Testing 5 Minute Crafts ABSOLUTE WORST Art Hacks..(i cant with these)

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hi i'm back now originally this video was  gonna be another tiktok art hack video with   my friend chloe she did one i was gonna  do one we were gonna have a cute little   tiktok art hack moment together  i'm currently sanitizing a bag of   rocks how's your week going but once  i actually started watching tiktok's   art hacks a mass majority of them were actually  useful actually helpful and basically not what   i wanted where's the drama where's the flavor and  immediately i knew there was only one place that   i could turn to for the weirdest strangest most  unexpected life hacks pretty much on the internet now if you're not familiar with the absolute  behemoth that is five minute crafts let me   catch you up they're what's called a content  farm meaning that they're a company not an   individual person who films a bunch of life  hacks sometimes they're real sometimes they're   fake as you're about to see and once they  get the footage of their life hacks they'll   basically just keep reusing bits and pieces of  it over and over again to make a new video or   they'll get one hack and like refilm it a bunch  of times so it's different than the original one   i just spent the past two-ish hours looking  at painting hacks from five-minute crafts   under the search bar and in that time  frame i was able to find this exact hack   or something like it and i was  able to find it 17 different times in two hours and basically every single day on a  span of multiple channels they upload a new video   every day and another strange thing that you'll  see with five minute crafts is that they use   very strange and interesting thumbnails that  have like literally nothing to do with the video   and of course as a result of these techniques  they rake in billions upon billions of views   am i jealous a little bit so now that you know a  little bit about five-minute crafts and how they   work i found some of the most absolute ridiculous  art hacks that i could find and today i'm gonna   test them out see if they're real see if they're  fake maybe debunk something so yeah with that   being said let's get started all right so the  very first hack that we're gonna go through is   from a video called 29 awesome crafts with diy  school supplies coming in at 6 million views okay so basically we're gonna make nail  polish out of crayons here we go now every   single time i do one of these craft videos  the number one concern that i get is well   you're supposed to add this you're supposed to  take this extra step but the average everyday   person following five minute crafts they're  not going to have an audience to tell them   what to do so because of that i'm going to  follow exactly exactly what the video shows   starting with the fact that the video doesn't show  how much to put in so i'm just going to wing it oh it's like coagulating it's not even mixing it's  kind of turning into a blob. like all the nail   polish is balled up and it's kind of turned into  like a hard random blue blob ok so now that it's   mostly all mixed up i'm gonna dip  it in there alright so here we go this is so weird it's like clumpy but at the same  time it's like kind of warm it kind of stinks   yeah that is looking terrible  oh my gosh this is okay um wow   okay so here's what they look  like all done final result look what it did to the brush it  like completely covered it all in   hard crayon i guess so on a scale of  one to ten of how much this actually   works and improves my life i'm  gonna have to give this one a zero i don't even know how to take it off now  for this next one it definitely seems like   it's fancy editing tricks it's from a video  called painting ideas everybody should try   and i want you to pay very close attention  to the last like two seconds of the video so if you didn't catch that luckily i  have my own fancy editing techniques   right before the video ends just like in the  last half second you can see the painting is   already completed and the artist is pretending to  finish it with a sponge so right off the bat if   you have to fake a life hack that's a little red  flag for me you know that's some alarms going off   i'm gonna put one thin line at a time on a  completely dry sponge exactly as they showed   so here's what the sponge  looks like i tried to get   it as even as possible exactly how  they showed and i guess here we go   um so it kind of worked really well at first  but as the paint progressed on the page it all   just kind of mixed together and it kind of  looks like those Mexican blankets you know   let me try one more time because i have  a feeling that this one really does work   but i'm just not too sure how it works you know   by the way this is like so much effort  and it's like for what??? oh it's working oh it's working oh i am happy to say with a lot of  concentration a lot of squeaking   a lot of carefully placed paint it  actually does work maybe not as well   and not as clean but it works so yeah  i'm gonna rate this one a 7 out of 10.   now for this next one i'm just like why it's from  a video called 23 brilliant art ideas for everyone   i don't know i really don't know okay so there's a lot to unpack with that one  first of all she clearly used nail polish in   the beginning and then she added food coloring  and then whenever they dipped it into the bowl   there was all these colors that weren't there  originally and it was really thick like it was   acrylic paint or just pure nail polish not food  coloring but to bring it back to my original point   why are you water marbling a banana?! now for  this hack i would like to sincerely apologize   for these bananas i bought these brand new last  week but then i got sick and went to the hospital   with an ulcer i'm fine now by the way and now  at this point i just don't want to waste them   all right so here we go not only is the food coloring like sinking to the  bottom and not spreading out like how they showed   it's kind of reacting with the nail polish  and it's kind of drying directly on top of it   oh my god this is not  working at all what the frick   now that i've created whatever this is  it's time to dip the banana so here we go it absolutely did not turn it into a beautifully  water marbled banana this looks like a banana   that's been rotting in the back of the cabinet  for two months now oh my god as it's drying it's   only getting worse like what are those bubbles  forming what is this who thought of this oh my god now for this next one it's a little gnarly i'm  not gonna lie especially if you know my extreme   dislike of eggs oh god i hate eggs i hate eggs  so much bleh! and this video is called painting   tutorials for beginners simple art techniques  and drawing tricks to create a masterpiece i feel like that one's pretty straightforward  get an egg empty it out fill it with   paint throw it at a canvas so if i was to do  this art hack literally any other time of the   year i would have to use real eggs but luckily  it's around easter time and i don't know if   this is my region or if it's everywhere in the  united states but they sell these confetti eggs   and all i have to do is literally  just inject paint into them all right so we're outside if you can't tell and  here's my professional setup i'm only going to be   about four feet away from the canvas because  i feel like that's good enough so here we go let me try another one oh they're literally not  breaking nope okay last one this next one is so crazy i absolutely  refuse to believe that this one will work   and not just that that it's not dangerous  like it won't poke somebody's eye out   you know this is from a video called 33  awesome drawing hacks to draw like a pro bruva!! in what world? in what world! if you  didn't catch that the fancy editing when she   put the piece of paper to trace on the person's  face you can clearly see where it crumpled and   then in the next scene it was like perfectly  smooth brand new something ain't right here   so for this next art hack i'm gonna  need another person to film with   so i brought my friend Tevyn who you've  seen many times on my channel right three   times Tevyn has no idea what we're gonna do  so i'm gonna live react him to the the hack get this nonsense out of my face by the  way we're like in the parking lot of a   restaurant right now ...a restaurant???  it's a sonic chill out i'm just gonna let me just hold it down okay hold it up  let me hold the paper okay can you breathe   okay pull it out wow that  actually kind of worked i feel i feel like i feel like it worked oh my god that looks like  um what is that mask from texas chainsaw massacre   leather face? you think i look like leather face?!   wait let me sketch you that's  how it really went down okay   you ready for this i'm ready wow i  like the eyebrow i like the eyebrows   i feel like those really do look like my lips  though why is she acting like this is good   all right thank you Tevyn for  being on my channel you're welcome now as always when i do these videos  i save the absolute best for last   this one is from a video that we  had mentioned earlier and when   i saw this i literally could not  believe this was a hack here it is when i saw this my mouth dropped  because i just could not believe   this is a hack i just refuse to believe that  this is real you know and by the way this is   all washable paint completely biodegradable  it'll go away with some water so here we go all right so the paint is laid on very  thickly and i'm just going to pick it up   how many times should i spin it just like the one anyway guys thank you so much again for watching i  will leave my other hack videos down below if you   want to see more let me know and with that  being said i will see you guys next video!
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 1,560,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, 5-minute crafts, art hacks, life hacks, 5 minute crafts, do it yourself, drawing hacks, painting hacks, testing hacks, drawing for beginners, drawing tips, weird hacks, diy
Id: -nbYAvC2geI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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