I Tested Tiktok's WEIRD Viral Art Supplies...

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hi today I am going to be unboxing reviewing  and rating even more ridiculous art supplies   you guys tagged me in from TikTok starting  with this first item we're going to start off   with a bang because I have never been tagged  more on an item on TikTok more than what   you're about to see so this item is super cool  what this is is a paintbrush cleaning tank that   when the paint water gets dirty and full of  paint you can rinse it out and it'll refill   the water automatically and just like that you  have brand new freshly cleaned water for your   paint it took me kind of a little bit to find  it because it wasn't just like on Amazon or   anything like that but I did find it this is the  green World brush rinser and I only could find it   on eBay for 35 bucks with shipping included okay  here we go you're probably wondering why I didn't   unbox it and why it's already assembled  and the answer to that my friend is that   this item the brush rinser that everybody  went crazy for it arrived drum roll please   broken and it's like broken in like the most  important way too basically the little plug that   prevents the water from draining it's not plugging  up so basically it's just constantly draining and   I'm not able to create a water reservoir which  is so frustrating because at this point I have   tried everything I tried obviously firstly the  instructions I tried bending it I tried my own   tools and it's just not gonna work like the plug  just won't plug like it just won't hold water but   on a positive note I think if this was working I  think this would be a very good size for a brush   rinser and I love the little paint tank I think  this is just the most adorable little thing I   have ever seen and all the people that I've seen  on TikTok they look like they love their brush   rinser but obviously it didn't work for me so if  you guys at home want to try this all I gotta say   is buyer beware for me personally I'm sorry I'm  gonna say this is not worth the hype coming in   next we have an item that I Gotta Give huge credit  to for being very creative and and I'm not gonna   lie I don't understand the concept of it but  I am here for it so what this is is a pencil   and instead of an eraser it has a little capsule  full of seeds and whenever you're done using the   pencil you stick it in some soil you add water you  add sunlight and bada bing bada boom it's a pencil   that you can grow this pencil is by the brand  Sprout World they come with different flowers   and seeds and they are a little bit pricey for  five pencils it's gonna cost you almost 11 so   right off the bat I gotta say that these have  a very cool design to them I like the fact that   these are just natural wood and they don't have  like an outer paint because I feel like the paint   would eventually flake off and then like get into  your basil plant so I think they were so smart to   not include like an outside paint layer to these  pencils the little capsule that holds the seeds   it feels like a vitamin capsule and it's filled  with a bunch of seeds as well as sawdust and the   capsule is completely water soluble and as far as  the actual pencil itself there's nothing special   there it it's just a regular everyday pencil and  the reason it took me so long to make this video   is because I actually planted one of these pencils  almost a month ago I'll see you when I see you   fast forward a month later here's what  it looks like now it totally worked it's growing into a full-on sage plant it had so  many seeds I have like six little plants and even   more interesting the wooden pencil is starting to  break down but yeah this worked out awesome I'm   so proud of this plant you guys have no idea  this worked so fun yeah 100 worth the hype now   on to the next Art Supply we have an item that  has been all over my for you page so what this   is is a regular eraser on one side and the second  side is a little thing that cleans up the Eraser   shavings so it's basically an eraser that cleans  up itself these are the Mr pen erasers they come   in a six pack and I got them for 5.75 so here they  are the first thing I gotta say about these is   that these are so adorable I have never seen an  eraser that is just so cute and the Eraser side   is quite large which is good because it'll last  you a while so I'm feeling very positive about   this I think these are really great right off the  bat and I'm excited to see if they actually work so I'm gonna erase just like you  normally would and try to make as   much eraser shavings as possibly  and now let's see if it works oh my god dude it's working perfect look even the  big one it's like picked it up perfect dude this   is so cool and this is one of those things  that even if you're not an artist everybody   uses pencils so I feel like everybody would  benefit from this this is so cool it doesn't   look like there's a lot of eraser shavings that  we picked up but I know for a fact we picked up   every single one so I don't know what's going on  there I feel like using a regular eraser is just   not gonna do it for me anymore you know what I  mean like now that I've seen the light I just   I can't go back yeah this worked perfectly I  really enjoyed it definitely worth the hype   and by the way all the items that I'm going to be  showing today I will leave the Amazon Link in the   description box down below that way if you're  interested you want to try some of these out   for yourself you know where to find them I got you  okay next up we have a combination art Hack Slash   art product and this one is so cool because it's  basically a way to store your acrylic paint with   airtight plastic syringes I bought the 10 pack  10 milliliter size with a plastic cap for 10.99   so let's try it out I guess these are  like medical grade because they came   sterile and they came in their own  little individual packaging for the   paint I'm gonna be using a thick body high  quality red acrylic paint okay here we go yeah okay so that definitely did not really work  so well let me add a little bit of water to this   and we'll see if it works from here okay  moment of truth let's see if it works now um it's a little bit better it's a  little bit better but still no all right yeah no this does not work in The TikTok it  looked like it worked really well with thick paint   but even watered down this is not working at all  I'm sorry I'm gonna have to say this is not worth   the hype all right so before we get into the next  product I want to give a real quick shout out to   my good friend Robin sealark here on YouTube she  did a really awesome Deep dive video on me where   She interviewed me and we got really deep into  conversation and I talked about a lot of things   that I never thought that I would talk about  here on YouTube the first thing that I would   do to Young Rey is shake her violently and be like  why are you so dumb after this video ends if you   want to know a little bit more about me I'll  put it in the description box down below and   this leads us to the final item what you're about  to see I'm gonna consider this an early Christmas   gift for myself because these are beautiful  okay I ordered these paints straight from   Japan and spent too much on shipping but have no  regrets they're used by Studio Ghibli for their   beautiful films I can't wait to try them out ah  okay so if you don't know why these paints are   special and maybe you just didn't catch that and  maybe you're out of the loop these paints right   here are the exact paints that are used by The  Studio Ghibli some of the most incredible artwork   that has ever been created in human history and  according to this TikToker these are the exact   paints that they use okay are you ready because  I'm not ready I'm so excited like genuinely I   know I've said that like a thousand times but  like genuinely I'm just ah so excited [Music]   wow these are some beautiful beautiful paints  so it comes with 12 colors and they're all   very vibrant Bright Beautiful highly pigmented  colors they're 40 milliliter tubes obviously   made in Japan even though these are called  poster color from my understanding they're   very very similar to gouache paint and if you  don't know what gouache is it's kind of like a   mix between acrylic paint and watercolor and if  you are interested in trying these I'll leave a   link to the smaller but cheaper versions that way  if you just want to try these out but you don't   want to spend all the money but just looking at  the swatches alone that's not gonna tell me how   good of a paint it is so with most of the art  supplies that I've reviewed today excluding   the broken one I'm gonna do a drawing put them  to use and see what I actually think about it okay so before I show you the final thing  we we need to talk this paint I have a love   hate relationship with it first we'll start with  the bad it dries in a completely different color   than when it's wet I was thinking oh yeah I'm just  gonna put a dark blue here and then it would dry   into a light blue which I'm not gonna lie it was  a little frustrating okay next thing that drove me   crazy is that you have to be so careful with the  amount of water that you use with these paints   because if you use just a little bit too much  water it'll actually melt down the bottom layer   of the paint underneath it and then those two  colors are going to mix together and you're gonna   get a whole new color but then at the same time  if you add too much paint which I did a couple   of times it's going to start cracking on top of  the paper so the whole time I was painting I was   stressed out like I wasn't ever too sure is this  the right amount of paint is this too much water   but the good thing about this paint is that it is  insanely insanely insanely insanely pigmented like   the colors are just screaming off the page and on top  of that I loved how beautiful this paint layered   on top of each other so my final thoughts on this  paint is that they definitely do have a learning   curve but I think that once I get the hang of  these paints I'm really really gonna like them so   yeah these are really cool I've never used a paint  like this in my life I would say it's definitely well guys there you go that was me trying out  random viral TikTok stuff that you guys have   sent me do you know I have a TikTok please  keep tagging me and stuff like keep it coming   let's keep this train going I had a lot of fun  making this guys thank you so much again for   watching don't forget to subscribe don't forget  to follow my TikTok I hope you guys have   the most amazing wonderful day and with that  being said I will see you guys next video bye
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 592,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, tiktok, art supplies, art tutorial, poster paint, viral art videos, acrylic paint, paint rinser, art supply review, shorts, weird art supplies, satisfying art
Id: rySoMeskZkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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