He Discovers The Lair Of Bigfoot And Is Told LOUD AND CLEAR He Is NOT Welcome

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today's a day guys it's time to either put up or shut up what we know is that for some time we have been gifting some entity multiple items for about a year now fruit apples seashells as of late walnuts from our heavy fall mast harvest of walnuts if you've been following the channel you know the walnuts are not being eaten at the gifting spot which is just above us here I'm sitting behind one of my Bigfoot blinds I've got the camera facing into the forest here forest in which we are going deeply into today it's early it's 742 a.m. as I'm recording this first scene here's the plan I know the trail they traveled to come here I do not know specifically where that trail goes we're gonna find out today we're gonna find out where these walnuts are being taken five gallon buckets full of walnuts three or four a week for the last few weeks have been disappearing we were giving the buckets that were taking the buckets they finally brought them back I've not been leaving buckets I've just been dumping the walnuts out on the ground they're still being taken and this has piqued my curiosity more because how are they carrying these walnuts to wherever they're taking them so we're gonna go we're gonna be looking for either evidence of where these walnuts are being eaten are they being eaten by squirrels where these walnuts being stored so we're going more prepared today than we've ever gone I have reason to believe we're gonna be walking a very long way and so when we stop we will be pulling full 360 degrees security anytime I stop for any considerable period of time I will be putting up a trail cam to face my five o'clock I'm bringing my GoPro of which I'll be strapping to a tree to face my 7 o'clock I'll be watching my 12 and my peripheral vision will give me every distance in between and these cameras will be angled to get the the 5 6 7 8 back behind me ok we're not going into the forest again without a light we're taking our heavy-duty super emergency light that has multiple features very very powerful okay so we're not getting stuck in the woods without a light again should it come to that and in my backpack I've got plenty of food I've got plenty of water and I've got my Leatherman securely strapped to my side so that's what we're doing guys I'm gonna go ahead and get started because it's gonna be a long day I'm gonna take you with me as always I ask that you get my six the whole time but the first thing we're gonna do is we leave is we're gonna send a message we are in the message to him/her it or they then not only if we then not only are we coming today but we've been watching let's go and remember to get my six hey guys it's late morning now I've been going for about an hour it's kind of my goal to go kind of heavy and hard for a while before I started recording but and an hour's hard and heavy enough but the reason I'm recording is because I seem to have lost any semblance of the trail I was following I probably covered a couple miles which is a pretty good distance in the forest over the course of an hour but it's like the trail just stopped I just heard a tree knock so I guess my point is is going forward I'm just gonna be listening in my spidey senses going on gut instinct I think I need to get it that way okay so people are always making comments about these X structures they're seen in the videos guys I'm in territory where we've never recorded because I've never been here I'm starting to see these things more frequently this one back here too so I'm gonna go beyond them because that's where my my good hold on I need to drink some water I just got like a dizzy spell I'm okay it's been walking all mine it's another X guys never go into the forest without having plenty of water it's more important than food most of you know that so anyway it happened again guys this is like a really weird killing area right here Wow you know people mention tree bends to look at this it's like bends and axes very heavily right here and I have never been back here and that's not a car if you hear in the background a lot of folks say all are your cars on the highway those are fighter jets I know my area very well where I live I know what is around here and we are in the there's another bit tree up there we are in a very peculiar there's another band we're in a very peculiar area and that's all I'll say okay well I'm gonna go behind these structures again I'm just kind of following my gut instinct here lost the trail never been back here well looks like I'm back on a trail now this it's like a game trail you know what though this game trail check this out it goes in front of these bins and excess airs have been Danone acts almost as if the deer the score the wildlife that come through here don't cross these markers and look right here there's another X I'm getting the heebie-jeebies but but guys we're going back here we're taking the path less traveled we're not taking the game trail around these structures we are going right through these structures we're gonna just make ourselves welcome okay it's we're on the other side now we're an entirely new territory look at that you know what that is that's a walnut and there are no walnut trees around look you guys know your trees sell that red it's autumn blaze maples some of the yellow is Hickory there's a Hickory right behind us it's Hickory we got some dog woods in here white pines red oaks I see some poplars up there there's not a single walnut tree within sight oh god I've just got that dizzy spell again just like that just briefly guys I think we might need to maybe set up an AO here and and just look and listen here for a while remember full 360 security today [Music] cut the trail cam up pointing to the five now I'm gonna set the the GoPro camera point towards the seven and we'll sit here and look and listen for a while okay guys the way I've got the cameras set up I've actually got the trail cam and the GoPro facing two and the four and I'm looking at the twelve I've always given you guys the respect of getting my six I'm gonna let you do it again today right now while we're recording we have full 360-degree camera security and I will be reviewing all the footage from all the cameras I see it just watch it and see if it moves it's time to have a conversation we've never really had but a lot of people have brought it up and that is what if it he's here they he's not her are not Bigfoot sasquatch you know a lot of people have mentioned dog man I got that neighbor around the mountain the opposite side of here I've gone the opposite way from him but he believes there's one over there a lot of people have mentioned Civil War ghosts other paranormal entities I guess it could be a mix of any of these things or all or none of them but I have a really strange theory that has to do with energy I just want to throw it out there I mean I know they call me crazy like for a reason but you know energy can neither be created nor destroyed so what happens if an individual is filled with tons of negative energy rage hatred anger bitterness jaded Ness but through nothing short of a miracle this individual recovers heals where does that negative energy go is it possible that that energy could leave that individuals body and become its own separate entity once you remove a callus where does the callus go and what does the callus do there's tons of scientific studies on energy I just noticed things I pay attention and here's something very odd I want to point out and if you were to run the math on this scenario it just doesn't make sense mathematically every morning I run anywhere from three to five miles it depends on how much time I have how how I feel yeah I heard something in front of me the other cameras will pick that up so you know I run early in the mornings I live way out in the middle of nowhere I usually see two cars every morning there are different cars and I see them at different places but here's the strange thing I see them at the same place at the same time it doesn't matter if it's a Ford Mustang in a in a Ford Bronco too two and a half miles away from my home it's very narrow country roads and sometimes I have to actually stop my run which I hate because it's so hard to get started again and these cars cross paths it's the same place exactly where I am and this happens almost daily after this happened a few times I started thinking what is that back there that's not what I think what I started thinking was what are the odds of this why aren't I seen one car say five minutes into my run and then the second car twenty minutes into my run why do I always see them at the same place at the same time and it's where I am and most times I have to step off the road and the answer that popped into my head was energy the mysteries of this universe are just so misunderstood especially when it comes to energy but you've got my energy the people in the first cars energy the people in the second cars energy and we're all drawn to each other and we meet at the same location that's not coincidence that's why I ask the question are we dealing with something that's never been dealt with before are we dealing with past hate anger rage manifested in physical form is it Bigfoot sasquatch is it dog man is it what I'm referring to is the callous or is it something else I'm gonna give you another another angle here just for the scenery of this there's a big valley down beneath me I can see across to the other side and I want to share this view with you guys the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia are EPs well though they don't like it when you stop paying attention do they as I was saying the Blue Ridge Mountains are just absolutely beautiful this time of year it's late October right now about a week before Halloween and this is just gorgeous all right guys I'm gonna retrieve the cameras and we're just gonna keep on trucking it's gonna keep following my gut and see where it takes us okay guys things have officially gotten creepy my cameras are gone and I was right here look I'm gonna point something out to you on that rock there's my backpack you know what that is that's one there's a little twenty dollar video game things you get at Walmart that has like three different arcade games on it I use that as a tripod because it works better than my actual tripod for some reason I can't leave my phone I had that aimed in the scene where I recorded myself tying up the the trail cam to this tree one of these trees and there is no trail cam there now and I was just sitting on that rock I don't mind losing the camera I mean they were both $30.00 which I mean I don't have money to throw away like that but I'm not out any big money but how did my camera's while I'm there vanish well I guess it's time to pack up the arcade thing in the backpack and probably just keep moving okay I feel like going home but I don't think I'm going to you let me let me let me take a couple minutes to catch my wits okay guys I went back and watched the segment I recorded earlier where I showed myself tying up the trail cam from this angle this tree was in the scene and I went straight back to this tree there is no trail cam on this tree there is no trail cam on the ground I'm packing up and we're heading out I'm not even gonna look for the GoPro get my let me pack my bag okay guys we're packed and we're getting out of here the creepiness continues you see my flashlight it's on I didn't turn it on when I opened my backpack to put that little game console in there that I use as a tripod this flashlight was on in this flashlight is a very special type of flashlight I demonstrated it in a livestream on Friday the 13th last month to get this light to come on you have to hold the button down and go through a series of other features it offers and then release the button when the light comes on it has flashers like emergency flashers to get someone's attention it has like a like a luminescent like overhead halogen lights and then you get to this feature so I don't know how see what's right in the middle of your screen [Music] that my friends is a walnut in the middle some sort of strange leaning X type structure you know I think it's time to take a shortcut back home I know the lay of the land you saw the ridge on the other side or the other side of the valley the mountain I'm gonna keep going this way but I'm gonna cut straight down and start working my way back because I know I'm prepared and I know it's still early in the day but I just feel like I want to get out of here see you deer hunters know what this is there's a buck rub I'm close to my house if you're listening closely you can hear heavy equipment in the background I've got two different neighbors that are selling off some of their timber a lot of folks out here own large tracts of property and they'll sell their timber every 20 years or so to make some money pretty smart move so I'm not exactly sure where I'm gonna come out close to my place but I know it's close because I've seen both of those timbering operations in the mornings all my runs I just don't know which one I'm listening to right now but I found an old haul road when I came down off the trail and there's yet another ex telling me I shouldn't be going this way but guys I'm close to home there's an interesting overhang there's a broken are these are these not territorial markers I feel a bit and Bouldin knowing I'm so close and I can hear that heavier equipment back there appear I'm just just for curiosity sometimes you can find no arrowheads there was a ton of you know I researched the land I found out a lot of stuff I can't really talk about but I found out that there were people living in this region for as long ago as 14,000 years [Music] guys I'm gonna flip the camera around well well well look what we have here Simmons uh there's my walnuts there's barely seashells and here is one of my hatchets that I didn't even know was missing and this it's one of my it's my kids frisbee now I'm sure that was in the yard we're trying to pick up after ourselves but my kids always leaving balls and frisbees and whenever we've been playing without their did you hear that that was close that was like right here okay time to time to get out of here
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 838,374
Rating: 4.1378703 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot, sasquatch, lair, home, woods, forest, find, seek, hunt, hunter, hunting, performance, art, nature, outdoors, hike, hiker, hiking, fall, Autumn, paranormal, scary, cryptid, crypto, cryptozoology, monster, beast, urban, legend, tall, tale, folklore, story, storyteller, Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, farm, farming, homestead, homesteading, leaves, trees, foliage, color, colors, mountains
Id: RLpC2oPdSPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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