Testimony | Mohammed Ajhas (Had Encounter with Jesus)

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I'm from Islam family I belongs to I'm from trail valley that ii southward of tamil nadu and when i was 5 years old my father passed away and so from that day onwards my going was like I used to go to mosque and I used to read the Quran because from the day one they taught me my my family to read Quran to recite Quran more and before 12 years of old I started reading Quran as well as I have done almost some 278 times I finished reading also so this was my life being Islam family and in 2004 what happened was like due to some problem in my home and I want to see God that was my main cry because when I was as a Muslim Imam what happened was like I do go to mosque five times a day and I started reading Quran and I go to Jamaat and we talk about Hadees we talk about Allah so this was my life I just want to give me introduction about Who am I first of all and I am from the Hanafi background speaking Muslim guy so on those days and we make school days and all I used to criticize Jesus in no reason increases he says I just talked about his birth and I talk about 20 Jes without from my intention I just started doing that in 2004 I decided to go more close to Allah that's what my my cry was due to my family situation and a spiritual cry I thought I should go more to him so as Muslims we used to pray five times a day I started doing 30 times a day and I was just started to bring and praying and whenever I had a time I do the mass every time I'd within a month even at the school when I go to school also I do no mass at the other whenever I would never get the interval breaks and lunch break so let's do that so on those days what happened continuously I was doing a mass for each day 30 times and totally I have done almost more than hundred times or finish doing it and my intention was to seek Allah and to go more close to Allah and on those days what happened was like I was completely drained in my spirituality in the sense for some reason I want to go more to Iman I want to become a more and more close to Allah by doing all the Iman things like like praying and reading the Quran and cally Montag and due to my family situation and some something's happen in my life I thought to commit suicide took a bad decision I took her it's not right thing but in 2005 January 2nd I thought to commit suicide and I took a decision and nearly morning after doing me a fudge enemas I started I just went out of my city I took my cycle I just had my lungi and came out and I was just trying for long time because of the some family issues I had at that time I was under the tree and we'll just keep trying to Allah please take me please taking allowed no some three to four hours I was just trying trying because I know I'm going in my life I was just thinking about me all my school days and all my relations I was thinking about that so at that time I was completely broken and I was under the tree and someone has posted like in a tree I saw a verse called your sorrows will turn into joy when I saw that word I saw the word and I just I just took the skip I saw accidentally I saw the word I'm going to keep on I'm just trying it I want to finish my life but after seeing the world the worst spoke to me like it spoke to me like like I'm talking to you you can understand very clearly but it is speaking to me in my heart son I go home and you talk to you son go home and you talk to you I couldn't believe that word first of all and something would convince me because what was morally convincing for me so again I was just crying for almost to have her and then the word was keep talking keep talking keep talking I I took addition to go back to home I went to my home and I told my mom that I took the station the mom was crying my grandparents were crying my sister were crying then I was completely exhausted the whole day and it took me all the numbers and diploma the ordinary 8ish además I did that and I went to sleep because I were totally then whole day was exhausted for me I went to sleep actually just I was tired and I went to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes I saw Lord Jesus I couldn't believe it was supernatural for me because I know I I'm I mean I mean sleepy I'm sleeping I know I can't believe that was a dream or a wish I don't understand but I closed my eyes I saw a bright light in my room and a person was standing and someone is inside metallic that is Lord Jesus as soon as someone told me that Lord Lord Jesus that and I started confessing my sins I never know another new in my life that I'm a singer because as a Muslim I don't have a habit of confessing sins and convicting and we don't have a habit of that whatever the Quran says what were the Hadees is whatever our Eman PPP monument people say so Jamar says we do just follow like anything so we thought my intention I'm just thinking about all my sinful life sinful thoughts sinful all I'm just I open my darkroom of sin I would just keep confessing confessing confessing I couldn't see his face actually just saw the bright light I am started confessing and I slept actually again I slept back I was so tired all no it happened for one or two hours and then in slipped back morning I woke up I went to my numbers by 4 mana namaz and then I went to school and that's cool after doing we do the no mass in the grounds to pray after doing that I'm just thinking and wondering what was happening in my life you were yesterday taught to commit suicide and I saw a word and I compelled me to go to home as soon as I released to home at nighttime I saw Jesus and I couldn't believe whom I saw and I can't reject also the dream or vision whatever it is I could reject him also because I brought some changes in my heart I was keep wondering what is happening what is happening I went to my home and accidentally I was just watching some TV and by 7:30 when I was just watching some swapping the channels even channel called Raj TV a famous person called dr. DJ's dinner and he is talking about the love of God like God loves human then that papi was talking I never heard in my life I have been to lot of Jamaat's and I have pleased about Hadees and lot of things have done but another heard in my life someone loves me so good and that is hymns of the God can I couldn't I couldn't understand can God loves me so much can God give his blood for me can God save me whether he can give the confidence of world even after died he would take me to heaven he'll take my family that was so much a lot of big questions in my heart after after watching that the program I was quite astonished when God loved me so much and he's talking about the person whom I met yesterday at the night when he came and meet me and I had a lot of questions and I couldn't accept I couldn't refuse my by the way of how we lived as a man I could even reject the dream or mission which I had encounter with Jesus and the same night again I slept and I can I saw Jesus every day and the continuous setting three four days he continually he came to me every day when a close makes I started seeing him I I know that I am I cannot consciously I can see him I can he just came like a father to me when I was four years old my father passed away so I don't have intimate relation like a son and father relationship so when he came to me he was much like a like a father he hugged me he comforted me he gave me hope but at the morning I go to Mass can come back because I could refuse him at the same tech would reject me the followings have what we had and I had a question so I thought to see what Christians are really doing what they think about Jesus so I told my mom mom there's a program is happening and so and so place in Pauline go take so I want to see and what they're doing what they talking about Jesus my mom refused to go then I was keep company a mom I want to see what she is what they're doing then want to look I will also come along with you you did not go alone if you go alone some people they see you and think bad about you so I would also come along with you let us go put together and that was almost some 2,000 people were in the crowd and the last normally me and my mom it was it they were doing the prayer session actually it was almost time of closing so me and my mom went at the last session and the last Ben's last hit we would Santa together as soon as we went inside the pastor he was praying about something and he told the prophecy like there is a Muslim woman man has come to this place God is going to pluck the tree from different garden and going to plant in his own garden and that will become a fruitful garden like that I actually could listen to such a prophecy I never heard in my life a being in Islam that people are talking like this I never never I never seen someone is talking about the fortune or nothing that they have never heard about those he knows relationship at all I never had the supernatural experiences also I couldn't believe what is happening my life they are talking about Jesus whom I'm seeing every day at night and the same time Jesus is telling through the pastor that he will take care of me I was astonished I thought to find Jesus on how I gave my life to Jesus one thing is very sure Jesus is a life that said God is alive I want to see God I want to search him then finally when he appeared before me one thing is very sure for me he is alive I want to search him somehow I thought to either to go through Quran or through Bible and in a vision again God showed me a Bible so I started reading Bible and after two weeks I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior to help me in that span of time my mom also accepted because she could change the changes in my life because previously I used to have a heart handle fellow no love to mom no love to sisters and all I look like a big kid guy proper we could guide so my mom started seeing me then there was a changes when she saw me after accepting Christ so she came to Christ and after 4 years 3 4 years my grandma came to Christ otherwise the age of 89 she took her water baptism immerse my image water water baptism and that may a grandfather cube came to Christ and my sister came to Christ everyone on the whole family came to Christ I was so happy about them in those days what happened was like I go to engineering see dinner I did my software engineering in a Muslim minority college because I am a Muslim so I got joined in that College I was doing my engineering and at those times I don't understand Bible because my background was I know only one thing Jesus physical father is Joseph's and physical mother is made that's it I don't have any clue about the spiritual life and what is that just I saw him so I came to Christ that said so I was crying to God because after I accepted rights almost 6 7 8 9 months I couldn't understand the Bible ie and my mom started going to church but we couldn't understand what they are really telling my mom understood but I could understand so I was crying to God God please help me I don't understand what people are talking about I know that I can't simply go and tell to everyone that I have seen you so so I am become Christian I want to know the truth from your Bible and tell me then I will go and tell to them that's what I was just asking my prayers to God and it happened for six seven days I was just crying and telling Lord help me help me no one shall be like that at one day night almost some 12:15 the time is and I was just praying to God and I slept over and as soon as I close my eyes my room was completely filled I opened my eyes then I woke in my from my bed I pull my chair I pulled my table I saw Jesus who came and sat in the chair I opened my Bible Metra you Mark Luke John Romans all these five books Jesus read and I was just listening to his word like how I am talking to you you are listening the same way I saw his fingers just crawling over the letters and when he is just reading I am just listening to him it happened till morning 8:15 8:30 it happened actually my whole I couldn't believe how come as such a good God is still alive and so my gracious on me I noticed the I'm not a special guy I'm just a normal guy more sinful than anyone who is watching this program more sinful guy more decayed guy then who or watching this program but I was thinking how much His grace is enough for my life to save my life the life is totally changing when I'm joining a college I had some I faced and persecutions and there was a lot of persecution from my from my firm a college where I studied and one of my professor is beryllium emulation and when I was in my college bus and he found that I'm not coming to masks and I am started going to churches and he called me one day when I was in the bus a Josh what happened you are not coming to mass control you are going to church are you love with some Christian girl like that I said no no I'm not having anyone you might not miss to me I came at the last moment I came back I just convinced him that way but I was telling even the Holy Spirit is telling me inside I can't you be at believe the witness for me why don't you share what is the truth to the people then he told me these words I was literally crying I just I was crying and broken because how from poverty from poorness how God changed my life into a happy mood happy mode how he shifted me the sad mode to happy mode how may sorrow stolen the joy of just realizing about those thing and I was filled in the spirit I told my just shouted to my professor professor I am NOT a Muslim I don't go to Mass I am a Christian I go to church and he got upset and he told before going to class come to a cabin and discuss about this and I went with my I always used to have habit of having the Bible in my hand with my Bible I went to the cabin and they were shouting at me they were condemning me they said I am a black muck to my society like that so I was just trying before them and then they told me you should not tell who you are what you have seen if you tell this you cannot study here in this core and you can just quit and go to some other college I told a sir I don't I won't reveal to anybody that I am a Christian and I won't tell to anybody because I don't tell that's what I told them and they said fine if it is that is okay then we are also okay like that but then I told that I won't share to anybody from that day onwards I started sharing to everybody because Jesus told Holy Spirit told me inside my heart to stand as a witness for him so I just started telling to everybody in my classes in my colleges and wherever I go and people called me to mask and they threatened me because they they thought and go in a bad way to their perception it was like how come this guy went away then talk that's what their questions about because they have seen me standing in the mask and talking about Hadees talking about normal profit and we're on and now they couldn't they cannot imagine why I am doing that whenever they asked me until I saw Jesus and then tell so what you come to Muslim we come to mass when he saw prophet I don't know he's not your prophet he is a Bible God there is no relation between this and that I just argued some with some points to them this happened in my life that way 2,000 then I was called to a public meeting before that I was not exposed to anybody that I am a Christian very few people know about that and someone know about me and they call me invited me for a youth meeting in 2010 August 15 and I was much scared I don't want to go in front of anybody and tell that I'm at least in a witness first of all because I because not even a Christian is accepted me when I became Christian even the Christians were such B's they thought I'm just doing spy work or something like that and and even when I saw some I started seeing Jesus sometimes I have seen in his face he used to cry the tears fall off from his face I used to ask him why Jesus you are crying then he will tell everybody is speaking everybody is doing a fake life we are all hyper great then he will tell that like a myriad Bible we read we go to God and pray but that is not good we are not doing from heart they just give utterance actually we are doing here they're putting utterance to God by going Church we're putting utterance to God by everyday morning I woke and read the Bible but not real conscious law he said about that when I saw the tears in his heart I was really afraid about the Christians and everybody at the same time I started to understand one thing to please God to love him to the intimate relationship with him because Jesus expected intimate relationship with us yes he's a sovereign God heaven in Scripture heaviness case a mattone and yet this is proofs lets it through there sir his profile that's all very d but he he gave his son for us to get saved so he expect her intimate relationship with him so I started doing whatever can please him I don't care if I don't pray or not but if it is coming from my heart I sit and pray to Him / Havas it was not from my evil it happened because I had love on him and thirst on him so this was in my mind I don't know how to go and face the crowd in 2010 and if the next week is the Sunday is my program and this Sunday I was just started praying and I was asking to God God help me I don't know what to tell to people leave it I don't know how to start my testimony I don't know what to do I was keep praying I saw a vision in that eye so I if you have a barrier sitting in hearts with a SWAT in his hand I noted all this through all these points and God told me to put some testimony what to share what not to shy he told me and I everything in my paper and next weekend bender bender bender I had still I was nervous because I saw almost some 400 400 people sitting there all youths all boys and girls and I was wondering how to start as soon as I just getting up in the stage I saw that time another opening a banner and whatever the vision I have seen when Jesus shown me the same has printed I have put us a banner before that stage actually glory to God why God has shown that we should be mean because he comforted me like don't worry I am with you don't worry go and share the truth to them tell them what you have seen and what I am doing for you till the wartime expecting by seeing that vision when I saw that in the stage I went and told to everybody and I show the image also I was just kept us a - I drawed that image actually so I showed everybody like the same vision which is printed here God has shown me and they started focusing on me then I told everything to them and I did made engineering and I went to Singapore I was there for a short span of time in Singapore and I did only the ministry there I met everybody I met Chinese I met Malaysians I met Muslims I went the state minister I learned from some past the whole Lewis Street ministry and I told to everybody who is Jesus and who is God I always tell them God is always good he never does mistakes he never do bad things God maybe he is a light actually an evil is darkness there is no relationship between darkness and light then I always think about what God has told me and it till to everybody what has happened and when I came back to India I got a good job I said I did my job and working in a US MNC I got my settled life and my God my family blessed and the God asked me to write a testimony about my life what has happened so I wrote the testimony what God has told me every day morning I woke and after worshiping God I started writing that every day half an hour I wrote five days I wrote it after done with the testimony a two years after one person who is doing Muslim listing among Muslims he came in why he told me why don't you give a testimony to me I will publish it like that I told you I'm waiting for him for two years so when he came I we just published it and we have circulated only among Muslims and who is doing misty among Muslim it doesn't it never went to any Christian families or any Christian churches we were more safe about that we thought it should teach everybody and the truth should be revealed to them that's what we had intention and the 2014 I got married and I have a daughter now 18 months miss my daughter's yes now and 2016 marks and bill that almost 10 years happened in Christian life I had I don't have experience off I don't have experience about a Holy Spirit indwelling in the Holy Spirit outputting the Holy Spirit no tanks I never in every match I just they don't talk about Holy Spirit at all so I know who is holy spit that so he's a gentle person he's a third person Trinity that said so me and my wife and March 2016 this year we both hold our hand together I was I just got rid to my office job but I thought let me not go to job today I will put leave and me and my wife hold another hand and both holding the hands now we just think about what has happened in my life till last 10 years I was just crying to God thank you lord you have changed my life I know how my life has gone and how do I change my family they everybody came to Christ some of my cousins also came to Christ and it was so pleasing for me I was really happy about how God has changed my life I was supposed to go to hell I've decided I'm destined to be a proper sinner in the hell that God said by his grade I was thinking all this and me and my wife were praying holding the hands and from from a heart actually we are praising him like in Tamil we don't we can't find not more than 50 words to praise him in English I don't find what more 100 words to praise we just keep praising praising her my heart thank you lord thank you Jesus oh it's change Miller you're changing Tara family I'm just thinking about all these things who have filled in the spirit entirely me and my wife have filled in the spirit from our hearts gushing of water is flowing from our heart from the heart it is pouring the ferocious elephant the finishes the love or you could oriini finish her through did because of what is coming from our mouth but it with some things coming from her heart we don't want to care what we are talking about I don't want to listen I don't want to understand what I'm talking about in this spirit I just started praising God when we have filled in the spirit me and my wife the same they must act they started doing the healing actually my wife backbone used to be tilted because VDP she had a cesarean operation so she used to have a backbone pain every day night when she goes to sleep and I used to pray for her so God told me the same day a command in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit to get straighten and just in faith I told in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and the backbone get aligned and be stayed as soon as I told this her bone got straightened and my wife also did for auntie who was in that room actually and they couldn't believe how it is happening we cannot imagine from our mind you know how Christian God is we know how the Oh God is we know how Jesus is we understand something from Bible but his sovereignity his love and his miraculously Kendra we cannot even comprehend from from hmm from a carnal my narrow I know how to comprehend even they were totally in in Doyle in the spirit actually and using this gift we thought okay let us visit some people and some people being taught to visit but some people started calling us for to their homes for for prior so we go and talk about Jesus and we met only non Christians and Muslims and Hindus and some other religions they bent their home and for their sickness we just pray and God will do the miracle we never came to anybody that we have the healing miracle we do have the supernatural power we don't have you have the deliverance power we don't tell to anybody we claim we have Jesus Christ in this be able to work our work is to share the gospel to them and Jesus will heal them that says we never saw a repetition is happening at or not but fortunately God is a good God He healed everybody who may be so actually and they started doing in this ministries and I'm still working and from nine to six I work and after six I came to home and me and my wife go to ministries we meet peoples we share the gospel and we started seeing Jesus after that a very very frequently my wife after getting filled in the spirit and I was not in that room I mean it's a incident happened my wife and one more auntie one more sisters in the room and they are sitting in the bed and they keep praying I was not in that room my wife sitting in this corner in this corner one aunt is sitting here when auntie one sister is sitting she is praying for her when her eyes are closed and then she skipped clay praying praying even his sister Isis closed she can see the lady the aunty in the curbs the piano everything and she couldn't know what is happening just she's watching because his highs in the right side corner she saw Lord Jesus Christ sitting and nodding his head for all the prioritized he's saying Amen man what a beautiful God be so he is so real jesus is alive that's the biggest happiest news every Christian can believe one that every human can do that he's not a Christian God he is for everything anybody who has hands and mind and like you they look like human he's a God for him not even he's even in normal crazy he's a God for that also we saw him nodding his head and saying I mean my wife saw her face his face and the dress and how he looked what a tender graceful face he had and his hairstyle and my wife was keep in the prayer so she was taking I am seeing Jesus and he is not he said yes yes you were seeing me you are seeing me and she started seeing Jesus and when we after filling in the spirit me and my wife started to pray more time with God we thought to pray for everybody because we could speak in tongues so he thought let us use this for praying so we always close your eyes sit holding the hands means talking talking tons every day night and it was going like that so at those days what happened was like my wife maybe went to sleep and my wife was taken up to heaven and she could see the heaven the elder sitting in before father God she couldn't see the father God verse he was more brighter but she could see Jesus standing there and some incident happened and with that incident God gives a message first thing his holiness second thing is prior third thing is love without holiness we cannot please God that's the main thing he gave a message before anointing and the March before 2016 March I'm a guy who used to watch movies every time the same way watching HBO star movies every channel say was the same movie I am a flame addicted guy but after getting anointing it was not in my conscious to watch movie and not to watch movie we till now almost 9/10 mel's happen we are not in open mail not even on our TV it was not other evils but whole is to help us to live a holy life it is not like without seeing TV I am living a holy life I am just controlling me all the gates of my flesh I am just trying to put the barrier for my flesh are not trying to please my flesh and put the pad apart from this world not to please this not you can live in this world but not pleasing this world so that we learn that lesson and God showed that without wholeness nothing can be done it is not like I am doing ministry in Facebook I am doing ministry in whatsapp I am doing ministry in YouTube but you can lose your salvation because we are not a righteous person to make it very simple their carnal mind person we are in flesh and God made us very clear we thought his allow his spirit he cannot live a holy life and God insisted on that part and from that day onwards we were more with the conscious mind we start to try to live a holy life in the sense we won't be country confess all our sins whenever whenever the thought is coming in mind I can was every day we started repenting to God and we started the conference life and every day we stood at doing this and we want to please God and this saw Jesus walking in her home we saw Jesus coming in her car it doesn't mean that when we saw Jesus he is not with you he is a sovereign God when we saw him he might be a tea also but he's a sovereign that he can be a very very every time and anywhere so we saw him walking home sitting in chairs a coming each hour in car with us in car and for ministry we saw him and we saw the Angels and our life has totally changed our life is totally changed one thing I want to convey through this message I can keep on share what has happened in our life I think this is enough for every Christian to know the one truth is Jesus Christ is Allah this is not for Christian this were everybody Jesus Christ is alive and after death that is what we have to say whether we should mean hell or heaven you should think from out of the box first of all you cannot be in a box and think this is my religion and this is my following this is what I believe try to come out of the box and see what is true to this world when you find the truth when you sing the real God you will find him it is not to see God it is more to seek God that's what we learn when you try to seek God he himself will be ninety first and before you we saw in John 14 chapter there is a verse then you follow my Commandments and Nilo meet I will come and manifest to you that's what Jesus to and also the country continues worst Jesus telling like when you follow my Commandments when you allow me me and my father will come and make me home with you see heaven is his throne and yet this is puts too much he says he wants live with me he's a lovable God I can do example I am a sinner and Jesus became sin for me he is not a sinner he becomes sin for me the same way God the Father and the godly the triune God is a love I am just lovely I know how to love him but he is a formation of know even a leaf Arthur will never try to do batting for his own children he might do also some time I have beaten my daughter almost 1 1 of years will I have beaten her some time also because of her anger but still God will never do that mistake because he is the God because he is a God he is a good god God is always good jesus is alive as a conclusion of what I want to tell is like anybody who knows Christ and they can live in a comfortable way with the personal sake relationship with God and not doing telling to everybody but that doesn't please God that doesn't please men also why I am Telling is like any religion anybody may be a Christian or Hindu or ax or a Muslim or any any group of people may be Isis anybody they don't know who is Christ they don't know who is God they have God with us they don't have God with us so we should pray for the mossad of going and talking about gospel let us pray for them literally built us let us bind all the evil spirits which is trying to occupy them and then we'll go and share the gospel and the final thing I want to be make sure is anointing Holy Spirit and prayerful life and holiness life and loving without love they taught these things they can never do God's work we should be more careful you can do wonders and miracles that is done by God is not done by us he himself was power and in his day it is happening that way but we should be more pleasing to him but living a righteous life and I want to say to everybody who are watching today after you listen to his word imagine where you want to go today if you die where you want to go you want to go to heaven and my brother and sister I don't want you to go to hell then you know Christ and it doesn't mean you know Christ in a build in heaven when you know Christ you should repent for your sins and start to please God and live a life for him the God who brought you in your life and I am holding Henry I'm sorry about that but I want to tell what is happening memory frankly god bless you so my thanks for your patience are watching this in Jesus name whatever big lesson I mean
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 202,455
Rating: 4.8873873 out of 5
Keywords: Malayalam, Christian, Sermon, Pentecostal, Kerala, India, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, Lord, Ministry, Word, Yeshu, മലയാളം, ക്രിസ്തീയ പാട്ട്, devotional, hymns, IPC, keralam, Malayalam Christian Songs, Gospel Music, Devotional Song, Christianity (Religion), Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Bible, ആരാധനാ, പരിശുദ്ധാത്മാവു, ദൈവം, സുവിശേഷം, യേശു, കൃപ, വചനം, messages, Latest, Best, Top, Malayalam Full Movie, comedy
Id: 4uQsW8dQX2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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