be it clouds mountaintops tops of buildings aircraft and if we really lived on a giant space pizza every object in the sky including the Sun hey this of course means that the Sun can't set if it's flying around above a flat earth it's so simple even a child can get it flattered so much since everything in the sky does rise and set every day it's obvious not only that flat odds don't understand perspective and vanishing points but even a rudimentary level but the perspective itself shows that they're delusional living on a giant pancake is bollocks flat odds think just saying the word perspective solves all of their problems even though we've just seen that their understanding of it is below that expected of someone graduating from using wax crayons as their writing implement of choice in order for the Sun to rise and set you need a horizon and you'll be unsurprised to hear that that's another thing that flat odds can't wrap their heads around the flat on version of perspective has to work like this instead of being able to see the ground stretching off into the distance for many thousands of kilometers it forms a horizon at a much shorter distance our lights on poles stretch out to the mystery short range horizon and then equally mysteriously start disappearing below it from the bottom of the poles up until we can't see the lights anymore this happens for everything on and above ground including the Sun Moon and stars but hang on we've already seen that the very simple geometry behind perspective just doesn't work this way lines parallel to the surface of flat Audia would run parallel to that surface forever how can the surface of flat area even form a horizon and how can objects be obscured by it how could the red lights on Cletus line-of-sight ever drop below his line of sight how could anything above his line of sight ever be below it or set below the horizon these are all very good questions which explains why they haven't been asked by flattered flatter odds clearly haven't thought this through to nobody's surprise but this can only mean one or both of two things for them either straight lines aren't straight in which case this must also apply to these surface of flat Aria itself in order for a short-range horizon to even form in other words they're flat earth isn't flat by their own standards all parallel lines aren't parallel because reasons regardless of whatever ad-hoc flat odds want to cook up this time to excuse themselves from having to actually think about their own stupidity they're now in the position of having to claim that basic axioms of Euclidean geometry are magically false whilst also claiming that earth is flat and subject to Euclidean geometry which basically means the flat walls are insane consider a flat odd in a really long corridor again according to flattered perspective beyond a few miles he should no longer be able to see the floor of the corridor and he should see more distant lights on the ceiling disappear below the horizon on the floor well we've already established that this makes no geometric sense whatsoever so let's reset the corridor what if we hung our flattered by his feet from the ceiling put some lights on the floor and rotated the camera so that it only appeared that a flat hardwood stood on the floor what would flattered perspective do here where would the horizon be on the floor on the ceiling what if we strapped our flat onto a support on the wall and rotated the camera 90 degrees went with the horizon be now on the floor on the ceiling on the wall which one as we can see the concept of a horizon with things disappearing behind it makes no sense in an environment comprised of flat surfaces yet flat odds claim that we do live on a flat surface and that things are obscured by a horizon breaking the simple geometric principle you've seen you see the undocumented unmodeled and utterly useless flat-out version of perspective has a preferred direction this is odd because lines of sight and perspective in reality work in any orientation for example if you were on the ground between some exceedingly tall buildings looking up there is no distance at which one set of buildings would get a horizon and the other will start being obscured by the horizon if we were to take our lights on poles example from before and set it on an enormous lee long ramp which we could set at any angle and have cletus looking along the ramp there is no distance at which the ramp would form a horizon behind which more distant poles and lights would start disappearing bottom first and yet flat odds expect you to believe that if we returns the ramp to align with the ground of their fantasy frittata you'll get a horizon a short distance away mere kilometers behind which objects will increasingly be obscured as they become more distant reality simply doesn't care what direction you're looking in the flattened version of perspective which they're incapable of putting into words or mathematics is quite simply and like all ad hoc explanations they concoct in an attempt to sound like they know anything about anything when their explanations can't even stand the most basic scrutiny it's just another indicator that the idea of earth being flat and having its own Direction specific version of perspective is bollocks let's hammer this flat odd perspective or Fleur spective crap home if the earth were a giant rock omelette 40,000 kilometers across we would see the edge of the world somewhere far in the distance very slightly below the observers vanishing point if there were no atmosphere for the simple geometric reason we saw earlier however there is an atmosphere and so both normal people and flat odds can agree that we can't seal and many thousands of kilometres away so depending on dust and humidity levels scattering of light is going to limit how far we can see looking through the atmosphere in the air ground-level fine how far though well flat odds say the Sun is three thousand miles or four thousand eight hundred kilometers high but as we saw in the last part but sunrise and sunset the Sun is going to be much further than that from an observer we looked at an example of an equatorial flattered observing at an equinox the Setting Sun is nearly fifteen thousand kilometers away from him this presents a paradox for our feckless flattened observer with a nice clear sunset giving an unobstructed view of the Sun he can see fifty thousand kilometers or more in other parts of the pancake world to the Sun but he can't see all the land stretching out as far as the flat odd flying spot light flattered excuse makers will be saying the land undulates so using land is not fair okay well they also parent like the mindless imbeciles that they are the phrase that poopoo finds its level so let's use the sea cleetus can see fifteen thousand kilometers or more to the Sun but he can't see all the sea stretching out as far as the flat heart flying spotlight either stood a couple of meters above the sea the horizon is a mere five kilometers away and on a really clear day it's as crisp as you like clearly showing that you can only see the surface of the sea to a short distance and that's it well why can't you see the sea beyond that when conditions are so clear think back to our earlier discussion you should be able to so here's what flat odds think reality must look like Cletus is looking out over the sea but to the equator on an equinox his line of sight is two metres above water the Sun is 15,000 kilometers away and appears down here because geometry in perspective Cletus can see the sun's setting however when he looks at these see he can only see as far as five kilometers because your material perspective why can't he see thousands of kilometres of sea or land beyond that why can't he see them even though there's clearly nothing in the way because reasons and because geometry and perspective the only possible flattered explanations for this involve cocking up geometry as we saw earlier or invoking strange new properties of light that nobody's ever heard of nobody is measured whom nobody has observed maybe light from the surface of the sea or land more than five kilometres away just gives up it just stops trying to reach your eyes you can't see any sea beyond that because reasons the sky however isn't subject to this restriction and so light from the sky and from the Sun thousands of times further away is clearly visible the night from other objects more than five kilometers away also aren't subject to any magical distance restriction either distant ships structures buildings mountains all visible and appear obscured by the horizon because geometry thought perspective and consistency in the flat art world in reality the distance to the horizon depends on the observers altitude which also knackers the lazy light idea because as any fool knows when you're higher you can see further so if we put Cletus on a hundred meter high he'll you'll now find that photons that couldn't be asked travelling more than five kilometers before now can be asked to travel more than that just because Cletus changed his height in fact they'll travel seven times further and Cletus horizon will now be 35 kilometres away you'll also be able to see more of those partially obscured ships structures buildings and mountains and if he's really quick getting up the hill he can even watch the sunset again coincidentally the distance to the horizon on a clear day is exactly what you'd expect at a given height above the surface of a spheroid around twelve thousand seven hundred kilometers across which is the size of the earth we can easily cross-check reality against some more basic trig that flattens just can't deal with here's a circle representing a planet with radius R here's an observer whose eyes are at a height H as our observer looks to the horizon a distance D away his line of sight will form a tangent to the surface so that line will be at 90 degrees to another radius line oh look we've just made a right-angled triangle well virtually everyone who isn't a flatter'd understands Pythagoras theorem and since flat odds have yet to explain why the basic properties of triangles are part of a worldwide conspiracy against unemployable lunatics I think we can trust it so R squared plus d squared is going to be equal to R plus h squared let's expand that so we get R squared plus 2r h plus h squared the R squared on both sides cancel out keep on crunching and we find that the distance to the horizon D is the root of H to R plus h if our planet were earth earth isn't a perfect sphere it's slightly oblate so let's plug in the mean radius or 6,371 kilometers and we get a simple formula to approximate the distance to the horizon for an observer at a given height H on earth plug in and observe a height of 2 meters and we find that the distance to the horizon is five point O five kilometers well no disagreement with reality plug in and observe a height of 100 meters and we get a distance of thirty five point seven kilometers again no disagreement with reality and you can do this for any height you like it's worth noting at this point that flat odds have no way of working out the distance to the horizon for an observer at a given height based on the idiotic notion of living on a giant Jaffa Cake they also have no explanation for why the horizon on a giant space pizza made by an invisible Wizard can be at such short ranges when as we've seen any observer would always be looking down onto the flat surface they think they live on no alarm bells ring inside the pus-filled crania of flat odds so they just cling doggedly to the belief that the inability of their to explain anything is still proof of their flat audio does not make a lick of sense to anyone of sound mind so we find ourselves uncompromising ly drawn to the conclusion that's the idea that we live on a pan-dimensional prestidigitators magic pancake is complete bollocks in the next part we'll continue looking at small ways that our horizon can NACA flat our dogma see you then [Music]
Channel: CoolHardLogic
Views: 275,147
Rating: 4.7710767 out of 5
Keywords: CHL, CoolHardLogic, Science, Testing Flattards, Flat, Earth, Flat Earth, Flattard, Geometry, Trigonometry, Sun, Spotlight, Flying, Lamp, Shade, Rise, Set, Sunset, Perspective, Parallel, Straight
Id: B6qp8jqcihc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
Reddit Comments

Loved the fact that he pins flat earth comments so everyone could humiliate flattards XD

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/teuteu2004 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Cletus the flattard...hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mikeebsc74 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I marathoned his content as soon as I came across his sky demon video. He's especially good at visualizing how absurd science deniers are, and his mixture of information and insult is spot on.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/UristMcHammer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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