World of Batshit - #7: Gravity

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[Music] when a certain demographic can't understand something the conclusions they reach are off the chart welcome to world of batshit flight first developed by insects of the Devonian some four hundred million years ago nature has solved the problem of gliding and flying several times since however its most sentient earthbound apes had to wait until they were spending more time thinking about how to take to the sky instead of wasting their lives talking to it and pretending to get responses in 1783 they joined the club when the Montgolfier brothers made the first manned hot air balloon flight sustained power fight would have to wait another 120 years for the Wright brothers in 2016 commercial aviation is expected to carry 3.6 billion passengers for whom flight has become a commodity the principles of flight are now well understood so imagine if you will dear viewer my dismay at finding that there are people out there who think they can use it to show that gravity is just another conspiracy here's one he's got a channel called BS detector which is ironic as he fails to detect the horrendous bovine stench emanating from the digital manure he uploads for the consumption of people even dumber than he is he's a flat earther who thinks satellites don't exist that the moon cannot reflect sunlight that the Equator is impossible and that there is a dome above your head he also Trump's Bill O'Reilly's stupidity and not understanding how tides work apparently working on the premise that if you can't understand the results of a google image search or that diagrams of physical phenomena are really drawn to scale then as a conspiracy like many conspirators his video output rate is prolific which suggests a possible correlation between making it to adulthood thinking that earth is flat and being unemployable in this video he haphazardly attempts to explain why there's something fishy about gravity by using the conspiracy stalwart of stumbling from one question begging argument from ignorance to another the quality of argumentation you're about to see from BS is so piss-poor you might wish to pause the video here so that you can evacuate your bowels and bladder strap yourself to your seat position the screen out of punching range and double up on the oven gloves ready let's go man I was just cruising on this airplane looking at the flat horizon that rose to my eye level looking at the Sun which was really close and Big B s doesn't go into any detail about how he established the distance to the Sun whilst aboard this aircraft in reality he's utterly failed to take account of glare which in itself tells you nothing about the size of the light source or the distance to it so how does he know that the Sun is big and close just by looking at it with his eyes he doesn't and he can't how long have we been travelling at this altitude it seems like we haven't been changing our altitude at all bs apparently expects his altitude to change throughout the flight you can probably see where this is going already but first let's summarize flight lifts is one of the four forces acting on an aircraft to maintain lift a wing needs airflow however any solid object moving through a fluid such as air is subject to drag on an aircraft this is due to factors such as friction with the air and wingtip vortices which is why modern aircraft have wings to enabled smooth airflow and improve fuel efficiency bs is on just such an aircraft and it appears to be Airbus a320 drag as you'd expect needs to be balanced with thrust to maintain forward speed and hence lift which is necessary to balance and ever-present downward acceleration so I wanted to visualize this on the wall that we lived on cruising at 40,000 feet in a straight line so I came up with this graphic 40,000 feet going horizontal because in my reality a straight line is a straight line right I don't know about other people's realities well that much is obvious the reality that other people inhabit is one where an object would remain at constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force the reason an aircraft doesn't fly off in a straight line is because spoiler alert there are external forces acting on it why is it even necessary to explain this BS doesn't explain why he thinks aircraft should travel in straight lines the most likely explanation for reality not matching his expectations is that his expectations are wrong however at no point does this occur to him in my reality the plane gains altitude as it gets further and further away I mean not before long this plane should be in space right wrong so then I go back to my reality and I find out that we just take off hit 40,000 feet in crews over flat land like everyone experiences that's what reality is but then some asshole on the plane told me that gravity kept us from going into outer space so I asked him hmm how does that work I really am wondering no he isn't satisfied with the level of research he'd undertaken by asking a random person on a plane BS apparently didn't think to look into it any further before making this complete dung heap of a video so he told me once you reach your cruising altitude the gravity just bends you can you magically follow the curvature of the earth gravity is a conservative effect meaning that the negative work done by gravity when raising an object against it is exactly the same as the positive work it does in bringing the object back to the ground raising an object in a gravitational field gives it gravitational potential energy positive work done by gravity converts it back to kinetic energy as it falls when an aircraft is in level flight inertia would tend to want to keep the aircraft moving in a straight path which would suggest that as the plane flies it should gain altitude just by virtue of flying in a direction that would take it away from Earth's surface before Bs gets too excited by thinking he's right it's time to inject the aspects of reality that he prefers to lately's magic the aircraft is flying in a gravitational field gravity is always exerted on it so the principle of potential and kinetic energy exchange takes place aircraft gains a bit of altitude in the gravitational field gains potential energy loses kinetic energy falls a little loses potential energy gains kinetic energy blah blah blah it's a continuous exchange the result when and gravity are in balance an aircraft achieves what is termed level flight and takes you around the world at the same altitude can you explain to me what force is acting on it gravity you retard how the force of gravity doesn't allow you to escape you can escape its gravitational well if you're going fast enough it moved them to fly fast enough this is just one reason why space programs use things called Rockets da if you could get in a space using aircraft astronauts would be 10 a penny problem even getting into space doesn't magically release you from the pull of gravity which is why orbits are a thing and spacecraft fall back to earth when deorbited of course being a flat org BS thinks that space doesn't exist because i thought you took off weren't you just taking off or do you just defying gravity so why can't you defy gravity at 40,000 feet hmm I mean this is what you're expecting me to believe you're taking off and then once you hit 40 feet you magically just follow the curvature right wrong gravity doesn't stop working just because you've got wings and engines I presume perhaps mistakenly but BS is notice that when aircraft suffer engine failure or some other catastrophic condition that results in loss of sustained lift they fall out of the sky so if you have a plane that's going say 50 thousand feet what did you just tip your nose up and break gravity the supposable gravity that was keeping you from going into space right wrong what flat odds have yet to realize mainly because they're astonishingly simple-minded is that the atmosphere gets thinner without a dude it's why for instance reaching the top of Everest without supplemental oxygen is a major feat it's also why aircraft cabins are pressurized above about 10,000 feet lack of pressurization becomes an issue for passenger comfort and if you want your passengers to be alive at the end of the flight it's an excellent idea when flying at 30 to 40 thousand feet it's also an issue for flight itself the higher you go the less air there is flowing over the wings to generate lift and the less oxygen there is for the engines to using combustion to provide the thrust necessary to get more of that thin air flowing over the wings the result unsurprisingly is that there comes a point where an aircraft can go no higher it's absolute ceiling where the maximum available thrust is equal to the minimum thrust needed to maintain altitude if you want to go high under powered flight you also have to go fast which puts high altitude flight out of the range of commercial aviation commercial aircraft are also completely the wrong shape for high-speed flight so no BS you don't just go into space by pitching up at 50,000 feet I mean shouldn't you be in space by now if you're just going straight on I mean how is it possible that this magical invisible force keeps the plane from going up it's possible because gravity doesn't mysteriously stopped working at altitude I'm not quite sure why beer subjects to gravity being invisible consider for instance magnets how do they work well not by magic and once you can't see the force imparted by electromagnetism you can see its effects and so it is with gravity its effect is easily observable I mean it doesn't even make sense look at this animation again and tell me how this makes sense we're breaking all of those really strong layers of gravity but once you just go horizontal it just curves you the plane curves for no apparent reason bs doesn't explain how he quantified how strong gravity is or why he thinks gravity comes in layers that need to be broken all masses have gravity its net effect is that masses are pulled towards each other's center of mass for something large and roughly spherical like a planet the center of mass is also essentially its physical center it comes as no surprise then that's an object in a planets gravitational field is always accelerated towards the center of the planet and perpendicular to its surface let's remove Earth's atmosphere so air resistance is not a factor for a cannonball parallel to Earth's surface and little fall to the ground the ball is always subject to the downward acceleration of gravity increase the power of the cannon and we can increase its range keep going and it's not hard to see that if we get the speed just right our cannonball won't just keep falling a round earth in an orbit at an atmosphere back in and drag effects are cannonball its speed parallel to Earth's surface will always slow but it is always accelerated towards the ground so a persistent orbit is no longer possible with that in mind let's give our cannonball a more aerodynamic shape to reduce drag it's still always accelerated towards the center of the planet so let's add some wings to generate lift against that so we can increase its range however drag remains our unpowered glider will still hit the deck let's give it some means of propelling itself now we can maintain a constant speed against drag and constant lift against the downward acceleration of the planet it shouldn't need a rocket scientist to figure out that with everything in equilibrium our aerodynamic wind and powered cannonball can maintain flight around the earth make it bigger give it wheels fill it with people and hey presto Aviation in a nutshell but why doesn't our aircraft just fly in the direction it's pointed forever as BS expects well we've already seen some reasons however an aircraft like all objects also has a center of mass or center of gravity that center of gravity needs to be in the right place for an aircraft to fly safely which is why weight distribution of an aircraft is important gravity of course acts on the entire aircraft so think of it like balance all else being in equilibrium the balance itself will naturally remain level as you move it around the planet just like a set of scales in a car would if you drove from one side of the continent to another combining all the factors we've looked at level flight following Earth's curvature is quite simply inevitable I mean first of all I've already said this in my last video there's no proof gravity even exists we can't measure it we still haven't been able to prove are in science theory the supposed failure of mankind to measure gravity explains perfect my Henry Cavendish managed it in 1798 using a torsion balance why the same experiment is repeatable to this day enabling for instance than black and murk of it's to measure the universal gravitational constant with splendid accuracy in 2000 using an improved version of the same technique mankind's failure to measure gravity also explains why slamming guru tau also measured G with the completely different approach of using a beam balance it also perfectly explains why groove imagery is a thing and why the strength and variations in Earth's gravitational field have been measured such that we now have a map of it all of this happens of course because it can't be measured as for general relativity not having been proven it seems that BS here is somewhat behind curve as it has been vindicated by every test thrown at it so far but move aside eyes dying because BS detector thinks he's got something better I mean is it gravity just density right wrong it's just priceless that so many flat holes think that density is an alternative explanation to gravity they really do uncritically swallow any they see on the internet but superficially appears to support their preposterous conspiracy theories as usual there are a few things that these cognitively stunted imbeciles have failed to consider consider a ball in a region of air I haven't told you what direction the camera is pointing in or what's the orientation of the ball is flatter words like BS say there is no gravity acting on the ball so in what direction will liberal will fall the air pressure is to all intents and purposes identical on all the pulse of the ball surface what will make it move why would it move in any one direction over any other it's a testament to the breakneck speed of Flat Earth research that despite having the same length of time to explain reality as the rest of humanity the vermin who think gravity isn't a thing have yet to explain why a ball would accelerate in a particular direction in preference to any other another thing which BS is density explanation has failed to account for is something we noted earlier that the density of Earth's atmosphere decreases with altitude water put it another way the density and pressure increases the deeper you are in the atmosphere due to the weight of the air above in just the same way as water pressure increases with death this property of the atmosphere is why air pressure can be used to determine altitude and Joe public can buy altimeter watches that work on that basis the relative concentrations of gases in the atmosphere remain essentially the same for tens of kilometers due to turbulence and mixing by winds if density we're responsible for the effect of gravity the air shouldn't get thinner without stude because it's all the same stuff and there's no gravity to pull it toward Earth making the pressure higher closer to sea level and yet reality disagrees with the flattered conjecture that gravity is just density it gets worse though if we follow the implications of BS is density conjecture then the acceleration toward earth of an object should increase as air is removed what then should happen in a vacuum since photos don't do predictions we'll have to do their work for them they have two possibilities the first is that acceleration is a function of the ratio of the densities in a vacuum we have an immediate problem you either divide by zero suggesting an infinite acceleration or the ratio is 0 in which case the object won't fall at all these are both clearly horseshit the other alternative is that the difference in density is relevant in that cases the surrounding medium density tends toward zero the object's acceleration should get faster well this should be easy to test experimentally unfortunately for flat odds when you remove the air from a container and drop objects of very different densities they not only fall the same rate as each other but they still accelerate at 9.81 m/s^2 flat odds need a formula to calculate acceleration where no matter what densities you input the answer always comes out as 9.81 m/s^2 to which I say good luck with that if you've been wondering whether flat earthers should only be allowed to travel as hold baggage or in wooden crates check out the complete morons who think gravity is part of the conspiracy a it's a world of batshit I mean where did the horizon go this is so absurd do people actually believe this is happening that's all it is it's just density that's why helium balloons can define the big strong force of gravity so why don't you have to tilt your nose down to follow the curvature of the earth I don't someone answer my question
Channel: CoolHardLogic
Views: 465,565
Rating: 4.8085065 out of 5
Keywords: CHL, CoolHardLogic, Science, gravity, fake, hoax, conspiracy, Earth, flat, debunk, debunking, World of Batshit, batshit, crazy, flat earth, Astronomy, BS Detector, flight, aircraft, aerodynamics, forces, physics, Einstein, Newton
Id: UMIglW-hlVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
Reddit Comments

I just watched BS Detector's video about the moon not reflecting light. It literally made my head hurt and I swear I lost a few IQ points. The power of the tard is strong with this one.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ChumleesCumRag 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Issac Newton only invented gravy to please his reptilian masters

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WickedSushi 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Happy to see the series is still going, this guy is the best

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/theatheistpreacher 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2016 🗫︎ replies
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