Shaman Appears In The Form Of Mist And Tells Him EXACTLY What He Needs To Do For The Forest Beings

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get my six so I tried to start this video out really cool by like flipping my stick and catching it and talking at the same time but I dropped my stick so I'll just start talking so it's very strange when I came out of the house and walked up here to the campground into the woods to tell this story there was a fierce wind and now as you can hear it's eerily still it's kind of creepy but I personally believe it's because we may or may not have an audience right now and I'm not talking about all you folks watching on YouTube here's what's going on and here's the reasoning behind this very impromptu very unplanned video so have you ever had a dream that seems so real that it seems like it was real like it wasn't a dream something like that happened today and I wanted to share the contents of this dream with you because it's relevant to some strange things that have been going on around here lately now what's strange about it most strange is that I'd gone out to get firewood with our little firewood cart well our cart that we use for so many things but this time of year predominantly firewood I thought I heard a hell off in a distance but there's no way that could possibly be right cuz these videos okay so anyway I go out I'm just gonna pan around a little bit here as I as I talk so make sure to be watching all around me as I do this so I go out I get a cart load of firewood I go in the house it's been exceptionally cold here today in central Virginia it's been in the low 40s I remember putting new wood on the fire but I don't remember laying down on the couch to take a nap or to go to sleep this was mid-afternoon when the day was at the peak temperature however I did dream and I did wake up I woke up from the couch I don't remember laying on and going to sleep but I can tell you what I dreamed in my dream I was still out at our firewood pile putting wood in the car that I'd already loaded and taken back to the house when I was approached by a mist now I'm hearing what sounds like a bird behind me even though the forest had been silent ever since keep your eye open right here in this area I don't have my cutouts with me I thought I heard footsteps back this way you know people have mentioned potentially having portals in this section of my forest and I hear what sounds like tree knocks and footsteps and footsteps in between tree knocks and in extreme silence after that sorry I know you're probably saying I'm with the story on the story so anyway in my dream I'm getting firewood I'm loading the cart and a mist appears from out of the forest which has been an area of a lot of activity since we've been here three and a half years we've got a lot of videos in this section of the forest where we've experienced and folks who have watched the videos have witnessed a lot of activity right back here behind me is where I thought I heard footsteps just a moment ago so this mist hovers and it speaks to me it has a voice and it's asking me for help now if this were to happen like right now I'd probably take off running again a lot of you folks are like what are you running from why do you always run away to any of your videos we're out there hearing things and looks like we're seeing things and then you always run it to last minute what are you running from well if I were to see this mist you wouldn't see it because I would run but in the dream I wasn't scared and it's not as if it was speaking to me in a voice almost like telepathy but it was saying we need your help and I said how can I help you who are you and it said I am I am a host I come on behalf of many and I and again I'm not speaking words to it I'm kind of speaking telepathically to it and I'm asking it who do you represent who are these many and this energy source says me the spirits of the forest whose homes have been decimated we need your help and so instantly and yes I am slowly painting I thought I saw something back there keep your eyes open it's a very mysterious time of day here things seem to peek out from behind trees and walk around on two legs and disappear so anyway the energy says to me we need a new home before we expire our energy runs low we cannot last we need your help and during this dream again I felt no fear I felt if anything extreme peace and a strong desire in willingness to help this entity who came speaking on behalf of many and I questioned no further and I simply said tell me what to do what is it that I can do to help you and those whom you represent I thought I heard that howl again and more footsteps from a different direction I'm gonna step over this way and you get my six back here on the other side so in essence the voice which came to me mentally telepathically through the mist says we are the spirits of the forest we are the beans of the trees they have taken our homes our lights dim our energy runs low we need hosts in mass or we shall perish and then it was like I got to see a glimpse of tens of thousands of years of these spirits these energies they swirled around like rainbow colored lights from tree to tree it's as if one would go inside of a side of a little sapling maybe something that was this tall that had the year before only been an acorn and it's life energy remained in this beam for three hundred and fifty four hundred years at BK as it be as it became a large tall mighty oak and as that oak fell to the forest floor that didn't sound like any known bird in this region so as the mighty oaks would fall and become soil for the next generation of acorns have become massive trees the cycle would continue it would continue and as the energy source has left one tree that would find refuge in the sapling of another and there they would spend the next several centuries and this has gone on and on and on until we came up to closer to modern times and things just started looking different the the lights the light that these energy sources were giving off were dim some of them died they went out and so I understood to my to my sense of understanding you know here recently some of the folks out here and I'm not judging folks and I'm not and I'm totally not I'm not against timber inor harvesting harvesting natural resources I totally believe in doing so responsibly I understand the importance of it all but here lately there's been a lot of areas out here close to us to where they've been taking down trees and I don't think they're planting three for every one they take like whether you knew it or not like you want to believe it or not responsible timber companies do most major timber companies at least in the US will replant they will plant three trees for every one that they harvest there's actually more trees today in the United States than there was when the English settled Jamestown in 1604 because of this however it's not happened everywhere and it's not happened consistently it's not happened evenly and it it's taken place largely on mass timbering operations but it hasn't taken place where a lot of folks have gone in but mom and dad's old farm that the next generation or third generation couldn't afford to pay the estate taxes on and therefore had to sell half the land to settle the estate taxes they come in they take down all the trees and they throw up 80 houses all look the same and it's the latest faddish subdivision to live in in that community those trees aren't always replaced rarely are they ever and that's what we've been seeing around here and this is what's going on now and this I believe is why the representative of this collection of spirits came to me in the stream today and told me we need your trees so I get it and I said to the spirit why don't you just possess the trees around me as you watched in the background behind me here as you're getting my six as you're watching for movement and listening for sounds and the answer was those trees are already inhabited they're full we need new trees and I said well I've got a nursery down here with about 1,500 trees in it my beautiful bride dearly aka giggly girl and myself had been growing for years just jump in there they're there they're waiting on you there's saplings there three or four years old you know we've been raising them we're gonna sell them they've done really well and this in the voice who represented the mass of the forest spirit said this is our home we cannot go into such a tree where we may end up in a subdivision on the other side of the county secondly those trees in your nursery in your pots are not firmly rooted in soil they are somewhat marginally rooted in planting pots and the voice said to me telepathy Kelly if you want to help us the right way you need to plant those trees on this property close to our home where we've been for eons where we've been long before your kind has even been in existence and I said without even questioning further I will do it I will start in March just before these trees come out of dormancy and start to bud and the voice said we can't wait you must do it now during winter and I said but won't they die and the voice said no these trees are daunted and I said but won't the Bucks scrape you up with their antlers because they're in rut and the voice said no not once we take possession of the trees and we will do so the night after the day you plant them and I said well how would the animals know you're there how will they know not to rub the trees and the animals said or the voice said the animals unlike you can still see with their eyes they can still hear with their ears and they can still love and feel with their hearts they have not become desensitized to the things the senses can perceive if you've not been blinded by culture in society and I was floored and at that instant I woke up i sat up and my beautiful bride dearly aka giggly girl happened to be walking into the room and she said I see you got the wood and I said yeah I did but I don't remember laying down and she said well I just heard you a minute ago stacking wood on the wood rack here in the living room so you must have just sat down and I said I think I've been laying here sleeping I think I just had a dream that lasted about 30 minutes and she said you went out to get wood ten minutes ago fifteen minutes ago you haven't been gone for thirty minutes so it's not just that the dream was strange but the timeframe in which the dream took place isn't possible which is also strange and now that I've completed the story and I've told it in full the wind which had blown fiercely almost all day but silenced once I came up here has come back if you listen you can hear it just another example of the kind of thing you can't make up it's one of many oddities we have captured repeatedly in numerous times on these videos for more than a year now you think what you want I know what I think in beginning tomorrow morning no matter how cold it is and how many big bucks I've got out here on my property tearing up my Leland cypresses and fruit trees I've planted I'm gonna plant the trees from my nursery they're no longer for future sale and we've got tens of thousands of dollars worth of trees down there they're going here on this property along these potential ley lines because somebody or something else already considers them home thanks for being with me here for another episode of the PBS s the potential Bigfoot Sasquatch show
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 34,754
Rating: 4.7232375 out of 5
Keywords: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, monster, ghost, shaman, medicine, man, spirit, spirits, Native, American, Indian, Indians, ancient, believe, forest, people, creature, creatures, tree, trees, harvest, natural, resources, nature, timber, timbering, cut, deforest, deforestation, mental, telepathy, dream, speak, listen, instructions, plant, home, woods, outdoors, field, homestead, homesteading, off grid, hoax, fake, performance, art, knock, knocks
Id: wFF6Ay5phzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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