Terrifying Return To Bigfoot Sasquatch Gifting Tree Reveals Horrific Discovery

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alright guys we are heading back out to my Bigfoot Sasquatch gifting site where a week ago from today we attempted to lure the potential possible Bigfoot sasquatch away from my home for my family safety now we're going back I didn't know if I was going to go back or not but I decided to go back because if you'll remember if you watch that video we left a gift we left three little mandarin oranges and then a couple of days after that I was up here in this field on my side of the tree line here we're just on within the tree line there's a there's an old grave believed to be an old gravesite believed to be from the early part of the last century it's about a hundred years old and I was doing a night video and we saw mandarin orange peels in the field I asked my wife I asked my son if they were reading oranges up there they said no so I'm going back out here today to check the gifting spot to confirm one of two suspicions here's all I'm taking with me today as I'm taking my knocking stick I've been using the same knocking stick since last October when I was up here acting a fool doing what people have said I should not do when knocking around on trees which I believe got this whole thing started I used this last week when I knocked we didn't get any response at least not that I heard somebody in the comment section of that video said they heard a knock I went back and listened I didn't hear it I'm taking the same knocking stick because I may knock again this evening depending upon what I find and I've got no evidence to prove this this is my theory this is one of my theories is that you're knocking stick I'm using the same one over and over because I believe you're knocking stick is kind of like your your cell phone number okay get one stick with it because based upon the the mass of the stick the width the everything the length the sound the vibrations this thing will make is going to be unique to this stick so I want to make sure that if there's something out there hearing my knocks they know it's me because of my stick now if you notice the Sun back here it's setting and it's setting fast I'm going out just before dark I might get stuck in the woods at dark because people been saying in the comments sections comments section these videos you're most likely to see a Bigfoot sasquatch just before dark so hey man I want to I want to get to the bottom of it so I'm at the end of the driveway I need to open the gate and get on out of here so I'm going off the phone I'm gonna turn it off for now remember don't make videos of yourself for YouTube while you're driving that's just stupid and it's not safe so I'll see you when we get to the woods all right guys I'm back in the potential Bigfoot Sasquatch woods heading up the mountain to where we gifted our mandarin oranges got my knocking stick and I wanted to point out another safety feature safety issue you might notice I'm wearing blaze orange go Hoos go I'll tell you what weather Bigfoot Sasquatch is real or not whether he/she are they are dangerous or not you know the jury's still out on this at least in my mind some people are convinced yeh some people are convinced nay let me tell you what some people in the woods hunting are idiots and it was shoot just about anything two moves during hunting season and today as of this recording actually happens to be I'm sorry I thought I saw something it happens to be the last day of deer season so guys if you don't go out in the woods and do this kind of crazy stuff like I'm doing here what's this something's disturbed the leaves there it's like something was running down here or something then just stopped ah we are in the woods it could have been a deer a bear but listen my point is well blaze orange be safe okay this hill steep but I'm gonna keep on trucking and chugging along and I might even jog here in a minute because here I'm preaching safety this mountain behind me you can tell it's almost dark the Sun is down behind the mountains again I'm trying to be out here during the best possible time to see for potentially see a real Bigfoot sasquatch so I'm preaching safety I'm guys this tree was not here when I was up here I was up here one week ago from the day I'll put that video on the end of this one so you can look let me show you this tree okay so there's a tree in the road it wasn't here last week when I was up here I'm an exact same spot but you'll be able to see by comparing the videos and look just like we found on a homestead this tree is broken off about four to five feet up and it's been twisted but look no trees around it are damaged and look at this tree this tree is a dead rotten stag a swift wind would blow it over I probably should not be standing underneath it right now and the same holds true for the tree behind it but they're still standing but this tree which is healthy look at this it still got green it was budding this tree was so healthy it was budding getting ready to bear new leaves when the spring comes look at that it's still green yet it's twisted off four feet above the base well I wasn't expecting this I mean there it is I'm coming up here checking on a little oranges I was not expecting to see that so my point I said I'm preaching safety don't drive while you're making videos that's stupid and we're blaze orange but guess what it occurred to me then I'm up here in this oh don't worry that was a hawk I might be able to get him in a video he's huge it might be an eagle fine get him when I get close okay now there goes see if you can see it behind me we missed it guys I'm new to this Bigfoot Sasquatch stuff I mean I've always known about the you know okay people have been saying in the comments that they can you hear it that's the eagle hear it people have been telling me that Bigfoot Sasquatch can shape-shift hear it so I find these strange tracks and then I find the tree guys this is all on video you're seeing all this that tree was twisted four and a half feet up from the base we record that and then right there at the same spot we see an eagle did the Bigfoot sasquatch shape-shift to evade us gosh what I'm trying to tell you I can get it out is I didn't bring a light I'm not hearing the Bigfoot Sasquatch Woods okay up there's the gifting tree and there's something in theirs it's almost dark I'm out here looking for Bigfoot Sasquatch I don't have a flashlight I gotta make this quick guys I'm gonna run to my final destination be right back okay guys we have reached our final destination you might remember last week when I did the knock point it out that my homestead is in between these two points on this down in this area it's in this valley there's the eagle he's they see it you hear it screaming it is following me it's been following me ever since I was at that tree it was twisted and broken and by the way up here's our gifting tree and from here I can see at least one of the oranges we left see that I saw movement up here okay keep your eyes open guys we're gonna go up here we left three oranges I can see that there's a is this Eagle trying to warn us is it telling us stay away what's the message we're getting closer guys getting closer I'm all of this one film the Eagle is warning us it's almost dark and I'm hearing stuff up here and I'm detected movement hey guys I see three oranges one two three they're all still here okay guys so here are the two suspicions I was trying to confirm number one which we approving this is not a scenario please watch me ha me and the camera as I talk we've picked up strange things in the background of these videos when I'm not looking directly at it so I want you to be my eyes behind me here some people have said that the orange peels were in my yard because Bigfoot sasquatch got them from the gifting tree brought them back to my place as his her or their way of saying hey we know these are from you you can't get rid of us well we just tested that that theory these oranges are still here so that's not the case so now three number two and this was my theory okay and I'm not trying to offend all you squatchers out there who were convinced Bigfoot's real listen I whole heartedly open-mindedly entertain the idea of the possibility of these things because you know what I've never seen gravity does that mean gravity's not there absolutely not we know it is watch gravity okay but here was my theory and I think this is what we just confirmed this is a suspicion I think we just confirmed I think it's an annoying neighbor who's watching my videos and who's playing games and I think they saw the video of last week and they saw this and so they conveniently dropped some orange peels off conveniently where there's a graveyard where conveniently I've been finding balls okay I'm not like I said I'm not knocking anybody's beliefs this this is just what I think but you know what for kicks and giggles let's do another knock it sounds like that evil might not think that's such a good idea let's try one anyway okay guys I'm gonna knock we're gonna listen by the way last week I'm not so hard I cut cut skin on my finger so here we go one knock just before dark I know let's give a look and listen and see what we see you're here if anything okay guys I gave that knock about five minutes ago I've been standing here listening looking and if you want to say nothing strange has happened I begged I beg to differ listen you hear nothing right you heard nothing after the knock and I kept recording for a full minute stop the camera stood here for five you're nothing I heard nothing what happened that Eagle while I was panning for a full minute I looked up where it had been just before the knock and it was gone and it's not returned I don't know what that means but I do know it's gonna be dark very soon and I don't have a light these oranges are still here but at the same time I can't explain that twisted tree I can't explain the eagle I can't explain where the Eagle went after that made the knock so I'm gonna start mosey on out of these woods here pretty quick guys I saw something moving around over there watch up here towards the end of this log let's keep going I'm close enough to my car that I'm not gonna have to run so I'm not going to because if I am being watched right now I don't want to show any signs of fear and I'm not scared anyway that's what a lot of people aren't really getting you know all the comments I'm reading people are like be terrified Bigfoot Sasquatch is not a peaceful creature he will kill you and eat you and all these things I do not feel threatened I just feel curious so guys you were here with me I brought you out I recorded you we've seen it I mean here's the tree I'm back at the tree I wasn't noticing this this looks like maybe a deer scratched at up I don't know look guys I'm gonna know your thoughts the oranges were still there so I'm inclined to believe that it's one of my somebody who knows where I live kind of trolling me on the channel but I mean how do we explain this wasn't here last week to the best of my memory I'm gonna go back and look in that video as well but it's twisted four feet up off the ground you see it's up there on the bank we saw some strange tracks which could have been a bear with this Eagle mysteriously appeared from out of nowhere and was screaming in warning but then vanished after I gave a knock did it go into another realm okay here's those tracks I'm gonna give you a close-up these are the tracks we saw on the way up I'm gonna get down here and dig into these leads I'll be seeing any hoof prints what is that here can't really tell but something was coming down here and abruptly stopped right here I don't see the cloven hoof like it's a deer I don't think it was a deer might have been a date a bear whatever it was it was sizable because it pushed the leaves back well guys let me know what you think I think this kind of odd the way this tree is broken here over this ledge looks like a little cave take a good look around me look at the woods all around where I've been people have been noticing tree bins and all kinds of other stuff let me know what you think it's all my stark I'm two minutes away from my car so I'm done I'm gonna go home upload this video enlarge it in certain areas see what I see I'm gonna listen I'm gonna turn the volume up as loud as it'll go and see if I hear anything I want you guys to do the same so thanks for joining me for a trip out to the gifting tree stay tuned we'll see you for more next time
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 362,035
Rating: 4.3365898 out of 5
Keywords: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, gift, gifting, tree, terror, terrorize, terrifying, horror, horrific, discovery, find, evidence, tracks, scat, monster, myth, cryptozoology, hunt, hunting, forest, woods, creature, wild, jungle, Kapre, lie, hoax, fake, hairy, one, old, fiction, novel, Isle of Kapre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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