I Played My First Fortnite Tournament!

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Nick a30 challenged me to play my very first fortnite tournament this is a message for courage and typical gamer so my icon cop has two rewards that are exclusive to that tournament only it's a spray and emoticon the emoticon you can only get if you get top 1,000 so it is going to be one of the rarest items in fortnite I challenge you guys to get it unlock it and never back down never what never give up Nick 830 give I'm never going to give up in my life I'm never going to give up Dad so I invited typical gamer and we started our mission to hit top 1,000 but teach wasn't confident in my ability I'm going to be honest bro I'm terrified right now man okay I don't know why you're so scared just calm down when last time you played like a a dual tournament builds the reason we're making this video is because the whole premise is I haven't played it I just accidentally jumped dude in game one we landed safe got some Loot and headed to Red Line rig to elim the boss okay let's take out this boss on the way TG instantly took the AR as he had no faith in me I'm going to take this AR if you don't mind I'm your support player bro you let me know what you need what you need me to carry and at that moment we had our roles GG as the leader and me as the kid that's there for bring your kid to work day with the AR Medallion in our hand we headed out to our first fight which was right away yeah there's going to be a team running into us here in a sec to the right right there 2465 on that right guy I hit this guy for 50 c the guy one shot dead Nitro y with the teammate retreating we finished the kill and started hunting 23 50 60 let's hunt him TG filled me with lots of confidence small chance I die no you don't you won't you won't I'll be there this is my chance to shine TG needs my help after chasing a bit longer we managed to find the player hiding under some stairs he's hiding I think he is he is he is 43 White dead we got the easy a Lim and with that we had our first Squad wipe in the tournament later on of the game we looted a vault and headed to Zone but we noticed two players heading towards the height of the Hill two people flying over people might have just landed up there they were flying over that way yeah they were low though they might pull up this hill it's not in zone either oh yeah they're 100 on one he caught them off guard and got some easy damage done I'm just going to keep spray pressure on and it worked perfectly as they were trying to protect themselves TG hit them with the flank and got one of them one shot I did the same by focusing the other teammate and then as TG knocked this player we pinched on in and got the easy Duo wi dead now in this tournament we knew placement points were massive so we kept heading towards the center of the zone and playing placement but as we were doing so we noticed a team sing up on the outside of the Zone after dealing some damage there was another team they're not good they're not good they're not good I just need to live we're getting shot from a height careful careful I'm getting in this going I'm one shot I'm absolute I'm absolute I got to B I got to De I killed one I killed one but got a massive knock which held off the pressure from the blank which gave me time to heal with the Zone about to close we had to leave the elimination we got move and play Rotation we boxed up and noticed a team being pushed so we started spraying the walls and trying to pick them off with the Zone pulling towards us we tarped in and looked to see if we could pick off any players rotating oh got I got one I got one but right as we did we got pushed got the kill guy 40 oh yeah there oh shoot nice oh the guy just jumped behind me somehow what the heck with TG getting instantly knocked I had no choice but to leave we need needed these placement points AKA I'm tooo trash to 1 V2 although I managed to escape the pressure was relentless 81 HP I had to go into Zone he's just going to run through your walls so you got to be careful thankfully the enemies backed up giving me time to heal nice you're doing great then a miracle happened the remaining teams pushed and eliminated each other leaving me in a 1 V one with Nick a30 watching I couldn't lose Never Back Down never what never give up I have the Health Advantage I just have to get ahead of the zone and I choked dude I'm sorry Man 3 HP bro 3 HP is wild TG being the good teammate he is he tried to cheer me up but I must remember we're back down every although that win would have been massive second place is still huge like me wait what that's in the that's in the script what so we hopped into our next game and our goal was to push everything we saw oh friend detector it's going crazy yeah look after me choking last game TG had no faith in me we just sat on a hill after being forced to move into the Zone we boxed up under a bridge but we noticed something there's an old build here there they're in here they're in here they're in here a solo player right next to us they're neighbors now this guy you see him you see him right there see 3 2 1 go after timing our shots we got a free w but this noise brought us attention they're yearning for the shield they're they're keying they're keying same team as earlier back up back up back up back up just keep backing us up keep backing us up so we had to move again nitr Nitro Nitro Nitro but the pressure didn't stop that's our last Nitro looking picking up another solo El dead nice nice nice top 10 four limbs a win here would be massive for us but the worst thing happened the Zone pulled max distance the storm on our backs we had to push through all the fights no stopping we managed to make it to the top two it's 22 22 22 but by doing this we lost all our health and TG had no mats remain I don't have any builds I don't have any builds oh no ah I didn't realize already in there second is great second is great although we got another second place though The Vibes were good two seconds bro we're right there man two seconds and as we were queuing we decided to talk about ways that we could improve we just got to keep on doing that you know keep on doing that we're going to be good honestly if I just improve on my rotations my shooting my building my editing my peace control my communication my looting my loot pathing my uh farming my my breathing my mental capacity my ability not to panic my weight my age my my reaction time my thought process I could be a top player but and your Ops one okay bro really that's what you're saying at the end really I'm just kidding so with that in mind we landed at our drop and it was my time to show TG what I can do oh there's people here people here I'm looking guy behind the barrels on the right yeah see that 41 another one ramping you want a Nitro 25 it's in my box 27 what what white Health nice oh he just cracked me he's Nitro me one shot one shot one shot dead oh shoot yeah we got a Nitro we got a Nitro get out I'm frozen I'm frozen I just hit a full setter I love this game well that was a lot of loss points it was time for something different a new drop a new game plan new teammate roles uh do you have the Trailblazer skin yeah let me see no we just changed our skins yeah with new skins it was time to win a game there's builds right below us here after playing it safe by hiding in a bush we noticed a solo being targeted uh going into this bush right here with a knocked player with a knocked player in this bush yeah I think that's a different team coming in I shot one 41 41 on them 41 by doing so we got pushed uh mallan Team Min Min yeah cracked him Nitro him oh TG was about to get a knock but the servers froze I'm lagging oh my God no server's dropping we we couldn't risk the fight so we just retreated yeah let's go let's go run run but the pressure kept coming oh my God what just that oh I'm one them one them one them the players constantly firing bow shots at us with their infinite ammo Medallion we have to stay alive so we popped Nitro and played Zone but I made a mistake I saw a player down low we're going to we're going to run at this guy TG went above and I forced a fight it's okay I'm in his box I'm in his box I'm in his sorry okay sorry sorry it was all down to TG see what I can do yep I believe in you and he did a great job surviving to the top three but unfortunately got taken out 33 builds I'm getting shot through everything unfortunately a oh my gosh bro we really need a win but TG made me lose full because he was eating a full corn on the cob mid tournament do you like corn heck yeah what is that what you're eating right now is you're having corn mid turnning then it got even worse we were contested on our next drop died instantly but don't worry TG has his corn for dinner in the next game we landed again I died yeah I'm just dead bro they're just Nitro through everything so awkward oh my God man but it's okay cuz TG finished this Corn Pop Nitro grabbed my card headed into the zone to Res me it was time to bounce back just run past this team make him that I just I died instantly wow wow what wait how did they build there what is that things were going downhill downhill fast but we knew we just needed two good games and we would qualify and we started off strong with coordinated shooting we took out a solo from Ray Dead one shot nice dude while we were waiting I decided to do some push-ups all right I'm doing a few push-ups right as I was doing that we got pushed by a duo with a medallion wait swimming swimming swimming on us yeah they're on me this The Medallion you want to get out but you know what this is Nick a3's tournament Never Back Down never get we we backed down and gave up we literally hid in a box until we had to move but because we backed down and gave up we were in a good spot to win this game we just need to play with confidence I'm down a level but I'm trying to catch up I accidentally dashed I'm panicking I'm full Panic I'm way below you now with the Zone pulling we picked up at an Lim on a rotating player 117 he's one shot he's one shot got him nice nice nice okay TG noticed the player had a medall uh you go ahead you go ahead I'll go get it go so I headed into the Zone while TG headed for The Medallion a risky play by TG as he soaked a ton of storm damage leaving me alone with players on me I had to head into the zone to rotate towards TG you're good you're good bro I'm popping this we healed as much as we could okay get ready popped Nitro and ran for Zone but the Zone pulled max distance again so we popped Nitro again and ran I managed to pick up one knock but getting knocked myself in the process knocked one I knocked one down here it's right here TG went for the insta res but a Duo Nitro TG into the Zone oh dude no he just punted me into the Zone bro I just flew still good still good we have two games and 15 minutes left we're eight points off the top 1,000 we're in top 1% right now TG this is Poss POS bro this is it TG had a plan key and get as many limbs as possible in that game which is exactly what we did with an instant hot Drop oh my God you and all the lobby yeah there's so many people wow this place was heavily contested which was perfect for us I guess we're playing zero build off the bat it started great TG got two instant knocks knocked one knocked two but he only has five bullets left I have five bullets dude I can't do anything I need ammo I'm going to die unfortunately he's chasing me a deely TG escaped oh my God I'm alive someh group split ammo split Loot and looked for more fights another team zipline above us zipping zipping zipping that might be above us TG oh my gosh he's right here another one got him got him got him come back TG noticed we were in a bad spot so we repositioned into the perfect spot anyway coming up coming up coming up it's on us it's on us it's on us we're in kind of a bad spot I'm coming to you I'm coming to you let's play below here the team dropped down so we were right above them so we did what we do we keyed them y they're right here yeah 3 2 one go oh you dropping on him okay 67 white 671 down one one shot one shot found this guy got him no no there's another guy the GU one shot I gu one shot one shot on me dead nice nice nice this is great this is great we're actually popping off right now six of lims on drop this was going perfectly but we did not stop we kept pushing with 8 minutes left another team was fighting the boss they're fighting boss now com so we popped Nitro and hunted them down TG was on fire picking up another ellip got on one nice then the Fortnight Gods blessed us the server lag we had been feeling all day I'm full lag I can't move I can't move I can't move can't do that thing finally worked in our favor One Shot One Shot One Shot nice got him bro let's go wow we just used we just cheated we just used the lag to our advantage eight of Limbs we want more we're keying until we die there box right here you shoot this guy in front of us right in front of us no one can kill us 25 I got oh my God I'm dead I'm going to die no I'm going to die yeah he just Nitro you just got to die or fight him run at him all right nice great try we died but we succeeded with what we wanted now we just need to have a strong placement and we will hit top 1,000 in my first ever tournament I will make Nick a 30 proud with 3 minutes remaining we hopped into our final game one good game means we get the exclusive stuff bro we stuck to what we knew headed back to our drop spot this is symbolic of Nick a3s Never Back Down never give up one good game come on you can do it never back down never what never give up as it was our final game we wanted to get the Vibes high so we took some time to compliment each other let's each CH something really nice about each other TG you are you have an incredible uh drawline thank you dude and and you are just the fastest person I know sorry you're the fastest person I know fattest no I I didn't say that you're putting words in my mouth did did you just call me the fattest person you know bro I said the fastest oh with 60 players remaining we were forced into a fight oh shoot there's people right in front of us after doing a little bit of damage we left the fight oh my God jump away jump away if you can you can turn around on that guy maybe we turn around on that guy turn around hit him 36 I am he he's cracked me oh I hit him so hard keep going keep going keep going they won't they won't they won't stay and fight this after doing a little bit of damage we left the fight because we needed to stay alive this is our last game we rotated into a bush and of course uh I started eating I was hungry TG made me hungry from his corn what but literally as I started eating we got pushed oh shoot right on us other one's on me cracked them crack them 25 white 25 white 25 on on the other guy 49 on him he rifted I'm I'm with you with you with you I can drop you mini they they're running I think they rifted I hit the guy for 60 okay here here take a mini although we survived we burned a lot of heals which we're going to need light game especially with the amount of damage I take we noticed the team was on top of the island there's a rift to our right we can hit it when we need so we waited for the zone to close hoping they would rotate which they did we okay come we took the ri and checked out the island it had all the healing we needed Med kits and uh there's one Med kit at least we popped some Fizz hit the jump pad and launched into Zone TG spotted some fights outside our box so we picked up two free ellips oh there oh my gosh he are one shot right get spray this box spray the Box dead dead dead dead other one other one wait one shot dead dead dead dead dead this was massive Loot and elims it couldn't have worked out any better oh my gosh we're chilling bro we were confident and we even tried to pick up more lims yeah look over here over see that see see this spr 3 2 1 go 54 but the lag came back to haunt us server's just dying bro follow me follow me there's a guy to our left right on you cracked him yeah don't leave leave it leave it leave it leave it leave it I got him I I I got him I got him we had a knock but we had to play it safe yeah come come come come jump just jump around thankfully someone else got my full there you go that was him putting us at three oims this is doable bro Never Back Down never give up to get crack one I just got sent to zone I'm in I'm I'm I'm in someone's someone's looking bro this game bro I swear dude we finished top 2% thanks for watching and let me know in the comments if you want to see TG and I try to go for revenge in the next ingame turnour peace
Channel: CouRage Gaming
Views: 476,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CouRage, CoD CouRage, Caster CouRage, Jack CouRage Dunlop, Jack Dunlop CouRage, Funny CouRage Moments, CouRageJD, TwitchTV, Twitch CouRageJD, Fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Funny, Humor, Fails, Gaming, Streaming, Fortnite Fails, Funny Fortnite Game, Pro Fortnite Player, Battle Royale, CouRage Fortnite, Fortnite Tournament, Typical Gamer, Typical Gamer Fortnite, CouRage Fortnite Tournament
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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