I Tested The DUMBEST Art Hacks Of 2022...

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hi last year I tested out the worst art hacks  of 2021 and since then a whole entire new   year has passed and everybody's favorite  not so life hack life hack channels they   have uploaded thousands of more videos all of  which are life hacks and today I am going to be   testing out the worst art hacks of 2022 and if  you thought last year's hacks were really bad   boy you're in for a surprise so sit back  relax grab a snack and without further Ado   let's just get started uh for this first one  we're gonna start off strong because I don't   know who gave this the green light I don't  know who approved this hack but here it is   so there's her nails right they're really long  okay the hack is you put pencil lead on the nails   and apparently it works like a colored pencil  [Music] I don't know I know this one is fake   because there's no way that the colored pencils  went on that smooth like the line that they drew   it must have been pre-drawn because that  is one smooth line that those Nails Drew all right so here's what the nails look  like and I'm not gonna lie these are   kind of a sleigh I feel so like sassy  right now as you can see they are not   as Majestic as the original posts but I  feel like these will still work foreign yeah this looks nothing like the original  picture first of all just like I predicted   the hand is all wavy because it's hard to like  sweep your hand in one fluid motion second of   all I couldn't even get the thumbnail to work  because the anatomy of my hand yeah so this art   hack obviously does not work so if you want  to know how to paint trees instead of using   literally any of the thousands of paint tools out  there to create the said tree uh you can instead   use a piece of broccoli and apparently said  piece of broccoli will create a perfect tree this is a real hack people bring forth the  broccoli for this hack I'm only going to   use maybe one to two pieces of broccoli because  this is another hack that I don't want to waste   the product that I bought so we'll get a piece  of broccoli I guess just get it full of paint   and let's see if it makes leaves ah it's definitely working right now I mean it's  not working spectacular like I feel like you could   get this exact same effect with like a scrunched  up towel or a sponge or something like you don't   need to waste broccoli to be able to do this hack  in fact I have a brush right next to me this is   the first brush that I grabbed you can get the  exact same effect with this look at that boom so yeah this hack unfortunately  it does work but at what cost   okay so here's the scene you're spilling your  paint water it's all over your painting that   happens to us all right well the solution is to  get a balloon cut it up and apparently it acts   almost like a suction to keep in all the water  from spilling and it almost acts like a protective   cover and apparently it keeps it from spilling  all over the place oh my God why is this so tough that was a lot tougher than I thought but here it  is the balloon over the cup of water and let's see   if it stops it from spilling over it's literally  spilling all over the place oh God where's the   paper towels um no it doesn't work whatsoever it  made an even bigger mess than what I started with   no this hack doesn't work at all oh and look it's  coming apart already it hasn't even been like a   minute and it's already fallen apart [Music] this  hack is so bad I'm gonna give it like a double no   this next art hack is very interesting because  it's basically a way to create your own markers   you get the wet wipes you get a cotton swab  roll said wet wipes in the cotton swab you tie   them all up add in your die to each individual  one and apparently those things make a marker   these Charmin wet wipes they smell so good it's  literally one of my favorite smells of all time oh   my God all right so I'm Gonna Roll Up one ear swab  so far so good now just gotta tape it up if the   tape will stick to it because it's a wet surface  now I'm just gonna get the food dye and drip it so   it's been about three minutes and it's absorbed  a decent amount it doesn't look anything like   the five minute crafts one at all but it should  work enough to be a marker so let's see [Music] I hate the fact that this is working right now  I hate the fact that this is working right now   that oh my God it's not as smooth as the  original five minute craft one clearly and   as soon as I started using it the ear swap  thing like went up inside of the paper towel   roll now I'm just basically rubbing a colored  wet wipe on a piece of paper I don't know who   would do this I don't know what situation  would call for this but this one is working   up next we have an art hack that makes  you just say what what what what what why instead of just doing the normal person  thing and using a cup or a jar or something   to hold your paint brushes the hack is  is that you can use a tip of a broom I don't know I don't know I'm done I'm done with  this video I'm done with five minute crafts I'm   done with them I don't I don't have an explanation  I don't know I'm done that's it lights out I'm   not doing this video anymore no more here is my  brush and pretend like I'm coloring I'm coloring   I'm doing my drawings or whatever and I need to  organize this pencil so I would put it in here it's kind of working let me do another one why is this actually working so good it's mostly  holding them really well let me try one close to   the edge and see if it'll like tip out oh no  that's working so good look I'm like shaking   it and it's still holding into place what is this  this hack right now it doesn't feel real it feels   like a hack that would work in my dreams not in  real life you know what I mean oddly enough this   hack works for this next one I just know it's fake  so they get the flowers you mash some flowers onto   a white T-shirt and bada bing bada boom you get  like a perfect flower design this one I just know   it's fake and you know how I know it's fake the  second shot of the product like right before they   start mashing the imprint of the flower is already  there and not just that but if you look at the   actual design afterwards it looks way too perfect  I highly doubt it's gonna work and look that nice   I don't want to do this hack even though I bought  these for like four dollars at Walmart I don't   want to destroy them you know what I mean and by  the way I got this shirt in a really large size   that way I can wear it to bed because y'all better  believe whatever the design is of these flowers   I'm keeping it maybe I'll just do one flower  that way I can like still keep the other ones   and I'm just gonna put this bag over it  that way I don't get the hammer dirty [Music]   oh hi oh yeah I'm just like smashing  up a flower literally my job right now Moment of Truth [Music] literally nothing happened actually no  I lied there is one mark on the whole thing but   it's nothing compared to like the actual five  minute crafts flowers and I'm sad I'm sad that   I wasted a good flower for nothing this next  one is gonna come with a warning if you are a   digital artist please exit right now because what  you're about to see I apologize in advance for and   I don't even do a lot of digital but when I saw  this hack guys I recoiled in my seat like when I   saw this I was like oh this can't be real so the  hack is is that if you have if you don't have a   stylus and for some reason your pencil doesn't  work uh you can wrap a piece of foil on it and   you can drag that hard crushed up aluminum  against your drawing pad screen no ah God   for this hack if it does end up  scratching my iPad I swear I will   be calling the cops let's see if this  wretched cursed hack actually works the answer to that is no oh  wait a second the opacity was   like all the way down so maybe this hack does work okay yeah no it still doesn't work okay never  mind if you're tired of spilling your paint   everywhere you can make your own DIY paint  cup holder and paint brush holder all with   some duct tape and a desk this should be super  easy all you do is tape the tape to the desk   so here it is nice and taped up and I say that  with Extreme Caution all right moment of truth   oh God the tape is completely detached from  the sides and the only thing holding this this   up right now is the back part of the tape this  hack is genuinely scaring me right now because   it is two seconds away from like ripping  open and spilling all over my carpet you   know on second thought it is kind of huh oh God  okay yeah no it's not working it's not working   oh okay for this next one I am kind of excited  to do this one and I feel like it's just a DIY   that's like fun and simple that anybody can do  this is basically a way to make your own DIY   rainbow splattered phone case and it seems really  easy all they're doing is just like swishing the   acrylic paint onto the phone case and it looks  so pretty this is another one that I really hope   it works so to design this I'm going to use some  pastel colors I think like a nice little pastel   moment would look really nice [Music] foreign  [Music] all you do is literally just smoosh it on working and it's working well too look at that oh  my God now perfect boom baby first try oh my God   and how do I take it off is the question it's  a lot like my mental health see on the outside   it looks great it looks wonderful but then on  the inside and not just that but like all the   little holes and all the little places where you  like plug in to charge your phone and stuff like   that they're all blocked off by paint like the  design works but like the actual usability is no   so I guess this hack is like a 50 50. like yes and  no and for this very final Art Attack I saved the   absolute best for last I am so sorry for what  you're about to see because in no world would   I think anybody would ever do this art hack like  I literally could not think of one single person   on Earth who would do this in their free time  this art hack has it all it doesn't work it's   wasteful and I don't understand it oh God okay  so here's the hack so you get some spaghetti an   entire package mind you you dip it in paint  and apparently you use it like a paintbrush   this one by far Takes the Cake this one  takes the award I thought we reached the   peak of dumb art hacks last year whenever  I put straight up paint in my hair for no   apparent reason but five minute crafts they  managed to do it oh God okay so here it is   and it's already breaking let's try this hack  out all right so just get a little bit of paint and you just drag it as so all over the canvas  oh it's breaking on the canvas oh God oh my oh oh   ah the spaghetti is breaking all on my canvas  like I can't even use it for its intended   purpose because it's breaking ah it's breaking  all over the place you know what watching back   the original hack their spaghetti was breaking  off too and the spaghetti's not even that good   at picking up the paint like at least the  broccoli kind of absorbed some of the paint   this one is just kind of like clogging all the  sticks together see this is why I didn't want to   use a whole thing of spaghetti because I knew  it would just all go to waste oh God okay so   here's the final artwork as you can see um this  is truly the worst art hack that I've ever I   think done on the history of my channel in fact I  wouldn't even say this was a life hack it did the   opposite of what a hack is supposed to do it made  my life worse five minute crafts straight to jail   uh so anyway guys that is all I have for  you today if you want to see last year's   video where I tested out the worst art  hacks of 2021 I will leave it right here   I had a wonderful year with you guys I  hope you guys have the most wonderful   holiday season and an amazing New Year and with  that being said I will see you guys later bye
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 776,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, art hacks, drawing hacks, 5 minute crafts, painting, art tips, drawing tips, i tried, art supplies, bad life hacks
Id: s_jN59519ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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