Tesla Plaid!! 20 Dragstrip runs!!! Wheelies! Chutes! Beasts on Slicks! Tuned 911 Turbo S! Cuda 440!

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I wonder why the downvotes. Literally 20 drag races in one video. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/giantyetifeet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He should be wearing a balaclava / headsock. He's got all the other safety gear on.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gardenfella πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still doesn’t sound cool though.... sorry bruh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chaos_Actual_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
up next on the tesla plaid channel hmm welcome back to the tesla plaid channel exciting day today we're picking up our plaid the first of the orders that we have placed we'll be picking up our blue model s with 21-inch wheels and we're hoping to take it out to the drag strip tonight it's wednesday and the 8th mile track runs tonight but you can see we've got rain here so it depends on how long the rain goes and whether the track's able to dry but if the track is open we will be there with the plaid and we are excited to pick it up needless to say it's been a long time coming all right for the first time our plaid is here and 21-inch wheels whether you like them or not if you want a plaid that's the only choice there is at this moment so it still has a license plate frame on the front but that is coming straight off it's all uh deep chrome plaid with 21-inch wheels and cream interior walnut decor blue paint do you want a light all right the car is looking good as i look into it for kind of the first time boy there's a red stain on the seat but i'm sure that can be solved all right first thing it asks us to do is apply for the first time to name our vehicle and let's just put tesla plaid channel for now model s plaid 14 miles it's all about the plaid we're about to drive the car for the very first time so let's go into reverse gear a little space behind us here easily on the gas [Music] oh my god so oh boy this joke's going to take some getting used to i mean you can see even just here in this parking lot it's a shame that it's raining today but it's late july in florida so that's what happens so yeah there's a lot of tesla's in this tesla dealership parking lot as you'd expect what do these two tesla's here have in common we got gas never and 0-60 in two seconds take a couple quick photos and take this thing home get ready for the drag strip tonight we got the 2019 we've got the 2021 and we've got the 2016 model s 75 you know there could be a fourth car with a tesla plaid channel decals on it if i put the decals on that p100d loaner card they gave me a couple weeks ago we were talking about putting uh the tesla clad channel decals on one of the loaners they gave me we need to put it back in yeah i'm sure why not a little free advertising you think they'd take it off right away somehow i'm guessing they probably would so is the blue the same as the question i mean it looks pretty different since it's blacked out instead of chrome but it looks like it's pretty much the same shade of blue what do you think i mean maybe not identical but really darn close they're coming off are they like maybe even tonight really yeah all right we got the decals on the car and we're just a couple hours from taking it out to the drag strip for the first time looks like the weather's going to cooperate for our session tonight we're not going to bring out the new wheels i'm really looking forward to running these aluminum wheels with the nittos on them but it's a little bit too much to do here on this first night so we're going to get a baseline with just the car and the stock tires and wheels and we'll bring these out next wednesday and we'll test them versus the stock rubber all right we're going to be charging the plaid here for the first time ever we're doing it at the supercharger because we didn't have time to charge it at home today yeah this is going to take some getting used to oh man this used to be so easy all right look at this 180 degrees just to make a modest turn anyway okay gotta get this car plugged in for racing tonight all right we're leaving the charger now and i didn't exactly intend to go to 100 but this car charges really fast and next thing i know there we are hey there hey looks like we're gonna have ourselves a tesla shootout tonight all right welcome back to the tesla plaid channel where our blue plaid has arrived and this car is not it it's this one right here and quite a few differences between my 2016 s75 and this 2021 plaid s yeah i know i still need to get the rest of the front bracket off i need a heat gun to do that but that'll come off later today so the plaid much larger tires obviously we got the decals on this afternoon we just picked this up a couple hours ago and here we are at showtime drag strip it is july 28 2021 and this badge is likely to come off soon and we still need to get our custom plate this has the 21 inch wheels the 295 30 profile and 21 inch wheel and it was my first choice i really wanted to have the 19s but it was the only way to get a car if you want 19 you're going to be waiting for who knows how long we also brought the raven out tonight so it's a family affair with all three cars we plan to take the raven down if i can find somebody i trust to drive it down the strip for me we are going to run looks like there's a charger lining up in the next lane that's fine we're going to go sport mode on this first pass i'll explain why after the race new one huh yeah this one we're going to sport mode on this first pass i think it'll be plenty to take out the uh charger sorry just take out the challenger okay sport mode here we go just to get a feel for the car and it pulls pretty hard i'm sure all of you watching this at home are eager to see me launch it in plaid and i'm eager to do it let me tell you a quick story about why i'm not going to go plow out on my first pass when i was a kid about eight years old i had this bmx bike and it was like a kmart special it was like heavy it was probably over 40 pounds a real tank and when i'd go out with all my friends and other bitter bikes we do jumps and stuff in order to prevent the bike from doing a total nose dive i had to pull up really hard on the handlebars well sure enough i eventually got a really nice bike it was called the power light it's all you know aluminum chromoly and stuff and uh probably weighed 20 something pounds the first time i go for the uh jump i pull up i land on my back and i skin to my spine cleaned down to the bone it was horrible horrible 741 almost 103 miles an hour faster on the mile an hour than the other car and that's just in sport mode so i'm gonna crank it up to uh the full mode and then the next pass after that i'll do the whole launch deal all right and uh just take one step at a time take it easy yeah yeah yeah probably took about a month for my spine to heal up it was horrible and of course my shirt came right up and i just scanned all the way down my back with the freaking bike on top of me so you know you get used to one thing and then you switch to something else and you gotta take it seriously be responsible about it so learned a valuable lesson okay that was sport we're switching to plaid we won't go drag strip on this one we'll actually do uh drag strip two ways we're gonna inch our way up we're gonna do plaid by itself then we'll do drag strip just drag strip and then we'll do drag strip with launch mode this poor challenger is going to think we're picking on them we gotta get the draggy going for the next pass as well okay we're in plaid mode but not drag strip and not launch mode and let's see if we get this pass here right oh my goodness this is oh my god man it pulls hard all the way down the track and i gotta get on the brakes a lot earlier and a lot more seriously holy mackerel that thing pulls it felt like it was at the limit of tire adhesion all the way down the track holy mackerel didn't feel like we spun at all you know sometimes we'll get some slip in the raven didn't feel that at all but the track is freshly prepped and these two passes are the only passes down that lane so far hey brony what do you think it pulls hard all the way down did i do like a six one maybe six fifteen at 120 something miles holy mackerel and that wasn't even in full bore that was just in the second faster that's a five five ninety five eighty car yeah i've i've got some uh more left in it here we'll see in a minute barony cool 6 15 120 and a half all right cool i still got two more uh faster passes i can make on this everybody seems to be talking about this car it needs 11 minutes to get into drag strip mode really yeah let me pull up here all right i set it to drag strip mode and you know i've heard the same stuff that most you guys have in the magazines it only takes five minutes eight minutes 11 minutes and that's even after those two hot passes so yeah we have 10 minutes now so we'll give it 10 minutes we're 10 minutes to uh being fully ready in drag strip mode is that what happens after you make a pass or is it activating something no i set it to drag strip mode to heat up the battery i didn't do that on the first couple passes but i expected only take five eight minutes and here it wants 10 minutes to get there so um we'll uh we'll give it 10 minutes and see what uh all right we are in drag strip mode we warmed it up it says peak performance ready and we could use launch mode but we're going to wait to the next pass for that [Music] all right we'll put on the uh gloves for this pass ready set here we go oh it didn't launch that hard right at the beginning i think we need launch mode next okay we're gonna go right around and do that again i was not impressed by the 60 foot at all maybe it was slipping and the computer was cutting it back which is obviously why we got those nitto race tires six one again two 119. okay in dragster mode we ran a 632 at 119. we'll go faster on this next pass i'm confident we're 92 battery charge oh here's a car i want to race all right so this is not ideal because i want to use launch mode but i also want to uh beat this car and launch mode could cause me to lose this race just because of the additional spool up time but we're gonna give it a shot all right let's see what we get this is not ideal trying something new with a formidable competitor in the next lane you know what i think i need to save launch mode to the next pass because i'd rather win this race than shave my time just a tiny bit alright here we go well yeah oh i gotta get on the brakes i'm at 100 miles an hour see that's what i'm talking about i'm driving this car like it was my previous car where i didn't have to get on the brakes immediately but when you're flying through the traps here at 120 and it doesn't have that long of a runoff that's where bad things happen i had a horrible launch it felt like a horrible 60 foot but i knew i had the power to run him down that's a formidable car he runs under six fifty five you got way out i mean 120 yeah yeah he had you till the uh to the 60 or 330 and then that i wanted to give it everything but i can't when there's somebody lined up next to me because i got to go through this whole process so this next one will be 100 we ran a 615 at 120 on that pass and we got to do a launch mode pass so that's this next one really we can still go a little bit faster we haven't done the uh launch control yet okay you're going left lane yeah you got somebody lining up with me but i think the left lane's better than right right yeah it didn't launch hard at all in the right lane a little too much rubber on the right side okay thanks okay they're saying the right lane isn't as sticky as the left and i agree with them okay we're gonna go all out this time drag strip mode still says it's ready okay we're gonna go straight to launch mode oh shoot here we go launch mode is preparing for launch and moving moving moving here we go now whoa there we go oh yeah okay look at this that was the pass right there that felt a lot faster and this is still in the stock tires i can't wait to get the nittos out here next week yeah i could feel the difference in the power i'd be very disappointed if that's not a 6-0 something pass okay we're going to take it out of drag strip mode now and go to straight plaid 6-0 6-0 tell me at 6-0 6-0 120 60 foot 49 60 foot yeah yeah takes off like a rocket it felt a lot a lot better than that between this one and the other one this has got 1020 horsepower that one's only got about 800. that one's got two motors one in the front one in the back this has got a motor on each wheel on the back so three motors total one two and three so yeah and you can feel it my goodness oh yeah it pulls all the way down the track i mean that same level of g-force that you get in the first 300 all the way down it's just that you know yeah you're you're you're back in the seat all the time yeah it's like at the limit of the tire traction almost yeah right to the finish line which is nuts because these are only summer tires i mean next week i'm going to come out with uh you know race tires on but these are just summer tires look at these tires these aren't oh yeah no nothing special all right we're looking for a 6-0 we got a 606 at 120.3 miles now we're down to 89 percent battery now so i think with the right tires on here maybe a couple other tricks the right night we can get a 5.99 hopefully it doesn't take a tailwind to get to the 5.99 but i think we'll get there all right well if you all see that this thing's a rocket ship right this fox body mustang i just saw it come around the corner we are in just plaid mode now i thought you were gonna buy a faster car i don't know anything about this mustang if he's fast not fast it sure sounds uh from his burnout that he's got something going on turbos i believe i think i heard a wastegate going i'm going to try to cut a light here oops sorry all right now no yeah no chance i didn't know what he had i couldn't take a chance you know maybe he's a low six second car some cars show up here for the first time and they really surprise you they run from 590 or something okay we got some things planned for the next couple runs here 619 a 119. yeah i dialed it back but that's enough for what 95 percent of the cars out here right yeah oh yeah so i mean why push the limit every time i didn't know what that mustang had i had no clue but i want to cut a bit of a light 154 is not a bad 60 foot no no nothing either seems to be a little more consistent now i think the traction is better in the left-hand lane too yes we ran a 619 at 119.49 miles an hour fun pass this beautiful plymouth [Music] look at the slides i've never seen this looks like a plymouth barracuda over there out here before but uh it sounds formidable huge slicks on the back [Music] let's see what we can do here see i'm so used to the other car where you can come through the traps and not have to break immediately i gotta make an adjustment in a hurry holy mackerel i'm like almost panic stopping at the end of the runoff that was fun i won't lie to you that was a lot of fun 6 21 119 and a half that guy launched hard you got way out on me red lighted 005 yeah the red light helped i still haven't quite got the launch down but a one four zero 60 foot for that guy i know yeah yeah i wasn't sure if i'd get around it but i did all right we've been talking about needing faster competitors and here's this uh barracuda i've never seen out here before he read lit and he ran a 657 a one four zero 60 foot but i came right around him i ran a 621 at 119.5 seems like all my passes are over 119 miles an hour all right we're breaking all the rules on this pass we've got a ride along and it's uh none other than jeremy from the faster proms channel jeremy say hi how's it going guys this is going to be freaking awesome honestly watching you make these passes this thing is so impressive and you've crushed everything that you've raced so far so and uh i'm very impressed i'm looking forward to some more stiff competition okay so we'll go to a drag strip just so that we can use the um launch mode and you can feel the whole launch let's even get a 1 4 something 60 foot even with a passenger that would be an accomplishment oh yeah i'm gonna be extra ballast i'm gonna make it happen all right this is gonna be awesome okay we're gonna get our bulbs okay we're immediately gonna start the stage process check this out over here jeremy and here we go oh my gosh is that awesome that rips that's so clean yeah that is such a clean pull that is so much torque just solid puzzles all the way down no no let up for a second oh my gosh dude that's awesome definitely the uh i mean it's just it's incredible the torque that is really impressive i mean i've seen so many people making all these noises and stuff that have been going for rides in these things and it does make you make some noises it's like it's going to get something out of you yeah yeah dang that was that was nice all right let's take it out of that mode i'm going to make most of my passes tonight you'll notice jeremy just in standard plaid mode which still runs uh like a 615. gotcha and you went 6-0 as fast as 6-0 yeah 6-0 was in the drag strip mode with the uh that launch mode that we just used so let's see how this compares to our 606 with the additional weight 17 and 119. it looked like you were sliding around out there a bit i mean it was grasping for attraction it could because it went like yeah even though we had a little extra ballast to hold us to the track so yeah good pass so on that one we ran a 617 at 119.0 gotcha we got a five three sixty-five so we just had a um and i mean dude it blows past it it's just a totally different experience with all-wheel drive and well it's got its own like traction algorithm i guess yeah i think it just checks for slip every you know 100 times a second or something and it just takes a little power out that was incredible man thank you very much absolutely so you ready to pilot the other one and we go down uh side by side heck yeah definitely cool let's uh let's get you set up in the other tesla all right you saw this big i come around the corner with uh it's like hoosier slicks all right we're in plaid mode again we're not going to use launch you got an issue okay all right i'm not gonna waste any uh charge on this glass i'm gonna just come around i got people waiting for me all right this truck a lot of cars out here tonight i've never seen before that's a burnout he's lightweight a lot of power over there i think he's going to get out of me but i can come around we need to cut a light anyway though oh he's poetry and he stalls the line i didn't know he was a pro tree i think i cut a light there but just as quick as i cut the light i got out of it because i'm gonna save it for the next run so when you get into the low sixes you might find other cars that run on the low sixes but are they consistent or not is the question right how many consistent reliable hard to break low six cars are we talking about same thing yeah he's very smart of you you know not jason yeah you know save it just just save the car save the car every time you can i didn't know that was gonna be a pro tree either our 0.5 reaction wasn't too bad considering we did not know it was going to be a pro treat all right this didn't happen just because you saw it on youtube didn't mean it really happened so i can't believe how fast this up there is man this is nice that's crazy steve came all the way out from california for this run is that right steve that's right all right this was one of the greatest weekends of my life the tesla plan channel flew me out from san diego all the way to florida i got a ride-along and the brand new plaid down the drag strip i can't wait to see how fast this car is it's amazing from the stands it's so freaking fast find some grip here okay i hope that thing doesn't itch in the face hold on to it tight okay we're going to get two bulbs and then we're going to stage the thing you might also want to get this at some point over here steve you're going to see some activity as it gets into launch mode you ready you prepared yep okay here we go see let's see over here that was ridiculous oh man i was just thrown back in my seat i could hardly like see clearly i'm glad i resorted that so i can 6 18 118. that's the first one i think that's under 119 tonight yeah um that that extra 100 pounds that's what gives you the dent yeah yeah a little more than that i forgot you like the beer dude thanks a lot that was really really cool i ran a 6 18 and 118.5 with passenger that was amazing it's it's as fast as a rocket ship thank you tesla plaid channel this is the greatest channel on youtube obviously so on the next pass here uh my good buddy jeremy's going to pilot the raven for us and uh i'm gonna let you have the move all right i don't think it's gonna matter for our next run in the plaid we're gonna run a familiar car we are going to run against my raven that has seen 1001 dragster passes without any issues i've already posted the 991st time slip but went out to bradenton and ran 10 more on thursday but haven't had a chance to edit and post that yet this is a 1002 for the car even if it's not me driving it piloting the raven tonight is my buddy jeremy from the faster proms channel why is it always the imports right okay we're gonna go just straight plaid mode i agree to give jeremy the hit okay wait till he moves there he goes there he goes and i gotta catch him oh man he's way out of me not enough though i gotta get on it man there we go again dang it i'm going to wear out these brakes almost 6 45 at 119. a little slower i think i need to put some more juice in the battery i ran a 624 and 119. jeremy ran a 682 at 101 in the raven and i think if i was in the driver's seat i probably would have ran about a 682 at 101. his reaction an 05 nice light there jeremy nice one all right we're gonna run the grand national all right we are in plaid mode not drag strip [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah hahaha oh my goodness [Music] oh come on that was a long time coming you guys how many uh months have probably been racing that grand national for a year and remember i ordered this car 10 months ago it was supposed to come in february it was supposed to come in march and june and now it's here and the launch was not great we were having traction issues having a hard time getting off the line but it didn't matter that he got out on us because we had everything we needed to come right around with no problem 6 30 120 he had you to the 3 30 and then yeah he got way out of me but i knew i'd come around just so much power at the top man subtraction was an issue on that run again we were just straight plaid we never warmed it up we didn't use launch mode but we still ran a 6 30 at 120.1 and the grand national had a great run he ran a 650 at 106 but reaction time i had an 08 to his 0.12 but my 60 foot was horrible my 60 foot was a 1.62 which is pretty bad and he had a 148 so uh we should go over and chat with him after that run what do you think man i think he's going around here i'm gonna turn it up now turn yourself i'll turn mine up so i ran a 6-0 earlier oh six wow that was a 6 30 on that passes six five this thing is super fast everything freaking off the hook you just picked it up yeah just a couple hours ago yeah i didn't even have time to wire everything and whatever just just let's go let's go put the logos on there put the suction cups on and out the door all right we're gonna run that hemi cuda again right no point red lighting with this car i mean i can come around i just didn't want him to get way out on me and have to drive around everybody tonight because of slow reactions or bad 60 foots but that's my first red light in a while and it seemed like the car really jumped i think i was staged properly in the right spot but if the car does jump a little bit faster than what used to be a you know a 0.05 positive is now 0.05 negative maybe it would make sense over 200 more horsepower should react a little bit quicker off that line it's been a long time since i did a red light oh five red light yeah this car just jumped off the line it's not exactly the same yeah yeah yeah you know extra a couple hundred horses more horsepower yeah so anyway learn my lesson i read lit by an 05 five hundredths of a second i ran a 625 at 120.2 miles an hour that a hemi cuda ran a 654 at 104 miles an hour and had a 0.01 reaction time so he had an awesome reaction i mean guys driving you know serious cars like that usually have decent reactions and uh he sure did which is why i wanted to have a great reaction too but not a red light so lesson learned i gotta give myself just an extra moment there's a race for you i don't know i'm taking him i think i just heard him say a little oil on the track wasn't me [Music] that's funny all right we're going to make another run here back to back this is against this fox body mustang with a parachute so you don't generally see uh parachutes on slow cars [Music] all right this is the second time that vega broke down tonight that's unfortunate i'm out on that man he's not gonna hit me so [Music] wow i think i had a good reaction on that pro tree i was right on it 632 almost 120. as tom said there i had a 632 at 119.9 just about 120 miles an hour no red light it's hard as hell the red light on a pro tree my pro tree reaction was a 0.2 the mustang was a 0.3 so got out on him and i don't think that was his best run but good run all right we got our camera working again on this pass we're gonna go plaid against we can't give him anything here at the light like i said back there at the tree i'm going to give this guy nothing at this light and it looked like i had a 0-1 on the board which is the most i can ever expect to get triple zero is too much to ask for and he held 60 footed me but this has got the big power to come around every time 623 120. do i have a good reaction on that 0012. i like it i figured out where to leave that was a pass so that guy always has a good light but he read lit on that pass which helped him get out of me plus his 140 160 foot to my 156 which is a kind of 60 foot that the raven used to do all day long but the big power after that came right on and i ran a 6 23 at 119.8 he ran a 655 at 104. even though he read lit and got out on that red light i still beat him by .26 more than a quarter of a second i'm loving this plaid all right next up porsche turbo s here modified tuned turbo s not every day you see one of these out of the track and the timing couldn't be better we wanted faster cars we got faster cars okay how do we want to run this it says it uh still needs four minutes till drag strip mode is ready so it might not be absolute limit of power but we should be close that's quite a decal job on that car okay i'm gonna try to cut a light on them too so uh did anybody else notice that he left a half a second early uh okay i'm not sure what that was all about i mean there's red lights and then there's that i still left on the light i could have just chased him based on his red light but i wasn't watching for his movement we didn't have any kind of like arrangement for me to give him the move i'm not going to give a 6 30 car the move that guy ran a 6 30 on his last pass and that might be roughly what i'm running at this point with 84 battery but he lost on the red light of course and i'm sure he lost an e.t as well so anyway you slice it he was a little bit eager 20 at 120. oh i was gonna suggest that you run him he ran he left a half a second early huh he left a full half second early yeah i don't know if he was just like running away from me or what it was they tried to get away from me that's well you know what i'm saying that the cops should have these cars yeah absolutely man it's reliable too oh yeah i ran a 620 at 119.4 and that porsche on that pass ran a 645 at 111.8 it might have been a competitive race if we left somewhat together i still would have beat him by a couple tenths but i don't know why he left that early i would have liked to go down side by side maybe we can do it again all right we're gonna run the porsche again turbo s uh he was nice about it he apologized for that egregious red light man that last pass he even said i said who's getting a win you were him he said he is i was like man you can't just count yourself out before you even start make this happen against the porsche we are in drag strip mode we're fully ready and we are not going to use launch mode put on a good reaction time here now so that race was kind of the reverse of the previous race instead of him being a half second way out it was me a half second way out but i went on green i'd be happy to do a best two out of three in terms of uh trying to get a good start against each other 31 119 you gave me one i could tell that yeah it was a weird one i don't know what he was waiting for maybe we'll go again i ran a 6 30 one at 119. he ran a 689 at 111. it seems like with the exception of the run where i had a passenger and ran 118 miles an hour i think all the rest of the passes have been 119 and up and i was right on the light at 0.12 and he had a .85 reaction so it was kind of over at the start but maybe we'll do it again this fox body's got a parachute on it and it's a fast car you gotta shoot this for me my cameras were not working okay we're in drag strip mode we're fully ready with the battery unfortunately our gopro is not responding i just wanna not red light here oh it's a freaking pro tree [Music] [Applause] well he gave the man run for his money but the tesla is still undefeated tonight not by a lot that was a close race we're down to 81 battery we've made a boatload of passes just pass after pass 630 119. that was actually fairly close that mustang was right on me fast thing he's got to shoot so we ran a 630 at 119 119.2 the other car wasn't far behind we have a hellcat durango here bring it on up to the line [Music] i haven't seen the hellcat badge on durango yet i don't know if he's got any modifications but he would definitely need some he didn't do much of a burnout but he should be all-wheel drive okay i'm going to go for a decent reaction time i guess oh i spun a little bit i can feel it all right guys uh the ticket guy down the top says it's raining oh wait one there i think i got out of it before uh i crossed the finish line but i'm okay with that and it just started raining right at the end of the track look at that wow that'll be the last run of the night for sure then it's uh after 9 30 they normally close at 10 but they can't uh recover from this rain mistake okay don't run the wipers when you got the gopros on the car andrew i know where that rain came from 6 29 117. thankfully we got to the end of the track hey i look forward to see you next time all right wednesday man see you all right that was a great night of racing how many times have you heard me say at the end of the night that was a great night of racing but it takes a new meeting when you're driving the plaid running low sixes every time at 119 and up not sure what i ran in that pass but man we made a lot of passes and we had a lot of great runs that was an incredible night of racing is what that was so we're hoping that the forecast for tomorrow holds and that the rain is done by around noon so that we can race out of bradenton on the quarter mile tomorrow night i know that a lot of you viewers prefer a quarter mile it is kind of a standard of sorts see you next time right here on the tesla plaid stand is channel and we'll be open all night long you got plenty of hot food over there ice cold beer soda whatever you need they pretty much got it
Channel: Tesla Plaid Channel
Views: 316,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Plaid, Tesla Drag Racing, Tesla vs Everything, Plaid Model S, Raven Model S, Tesla Raven, Ludicrous Mode, Model S Performance, P100D, Showtime Dragstrip, Buick Grand National, Turbo Foxbody, Hellcat Durango, Plaid vs 911 Turbo S, Porsche 911 Turbo S, Cuda 440 Plymouth Barracuda 440, Tesla Plaid Drag Race, Tesla Plaid Acceleration, Tesla Plaid vs, Tesla Plaid Model S, Tesla Plaid 0-60, Tesla Plaid vs everything, Tesla Plaid Channel
Id: CLQfR4TQyug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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