Link Progressively Getting Angrier...

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hey link you go into LensCrafters and ask them for the Jeffrey Dahmer special [Music] but then when I ordered it I was like I will take the pork chop and could you ask the chef to cut it up for me like he would for a child doesn't it feel different she feels different right feels like herself man totally back oh bacon butt bomb organic bacon scented diaper rash ointment so that your baby smells like ham you can't do that because you might then eat the baby why why would you you know what I'm saying you can't do that you can eat a baby I mean not anymore you think I can hit that guitar [Laughter] but I don't you think you think guitar you got to let go you got to let go in quick succession oh snap oh man you're gonna break my guitar man Lewis's guitar see if I can smell bacon B and c n c banking this game B oh kaboob no I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it Bob maybe I think you'll do it I think I spelled pecan no because you that's one oh that is bacon recovering what yeah dude what kind of it knows you very very well Jasmine this is not this is uh it seems curated yeah it's all curated to your own personal Explorations yeah so uh I just get so overwhelmed just don't speak can you don't distract me is the flavor of your beard a different flavor than your facial hair only one way to find out no no join us in a Visa so what is it dude I think it's blue raspberry number 69. yeah I don't disagree we're doing this I feel like oh I just dropped a lot of sticks like every other stick that wasn't baked just dropped onto my boots right um I don't know his name I think it's just birthday man Papa Smurf oh and it broke it broke it broke um my mom um what was that for nope wasn't gonna say anything wasn't gonna say anything now the thing that I'm known for is liking to eat dog food that's true and you think just because I don't hate it doesn't mean that I like well here's the thing I mean this is freaking this is kind of a nightmare right oh not bad Sean if you play the drums one more time you're leaving [Laughter] that was good yeah she sleeps with me is she wearing the perfume she smells so good she smells like my right side I'm just being honest yeah what is there a number in there 49. Ruby okay A little bit of like Irish in there Ruby [Laughter] shaved bush ah sorry I shouldn't I should not I shouldn't have said that he's sorry right there sorry have a bench have a bench since I've been benching about my finger yeah have a what's up bench Beach oh what you just don't know it wasn't a word you said but you're gonna be very pleased to know it's B genital warts remover cream which we have here we paid seven dollars for this and um we can all line up to use it in in the restroom but no one gets to take this home this is company genital warts remover and we're gonna all share it nothing I'm smelling your finger how's it smell like every time when you say smell what happened um his sister has not taught him well I am excited about now yeah we can't we can both pet my dog but we can't pet my dog in the same place that was a little awkward okay I'm sorry about that it's like my hand was there because then it becomes because then it becomes scritches between the two of you yeah and all these stretches that are gonna happen if they happen are between me and Link I mean this might be worth something someday I'm gonna be very careful sold for two dollars good gosh now this is red this has got glitter in it oh crap it's got glitter in it did you all know that I've got to go for 1960 without touching you ah came up short yep we blew it man well we is a strong word when you're the one who blew it yeah but we're in this together I just don't maybe it tastes great though ah no oh God grilled chicken oh oh it seems like the judges are uh um grilled chicken sandwich oh right the wrong direction okay what's the other direction from grilled chicken sandwich keep it going yeah keep it going bacon is a flavor is so obvious you said bacon not maple bacon that is not the flavor link yeah this is it this is it all right let's see yeah if you didn't say maple bacon you know what I mean Sean I I apologize for my dogs this is we're eating the dog food okay you're gonna watch chaos look how dummy looks he's so cute but he's not smart his his head's too small to put a brain in it I should get a half point for the last time and a half point for this I should have a full extra point if you want to be fair about it I don't but what do you mean you know what I'm almost done with this thing I'm freaking tired of it I'm tired of my swing not everybody makes that choice but I oh link is wet wet put it back into Cherry man oh the drippings it's been on the table it's been used bro these the best Skittles flavor that you can have if you don't get started oh what the grass come on man don't lean on my broken freaking it's got it's healing it's mending up yeah I'm just making sure it's okay I just don't I'm at that point in my recovery where do I brace myself if I put my hand on your thigh you could reset where do I brace myself grab your grab your own beer every artist has the braces yeah grab your own beard dude corresponding with the dust ball dusk ball the Dust Bowl okay that's different than the Dust Bowl Dust Bowl Oh I thought you said dusk Bowl one of these days I'm going to use both hands again and I'm going to show you what for so we'll just oh do we have another one there we go gummies thanks for thanks for all your help okay you didn't really consult with me but I don't disagree with you no I haven't done anything yet right oh yeah link okay every time I try to plug a USB in I get it wrong every time even though it's a 50 50 chance how does that happen how does it happen that every single freaking time I have to plug in a USB it's I get it wrong every time it's perception and when you know it the times when I think that to myself and then I switch it before I try it then I'm wrong what's my logic I don't that what I learned is I don't listen to the logic I just listen to the answer 1960. that's what I learned do you have a logic I just told you oh you know what they say about seagrass I swam with manatees one time you know what I you know what they say about seagrass next to Panama City what do they say about seagrass right it's the old eggs and corn you've already won so now you just haven't you're having fun with us yeah I know it looked like a corn eggs and corn it was a corn look at me I'm one and I'm funny I have it all I bring everything to the table I have to give some two arms and incorrect thanks for subscribing and clicking that Bell if you know what time it is [Music]
Channel: Mythical Moments
Views: 282,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GMM, #goodmythicalmorning, #rhett&link
Id: tT57S09ZowY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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