Testing a Science Kit for Dogs

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(rooster crowing) (beast roars) (loud boom) (spinning wheel ticking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Superpowers. This is when we hear two random names of superheros. Rib Eye Steak Man and The Pressure Cooker. (crew laughing) - I am Rib Eye Steak Man. I'm quite floppy, because I'm a rare sight (laughing). And my sidekick here-- - I'm the Pressure Cooker, and you would not believe how bad it will be for you if you get inside me. (crew laughing) - You can say that again. (Rhett laughing) (Link laughing) - Alright, I gotta cover my dog's ears if you're gonna talk naughty. - I'm a pressure cooker, man. You're gettin', that's what happens. - Ah, well. - Okay, let's bring out this science kit. So, ironically-- - What? - The science kit for dogs, which looks more like a puzzle that they have to figure out. What they're supposed to do now, hopefully they don't understand this as I'm saying it 'cause I don't want to give it away. If they flip this food will come out of it, if it flips over completely. - Oh. - The winning dog food, the Science Diet Dog Food is in the middle, and then we've just some crushed up Milk-Bones on the side. Let's see. - I think they're a little-- - Let's see - Go, Jade. - if Barbara can figure it out. - Here, keep it this way, that way she can be more in the shot. - Do it Barbara. - Now Barbara has played with... Oh, she's just licking it. - Going for it? - She's played with puzzles before, right? Because you had a trainer who told you to get puzzles for her to occupy her energy. Of course, Jade has no energy. (crew laughs) She finds a lap, and then she sits in it. - Yep, yep, Barbara, you can do it, you can do it. You're so smart! You're so smart! - Don't talk to her like a baby if she's so smart. (crew laughing) - Barbara just hit with your foot. - Barbara hit with your foot. - Barbara. (Link laughing) - Don't to that to your kids when they're in middle school, by the way. Like if you're a parent who's still talking to your middle schooler like they're a baby, Oop, she's given up, or is she thinking? Then it's a bad sign. - Barbara, what is this, what is this about? - Maybe give her a hint. - I think we need to put it further out, so that she will get on this side to do it. - You're giving the anus shot to the Mythical beasts. - Okay, look there's food in there. You can get it, you just have to think a little bit. (fingers snap) - You're so used to having everything done for you. - What about you, Jade? You even hungry? Go. See Jade's like, where's the lap? I wanna get back in the lap. Go Barbara, oh, she got some! Oh, she's figuring it out. She's figuring it out. - Oh. - She's figuring it out. - Barbara, did you see what happened there? Cause and effect. (crew giggles) - Cause and effect? What are you trying, you trying to get on that side? Here, come over here. Come over here. Oh, she got one. Jade, watch, learn from your friend. Do what your friend does. (crew laughing lightly) Barbara come over here. - Barbara look, it's all here. You can do it, you can do it. - Move her butt around. There we go. Come here, come here, get it, get it. Up here, get it. Jade, you want some of this? Get it. Look, look at what Barbara's doing. - She's just sticking her tongue in there. - She's smart. See Jade just wants to be pet. - Taste the Science, Barbara. - You just want to be petted. - Eventually your tongue is gonna be too short to get anything else of there. - Barbara is knocking pieces out that Jade can eat. Oh, and we also have some bubbles that are I believe peanut butter flavored. Oh my goodness, that has a lot of syrup. What the heck? - It's thick, it's thick bubbles. Barbara get some of them peanut butter bubbles. - Come here, Jade. Oh gosh, going everywhere. This is the thickest-- - I might have to change to this Science food for Barbara. I always knew you were a sciency dog. Oh, look at that, look at what you did! - She's getting smart. Alright, Jade, you want some bubbles? Let me get this off here. (Barbara sniffing) Here, Jade. - She's undistracted by the bubbles. She's focusing on the task at hand, which is to, good gracious, she is working that thing. (crew laughing) Sorry, Jade, you're gonna smell like peanut butter. - Did you do it right in her face? - I think it just landed on her. - Jade seems confused and overwhelmed (laughing). - Well, she's got, look at that. She's got, I dripped it on her. Uh, oh man, smell that. - Wow, that's, that's authentically peanut buttery. Is it human grade? - No, it-- - It doesn't matter (laughs). - It tastes like-- - I think we've demonstrated that that doesn't matter. - It tastes like soap. - Look how intact these bubbles stay because they're like that thick stuff, so now your dogs can just go all around just poppin' bubbles. Barbara, you wanna pop some of them bubbles? - Let's just give her some actual food. You know I don't wanna... - See this is the problem then. - Hand me that plate over there. - If you set a challenge in front of your children and then they can't do it and then you just give 'em a plate of food, then they'll just think you're gonna pay for everything. You know it, you'll pay for their college and then they'll come right back home after they're done with it. - What do you guys think? - We don't want that. - It's too late, I've already-- - As soon as my kids go off to college I'm turning their room into a home gym. (crew laughing) - A home gym? - Yeah, there will be no surfaces to sleep on in it. You'll try to sleep on it, you'll be sleeping on like a weight rack. (crew laughing) I won't even use it. I'm still gonna go to the gym in town, but I'm just doing it so that they don't feel welcome back at home. (crew laughing deeply) And my health insurance stops when you move out of the house. - Ooh. - You don't get it until 26, no sir, uh-uh. - You talking about like - Forget that! - the second they step outside of the house. - It's like, find your own health insurance and don't come back unless you wanna work out (laughing). - And look-- - That's how it works at my house. - You know, kudos to Barbara because she is choosing to continue to challenge herself instead of eating the plate of food which is splayed out before us. - She's a McLaughlin, man. She likes a challenge (laughing). - Look at her. - Or she just might be stupid, because there's a whole plate of food right over there. - But she's smart, maybe she's smart in a stupid way, you know? She's real smart about the puzzle. - She really hasn't figured out the mechanism of the puzzle yet. Look, she wants to, that foot is about to come up. But she's still having success, you know? - Barbara here, look, do this, do this with your foot or your snout. - Well, she's kind of taking it and moving it down all the way - Oh, yeah, - so that... - she's gerbilling it. - Yeah, oh, oh, oh, see that leg coming up. She's about to get it, man. She's about to pass this, Oh, oh, oh, oh! - There we go. Good girl! - (laughing) Yes! (crew laughing) You're learning, Barbara. - Yes, yeah, do it, hit it. - Do it, do it with your leg. (crew laughing) Do it with your leg. - Yes! - Do it, do it. Do it. - Yes. - Nothing's coming out. Those crushed up Milk-Bones won't come out for some reason. I think they have to, even if you... (Milk-Bones hitting table) See, the one in the middle's the only one that really works. - See that. - That one, oh, there you go. - The thing that Jade normally does is she'll take her food, she'll take like a mouthful of food, and then she will leave her bowl, walk over into the next room, dump it out, and then eat it there. And then she'll go back to her bowl get more and bring it over, and I don't know if that's like-- - Where'd my dog go? - [Rhett And Link] Until the next L-T-A-T keep on B-Y-M-B. - [Rhett] With the Let's Talk About That logo mug. - [Link] Available now at mythical.store F-O-S-H-O.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 454,616
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, gmmore, good mythical more, Testing a Science Kit for Dogs, Science Kit for Dogs, science, science kit, science for dogs, dogs, jade, barbara, gmm dogs, rhett's dog, link's dog, gmm jade, gmm barbara, dog science kit, science test, dog food, experiment, dog bubbles, peanut butter bubbles
Id: hX2H9T-78j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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