Testing Blox Fruit Myths & Glitches for 100 Hours!

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all right guys in this video I'm going to be testing band glitches in Block shoots to see if they actually work and I saw some pretty insane glitches that we can test so make sure to watch this video till the end because you w't regret it because some glitches are pretty gamebreaking and if this video hits 3,000 likes I'm going to do a part two but the best glitch of the game is obviously the the mythical fruit roll which is um going type that in over here/ eir lock every single time you roll a fruit boom type that in and it has worked for a lot of you guys okay so you don't even have to like worry about it press all right press random fruit and if you don't get a good fruit oh a you got a flame fruit I guess that's all right I think it glitched out a little bit because obviously you guys know that this method actually grants you mythical tested by many of you okay okay and off of that let's go and get over with the first glitch have you ever wanted to be really really fast in Block shoots without having the mink race equipped and without having any of the perm fruits like ksun leopard and spirit fruit for the glitch well you can now okay you can have an infinite speed glitch by just using a Buddha fruit now hey hold on you guys still do not have a Buddha fruit until the day of today I'm going to be giving out five Buddha fruits for every single thousand likes on this video so hit that like and let's go and check this glitch out and this sign right here shows new best glitch in Block shoot and here you got a budha fruit equipped so let's go and check this out first you have to equip unawakened Buddha okay first you have to unequip unawakened Buddha then grab any of the fruits in your inventory hold on hold on let's go and do this okay first we need boot equipped um I don't know if I have unawakened version let's see unawakened no this is the awakened one okay so we have to uh change it to unawakened we over here okay I think downstairs I think downstairs okay so if you don't know where to change it you have to go all the way here there you go Awakening expert once you talk to this guy you can actually una awaken your Z ability there you go just click that unawakened and now you should be able to unawakened transform into the Buddha right so let's do right now okay there you go and we have unawakened Buddha as oh what oh my God my horns are gold I've never seen that before anyway now we have to like literally grab any fruit okay any fruit you can literally grab a spy fruit okay if you have 15 chalk fruit like me okay there you go grab a chalk fruit and there you go now once you have all that is the fruit okay shift lock jump and D okay shift lock jump and d and then oh oh what wait yo oh what and fly away wait yo he's flying he's fly what the okay we have to try this okay we have to try this okay so first step is shift Lo okay we can shift later we have a fruit in our hand and now we press D so walking to the right and just jump just jump jump oh my God oh my God yo what the oh I got teleported back what the heck I'm lit getting teleported back by the anti Che that's how this glitch oh my way it oh my God this might be more op than the spirit fruit glitch oh wait this is insane wait a minute but what if we combine this with a for glitch this would be insane hold on let let me try again yo oh my oh my I'll get teleported back I I'm going to draw I'm going to draw hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my God this glitch all right we need to try one thing let's go and equip the spirit fruit right here and let's see if it's going to change the glitch now we're already getting teleported back so I don't know if it's going to make any more sense to even use the spirit fruit but let's just go and see what happens now is the spirit fruit glitch still working let's see okay eight Spirits let's see let spam a little bit okay there we go we got one piggy let's see okay come on come on Piggies Piggies come on please give me piggies please give me piggies please give me Piggies oh I it's SP these monsters no I didn't get the timing right okay come on I wasn't even looking come on come on come on I don't feel much more speeder but let's see come on come on three more okay two Piggies okay now let's change it up change fruit and change it back I hope I got speed I think I still got my speed okay this is good this is good okay while we're waiting for the spirits to load up apparently there's a glitch that can make us fly forever which we're going to try in a second let's see Spirit okay nine let's see come on nine come on please please please please um okay two Piggies that's good that's good Piggies come on Piggies give me Piggies give me Piggies come on okay that's one okay four good see come on more Piggies more Piggies only Piggies okay you now change the fruit okay there you go wait is it patched is it pat wait I think it's patched I think it's wait are we Speedy I don't know right I just going to wait for one more Spirit reload and then go and test the glitch right come on eight okay let's pre fire there you go come on come on come on please um okay that was one wrong one there's a lot of piggies here guys should be getting a lot more speed come on please please please okay there we go that's okay this is way more speed but what if I unequip it let's see am I losing my speed wait actually my running speed is the same wait um wait did they fix it and I'm not getting really faster okay let's see come on come on let's spam let's spam come on pleas pleas oh one piggy really my running is literally the same look at this I'm not even moving a little bit faster let's see my dashes come on okay let's see let's two more okay there go the dash is supposed to be long let's see one dash as you guys can see the third pillar and then exactly right here and once I switch back to another food my effect should be all gone let's see okay let's see come on H oh yeah okay we got a shorter distance so that means the glitch got patched no I'm guessing the Buddha glitch is now the new spirit glitch this video literally shows how to do the God glitch and yeah you're about to see what the God glitch is okay let's see so let's go play this right now and um yeah he's literally flying he's literally flying very overpower I'm I'm guessing bro like he literally is flying and he can use every single skill in the air wait what what the heck but how do you do this glitch okay let's see so step number one is get a spider fruit okay so first we have do to get a spider fruit obviously if you have it permanent you don't have to eat it but let's see come on okay after that you have to equip her Mammoth and use spider swing fast does it have to be Mammoth okay we we have to do Mammoth and then use spider swing fast what does that mean what does that mean let's see come on see oh oh oh he did first try what the heck he did yo what okay we need to try this so first thing we got to do is eat spider food but we don't have to eat it because we can literally just equip like that then after that we have to use a spider highway I'm pretty sure and we have to like equip Mammoth while doing it so just like this okay I didn't time it pretty like this okay so we click once and then like that oh okay again not working let's see come on equip and then like that oh my God no wait like this oh oh my God okay oh I got it I got it oh my God yo I got oh what what is going on what what is going bro I'm literally flying like I can't even control it wait I can't control it I L like I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck flying I'm stuck flying what is the cool thing to do I don't even know wait can we emote wait I'm literally flying away can I uh can I get back though hello um can I I'm flying away I can't go back I can't go I can't go back what if I switch my fruits wait if I switch back to spider like that and and oh I'm still going I'm still going I'm still I'm still going it's it's I guess this glitch works and yeah you will fly infinitely in the air like where where am I going to the Moon can can I reach the moon please can I reach the Moon Yeah I want to go to the Moon we have to reset because uh we we have to get back somehow right so this next Tik Tok shows really good PVP glitch with the god human let going to play right now let's see okay so apparently it's like really really fast yeah look at this oh he really really fast with God human apparently like okay he doesn't every single time look at this like he's like you can move super super fast with God human okay here's normal forsus glitch let's see normal God human is literally just like that yeah you're not even going like you're not jumping right then with the speed he's like flicking it and now he's like in his glitch position and oh my God okay he can go really really far okay so first you have to get all my le to 400 okay I'm I'm pretty sure he's doing like God human yeah this is like for God human then you have to get God human at the tree okay okay okay once you get God human look up fast and use the first God human skill let's see um okay what yo and it takes some practice all right guys we already got a god human right here and we have to use the SW storing Beast ability okay so the normal God human skill is this okay so we charge up and we just let go okay and and it goes kind of far right we can go way way farther so apparently if we flick it up let's see okay let's see like that oh okay um let's try again let's try again oh like that oh yo oh my God wait it worked it worked it worked it worked what the I'm all the way over here what the yo okay so I zoom in I have my mouse like right here and then I like do this it didn't work look it didn't work so you have to like keep jumping and then you go really really far but it doesn't work this time see we do like this come on it didn't work again look at that you have to like keep jumping in one place and you can go really really far let's try again let's see like this on look at this it worked it oh I'm I'm L jumping I'm literally what the heck you can just do this with God you if you can do it every single time this might be really overpowered like imagine someone's running away from you and you're like like this and like you got it in one time okay this time it didn't work you can get it every single time if you like practice it this is pretty insane okay let's try one more time like this come on okay oh no okay come on we got to get one more time come on like this okay come on oh maybe like this on no okay maybe like this one oh it worked it worked yo what the heck okay this just really really cool in this block shoots video I once again go to break the game all right so prepare going to do things you have never seen before and you didn't even know where possible to doing block shoots we're going to be breaking the game by trying mths and glitches and this is the first one and we get the first video that says how to do a invisible glitch let me see let me see what's going on over here okay let's see so apparently he's invisible so he's a dragon but wait a dragon is floating what the heck oh yeah he is invisible pretend to be a fruits okay we can do that wait okay let's see so the first step is to become human Okay so he's becoming human right now um by the rules but I'm pretty sure he's going to use human V4 and I on this account do not have human V4 so we'll have to switch accounts and the next step is to become human V4 as you can see it's already transforming all right guys go ahead ahead and meet the Johnny or actually this account isn't even called Johnny but uh let's just call it Johnny for now but we're going to go ahead and switch to human V4 but first we got to get the bar all the way up so we can transform into human V4 and I guess we got to slashy skeletons up come here skeletons you are going to die cuz I need my human V4 okay and we need to transform quickly so we can do the glitch come here come here okay come on come on the boss almost filled up come on come please please please come on come on okay there we go we got it we got it now we got to transform into human V4 let's go and now let's go watch it let's go watch what we got to do now okay let's see let's see let's see he literally becoming human V4 right now okay let's see what is you doing after okay so you before there you go get the light fruit wait the light fruit so now we got to equip the light fruit and then flash step wow fly all right so we got a flash tab after oh after flying we also got a flash Tab and then he is waiting for V4 to go away all right all right let's see let's see it's going oh oh it's over wait it's invisible wait what the heck yo no way okay so we're in human V4 right now and now we got to grab the light fruit okay so light fruit K come on come on come on okay we got to equip the light FR right here okay there you go we got it equipped and now all we have to do is is Flash stab fly okay we're invisible for our flying and then out of thing boom okay and now I think we're literally in wait are we invisible what what the heck wait we're literally invisible I think we're literally invisible and now we got to wait for our V4 to go away so we got to grab a fuit or something so let's see we can pretend to be a fruit so let's see all right let me grab like Buddha fruit hopefully you don't die or something like we got a Buddha fruit right here and let's see so let's go and wait until it goes away so we can go invisible let's see if it actually works okay I'm I'm kind of skeptical I'm kind of skeptical but let's see let's see if it actually literally works and then we can put tend to be a Buddha fruit or even be invisible that that's even sick like that's even more sick like what the heck like is this actually going to work I doubt it's going to work right there's no way this works I am invisible now though so I think the glitch is already working okay we're about to run out okay the bar is about to run out let's see let's see what's going to happen are we going to stay invisible or are we going to go back to normal okay let's see uh should we hold the budha FR I don't know if I should let's see H we're invisible we're invis we're literally invisible we're literally invisible yo wait this this is actually working let's see let's hold the bu no what the to a flying fruits yo yo what the yo what wait you can actually troll people really bad with this so you can literally like go invisible and you can like stand somewhere you can act like the fruit is there you can act like the fruit wait you can troll people so badly imagine if I just go right here let's see can I like make it look like it's on a rock or something just like that a Buddha fruit on the Rock nobody will lit like people literally try to like pick it up or something what the heck but I'm on a private server so I can't really test it right now but this is insane it's actually working like we're literally invisible like nobody can us I don't know if it's for other people though can other people also not see me that would be insane otherwise this glitch is literally gamebreaking wait can I grab my God human and start oh we can we can start punching people oh no what the heck invisible puncher wait this this would be insane wait can I grab my sword maybe oh I can grab my sword a flying sword what the heck this glitch is insane we can slash up these skeletons while being invisible or I mean I guess they can see us I guess they're going oh after us okay I guess they can see us I guess he's seeing the weapon he's running up behind the weapon I guess so wait what if I hide the weapon oh oh no it's still my back wait now it's on my back I'm Not Invisible anymore no no no I got to run I got to run I got to run but this glitch works so yeah this is really cool all right guys this next video shows spinning food glitch tutorial and he's spinning the fruit on his hand that looks so cool okay it's like more a visual glitch but you can also do it so good what okay I want to do this I want to do this let's see uh first pick any fruit okay so first we got to pick like any fruit okay then get p v one okay we have P V1 okay that's good that's easy I think everyone has it so that's easy all right so the trick is to unequip PO and at the same time use the accessability of the pole V2 so you got to unequip it at the same time you use the Ability okay that shouldn't be too hard right so exactly what he's doing right now right so he clicks on a pole he une equips it and he uses ability at the same time okay and he's oh my God wait he's spinning his hand wait it looks so cool wait you can spin through oh my God wait wait I got to try this I got to try this or still invisible what the heck wait what do I fly what do I fly oh oh there I am there you go all right guys we're on the main right now we're back and let's see so the first thing we're going to do is grab a fruit so I think the dop fruit would look cool because like the effects and stuff like that so let's unstore that one all right we got the dop fruit okay we got we got a dark bait right now so we got to change it to pole V1 which is right here okay we got that as well and once we got that now we got to equip or unequip it a while we used ability so let's see if it okay let's see one did it work it did not work okay it did not work all right this might be harder than I think okay let's see second try let's see come on oh I got it yo yo I got it wait my hand it spinning what the wait this is real oh my I can't move though I can't move I cannot move though what the um let's see equip do fruits and yes sir the do oh my God this looks so sick yo what I've never seen this in my life I've never seen this in my this looks so fun what the heck I cannot move like I can literally like can I flash step oh a okay it teleports me back I guess what I can't move okay so that means if I grab my soul guitar it does the same thing wait wait wait I got an idea I got an idea just watch just watch right we equip Buddha fruits and we equip dark blade okay I guess in BO what the um what is That Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo what am I doing to the ground what am I doing to the ground all right don't mind that don't mind that okay let's see let's see let's transform back and yo no no what the Y what is going on I can spin you round and round like what the yo the dark blade is spinning around okay wait a what this is sick right this must be one of the coolest glitches I've ever done in Block shoots like this is pretty much breaking the game completely like have you ever seen this like what yeah I don't even know what to say anymore I guess you can do this with every single swords so yeah this is really cool but guys I guess it's time for the next glitch all right but what if I told you this next glitch is going to make you fly and maybe not fly but you can jump really really high and what if I even told you that you can jump as high as that whole building right there yeah you would never believe me right but what if I told you I can and I'm going to show you right now I keep watching because the glitch after this is even crazier right so this video shows super jump glitch tutorial right let's go watch it has a lot of likes let's see so uh yo okay what the I don't know what that was but literally this is as strong as admin Powers okay show me how do we do this glitch let's see can jump over the SE Castle what yo yo what the um easy chest he says oh you can Farm money with this as well so oh this is really good actually imagine you can like jump super super high at the like haunted castle this is game breaking oh this okay okay let me let me see let me see wait what this is actually insane wait hold on jumps over the three at at Turtle Island wait at the big tree at like the big tree in front of me at that tree right over there there's no way there is no way let's let's going keep watching let's going to keep watching here's how you do it okay let's see let's see step number one open your settings okay change to click to move Okay click to okay so your movement mode has to be click to move so that means when you click you walk where you click okay that that speaks for itself that speaks for itself now you have to jump click and dash and yo wait what all right so he jumped all the way over to to that tree okay we got to try this okay so first first go settings right here movement mode and we have to change this to click to move okay there you go we got it now apparently have to do a few steps and we can jump really high okay so apparently we need to jump click Dash okay I did I I did that totally wrong okay let's see click jump yo no wait what um it already worked okay but I didn't jump really high okay let's see let's see let's see maybe a few more times check the oh this one's really low wait okay so it's kind of random I think sometimes you can jump really high I think let's see come on L works already it literally works okay let's see let's See's okay so first jump okay first jump then click and then and then Dash oh okay I'm kind of I'm kind of tripping over over here but let's see let's see jump click Dash come on go higher go higher goo oh my God okay come on come on maybe I have to time it or something click jump click I nothing changes if I do it early okay let's see let's see let's see I got to figure this out I got to figure this out okay come on go higher go oh my God oh my God oh my God I almost got over it I definitely dropped over as the tower okay I definitely did that but guys you guys know what I want to do right if we can do this glitch every time we can Farm a lot of money okay this might be really gamebreaking if you know what I'm talking about I'm going to show you guys right now oh my God oh my oh okay this is really crazy okay this is really crazy now we can Ying this chest okay 11,000 easy but what if it works at haunted castle what we're going to try is we're going to do it right here okay let's see come on we're in front of it we jump we click we Dash come on Yo okay we can go really high and then from here we can just light fruit up okay so I guess we can uh get a hat start this is really really crazy imagine we can go even higher come on come on come on but I know we can go higher okay come on click three we go jump come on come on go higher go oh my this is high this is really really high what the heck is this like rubber fruit sling shop but 10 times better I don't know what to say to this all right this is a crazy glitch but guys this next one is even crazier if you haven't subscribed then what are you doing okay subscribe right now and if this video hits 5,000 likes I'll give out any of these spring fruits to you guys okay so if you guys want Buddha we got Buddha okay if you guys want dough we got do if you guys want control we got control for roll you got every single burn fruit ever so subscribe all guys for the last minut all you have to do is go to Z right over here okay and do not tell anyone this okay this this is between us right this is between us so all you have to do is go over here okay go ahead and type in the chat SL e sir luck just like that enter that in okay and make sure you subscribe and now is roll fruit okay roll fruit in the next 10 seconds and you'll get a crazy fruit okay look at this look at this look at this boom Oh my God oh my God bro no today in Block shoots I made a list full of that are crazy to testing block shoots and I want to see if these are true or fake because some myths might actually break the game completely so today's video we're going to be checking out mths if they can break the game or if they're completely nonsense now we're inantly going to get started and the first MTH says if you use God human see ability you can lie down in a chair luckily I have God human right over here all right so God human see ability like that next to a chair once we do that and now we need to sit in a chair how do I sit in a chair wait okay come on can I sit in the CH I'm too far all right maybe like this I'm next okay there you go now what the okay let go um and now I lie down okay what this smth is confirmed I guess I can lie down in a chair like what what if I get back into the chair let's see oh that's my default sit now okay okay okay what that is so weird what if I try using abil I can't use abilities but SAR I need you for the next myth question mark question mark question yeah I mean um yeah I mean I'm just I'm just chilling man you know I'm just uh I'm just chilling nothing wrong with that that looked insane I mean look at this look at this so if I do this can I fly out of the CH oh oh oh you can also sit in the air ah yo yo I've never done this wait I can do any abilities okay I'm stuck in the air how do how do I get out oh I just jumped yo that m is crazy but for the next MTH people say that you get the same fruit if you roll a fruit at the same time another player roll a fruit and we've done done this before so this shouldn't be a surprise to be honest I already know this myth is kind of true because we often roll a fruit at the same time okay just get ready okay don't roll yet okay be on the random fruit and now three 2 one and go let's see oh another one go go go and let's see you got a flame fruit and I got a spin fruit okay this m is busted okay we did not get the same fruit now the next mid says you can apparently trade the belly okay all my heart and bar is 70 million belly I can apparently trade wa that okay let's go on a trade let's see if this is actually true okay let's go over here sit down there you go can I sit down wait it glitched I can't even sit down on a chair anymore the okay there you go all right let's see SAR and trade and now let's see we can apparently trade wait what is this oh what the heck we can trade the belly um all right say hey hey that's a deal oh oh we can't even trade that what the heck bro we can't even trade our belly oh my God but I guess you can trade belly myth confirmed that is so weird I never knew about that one now the next MTH says if you have Ming V3 three pilot helmet and the leopard fruit you have infinite speed so we're going to try that out okay let's see bro why do you bring me in combat I can't switch fruits now now I don't have Ming V3 right now so I have to Reas this okay I have to try if it's real all right so we go over here I hope this doesn't eat all my Robux okay 90 Robux per spin you better give me mink you better give me mink please R okay oh rabbit okay that's mink that's mink okay first try easy now as you can see this is mink V3 now all we have to do is transform into leopard and I already have pilot helmet on so let's see apparently there's also another step which is using the C ability and then we have God speed so 3 2 1 see and I'll make ability oh my bro godp speed okay this is actually godspeed what I'm the fastest alive okay that is definitely one of the fastest you can go okay this is like what this is true myth confirmed that is insane bro oh my God the next MTH says that if you equip the kilo fruit and use the lighten ability you can go on forever into the sky well well let's try it out okay see you later star can we reach the moon I don't know okay we're we're going okay oh oh he's right behind me okay guess he's testing it with me let's see how far can we go this is already getting super high what the heck I guess it really goes on forever but I'm going to go even further let's see how far we can go wait can we reach the race Awakening Temple which is high up in the sky I don't even see it but maybe all right Turtle Island is starting to fade away okay we're super super high what the heck I guess this really goes forever but how far can we actually go all right guys officially I don't see the Turtle Island anymore not even a single doll I've been flying out for like 5 to 10 minutes and I there's no end to this I guess it's time to fall down okay 3 2 1 see you oh he us the kilo wait what if I use the kilo oh we're a meteor oh my god oh I've never seen this what the heck it stops what look at this I've never used it like this bro kilo is crazy what all right I guess myth confirmed now the next MTH says you can drop a physical fruit on lava and it will melt okay that seems very nonsense we're going to try it out right now we have already roll the fruits so we have to to buy one from the dogghouse all right what's up dog house let's see give me your kilof fruit is Theo kilof fruit for 100 Robux I'm about to get scammed there goes 100 Robux and I just got a physical kilof fruit and apparently I can drop it I can drop it and now we go onto the lava and all we have to do is drop this kilof fruit and apparently it will melt so let's see uh it's it's not melting it it's okay this myth is definitely fake what myth bustard now while we're here there's another myth is that if you equip a leopard and you use the transformation you can apparently not take damage oh okay yeah this is true okay you cannot take damage from lava and I kind of already knew this okay as you can see I'm fully resistant to Lava and yeah nobody can go in here if anyone comes to fight me he's going to take damage so this is actually pretty insane MTH confirmed now the next MTH says that you can take damage when you have the do ability and you use it from the sky now as you can see I'm not taking any damage while I'm like just riding on the water but apparently if you drop high from the sky with this ability you will receive damage all right I guess let's try out let's go super super high let's see okay I think that's high enough now let's drop down oh oh okay I guess we take damage mid confirmed I guess all right guys the next mid says that if you have do equipped let's equi over here if you collide with another player with the F movement ability something weird will happen Okay so use the F ability and let's Collide okay 3 2 1 go oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh we both took them what I guess myth confirmed bro we we both took damage what the heck and apparently the next myth says that if you use spiky Trident as Z ability at the same time with another player something even crazier will happen so let's go and try it out 3 2 1 go oh what the heck what was that wait the game glitched for wait I need to try that again okay three 2 one go oh my okay the game is glitching myth confirmed what the heck wait what if I can glitch into the laboratory let's see 3 2 1 go oh what is that what the heck and I meant Factory obviously jeez that myth is insane now on to the next myth all right guys before we go into the next myth we even found something crazier you can glitch under the map while doing this glitch so if star goes up and I stay down and if we Collide like this three 2 1 go wait what okay this time we went up but if we go down we literally glitch under the map so let's going to try it again all right 3 2 1 go oh oh okay okay okay we're below the map we're below the oh my what happened wait we're at the Awakening altar wait can we get in please can we get in okay come on wait so we can apparently glitch in here how do we do this again I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying okay oh I'm in the walls I'm in the walls I'm in the walls what if I teleport over there wait wait oh I just got in what the heck and that's another myth you can glitch inside of of this place The Awakening altar so this myth also confirmed how did you get it oh my God okay now the next myth says if you use God human seab ability in a boat you can launch the boat so going to try it out okay let's see so uh let's get an enforcer I'm pretty sure you have to have the enforcer and then all you do is like sit very close to the chair use the SE ability like that get in the chair there you go H okay it's already glitching let's see oh what the um what is my Bo doing uh this doesn't look good what the heck let's going to try it again let's see what if I wait I can do it again because I'm in the boat guess we have to go out um yeah my boat is can I please have my boat back you know what let's just spawn another one what if we move it a little bit like this let's see come on okay close to the chair do this sit in each CH oh oh I can literally aim what the heck what if I aim up it doesn't go up okay this is weird all right let's try again let's try again okay we're in the boat let's see okay so so I can attack star somehow in a boat okay this is so weird let's try it one more time let's see so we go sit sit in a boat and now boom oh it glitched for a second you guys seen that but it went all FL very quickly but that's pretty much how you launch a boat interesting myth confirmed the next Smith says if you're low HP with the Venom fly ability you fly super fast so now normally it's like this let's see it's pretty slow I see I see let's see Star hit me okay we're all the way to 1kp let's see oh this is definitely faster what the heck yo but this is fast what I'm fast what the heck yo this is insane this is super F okay this is nice this is nice imagine you're getting like beat up and you can just fly away like that that is super good maybe that's why Venom is so good you just literally fly away from everybody that's attacking you okay Venom versus light okay light is okay okay light is super fat okay yeah this is not even comparable what if we Collide Collide wait what if I Collide okay we can't Collide yeah I I don't think we can Collide boom Oh we collided what the heck yo mid confirm I guess we can Collide now the next M says if you're subscribed and you type a certain thing in the chat you will get three times as much lock rolling a fruit so subscribe only subscribers get a stock okay now all you have to do is type slash eer lock like that there you go SL eer log now raw fruit now raw fruit okay this is going to be the best Lu you've ever had come on come on oh oh hey it's not a kilo fruit okay and and I think it's bugged out okay I'm supposed to get a leopard fruit okay you guys no this I'm getting do fruits all the time okay so so you better subscribe okay or get kilo fruits for the rest of your life okay so this myth is confirmed and I'll see you guys on the next one block shoots is a game with a lot of glitches some being not that harmful but some causing the game to break and in today's video we'll be trying one of these gamebreaking glitches to see if we even get banned from the game gosh I really don't hope I get banned like I'm actually scared because it's a pretty scary glitch I should say do not try this glitch in public servers because you might actually get banned so so just don't use it right I am making my way onto the cafe and I'm here now you guys know there's a bunch of fruits and blog shoots and I have mastered every single one of them and some fruits behold very secretive glitches but in today's video we're going to be going over and equipping the one and only Spirit fruit and you might think Spirit fruit what gamebreaking glitch does this fruit have well let me explain as most of you guys know this fruit is a different fruit from Manny this is not your usual fruit okay you have a demon side and you have an angel side and you also have Spirits as you can see you have blue Spirits which are are the good spirits and you have red Spirits which are the evil spirits that do damage and log the enemy in place but we want to focus up today on the blue Spirits because these will literally break the game now there's no problem with all of the abilities from this fruit everything is just pretty normal but the spirits pretty much break the game all right guys basically what you got to do to do this glitch now once again I'm telling you okay do not use this on public servers you might actually get banned as you can see these Spirits just capped out at nine okay that's the maximum Spirits you can have now there is a way to bypass this now basically what you do is you spam Spirits there you go you spam them on the blue s side and as you can see you get these Piggies and that's what you want okay these Piggies will give you a speed boost all right we got seven spirits again we should spam a bit more there you go and we should spam a bit more there you go there you go there you go spam them up and there you go we got a bunch of piggies now once you have all the blue Spirits spawned in you change to any other fruit like Dragon whatever and you change back to Spirit and now you will still have the effects of the spirit fruit like look I'm I'm running way faster I don't even have power helmet on I'm already running way faster we're literally going to be breaking the speed barrier in this video and now you just got to wait till your spirits respawn or reload and then just click spam spam spam spam spam spam them all in there you go okay we get three piggies that's not bad but we want to have way more than that all right let's start spamming spamming spamming there you go let's see oh there's a lot of piggies what the heck I don't think I've ever gotten that much like what is that now we switch here we go switch to another fruit and switch back and then look at my speed now look at my speed bro bro it's already already getting too fast but that's not all because we're going to be trying to break the game and try to get banned okay do not try this okay I don't know why I'm trying this this is risky okay let's spawn some more in there you go 1 2 three two Piggies and now change fruit like that change back and now let's see Oho look at that speed you know what let's equip Pilot helmet to actually show you how fast I am yeah look at this um I'm not dashing by the way I am not that what the heck what if I Dash bro what's I'm light speed I've never been so fast in my life like what this is insane There's an actual way to break the game while doing this so I'm going to try it all right we have more Spirits let's spam him spam him spam him there we go spam him okay three Bigg that's pretty good okay let's spam more come on let SP all of them boom switch fruits switch fruits fast back again oh no I'm too fast I'm getting way oh this is bad just look how fast I bro what now as I said do not try this okay you might actually get banned but this is a private server and I'm not harming anyone with this okay I'm doing this for educational purposes because obviously this is a bug like bro do I do it again do I actually do okay you know what I'm spamming more in I'm spawning more in screw you with I'm spawning more uh we got zero Piggies um that's uh that's unlucky give me Piggies so I can go even faster come on bro I don't want these Stars I'm pretty sure these Stars only heal me so these are useless all right another nine Spirits hopefully I don't regret this okay block shs if you see this please don't bam me okay please don't bam me okay let's spawn in there we go oh my God this is so fat oh okay we're breaking the game I'm oh what let's see oh yes we're getting teleported back what is this oh um okay I should probably stop I'm probably about to get banned okay you know what screw it I'm going to try it out L faster than a sound barrier what we're L getting teleported back the anti-cheat is triggering like bro yeah this is bad now what if I activate my goal ability because then I go even faster you know what I'm trying it screw it if I get banned so be it let's see I'm activating it oh my God oh my God yo what I can travel with a speed of light now imagine you use this in a PVP battle or something yeah it is not fair okay so do not use this it's literally a gamebreaking glitch now what if I equip the leopard fruit and go in transformation if you don't know leopard even makes you faster uh not like that what is oh this is not fast oh there you go oh I was already scared all right so I'm pretty sure the after image Assa move the C move makes me even faster so let's do that and now let's start dashing oh my God bro and now my ability go ability trigger um I don't even have mink on by the way no this is insane okay yeah I'm about to get I feel like I should stop doing this okay okay but there's one more thing that I need to try out Buddha transform you guys are about to see something mad something crazy something you've never seen before right we're in Buddha form we're super slow and if we start running we're kind of fast okay for a Buddha this is fast now let's start dashing oh my God bro have you ever seen a Buddha like oh my I can't even go on water who needs fast boats if you can do this like I'm fast as boy no for real SK Island easy job I'm already here I don't even need pork portal fruit like what yeah this is mad and wait what if I start jumping you guys know how you can build momentum while you're jumping in the air you can usually do this with Ming V3 but I'm going to try with the glitch let's see so I start jumping like that it's not that great right I mean I'm going really fast but my jumps are already out yeah it's not the greatest thing well that's no problem cuz we can transform in Buddha and is there a problem I don't think so this is the most gamebreaking thing I've ever seen in blog shoots and what if I told you this was not everything we have a few more things for this one I'm equipping my true triple Katana and Buddha now we transform into Buddha and we D transform just like that so we have the Buddha glitch going on and we're fast um yeah yo come here buddy you think you're going to have a chance yeah um yeah I'm not doing that much damage but still come here buddy D this is just not fa okay I mean I'm super fast uh yeah why is this in the game block shoots I don't even know but this literally breaks the game okay if this is not gamebreaking then what is and you're dead now hypothetically what if you use this in a PVP server or just a public server you just run around slashing people up okay don't don't do this okay don't do this I'm not encouraging you to do this okay just think about it for a second you know you you saying bold and you're just slashing everybody up sounds fun I'm not going to lie but what if I told you there's another pretty crazy glitch that I need to show you that makes you invincible to Lava you might think wait what if you if you go on lava you just you just lose all your health instantly well I got a solution for that while I'm equipping this fruit guys go ahead and like the video okay and subscribe cuz we're almost at 700k and we're road to 1 mil okay so you better subscribe now all we got to do is transform into leopard and you know just um just stand on the lava and boom I'm Invincible yeah who would have thought leopard Invincible for lava like what that doesn't even make sense why well don't ask me okay I'm just here to try it out now this is pretty gamebreaking imagine you fight on lava with leopard yeah that is pretty much the best way to run away from somebody somebody's trying to bounty hunt you you just go on lava like huh try me now huh oh and look at that a fruit has spawned in the game now usually it takes you a bit to get there but with the speed glitch let's see how long will it take I'm pretty sure it's I know this small location it's right there boom we're already here like nobody's going to be faster than me and it's a spin fruit though okay I hate spin fruits cuz they're just so D okay in the ocean you go now there's one more thing if you go ahead and spawn a boat in Block shots and equip the almighty love fruit and wait for your best of friend ability to reload use the best of friend ability who the heck is this guy I'm not even going to question okay once you spawn in your Flamingo as you can see my best of friend is on it and then once you try taking place in the boat and if you do this right you can glitch the boat like this what the wait a minute the factory is breaching let me get this free Fruit some magma boties like that gosh I can't see anything and die come on uh a smoke fruit are you kidding me what I don't need a smoke fruit now have you ever wanted to go high in the sky okay to the Galaxy of block shots well you can let me show you now I tried doing it this way so you do this and you jump uh okay that wasn't it and you jump uh yeah that's not it the first thing you got to do is equip control fruit and once you get control fruit activated get a boat control the boat make sure the boat is elevating then take a spot on the boat okay there you go we got a spot aim in the sky and let go and now yeah buy block shoots I'm never coming back oh no I'm wait this is actually going far wait um wait I didn't mean to do this uh wait I can't even see the block wait where is this I can see ah in the sky we are I guess I can't even see the land anymore here we are in the sky what if I oh my boat disappeared and now we're just falling down on can I land on a bridge please can I land on the bridge can I land on the bridge I can wait can I come on come on oh wait there's anti-che holding me back what okay this is insane and so there's many more block sh glitches 5,000 likes for part two they're already a total of eight mythical fruits and blockroots some being questionable and some being really overpowered and in today's video we're going to be testing blo fruits hacks that might get you these fruits for free will they work to be honest I don't know but today we're here to test that out if this video hits 3,000 likes I give away four mythical fruits myself but now let's go on to these glitches to see if they work or not now luckily I actually didn't waste my FR roll so let's go and get on with the first glitch or a hack whatever you want to call it okay so the first glitch says c1/ mythical fruit 100% leopard okay so let's see what does he do so I guess he types in the chat SL e mythical fruit that's what I'm guessing all right there you go he types it SL e mythical fruit and then he rolls for fruit I think yeah there you go has 20 million oh my God okay and he rolls and we don't even see it wait okay no wait okay leopard okay so he got a leopard okay that so oh my that he he didn't got any other fruit in his inventory so dang he actually got leopard look at that okay okay let's go and try it out it does say C1 so I guess I have to go to C1 I guess we go to C1 then right we go over to this guy take me to C2 all right now we go to the C2 Captain to take us to C1 all right C1 jungle and let's go to zolus all we have to type is SL e mythical fruit okay all right so it's SL e mythical fruit okay let's go and type that in there we go and now we roll fruits oh my God no no no no wait wait wait okay maybe I have to redo it oh no you know what let's redo it okay SL e mical fruit okay and now we were supposed to get a leopard fruit okay this is 100% leer fruit okay so let's go buy it and we got a Cho fruit hello uh this glitch not working or something okay this this m is busted okay what I did not get a leopard and I don't even think I can store this yeah we can store this let's go and throw this in the sea so all the sharks can eat it okay all you guys shark users here there's a fruit for you guys let's go on the second one here we got a 100% do fruit I guess it says here I don't know he's holding a do fruit so I'm guessing it's a do fruit okay he's also typing SL e mythical wait wait you guys see how he types it he he doesn't type mythical oh maybe I have to type it like that okay so Mythic i a l fruit okay I guess I typed it wrong now pay attention to his inventory because look it actually pops up look look he's rolling a root okay he typed it in the chat and now and it literally pops up how and then he literally grabs it bro that's literally a do fruit how there is actually no way he got a do fruit and look at his inventory look look so he goes look he got the leopard from the last glitch bro how does this guy just spawn in in Fruit straight up I guess I didn't type it right so let's try that again cuz I really want this free d fruit what if it actually works and as you can see we have the bacon drip on and we're going to test this glitch right now so it does say mythical fruit okay mythical so we're going to go right over here and this is exactly what he types slash e myal fruit okay so let going to do that there we go my fruit and now roll the fruit okay now we're supposed to get a d fruit for free so do you want to buy a fruit okay yes come on does it work bro that's a v that okay this myth is busted okay this glitch is definitely not real right we got a revive fruit okay that's definitely not a mythical fruit you know what this one is also going to the Seas bye bye uh it's a refi fruit so what if it revives itself uh I hope not on to the next one this is how to get good fruits every row okay let's see it bro shark V4 okay this seems to be pretty good so far so let's give it a try Okay hockey three times so we need to enable hockey three times okay this guy says three times enable hockey what what then roll of fruit and then you got to wait run around in circle three times wait what what happened okay run around in a circle three times okay that's very specific three times then we have to type in the chat slash elock all right like that and there you go he got a Venom fruit over there but he doesn't show that he rolls it so this one is really sauce yeah guys I think this one is very sauce but guys I'm here to try it so we to an Ickey three times so one right that's two and three so three laps right here one two three there you go and now type in the chat slash elock there you go and now supposably we're going to get a mythical fruits all right let's go and buy one and let's see if this actually works okay okay yeah guys we got we we definitely got the best mythical in the game I can tell you uh yeah that's that's a mythical no that's a kilo food guys this is your worst nightmare this will be under your pillow if you do not like this video so you better start liking guys none of them worked so far and as I said if none of them are going to work I'm going to give her four mythical fruits in this video so let's see if this next one is going to work guys for this trick even the death stole them a secret legendary rolling trick all right let's go and check it out okay so our legendary roll cre from the developers okay go to the shop and open gift fruit menu okay so you open the shop in the gift menu okay you open this is new by the way this is new so this might okay so store in inventory then roll of fruit when the buy menu pops up okay this is very weird Okay so he puts up the like roox thing and then he rolls a fruit look he rolls a fruit over there that's a Kido the fruit you roll is always the opposite of what you gift reverse fruit for better it does make sense he did leopard and he got kilos so if you do kilo you get leopard wait a minute okay okay so if I understand correctly we click once okay and then this thing pops up and we click on shop okay there you go we click on shop we go over here everything we pick is the opposite so if we can pick kilo we get leopard all the way on other side look leopard if we want Dragon we pick spin over here now what fruit do I want I want myself a Venom fruit okay so that's one one two three four five okay five okay five one two three four five okay so I got to gift myself bomb so gift there you go so as you can see we got the buy Robux and then we click on all right right here and then we roll the fruit okay we roll the fruit right here bye and now we get venom fruit okay so yeah I already rolled the fruit guys and the fruit is dark fruit yes this is not a Venom and this is not even the opposite so this one is also busted like what I didn't even get my opposite fruit what is this this video did definitely not work and if these next ones don't work I have to give out four mythical fruits as here's how to get Loa fruit every time or legendary from bloxs fruit deal cousin every time first every time okay first you have to beg him and make sure you're really convincing okay okay let's see better give me good fruit then you have to attack him for extra measure or else he won't listen oh okay so we're getting aggressive here okay finally purchase you fruits he will be able to force you something worth your time and he got magma wait magma is not bad but it's not not mythical or legendary I guess this video wasn't mythical I guess it was legendary but he didn't even get a legendary that is weird now let's see if this even works okay so first we have to beg him please please give me a good fruit please please zolus I beg you zes oh I can't even type zolus what why can't I type the developer's name you know what Indra Indra please please give me fruits and now for the extra measure come here buddy you're going to die oh okay well uh uh okay he defeated me guys I give up I give up I give up um no no no no no no I'm in the roof uh okay guys this is not going as planned uh let's reset guys uh okay maybe he's too strong for me okay let's roll for fruit let's see if we can to get the legendary or mythical or anything and we got the chop fruit okay I guess we got defeated guys we got defeated so he's not going to give us a good fruit but if you defeat him you can get a good fruit I think but he was just simply stronger while I was doing these glitches a fruit has spawned so let's see what is this I'm not usually in C1 so maybe this going to be like a Venom dragon or leopard I believe where is wait where is this 7 m away is this somewhere like over here oh no I can't get any legendary mythical with glitches and even get good fruits in the game and normally oh my I'm getting this in a I hate smoke fruit bye-bye because I get it so much I don't want it there's one more method I heard of that 100% works now guys I'm not joking when I'm saying this this method works every single time but there's only one requirement so you walk up to the blog gcha and all you have to do is go and type in the chat and you have to type slash loock There You Go slash e serl and the only requirement is that you have to be subscribed okay and everybody says it works so we're going to roll right now and let's see if it works yo yo it works it works dang yo it actually work Yo No Way guys this method is the best method going be busting over 10 minuts in Block throughs and going to see how crazy Ms we can actually find from getting Legendary fruits to unlocking secret doors so let's get started so appar for the first minute we need to go to HUD and Cold Island which is Army over here lav over here okay there you go o don't die don't die hold on wait can I oh no no no no no no no I can't walk I can't walk and if you play blo you obviously know that here is the place where you start a raid you do this puzzle thing over here red blue green blue and then you go over here go up the ladder over here actually I don't want to go up the ladder the portal fruit and here you guys can see the lab but did you guys know that there's a secret lab in this island yes an actual lab that grants you access to a secret boss in Block Roots all right for this you need to go over here and we follow me exactly you can see that gigantic rock over there we need to go climb on that rock okay and if you have Port it's going to be pretty easy okay like that and you might think where's the where's the secret lab I don't see anything supposedly there's actually an an oh okay there there it is there it is let's go okay let's go and as you can see it's true this myth is confirmed as you can see there's a hidden Lap In The Rock in the island over here we can start a secret raid for the hidden boss in blocks Roots all right for the next mid we can apparently walk over lava without taking any damage which you have to activate your fe3 ability so every single fe3 ability just activate your ability like this okay there you go and now we should be yo yo yo this not yo I'm still taking damage this m is definitely true okay this one is false all for the next m apparently we can find the rip inra in Blox rots no not the boss battle in the first SE no we can actually find the NPC rip inra for this we actually have to go to the graveyard over here and in the graveyard we can actually find rip inra right over in this island wait a minute where was this again hold on rip Andra should be somewhere rip Andra I know I'm looking for you where is this guy this guy's hiding rip Andra I know you're here I know wait wait I see you I see you rip inra right here and as you guys can see we have rip in and if you try to talk to him he says I'm busy confirmed we can find rip Indra in the second SE all right for the next myth all right we actually have to go back to dog Tre over here because oh no not Dr three no we to go to dog four over here there you go and now we're in the Hot and Cold Island cuz supposedly there's actually a hidden Diamond chest all the way up on this building which I don't believe uh but yeah let's go check it as going to get up here there you go should be pretty easy and yo no way so there is actually a blue diamond chest and it gave me 6,300 which isn't even bad okay since we're already here there's another my going around that there is actually a hidden room in that building over there now we have to actually put that to the test let's go and check it out right here let's go over here now I don't see a hidden room okay is this a hidden room or something that like over here oh yo yo wait there's a door over here yo what is over here oh wait wait who's this guy wait here to make me bargain I see make yourself wait what is this want to buy a microchip for 1,000 fragments oh never mind bro 1,000 that's expensive I'm getting out of here that myth is true there's actually a hidden room over here all right for the next myth you can roll on mythical fruit every single time you you raw in the blocks will cat over your Z you can get up mytical fruit every single time to do this you need to go in your inventory and grab the fruit you want to roll so I want to roll do fruit right now let me unstore that okay you need to Uno it you need to get in your hand you need to show it to the block cat like that okay just show it in his face and then you got to store it again once you store It and Roll fruit you actually get the fruits so let's go and see if this is true and we got a spike fruit so that is that is not true I wish it was true though all right for the next myth apparently over here there's a room with a lot of chests in them right a lot of golden chest let's see where's the room is somewhere over here I think it's this one over here let's see uh oh yeah there you go and there's three golden chests over here let's see how much that will give me 2,000 2,000 3,000 that's like 10,000 not bad for one room and this myth is true all right for the next M we can use the Awakening tool from go to Blind NPCs I know if this is true I've never tried it before let's let going to try it if you guys don't know go V4 is actually use for players so you can only blind players I don't know if it works on FPC I'm going to try it out cuz if you can blind bosses that would be super over power but first I need to get this bar all the way to my axe all right there you go we're done we're done let's awaken 3 to one oh no no almost almost come on come on let's hit and awaken let's go and now we're go V4 and now apparently this black circle around me can blind enemies and let's see if it works so apparently if we hit an enmy right here and he shouldn't see me what yo he shouldn't see me a this is not true he should not attack me bro he should not be able to see me and attack me man oh my God this doesn't work all right so this vform mid is not true because these enemies can see me look look they can see yeah they can just attack me bro imagine if this was real I could be literally just beating anyone up like any boss bro that would be so crazy all right so for this next myth we need to go to Hydra Island because supposedly Hydra Island we got a new secret room right so we got to go right over here to the waterfall and once we go down over here you guys know the secret room right over here should be a secret room right over here everybody knows this room we don't actually go here you actually go over here you want to go over to this Edge right over here and then you want to climb climb climb climb climb and then oh my God wait wait oh my what is this wait a minute this is actually true wa where are we what the heck what is this place yo wait is that a tree is that a boss spawn hold on I might know what that is beautiful pirate domain wait a minute this is where the boss is wait can we glitch in somehow come on come on I know you can y i see the inside come on come on come on come on flash step come on oh my God yo yo no way I actually got in the boss Spa without even going through the normal door which is right over here which if you guys don't know this is on the center of Turtle Island that was crazy now for the Smith this Smith enols Mirage Island so if you guys want to find Mirage Island fast this is a trick for you and what you have to do is grab a boat and with that boat you want to go right over here next to the St Island and next to the like sea of treats oh my God already a sea vent no way L really could have been Mirage Island oh my God Dodge his cannons yo yo don't attack me all right so once you kind of the middle of the sea of treats and a floating Turtle you want to go right over here you want to stand on the front of your ship look forward and use your feet to reability right now okay there you go I used it and then after 5 minutes supposedly Mirage Island will spawn of course you got to go back in the see and now wait yo it's me Rush Island wait no way this works oh it's right over there I guess this mid worked what the heck all right so for the next mid apparently there's one fighting style that has no knockback which means you're going to be able to AFK Farm enemies without getting yourself out of the place and apparently it's going to be this one over here they drug the shark man okay yes I want to do it yes I want to oh you already know it oh I already know this one now apparently if we go to some NPCs over here and switch to like Buddha or something should stay in one place while hitting enemies let's see if this is true and this is true I'm literally in one place oh my God wait I'm I'm still hitting and I'm still in one place this is insanely good for AFK farming now let's try with a different fighting style okay I got dragon breath equipped and now apparently if we go ahead and oh my God wait it moves me out of my position so indeed that myth is true that is so good for AFK farming though all right for the next myth apparently 3 reduces 40% time of abilities so it's going to do that let's use warp and wa we can already use it even though it wasn't fully reloaded oh my my God so this m is also true so we can literally teleport anywhere and then teleport 40% early oh great a fruit spawn I'm pretty sure it's at Port toown no it's not where is this fruit is it a Hydra it has to okay so we're going to use the trick and it's not reloaded and we can literally teleport anywhere 400 m it should be at Hydra no where is this thing wait 40 m it should be literally right above here come on what is it what is it and it's a revive fruits I don't even want this so you go back in the sea bye-bye all right for the next myth we going to go over to high Hydra town because in Hydra town there is a saucy house yeah a house that is literally non-existent let's see can I walk into this one no let me get that chest is it this one maybe can I yo what yo this this house is fake I can just literally walk through it like what yo what this is the first ever house that we can walk in and there's literally nothing inside like at least put something inside like what even is this wait does that mean that we can walk into any house or wait no that doesn't work wait maybe in this this one right here uh that doesn't work as well is there anything inside H what is this can we go in ah we can't maybe in this one then uh I know which one it is is this one wait this one as well what wait a minute so there's two houses that are really Susy okay I did not know that comment down below if you knew that all right so for the next M all right so apparently whenever you're using portal you cannot change your fruits like if you do ability like dimensional Rift and we're in the rift now I should not be able to change my fruits now let's going to try it out okay let's go open let's change to Buddha real quick um oh wait I can't I literally got teleported out so this smid is true I did not know that apparently for this next smid if you go over in this house as you guys know the death skin this guy rolles a Holo Essence if you're really lucky now first what you need to do is kill this exact skeleton and then you will get a hollow Essence every single time so let's going to go kill him right now all right come here skeleton you make no chance die and now we supposedly get our Holo Essence every single time so oh come on you have to give it me okay money that is not a hallo Essence let's see come on this time maybe yo what bro bro bro what there is actually no way second try we got a Holo Essence uh so this m is truey what if I can get another one no way imagine two Hollow Essences in my inventory come on I've never had this happen to me some fragments come on and no we didn't get it oh maybe because this guy responded hey screw you bro why did you respawn you messed up my luck ah at least we got a hollow Essence now the next myth is that you do not have to grab your Holo Essence to actually summon the boss well let's go and try it now I don't have it in my hands let's see come on I don't have it I don't have it in my hands and it's not summoning for oh it did summon I didn't grab it so this myth is true I guess I'll have to beat him anyway but that's for our next myth because as you guys know the graveyard which I just was at you can pare at the graveyard now there is a MTH if you defeat the soul Reaper you actually got to go prey at the graveyard and you'll get a hollow Essence and and a god chalice which is one of the rarest things you can get from preing at the graveyard well let's go and test this m out so hey come here Soul Reaper you're about to die come here buddy you stand no chance all right there he should be almost dead come on die BR he literally has one HP oh there you go now you have to go back and go pray all right come on I awakened especially for this come on please pleas yo yo no way we got a God's chalice and Hollow side there is no actual way yo we got a inside lock the devil's luck I guess this myth is true like And subscribe if you want to be this lucky all right I making my way onto the cafe and I'm here now you guys know there's a bunch of fruits in blog shoots and I have mastered every single one of them and some fruits behold very secretive glitches but in today's video we're going to be going over and equipping the one and only Spirit fruit and you might think Spirit fruit what gamebreaking glitch does this fruit have well let me explain as most of you guys know this fruit is a different fruit from Manny this is not your usual fruit okay okay you have a demon side and you have an angel side and you also have Spirits as you can see you have blue Spirits which are the good spirits and you have red Spirits which are the evil spirits that do damage and log the enemy in place but we want to focus up today on the blue Spirits because these will literally break the game now there's no problem with all of the abilities from this fruit everything is just pretty normal but the spirits pretty much break the game all right guys basically what you got to do to do this glitch now once again I'm telling you okay do not use this on public servers you might actually get banned as you can see the spirit just C out at nine okay that's the maximum Spirits you can have now there is a way to bypass this now basically what you do is you spam Spirits there you go you spam them on the blue s side and as you can see you get these Piggies and that's what you want okay these Piggies will give you a speed boost all right we got seven spirits again we should spam a bit more there you go and we should spam a bit more there you go there you go there you go spam them up and there you go we got a bunch of piggies now once you have all the blue Spirit spawned in you change to any other fruit like Dragon whatever and you change back to Spirit and now you you will still have the effects of the spirit fruit like look I'm I'm running way faster I don't even have pilot helmet on I'm already running way faster we're literally going to be breaking the speed barrier in this video and now you just got to wait till your spirits respawn or reload and then just click spam spam spam spam spam spam them all in there you go okay we get three piggies that's not bad but we want to have way more than that all right let's start spamming spamming spamming there you go let's see oh there's a lot of piggies what the heck I don't think I've ever gotten that much like what is that now we switch here we go switch another fruit and switch back and then look at my speed now look at my speed bro bro it's already getting too fast but that's not all because we're going to be trying to break the game and try to get banned okay do not try this okay I don't know why I'm trying this this is risky okay let's spawn some more in there you go one two three two Piggies and now change through like that change back and now let's see bro look at that speed you know what let's equip pilot helmet to actually show you how fast I am yeah look at this um I'm not dashing by the way I am not that what the heck what if I Dash bro what's I'm light speed I've never been so fast in my life like what this is insane There's an actual way to break the game while doing this so I'm going to try it all right we have more Spirits let's spam him spam him spam him there we go spam him okay three biggies that's pretty good okay let's spam more come on spam all of them boom switch fruits switch fruits fast back again oh no I'm too fast I'm getting way oh this is bad just look how fast I bro what now as I said do not try this okay you might actually get banned but this is a private server and I'm not harming anyone with this okay I'm doing this for educational purposes because obviously this is a bug like bro do I do it again do I actually do okay you know what I'm spawning more in I'm spawning more in screw you I'm spawning more uh we got zero Piggies um that's uh that's unlucky give me Piggies so I can go even faster come on bro I don't want these Stars I'm pretty sure these Stars only heal me so these are useless all right another nine Spirits hopefully I don't regret this okay blockroots if you see this please don't B me okay please don't B me okay let's spawn in there you go oh my God this is so fat oh okay we're breaking the game I'm what let's see oh yes we're getting teleported back what is this oh um okay I should probably stop I'm probably about to get banned okay you know what screw it I'm going to try it out literally faster than a sound barrier what we're literally getting teleported back the anti-che is triggering like bro yeah this is bad now what if I activate my goal ability because then I go even faster you know what I'm trying it screw it if I get banned so be it let's see I'm activating it oh my God oh my God yo what I can travel with a speed of light now imagine you use this in a PVP or something yeah it is not fair okay so do not use this it's literally a game-breaking glitch now what if I equip the leopard fruit and go in transformation if you don't know leopard even makes you faster uh not like that what is oh this is not fast oh there you go oh I was already scared all right so I'm pretty sure the after image assult move the C move makes me even faster so let's do that now let's start dashing oh my God bro and now my ability go ability trigger um I don't even have mink on by the way no this is insane okay yeah I'm about to get banned I feel like I should stop doing this okay okay but there's one more thing that I need to try out Buddha transform you guys are about to see something mad something crazy something you've never seen before right we're in Buddha form we're super slow and if we start running we're kind of fast okay if we're a Buddha this is fast now let's start dashing oh my God bro have you ever seen a Buddha like oh my I can't even go on water who needs fast boats if you can do this like I'm fast f as boy no for real SK Island easy job I'm already here I don't even need portal fruit like what yeah this is mad and wait what if I start jumping you guys know how you can build momentum while you're jumping in the air you can usually do this with M V3 but I'm going to try with the glitch let's see so I start jumping like that it's not that great right I mean I'm going really fast but my jumps are already out yeah it's not the greatest thing well that's no problem CU we can transform in Buddha and is there a problem I don't think so this is the most gamebreaking thing I've ever seen in blog shoots and what if I told you this was not everything we have a few more things for this one I'm equipping my true triple Katana and Buddha now we transform into Buddha and we dform just like that so we have the Buddha glitch going on and we're fast um yeah yo come here buddy you think you're going to have a chance yeah um yeah I'm not doing that much damage but still come here buddy dud this is just not fair okay I mean I'm super fast uh yeah why is this in the game block shoots I don't even know but this literally breaks the game okay if this is not game breaking then what is and you're dead now hypothetically what if you use this in a PVP server or just a public server you just run around slashing people up don't don't do this okay don't do this I'm not encouraging you to do this okay just think about it for a second you know you're you saying bold and you're just slashing everybody up sounds fun I'm not going to lie what if I told you there's another pretty crazy glitch that I need to show you that makes you invincible to Lava you might think wait what if you if you go on lava you just you just lose all your health in instantly well I got a solution for that while I'm equipping this fruit guys go ahead and like the video okay and subscribe cuz we're almost at 700k and we're road to 1 mil okay so you better subscribe now all we got to do is transform into leopard and you know just um just stand on the lava and boom I'm Invincible yeah who would have thought leopard Invincible for lava like what that doesn't even make sense why well don't ask me okay I'm just here to try it out now this is pretty gamebreaking imagine you fight on lava with leopard yeah is pretty much the best way to run away from somebody somebody's trying to bounty hunt you you just go in lava like huh try me now huh oh and look at that a fruit has spawn in the game now usually it takes you a bit to get there but with the speed glitch let's see how long will it take I'm pretty sure it's I know this spawn location it's right there boom we're already here like nobody's going to be faster than me and it's a spin fruit though okay I hate spin fruits cuz they're just so D okay in the ocean you go now there's one more thing if you go ahead and spawn a boat in Block shots and equip the almighty love fruit and wait for your best of friend ability to reload use the best of friend ability who the heck is this guy I'm not even going to question okay once you spawn in your Flamingo as you can see my best friend is on it and then once you try taking place in the boat and if you do this right you can glitch the boat like this what the wait a minute the factory is breaching let me get this free Fruit use some magma boties like that gosh I can't see anything and die come on uh a smoke fruit are you kidding me what I don't need a smoke fruit now have you ever wanted to go high in the sky okay to the Galaxy of block shoots well you can let me show you now I tried doing it this way so you do this and you jump uh okay that wasn't it and you jump uh yeah that's not it the first thing you got to do is equip control fruit and once you get control FR activated get a boat control the boat make sure the boat is elevating then take a spot on the boat okay there you go we got a spot aim in the sky and let go and now yeah buy block shoots I'm never coming back oh no I'm wait this is actually going far wait um wait I didn't mean to do this uh wait I can't even see the block wait where is this I can see a in the sky we are I guess I can't even see the land anymore here we are in the sky what if I uh my boat disappeared and now we're just falling down come on can I land on a bridge please can I land on the bridge can I land on the bridge I can wait can I come on come on oh wait there's antich holding me back what okay this this is insane and so there's many more blog shots glitches every single day I try to become better in blog fruits now whatever I'm doing I'm rolling fruits I'm finding fruits I'm still feel like I'm progressing slowly so in today's video I'm going to be going over Tik Tok glitches and secrets in blog sus that you probably didn't know and see if they can give me a huge Advantage within the game also if this video hits 3,000 likes I'm going to give out three permanent dream fruits to three lucky subscribers but the likes have to be achieved within 24 hours so hit that like like button and let's get into the video enjoy I want to expose these glitches and see if they're if they're actually true okay because I saw some insane glitches like bro bro some glitches they actually showed like how to get infinite glitch like infinite XP glitch stuff like that like money glitches bro I have to try these out like not even that I saw like videos that even can duplicate your fruits okay like even perm fruits or something like they they kind of like get a way to duplicate or something yeah seems like nonsense but yeah these videos were like actually real like they put it together so let's go and check it out and let's see if we can expose some of these okay so apparently we get the saddest BG fruit glitch Of All Times okay okay we see this person holding a dragon fruit and apparently he just got it like in the first C and he can't store it okay look at this storage fell what BR I would be so mad if my storage fell no way and look apparently if he eats the fruit look at this look at this look at this he eats the fruit he eats look at this he has s right now he eats the fruit and he doesn't even get it like bro this has to be the saddest moments for him like what is that that would be so bad now I don't know how I'm going to test this though because I'm not going to find out dragon fruit or like any leopard or bro it's going to be literally impossible to find one but we're going to go and check if we can actually roll for one it's like how else am we going to get one okay so like I guess I can like uh de like un store one right here like I can get one right here but like I I think I can just store it right like uh yeah there he goes first stting so how how about like if I just go over here and then go to bla and let's see okay we got to go Z okay there you go we got to like R for fruit and if we get a good one then apparently we can we can store it so let's go and check it out okay random fruit up there you go buy and okay oh bro what is this okay let's see um it's a bomb flu so store okay and storage F what oh no way wait storage fou wait this is actually real what the heck okay so apparently if we eat it then it's not going to redeem okay so let's eat it okay and now it should not redeem okay we have love right now and let's see and wait it did activate what wait what no way it activated bro what I get this doodoo bomb F I never got bomb what is this oh oh wao wait what I guess I got bomb now bro let's try one more time wait wait oh it's like a it's like a range it's pretty cool actually was the saddest glitch though like I can't even store the fruits okay so for the next one as you can see bro duplication glitch over here bro what is this guy even talking about what was the thumbnail dark blade like what we got to check this out okay so we got we got a duplication glitch over here let's see okay so I don't believe this for a minute but okay let's go and check out okay so we got D okay you got du Katana you got all these like Soul guitar okay this guy seems pretty good actually okay so he goes to wait col wait colum or whatever that's called okay we goes to this location over here on for SE so where where is for okay so we're going over here he goes over to the chest or something he he goes grabs the chest okay you need to grab the chest okay and then and then he goes over here and what he literally does he he goes to this corner over here he he keeps dashing in this corner wait what is he doing wait what oh look at his energy he's just regening and oh and he's doing this for like a good solid minutes okay so like a minute or two okay he's solid Dash over here and apparently if he goes to his inventory back and then what's going on bro like what what what is happening yo he got a free portal fruit what wait what look at that he got a portal fruit what bro there's no way this is real there's no way like he didn't even do anything with a portal fruit how did he like get it in his inventory he must have like unequipped her or something like there there's no way that works we already know we have to bust this m so I mean I guess we'll have to try okay let's see where's Kim actually okay okay Kim is that way so we're going to go over to Kim first and bro if this actually gives me a fru fruit I I'll just give it away okay so we literally over here and then he went over in the air over I think I I I don't know if I'm doing this right okay so he's going over here and then he went pretty much straight here he went to this chest he grabs this chest over here and then he grabs uh he goes over here he goes over here and then he goes to this corner and then he just keeps dashing in just literally for a minute straight he keeps dashing keeps dashing I don't know how long he's going to dash I'm pretty sure this is the right corner yeah is going to be the right corner over here he just keeps dashing for a solid minute so let's go and keep get dashing for a minute and let's see what happens okay yeah I've been dashing for this Cor for a Sol Mane okay it's it's nothing happens okay and now I guess in our inventory just go right here and I should get a fruit or something I bro this is definitely busted bro this is there's no fruit in my inventory that's new okay guys don't try this this lit waste your time okay I tried it for you guys but bro do not try this this does not work okay this guy literally says glitch with go human do not use Nex to ad me okay this has to be something good okay let's see okay this guy has a g okay so he's about to do a glitch so apparently if he like goes to the chair right here yeah goes to his chair then he apparently just jumps and bro okay he just get stuck or something and then like with the ability right okay so he get stuck and then wait what he just keeps flying what the wait what this that like fly glitch or something what the heck he just keep staying in there dude that's sick I got to try this okay so I just got this brand new account okay don't ask me what this account is okay I know it's like a some monkey account or something I don't bro I don't even know what this account is don't even ask me okay don't even ask me okay so we got to apparently go to a chair bro I don't I don't even know where a chair is okay appar somewhere here should be the cafe okay there you go there I didn't forget it okay after 30 days not playing I still know it okay I still know the roots okay let's go over here okay we got a CH okay we get super human Okay so apparently it's it's just the same ability okay so Z is pretty much the same ability right uh as God so let's go go over here and we should like do this chair okay I guess we got to like wait a bit okay there we go okay so we should jump and then use the Ability right so we go send chair right here okay there we go and then jump and then use the build uh okay I guess I did wrong wait uh okay let's try again so we jump we jump over here we do that and okay that that did not work again that I'm pretty sure we have to like lock in back in the chair so I guess we got to like uh do that all right let's let's do that let's jump again hold on uh maybe once again there we go bro bro this does not work how is this possible what what am I doing wrong let's let's try one more time okay let's jump okay we should just like lock in the chair or something oh wait they work wait no it didn't what let's try again but let's let's just do that ability in the CH okay let's do that and oh oh wait wait did wait what it did work for a second why did it like glitch out so jump and then ability in the CH oh wait it's okay I think it's it got patched I it sure it's got patched I think it's got patched because like look I it does it for like a second oh oh wait maybe it's possible only with gum but superum is pretty much the same ability so we jump we do this and then we do it in the chair and yeah look at that it goes back in the chair I'm pretty sure it got patch like in the chair we can't use the Ability look at we need to jump and then yeah it doesn't work so this Tik to glitch is definitely fake okay don't don't use don't try to use it because it's bro it's just literally not working I also found this one right here which gives you apparently infinite look at this 645 million XP and look at this guy okay so he say that someone in chat actually got it right here I think glitch okay there we go they told him and then they told him to go to Hydra Island to talk to Amazon area 2 Quest Giver hey once you did that you got to choose for giant Islander okay giant Island there go below female Island okay a giant Islander and then what was 645 million XP reward we literally the simplest Quest ever okay what oh yo noise is real hold on hold on where where's my boat yo we got to slay on here okay hold on hold on let's go to High wait okay this way this way okay so Amazon where even is the Amazon dealer I don't even know boys if this actually works I might hit max level very soon okay I'm level 2430 here and bro if this actually hits I'm max level this has to work though imagine this actually works that would be insane we go over here we got NPC that's not that's another one okay I'm pretty sure we got to go inside okay we're in Hydro Island but where's the MPC okay I see I see some MP is over here but I don't see a I don't see a quest Giver hold on where is the quest Giver I'm pretty wait is that a quest giver no hold on where's the quest Giver okay there's a quest Giver over here because there like an exclamation park over here and then oh there there it is okay so there's the quest Giver okay we go over here and we click interact and then we choose giant it okay there we go this is what we have to choose and pry is glitched out and it's 64 wait it's 64 wait it's fakes no bro I'm too late no way I'm too late what is this bro always too late for these glitches man what like what is this giant okay like look at this 64 million it says 6 like what is this 600 says 600 million and it's 64 M like look at this it's it's glitched over here and it's not glitched on me like what even if I confirmed the quest 64 million no bro this glitch is also busted like it's not real it's I mean it's already patched like you didn't see on the video it's real but oh my god let's see what juicy Secrets oh what the why am I walking like this bro what the heck no way what is this I have never seen this before what the heck y anyway let's get started all right so this video right here shows us a secret room in Marine Fortress all right so I'm pretty curious where he's going okay so he's going all the way to the back of the island wait what is this guy even doing okay so he says there's a secret room somewhere here I oh what is that is that is that a door and he flash steps oh what is this all right so there's a secret room and now he's breaking doors with his robber ability and okay and at the end there's a secret thing thing Miss I did actually not notice wait where is this Marine Fortress hold on let me transform real quick so we can get faster or you know what I'll bow this always faster yo what is happening I'm on my boat right now and what is my hey yo what is my leopard doing yo what the hey chill chill bro what the I don't think I'm supposed to walk on my boat like what what am I even doing I guess it's faster or something I is it faster hold on I don't care because we're on Marine Fortress and here somewhere has to be a secret room I'm I'm pretty sure he went to the back right here right he went to the back right over here and somewhere here should be a secret room I don't see it wait where's the secret room was it oh I see it no way wait we can get in here okay so I don't think I can break the door with abilities yeah it doesn't look like it so I guess we'll have to just flash step in and oh my god oh what is this why is there a heart there and this is like some sort of maze okay so can I like break the door I'm pretty sure he went right here right yeah he went right and then let's see he went right over here and then he went wait which way did he we go uh I'm guessing this way right here and oh yeah we got it we found it this secret envelope which has been lying here for years let's go and talk to it and it says a four master who is a master and what is this even for why is this a random envelope hidden in the Marine Fortress um ah yes I found it and apparently this is for completing the son Quest and this is needed to make your dark Blade Dark blade V2 after everything is done the player will have to go back to robot Mega and upgrade their dark blade to V two variant oh so that's why all these love letters are scattered around the map one in Skylands one in Frozen Village and one in Marine Fortress interesting but how do I get out now hold on how do wait how did I get in oh no I'm stuck oh no bro yo get me out of here man what the can I get out please please huh yo get me out y i oh I just killed a boss wait what how did I wait how did I kill a boss here just get me out of here man please BR I'm stuck here forever there's no way oh my God I found it finally and now we do a little bit of this and we're out yo come on what is up with block SCS today what is going on with my leopard man okay I don't know what's going on with BL sus but uh this is not normal this literally looks like I'm playing BL suits in Ohio and that's not a good sign okay so apparently this guy has a secret in the first SE so okay he's at the prison right now and he's at the wall okay so I'm guessing what is he doing okay he went up on the wall and now he's just walking on the wall am I getting trolled here don't told me I'm getting trolled okay is walking and there is a NPC right here remove blockx fruit Hey kid do you want to remove your blockx fruit powers for only 50,000 wait what wait there's something like that in the first scene no way I got to check this out I have sailed the whole C for this prison H literally I've came across the whole map all right so apparently somewhere around here is a secret NPC which can remove your blocks rud okay so I'm pretty sure he was walking on this wall right here and he was just going over here oh I think I see it yes remove blo rot and we got this guy with this anonymous mask ooh are you going to hack me buddy oh no he will remove my block rot for 50,000 only no scam I promise well I do have a leopard right now so no hell no you really thought not today maybe if this video hits like 1,000 likes maybe so this next Tik Tok shows something secret and AR in the second C so he goes up and then he sees a cube this mysterious cube right in air like what is that is it a Minecraft sky base or something yo this literally looks like a obsidian Minecraft sky base not even going to lie there might be a chance that this island is still here what even is that what the like a black cube right here in middle in the air and he actually goes inside what wait this looks like some sort of Dimension or something we need light fruit though so let's go and now we should be able to like fly somewhere up here I'm pretty sure he went that way okay so he had that and then he just went straight up I think and apparently there's a secret Cube that we can encounter in the middle of the air I'm not seeing anything so far and I think I'm going to good direction yo I can barely see this spawn Island right here in C2 no way bro I I don't see anything though am I supposed to go up or is this thing fake um okay I'm still flying and it it's been like a good minute like I see I think the ship right here but bro there's nothing here the night doesn't make it easier but I don't think I see anything so yes indeed this Tik Tok was fake so do not waste your time on this okay for the next Tik Tok we got someone that can awaken leopard fruit and he's actually not joking he has a leopard and he whoa what what did he do is he's beloy map what is he doing wait how did he do that oh what is that room there's like a secret room behind the like below the map and he tries to glitch in and wait no is that wait that's the Ascension room this is where you awaken your fruits and no he's not going to do it right you can awaken his leopard fruits hold on no way and that kind of comes in handy because I have the the leopard I don't mind an awakened leopard give me that okay okay but first we have to go back oh what the what was that okay this literally was Block Street in Ohio so time to leave this place second C we go teleport F server is full H you're kidding right take me to the second sea you useless oh there you go thank you okay so now apparently we can awaken my leopard fruit right here in the second sea and he did start at a cafe so let's go to the cafe o and also let me get that through real quick come on please please please come on barrier okay so where did he go in the video okay so he was at Cafe and then he goes next to wait he goes to the split in a ground and he just what does he do he he flash steps in what wait what in the world wait there's a there's a thing right here where is it right here oh yeah I see the water wait what if I can just flash that yo wait it's real what the heck this guy knows everything okay and apparently we need to go to that room right there and I got to avoid drowning so he yo don't drown Don't Drown okay what did he do here hold on hold on hold on where can I okay hold on can I glitch in from here wait what did he do here he went right over here he went below this thing and he went like don't die please oh okay so he went right like this and then he I guess he like fles St in I don't know how he did that though okay there you go come on no come on come on come on come on please please please please oh yo I see it I can't glitch in no it's not letting me in no I'm dying I'm dying I'm no no no no bro you got to be choking all right here we go one last try come on come on come on come on we can do it we can do okay so we got to swim we got to swim come on come on glitching glitching okay there you go and now how did he do that did he glitch like did he zoom in or something what did he do I can barely see it oh why bro bro uh I'm about to give up but no I didn't start making this video to give up I'm going to try one more time this time I'm actually going to do it watch this okay come on come on I have to do this okay come come on come on come on this is easy come on come on come on I have to do this okay come on come on come on on you can do this you can do this you can do this come on what what is happening all right come on we need to go here and then swim jump jump jump jump okay glitch and now we just got to look in the room like why is it so hard bro okay I'm I'm L what is this I actually did it oh my God bro it took me like five tries at least and my leopard is again in this glitch thing bro leopard in Ohio I guess okay now it's finally time talk to me talk to me let's go we can finally greetings mortal what do you seek Ascension take me back okay ascension come on come on let's go Ascension yeah wait what you can not talk to this NPC wait huh so I did all this for nothing wait you're telling me I did all this for nothing wait no way bro no way bro all right blo with gotcha what do you got for me today okay we're going to spin once okay no glitch no myth no nothing all right let's go press all right press random fruit and let's see what we will get all right so we're just going to buy it and we got a spring fruit I mean expected I guess right and this happens every single hour with this guy and I just can't figure out how I can increase my luck once again all right so this video right here says that there is actually a secret code to get mytical I mean all right let's see what you got to offer right so he's standing in front of the blocks wait what why does he have a gun okay I guess I guess he's just about to shoot him I guess brother I can't even see what you're typing in like the thing is that okay there you go slash hold the hostage he's taking the blocks through catch a hostage like what okay and then he's rolling a fruit and no no way he got a leopard from that there is no way that has to be fake there is actually no way now the problem is I just rolled out fruit so I can't really try this one on this account so I have to switch real quick okay I am on my friend's account right now and we're going to see if this actually works okay so we have to go over here first I need a gun okay I hope the cannon also works I guess it's the same kind of thing I don't have the other gun right now so I guess we'll just use the cannon for now we're going to go over here we got to go and type in slash hold hostage like this okay we're going to go type that like that okay type it in and then just press all right okay roll of fruit come on it this has to work come on come on and we got a diamond fruit okay that's that's definitely not a leopard fruit that is that is most definitely not a leopard fruit hey you know what let me drop it behind the walls so people have to struggle getting this look I can't even get it now good luck whoever is getting that one but we definitely didn't get a leopard fruit yo what do this guy do why is this guy has a sword like a what the why is this sword so so big oh my god I've never seen something like this what the heck and what even is this sword like how's this one called I don't even know what the heck okay so I found this next video here 99% Works do not tell the devs free Legendary mythical fruits okay show me I mean I I want to see it okay just hit the dealer with every move you have okay so I guess he has soul fruit right now but it doesn't really matter which fruit you have if you can hit it on every single move I guess he proceeds to beat the gacha with every single move he has and then rolls a fruit got Shadow fruit okay that's a mythical I guess wow oh my God wait okay let's go and try it I guess uh here I am on my long lost account with um 100 levels and Ice fruit I guess oh why is my Graphics turned down oh I forgot I can walk on water with ice oh my God ice is such a good fruit oh but I don't have enough energy so I can Dash and walk at the same time otherwise I'll be in my grave already wait a minute do we even have enough for the fruit roll because it's definitely more than that right no I hope we wait was that a someone with awakened do in first SE wait what are you guys doing man just a bunch of throlls okay let's see come on please do I have an first going to check you have turn oh no we have 4,000 short oh my God okay let's see how much does the quest give the quest give 2,000 only oh my God I guess I'll be right back no way the boss isn't even here I can't even fight the boss no way I have to fight these stupid monkey oh never mind the boss found come here boss okay now I should definitely have enough 41,800 so now we're going to roll through it okay so we need to hit it with every single abilities okay I um oh wait a minute there's one problem I don't have the last one unlocked no way but for this I have to go all the way back to Fountain City to master my ice route and now since this account is only level 100 I had to use this special method to actually farm this NPCs now if I remember correctly I need to fight them once and then I need to just go behind this and oh yeah look at that oh my God I'm almost dead okay I forgot okay come on okay a few more and let's see oh how much okay wait I only got two oh no this is going to take longer than I expected and another two levels I guess another three they're finally getting closer oh let's go oh my that took me so long I finally unlocked it okay so we all did it for this o okay I mean pretty cool I can finally test the mythical fruit method wait is this a flower ship oh yoink I'm probably going to get haunted down yeah there he is already all right so he said hit the dealer with every move you have all right so we basically got to go over here and we pretty much got to grab our ice fruit do that do this do that and do that okay so I just hit every single move and I'm pretty sure if I talk to him right now hey come on please please oh my God what is this this is a chop fruit not a leopard fruit let's drop it for this guy I mean oh my God that is definitely not working I was confused by nothing is working until my friend told me this told me that all the videos on Tik Tok are most most likely fake and that I should check out YouTube shorts I went to do some research and I found this video right here how to roll a mythical fruit every time in a bloxs route let's go and watch it let's see what this guy do a shark V4 so this has to be promising right okay so let's see so he goes to the BL BL gcha and then enable Aura at the same time that you purchase a fruit so he enables his hockey and at the same time I guess and he got no way he got a leopard FR from doing that oh he's freaking out look at that he freaking no way like there is actually like he has to drop it now right like I mean at least oh he drops it wait what how is this real wait I don't understand bonus clip okay so he gives us a b bonus clip let's see does does he do it again I'm using the same trick okay he's using the same trick no way and he even dropped the fruit which means that it actually was a fruit that he just got so let's go go over here and let's use this exact method okay okay so basically all we have to do is I guess this hockey ride you enable with with J on keyboard mouse so we could talk we press all right we press random fruits and whenever we press by we press J at the same time so let's go and countdown three two 1 boom all right I just bought it and I just did it at the same time and I got a spin fruit so if you're wondering no this this isn't this doesn't work okay you you can't and able hockey and raw at the same time for a leopard fruit okay no it that that doesn't work like that but this next method might actually work see how to always spin a good fruit okay we're going to check it out okay how to always do it okay get a chest then to talk to the dealer okay so we got to talk to the dealer first and then jump three times okay buddy jump three times and then spin okay and he gets a dragon I mean he doesn't even show that he got the dragon though well I'm here to test it so let's see okay chest okay here's a chest that I guess right let's get the chest okay now we got to talk to the block through dealer over here all right that's right here let's talk to him there we go just scroll through I think that should be enough right yeah that should be enough now we got to go over here and jump three times okay one two and three okay there you go that should be enough and now we just talk to the block he said please fruit let's just sa please fruit in the chat there you go random and bye come on and bro they are all lying bro they are all liars Liars Li man so far none of them work you know what I'm still going to give out the leopard fruit or the do food whatever you guys want to like subscribe it's actually if you go over here behind Skylands you can actually go and see some rocks and behind this supposedly there should be an NPC but oh my oh wait he is actually here the mad scientist I actually didn't know about this what the heck wait what does it do wait it's a oh parts of electric oh I'm pretty sure that's a oh yeah it's the fighting sty thing it's the fighting sty so you can actually learn the electric oh wow and look at that we got an electric fighting sty right over here oh my God so this myth is true myth number two is that there's apparently a secret code that gives free items right here I don't see any codes I'm pretty sure it's in a building or something it's right here oh okay um so it's right here okay fod wait does it say fod or okay fod 10 so apparently if we go over here and type in fod 10 right here and then just try it out already redeemed bro what wait oh my God what's going on with my items it's all like blacked out what the heck happened I have some secret items I guess the my is true now for myth number three there's supposedly a hidden money Farm over here at the Skylands if you go over to the third layer you can actually see a temple right over here and there is a secret and to actually enter the temple so I'm pretty sure we didn't break this okay so can I break okay we broke it let's go and apparently there's a lot of oh my wait it's actually true what the heck what are these chests doing here wait I'm going to get rich this m confirmed oh my God look at the money coming in oh my God from M number four you going apparently go to a hom set NPC talk to NPC and don't press accept make sure you press on home first and then go to your original home now once you go to your original home as you guys can see I can still accept it so what if I accept it now can I actually set my spawn point at the heaven Island okay let's see and I mean okay well it didn't work Pirates SL no bust for M number five you can actually go over here and you can actually go ahead and rock good fruit if you're subscribed so if you're subscribed and like the video right now you can actually R good fruit okay let's go B fruit and um well okay I I guess I can't really subscribe to myself okay so I'm in the second C and apparently for Mid number six if you go over to that Grass Island over here the plants Island there's actually a secret NPC that's all the way above there well there's only one way to figure out okay I don't see any NPCs right now now okay so I don't know if there is any above here apparently at the very very top there's actually a secret MPC which I mean I'm about to figure out okay let's go let's go and walk the last way okay I don't see anything though like oh wait what wait is that is that an NPC wait a minute that's someone wait hold on what is that mysterious man wait who are you oh my God wait what is this hey go away um I guess I guess this myth is true okay so for number seven can apparently go to the secret Island of rip inra if you would take a boat okay let's go and take a boat and for go we will need that one cuz we need to go a far away we usually need to get a quest for this but you can actually go there without having the quest okay apparently if you at a hot and C Island you you just got to go over like at this direction over here just keep going like this and then you should apparently keep going and then we can actually find rip Andra Island a few minutes later wait wait a minute I think I see something right there yeah it's an island wait wait is Indra going to be here oh my God oh my God we're here oh my God wait that's Indra no way oh my God this actually works wait can we fight inra even uh let's see can can we just fight him oh Lally fight him what the heck inra okay let's fight inra guys oh my my God it's been a while since you fight like this is literally the battle to to get to third sea but you can actually go and fight them right now oh my God okay inra is strong okay oh no no no no I inra hello oh my God you fighting inra right here look at this with is dark blade look at him look at him what happens if we beat inra oh my God wait wait oh stop in what the your best of friend him get him get him get oh my God oh my God my friend is going to get him no no no no no wait wait wait and oh my wait it's end no we we can't even beat him what no he reset no I guess the myth is true oh but wait a minute there's fruit at spawned it should be somewhere around here I see it oh and it's a lot of fruit oh my God I don't even think I can store it can I um oh I can let's go okay so apparently if you go to Hydra Island I guess going to go over here Lally over here and you can actually go over and find a secret cave I'm pretty sure if this is real okay let's see if we go over down and you can pretty much go in the waterfall I'm pretty sure okay so we go over here and then we should be able to oh my God wait we're here wait what is this wall doing over here can can we break this by any chance hold on oh my God wait we can oh my God what is that is is that a secret sword or something hold on a minute so apparently this is used to get a secret sword called Yama or something and yeah there's actually also like a secret like entrance all the way above guys I'm pretty sure you have to like defeat all these ghosts first but yeah this myth is true now okay I need to escape these oh my God no I can locked out oh my God okay no okay myth number 10 is that you can actually go in one of these houses which is actually locked like all these houses are locked and you can literally not go inside of these I'm pretty sure if you go like over here and like make sure you like glitch in you can see right here and you can just FL tab in and okay it didn't work look at that I can't even see inside of it like everything is filled up like look at this it's all filled up with wood or something I I don't know okay yeah we can't even flash that inside so this m is a busted okay for M number 10 if you apparently go up behind us and the windmill there's actually a red hat that you actually get to touch okay we got to touch it and now we got to literally go back now apparently if we go back and try to roll fruit we actually get a higher chance in getting a mythical fruit or a legend so let's go try it out and any fruit I get okay I might give out so let's see okay a magma fruit all right that's pretty good as well it's not a legendary or mythical so I'm I'm just eat it or something okay let's just store it I guess store fell no way I guess we'll have to drop it right now okay whoever comes first you can have it okay okay time for the next minut minim 10 say that you can actually only jump 10 times in air so let going try it right now okay so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 what I I jumped 12 time what the heck I guess my busted I I just jumped 12 times in hour what theck heck I didn't even know this possible what the oh my God M 11 says that you can actually go over here and go downstairs right here apparently there's actually something here that is a secret room which is going to be right here classified o okay I guess we'll see about that because we can't just flash step in let's go and we're here and yeah you guys see like all these frog or something bar is like the creator of shin life or something and yeah look at this so here it says like gang Toad's house or something I guess it's like the Easter egg from like uh shindo life Creator or something I'm not really sure about that but yeah it's like a cool Easter egg I guess you can also use this in like hide and or something this will be like a really good place here we got like a chess bar or something I don't know but if it's true now apparently 99% of the people don't actually know that you can actually go all all the way over here and you can actually go over here and there's like these cubes over here but you can actually also get this chest and this is actually not it because you can actually go over here and you can actually go over to this one which is going to be the do Flamingo guy you guys all notice and I'm pretty sure you should be over oh no he's not here oh my God okay I I guess we'll have to spawn him in no way okay okay let's go spawn right now okay rip 50 roblux okay uh man blocker is always scamming you for robo but it's all right don't come on come on okay I guess it's not DOL it's Dawn swamp but you probably know that if you guys um enable like your observation like above here is also a boss going beat him first okay hold on oh bro okay this guy's this guy's annoying bro like why is this guy here okay bro I forgot how to play this game because I didn't play it for a long time but I should be able to get this guy okay he's low okay he's bro he's so scared like okay let's let's just go beat him up okay let's oh wait what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is going his HP like he was so low and now he's like all regen bro what oh my God no no no no okay hold on yeah best V get him get him best friendo There You Go My My My Little My minions got to get him look at this no way he's getting beat by a minion bro look at this he's getting beat by a minion oh my God a boss got beat by a minion oh that's embarrassing bro but yeah once you guys go out you can actually go over here and you can actually go out like above you guys want to go over to this direction over here and you guys want to see there's a big mountain over here now once we go over here I'm pretty sure as you guys can see we got a Jeremy over here so we we were fighting like right below this right here and here is actually where the bosses so they're like right above each other has a pretty cool M because like they're right above each other which is pretty so mid through oh my God he Al wait wait black oh my go wait I I got a drop no way M number 13 is that you can actually jump and dash at the same time to be faster at the game this for example is normal dashing right here and this is Dashing with jump okay so this this is way faster already B the screen on the screen right now on comparison of both of these as you can see yeah you can jump you can Dash way faster look at this oh my God it's it's l going faster so you should definitely be dashing and jumping at the same time to get your maximum speed now apparently there's actually a wall that you can break over here I'm not really sure which one it is to be honest but you can actually break a war or something um might be busted though because I I didn't find it yet also guys with update 20 upcoming I want to give out some perm fruit so comment down below which perm fruit do you want I haven't rolled the good fruit in a while so what I did is look up mythical fruit glitches to see if they're real or fake and hopefully I'll end up with a full inventory of leopard fruits make sure to watch till the end because this was crazy so I have roll the fruit in a while and this guy refuses to give me any good fruits so I was thinking how do I increase my odds of getting a better fruit well luckily there's been going videos around in blog fruits that actually show how to get Mythic fruits every single time you roll surely that's real right well there's only one way to test it so we're going to be testing it in today's video and we're going to see if we're going to end up with a stacked inventory or we're going to end up with nothing ah yes so look what I found over here how to always roll legendary fruits okay let's see what this guy does um I mean he's standing in C1 activate your hockey five times so what does that even mean five times how how is that supposed to give me like luck or something bro what like what is he doing okay speak to blog gatch after you like did it five times I guess and as you roll activate your hockey once again uh I mean I guess all right so I'm guessing we'll have to go to C1 for that so wait hold on I'm just going to do exactly what he does in the video so I don't miss any steps okay okay see one we go I mean don't get me wrong this obviously sounds fake but you know we're going to try it anyway okay take me to the first C you idiot okay first C okay jungle we go okay Flamingo get me there bro okay wait where's my best old friend can I literally spawn it in wait no wait bro what what is this yo oh what is this paper roll doing behind me bro like what bro what this is sus bro like what who is this why is he my friend bro what is he like toilet paper like what like the skin is not even like like what is he supposed to have like there's no face like how is he faceless I guess he's killing the monkey so he's doing a good job okay okay we're going to the block through gch over here come on who's bro who's go I think I think my friend just I think my friend just slapped him and bro bro bro he's getting spawn killed by my best friend though bro like this is insane why is he coming back though what the look at this guy look at he's going to get bro he's getting absolutely demolished yes you better don't come back okay let's go and do it okay so hcky how do I okay there we go um how do I even activate it again okay j j j okay there we go one two all right all right three four okay five times right okay so five there we go okay now we have to roll it and then activate it at the same time okay so all right okay when we click by we should click on Jade so activate hockey once again okay so 3 2 1 and bro bro bro bro bro bro what is this this is not a leopard the do or kilo what bro what is what is this bro you can have it man you you can have it can my friend Pi it up at least okay so this video was definitely fake bro like what is this hopefully there's some better videos because bro if this doesn't work I might have to give out a leopard fruit and if you want to get that literally like the video and subscribe right now all right so we got this next video over here Dev stole me a secret legendary rolling trick okay let's go and watch it I mean Dev toldo me like that already sounds like so unbelievable let's go and check it out okay go to shop open gift fruit menu what open wait what he's opening the fruit menu okay I guess like the Roo fruit menu store in in inventory clicks and then he clicks on gift so the like like the buy menu pops up and then he buys the fruit like he rolls the fruit okay and he's supposed to get wait what kilo fruit what do you mean wait he says the fruit you get is always the opposite of what you gift reverse for better fruits bro what so that means if I roll a kilo I get a leopard and if I roll a spin I get dragon hold on hold on hold on I want to test this out all right so first I don't know what we got to do but I think we got to wait hold on um yo what Jim yo Jim you got to try this one for real this one supposedly get you a actual fruit that you want you basically got to roll like a low fruit and you get the opposite of what it is on the ranking what are you doing well bro I just told you what I was doing bro you always show fake myths bro what do you mean I always show real yes it's real why do you not believe me well at least I don't know if it's real to be honest but you know you can test it out Try It Out Try It Out okay can I try it yes you can try it so basically just um just go up to this guy open your shop menu right open your shop menu and then press on open over here and then choose any like low fruit because you get pretty much the opposite of what the low fruit is so for a kilo fruit you get a leopard and for a spin fruit you get a dragon so just choose whatever you want okay okay do it yeah I just roll a fruit so I can't even do it okay let's see what is Jim going to get I swear if he gets something good I mean wait what spring fruit bro dummy you're supposed to do the other thing you idiot bro you're supposed to like he CH what did he choose wait what did he choose what did he choose hold on I choose control yeah bro why I literally just told you you're supposed to like choose a low fruit because you get a opposite bro you idiot to ye you out of this world what the you better start running before I ye you out of this world okay come on yeah you better start running you better start running that's what I'm saying okay free spring fruit for me let's go all right so in this video they actually show how to get duplication glitch so I'm really excited to see this because it's actually a duplication glitch now I don't know if this is true or fake all right let's go and watch it I mean this guy definitely is like weird like what even is that okay let's go and watch okay he grabs a leopard through it or yo I mean I guess leopard fruit he's going to duplicate the okay type in the chat slash Lu V4 it's going to roll a fruit and now what is oh no way a leopard time two wait it worked what hold on hold on I need to try this out what if I get two leopards right now hold on what do wait what do I want to dup do I want to dup leopard or do I want to do D um okay let's do leopard let's do leopard okay let's unequip it bro imagine I just disconnect right now I just randomly lag out that would be so horrible okay I I just pulled it out I think we need to type slash lck V4 like this there you go okay okay okay and now we should be able to roll the fruit there you go all right random fruit and come on come on come on and we should get bro bro bro bro bro bro bro what is this this is not a leopard fuit like what is this SC you literally just scammed me bro like get this magma fruit out of my hands okay not because it's hot because it's it's it's bad okay you don't get it hold on hold on wait a minute what if I drop the magma fruit in the water what would happen wait magma on water that should turn into obsidian right hold on three two one uh okay I guess that didn't work this here shows the new mythical method okay let's go and watch it right now new I want to new mythical method so let's go watch it I'm pressing on play right now bro why doesn't it work okay we're watching it right now okay so he says in the chat give me your best fruit now or else let the G know okay we got to let them know okay we we got to let them know we got to spread the information okay but is he actually going to get a Mythic leopard fruit infinite leopard glitch bro what now this definitely fake okay let's go and try it out okay no no no no don't talk to him okay give me mythical fruit now or house bro if this doesn't work I don't even know okay give me okay we got to threaten him okay this has to work okay come on come on come on come on all right random fruits by come on this has to I'm I'm done I'm actually like bro bro get out of here man there's no way there's actually no way this doesn't work bro like what is this Noob doing here with the light is that don't tell me that's Jim bro don't don't even don't even start with it bro who is this kid bro who is this kid hello bro bro Jim what are you doing so slow yeah why are you so slow what the yo life through is so slow now wait wait wait wait is it bro what life through is so bad what life got nerfed wait life ruit got nerfed what the wait what life got nerfed what the heck is this bro Flamingo is better what is this all right boys in today's video I'll be testing the best blockr glitches you can find on the internet I'll be going over dozen of these videos to actually get the best glitch possible so you can actually get a rich and blocks fruits as you see right now I 34 million Bell but I need to get to 100 million before the updates so we need to get a lot of belly in today's video I want to check if that any block with glitches are working that gave us Millions upon millions of bellies so let's go and check out the first video over here oh this is the first te and this guy says hi I will tell you how to get infinite money glitch okay this guy has 990,000 so I don't know if I should believe him maybe he's on a new account trying this but let's go to check it out okay so he's he's on a first SE first go to Sky Island Skyland wait wait Skyland okay I guess this a sky island right okay he goes over to the boat to the sky island okay he just makes a whole thing he didn't doesn't speed it up but there you go he's on the Sky Island right now so let's see what he does okay so he climbs all the way up let's see let's see okay go here okay you got to go up here I think you go go to this third thing yeah okay now you got to go like below this Cloud okay I notice I know this okay so she just going to go go over here and it's a big three at the big three at the third layer I think or something like that yeah yeah on the third three okay so he's going to follow the three I think right okay and then wait where is he wait oh okay and then go through the whole thing okay I know this place wait I I know wait and you go and then wait wait there is a lot of oh there's a bunch of chests over here yo collect the chest okay and then he just collecting the chest and oh my God wait what how much did you get for this wait I don't know let's go to try this and I just hop servers and there's the infinite money glitch okay bro I got to try this how much money we can we get doing this okay I'm really wondering because I'm in the second SE right now I can go to the third SE why do I go back to the first SE and see how much money I can get also guys I almost forgot to say I had 600,000 subscribers I'm doing a huge $200 belog through devil fruit giveaway so if you guys want that to happen like the video right now go down below like the video subscribe and make sure you guys comment your Roblox name down below let's going go over here to the c c Captain right over here he's waiting already let's go to the first C and let's see if this actually works attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted say what the first C is restricted wait can we go wait what hold on let's try again come on oh what okay apparently the first SE is a secret place you can go through okay I mean it's getting it's getting okay well I guess I guess we can't go there wo I hopped servers that I'm randomly in C1 okay that was weird cuz was a restricted place to go to okay so apparently we got to go to Skylands so let's going go over to Skylands and let's see if this actually works now wait a minute on the way we can actually R FL so let's go to roll through right now on the way please please leopard please leopard please pleas please I've never got a leopard before man like what is this man man screw this block through here man first SE is never lucky comment down below with the best fruit you got from the first SE because I never got a good fruit here if you have a fly fruit you can go all the way up here without even like touching the sky let go let's go go over here with the flamingo with the love fruit right over here to the temple okay right over in Tempo and then we got to go over in Cloud okay there we go and we're going to follow tree okay we going to follow tree all the way up until like the last part and the last part there's like a big Temple okay there yeah I see it there it is all right all we have to do is go all the way go up over here okay this is not helping but okay let's go over here and now we got to break the door okay we got to break the door hopefully this works and okay this doesn't work let's see hard shot maybe and ab boom it worked okay so oh wait this actually true okay so how many chests do we got here okay so let's see we got like um how many layers okay one two layers okay so I think eight chest one yeah eight CH like four chest a l okay that's a th000 that's a, okay th okay we're starting with like 720k okay let's see 1,000 there you go let's drop down boom okay all right there we go 1,000 1,000 1,000 so I guess like 8,000 first Ser I'm not really sure if this is good let's going to try for a few times let's see if this is actually really good okay so to server hope you got to click on the servers over here and then you just got to pick out your server okay so let's go and pick like a random server over here there you go okay then we got to hop server there we go oh but we spawn all the way back here wait that's really bad oh we got to go all the way to the temple back oh no so we're going to spawn back in the temple or something like back like in front of the temple or something wait a minute maybe we go like talk to the adventure over here like this one right here like accept a quest maybe we're going to spawn back here let's going to try that out okay let's go break the door again a boom there you go and let's going collect the chest 730k okay let's see how much we're going to get there we go 1 two three right over here and hopefully we'll get a rich soon okay four okay five 6 7 and eight there you go boom 8,000 exactly now we're going to H Ser again and hopefully we're going to spawn back really close to that okay let's go go over here and join another server or like this one and then we're going to spawn back over here and it didn't work okay we're not all the way back here so it's actually pretty bad because you got to travel all the way there so I'll give this method a five out of 10 because you can't really like you got to walk all the way there okay let's move on with the second video and any end of the video I'll show you guys a secret glitch that will actually give you a bunch of money guys keep watching at the end okay this method says easy 500,000 an hour with this method wait really wait 500,000 how much is that okay wait 500 like 500,000 wait how he has 50k I don't believe him okay let's see is it actually going to show that he's going to be 500k like otherwise I'm not going to do this method because K is going to is that a boss yeah there a boss I think there's a boss over here he's just fighting the boss with Buddha okay and he's only levels 170 so this is for every level okay and just server hop while like going in and you'll get 500,000 hour I do believe this method but I'm not going to try it because this looks like a like lowlevel method so you guys can try yourself this guy right here says infinite money glitch and blocks okay let's go watch it let's go watch it let's see let's go watch it let's go watch it okay let's see is he actually okay go to PIR follow the path and get these chest remember the chest okay let's see you get average of 4,000 per server hop you're done and get this pad Master you can get server hop and get unlimited money and I go 250,000 in 5 hours well that's not that much actually that's why I found this video over here 5 million hour glitch like 5 million per hour glitch okay let going to go over here in private Ser okay so you need a private server over this okay so he goes over here and what is going to do go to this Castle we're going to go over over to the castle in the second SE above the cafe okay all right so he go he goes over here here and it goes over to the to the diamond chest over and that just get wait that just get 6,000 wait what leave and rejoin again wait where is he going to join again okay so is he going to join like really close or wait okay so he's going to join the private server again go to the castle again let's see where he's going to spawn okay he's going to spawn in Cafe yeah look he's going to go all the way up again and then collect the chest let's see if the chest is there and oh the chest is there wait what so we can just Farm it all over okay against St okay that's pretty good repeat for over 5 million an hour okay we got to try this first we're going to go to C2 and I don't know remember okay C2 is all the way on Middle Island no I can't even see the islands anymore wait where am I at where am I at okay let's go go all the way down come on come on can I see any I can't see I can't see there's Skylands and there's Fountain Island I think okay I got it so we're finally at the Middle Island okay let's see where's the captain okay there it is there is experienced Captain take me to C2 okay so C2 isn't restricted okay that's good so we're going to spawn in and no why we spawn in here okay we got to go all the way over there and with this method you got barely get 5 million belly a minute or like an hour right so let's go go over here let's go and try this method and this actually works going to be insane over here and we're going to go over here to the diamond chest wait should we like okay I guess I guess we should go over here and then we need to go all the way over here to like the uh to the back room over here and there it is and the diamond chest is gone wait a minute where is wait it's not here wait did I remove it or did someone just claim that okay maybe maybe someone just claim okay let's go maybe maybe server hop and let's see if this still there I feel like people are farming this wait maybe this method is really good yeah I have the server okay let's see let's see let's see it's going to actually work okay so it's going to go fly up here okay there we go there we go let's see if the chest is actually here okay we got to go all the way up here oh the chest is there wait what it is here okay how much are we going to get and 6,400 guys did you guys know that there's more Diamond chest like this in blog St okay let me show you guys other two locations right now one of the locations are right over there on the Coliseum guys did not know about these locations you got to subscribe okay so here's going to be one of them I think it's going to be hidden pretty good oh there is I see it I see it okay there you go okay so this going to be next location over here so you can just like when you server hop you can I guess like get the one above and then get this one over here 7,000 okay for the next one it's actually going to be on the three right there so you guys over above the oh someone's fighting the boss wait wait someone's fighting B okay should we steal it should we steal the boss wait should we steal okay no I'm going to steal the boss maybe wait maybe I'm going to I'm not going to do that so if we go over here okay there he is there you guys go you can stand on the three and then you can get grab this chest as well 7,000 so that's 7,000 plus 7,000 L 7,000 which is 21,000 so you can actually get 20 21,000 per server hop which isn't bad if you think about it every server hop 1 minute like if you do 1 minute every single time okay think about it 21,000 every single minute so there's 60 Minutes on 1 hour so you can get how much per hour you can get 1.2 million belly an hour wait and if you're crazy enough to play 5 hours in a in a in a row you can get 6 million per 5 hours that's actually not that bad and this is without fighting bosses or anything because bosses actually give a lot okay let's see this guy fighting the boss maybe I should help right okay I think he's like losing against the boss wait no no no don't fight me don't fight me don't fight me okay okay I accidentally killed him no my God okay okay this is really bad really bad really bad let me let me let me let me get the boss to like low HP so I can actually like help him out a bit there we go let's get him to low and that should be enough and there we go that's the boss okay that's the boss can we I go get boss because I I feel bad I really kill them like I don't know why but I killed them and yeah because my abilities were too strong okay no no no the boss no wait okay the boss didn't die the boss didn't bu okay let's see he needs to go back oh where is he he needs to come back to to get the boss the boss Lally one HP where is this guy oh no he gave up I think Guys these are the instant glitches to get infinite money and if you guys want more glitches like the video subscribe and comment robox username and click on the video screen click on the video screen right now Okay click click on the 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Channel: SeerRblx
Views: 58,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, fruit, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, god human, seerrblx, dragon rework
Id: 56h8u1LT4hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 28sec (6928 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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