In Search Of: Declassified UFO Evidence (S2, E7) | Full Episode

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Newscaster: These, uh, pictures were shot-- well, show what many believe to be some kind of strange lights hovering over downtown Phoenix. The military guessed that it was a flare test, but others call it the most dramatic UFO sighting in years. - They say the craft was moving very slowly and without any sound at all. Quinto: On a clear spring night in 1997, a swarm of unidentified flying objects passed slowly and silently through the Phoenix skies, prompting thousands of phone calls to authorities. [telephones dialing] [busy signal beeping] [telephone rings] Despite the vast number of witnesses, to this day, no one has been able to identify these mysterious aircraft... or these or this one or thousands more which have been reported since the very dawn of mankind. With every sighting, we once again ask the age-old question-- are we alone in the universe? Tonight we aim to answer that question. We'll hunt for eyewitnesses to large-scale otherworldly encounters, reveal declassified video of a military engagement with a potential alien threat, and test a brand-new theory, which may finally decode an extraterrestrial message we've already received, as we go in search of UFOs. There have been stories of strange objects in the sky for centuries, perhaps even millennia, but the modern age of UFO sightings began in 1947, when a pilot observed nine shiny objects flying in tandem past Washington's Mount Rainier. The "Chicago Sun" reported the story and coined the phrase "flying saucers," which has been part of our vocabulary ever since. Also in 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, William Brazel found what he thought was evidence of a crashed alien spacecraft, again shaped like a disc or a saucer. Within a year, the U.S. Air Force commenced a series of initiatives to track UFO sightings, including Project "Sign," Project "Grudge," and Project Blue Book. In their two decades of operation, these programs logged over 12,000 eyewitness encounters. Since then, sightings have only multiplied. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, someone spots an unidentified aircraft nearly four times per day. But most of these are individual, isolated sightings. What happens when a group of people see the same thing, and what if these sightings are confirmed by F.A.A. radar? - On January 8, 2008, in Erath County, Texas, private pilot and freight company owner Steve Allen set out for a drive he had taken dozens of times before. - I called my friend Mike. He said come on over. Quinto: Along the way, at 6:15 P.M., Steve encountered something completely unexpected. - Right at the moment we pulled up on the hill, I looked off to the east and saw some very high, bright-intensity magnesium flare lights. I thought it was an airplane at first. I did a second take on it and discovered it wasn't anything that I had ever seen before. It flew past us at about 1,500 to 2,000 foot above ground level. It went over to Stephenville, to that area right there, and it stopped for just a moment. And then, all of a sudden, they burst into a white flame, and then it just disappeared. Quinto: But the strange craft wouldn't stay gone for long. It quickly reappeared, now speeding in the opposite direction with what appeared to be two military jets trailing behind. - One or two minutes afterwards, the two F-16s fell in in hot pursuit, full afterburner hanging out the back of 'em. They was chasing it with vengeance. We had no idea what was going on or why our military was chasing it. Quinto: In addition to its speed, erratic movements, and seeming ability to disappear, the unknown craft was also remarkable for its massive size. - It was all--about a half a mile wide and a mile long, and I fly this area quite a bit, so I'm used to the grids of how things are sectioned off here, and I'm--pretty good description on what size it was. Quinto: As a levelheaded businessman with decades of flying experience, Steve wasn't a believer in UFOs. But, at this moment, he had to wonder, could he actually be witnessing an alien spacecraft? - So anything that can come to a stop in Stephenville or basically almost to a stop and then reverse course and go back 180 degrees is not of--not of this world. Quinto: Steve immediately wanted to go public with his story. - My wife begged me to please not tell anybody at the time, bec--and I ask her why, and she says, "People will think you're crazy." And I said, "Everybody knows me that knows I'm not crazy, "so I'm gonna say what I saw and see if we can get to the bottom of it." Quinto: True to his word, Steve contacted the local newspaper the next day. - Uh, so it's late afternoon, and I got a-a call from one of my reporters, who said that she had received, um, word from a local pilot who said that he saw something, um, kind of suspicious or interesting in the sky and wanted to talk to her about it. - As the "Empire-Tribune's" managing editor, Sara was skeptical about running the story, but her publisher had other ideas. - So the next morning, uh, when I looked at the newspaper and I saw the headline that read "UFO," I-I cried. I was--I was worried that our journalistic integrity might be tarnished, and I just-- I didn't know what the community would make of it. Quinto: But as it turns out, Sara had nothing to worry about, because, once the story was out, countless other people came forward with their own accounts of the same event. - The next day, our phones just rang off the hook. I didn't think they were coming forward and not telling the truth. I completely believed them. - They ran an article with my phone number in it, of all things. I didn't think anything would become of it, and I was inundated with phone calls the next day. Lots of business owners, quite a few people had called me. I had a complete list. I was the UFO hotline, I guess. Quinto: As more witnesses emerged, reporters at the "Empire-Tribune" tried to verify the shocking accounts of the strange UFO and the fighter jets in hot pursuit. - I'm a pilot. I've been flying since 1976. I see F-16s. I've seen them all my life, I know exactly what they are. I can recognize one immediately. Quinto: At first, all the local air bases claimed there was no activity on the night of January 8, but then, 10 days later, the military changed its story, admitting that 10 F-16s were indeed scrambled that night over Erath County. This new revelation pushed the Stephenville sightings into the national spotlight. - The--The national media picked up on it very quickly, and I was just astounded that-- that it traveled so quickly. Quinto: On the heels of the national news story, a nonprofit group called the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, sent investigators to arrange a town hall meeting for any residents who witnessed a UFO that night. The investigators figured a handful of witnesses might come forward. Just in case, they brought along 50 copies of their questionnaire. They had no idea just how unprepared they were. They were about to walk in to one of the largest eyewitness gatherings of a single UFO event in history. - Is it possible that an alien spacecraft flew above Stephenville, Texas, in January of 2008? Before you decide for yourself, you should know that more than 200 witnesses all agree that it happened. After the incident, investigators from America's largest UFO network, MUFON, held a town hall meeting, and they couldn't believe the incredible turnout. Considering the hundreds of attendees, this could potentially be the single largest mass UFO sighting in history. - Hundreds of people that came as witnesses and other people, just spectators, but lots of people had the same, exact story that we had. Quinto: Over the course of three hours, the townspeople all shared similar stories of what they saw on the night of January 8. Retired Air Force Navigation Specialist James Huse was among those who spoke. He, too, had seen the lights in the sky, but never went public after facing ridicule from his coworkers. - I saw all these people who had seen the UFOs that were helping to back me up. And this was important, because, after being accused of lying about these UFOs and making this all-- this story up, to see all these other people who had seen these UFOs at night was really reassuring. Quinto: In addition to the hundreds of witnesses who gave their stories at the meeting, many more stayed home, fearing damage to their reputations. Today, some of them have finally decided to come forward. - I didn't go to that meeting that they had in 2008, 'cause I was scared. I was a kindergarten teacher at the time, and I didn't want th-the parents to think I was crazy. It was like this, a round thing that looked like it was sitting on the ground... and then it just disappeared, and my mother seemed to think that it, uh, was behind trees or clouds, and there weren't any. - I see these lights. They come in, and then just-- it just--Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. And, I just thought, "Wow, you know, that's not common." - I definitely believe it was something from out of this world. I've seen jets break the sound barrier, and that'll-- that'll cause some ruckus. Uh, I've seen airplanes pretty high up, little, bitty airplanes pretty high up, and you can hear them uh, very loudly. The way that first craft took off, I've never seen anything go that fast and not make any noise. Quinto: It's clear that something large and unknown flew above Stephenville that night. The question is, what was it, and could it possibly be alien in nature? - The Air Force does a lot of training out in the area 'cause it's countryside, so, uh, we're used to seeing a lot of jets, helicopters, and everything like that, but, to this day, I have no idea what I saw, and I have no idea of what made the light that I saw that night. - I was accused of fabricating this story, but I did not. It just made me more determined to prove that this story was real. - After his time in the Air Force, James had a career as an electronics technician, and he was confident he could find proof of the Stephenville encounter. - When something is spotted on radar, everything in the sky has a transponder number that is above a particular altitude. Quinto: In other words, the raw radar data from the night of the incident should hold all the proof of what happened that night. - So I demanded that they get the radar records, look at them, and see that I was telling the truth. Quinto: Unfortunately, the military refused to release the uncensored flight logs from its planes. It also claimed to have lost the radar records from January 8. - Unfortunately, the Air Force declined to give us the information that we needed to prove that the UFOs were here. It does seem that the UFOs here were being covered up. - There's no question that the Stephenville eyewitnesses saw something strange in the sky, but what should we make of the Air Force's response? Is it possible that some branch of government or law enforcement actually wanted to suppress the encounter? Historically speaking, it has happened before. When William Brazel found the unidentified wreckage in Roswell, New Mexico, the U.S. Army issued a statement claiming it was an ordinary weather balloon. But documents declassified in the 1990s revealed that story to be a lie. In fact, the debris came from a top-secret surveillance mission called Project Mogul. Just like in Roswell, the people of Stephenville eventually found a way around all the government secrecy with a revelation that many believe is absolute proof of an alien visit to Texas. On July 4, 2008, MUFON investigators issued their official 76-page report on the Stephenville incident. They made 10 different Freedom of Information Act requests to various government agencies and were finally able to acquire raw radar data from the F.A.A. According to the report, F.A.A. radar had tracked a gigantic object, at least 524 feet long, traveling through the sky 50 miles southeast of Stephenville. The townspeople immediately felt vindicated. - When you report a UFO, there's a lot of people out there who are going to call you crazy, okay. And to take the time that they did to come in and give their report, I'm just overjoyed. - And lo and behold, out of six radar units, it showed exactly what we saw coming in at 2,100 miles an hour, doing a 180-degree back to where it came from to the east, running 1,800 or 1,900 miles an hour, and it had two F-16s behind it, so that confirmed it. - Recently, the United States government has taken a more open approach to UFO sightings. In December, 2017, the Pentagon confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. Its job is to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects, many of which come from members of the U.S. military. Along with confirming the program, the Department of Defense even released a video of one such mysterious encounter. This video and the amazing story behind it just might be the single most credible UFO experience ever recorded. - Science fiction would have you believe that extraterrestrial UFOs are a near-constant threat to our existence. But how real is the threat? Is it possible that aliens have already visited our planet? So far, we've seen residents of a Texas town convinced they had a UFO encounter. Could it be a hoax or a case of mass hysteria? Perhaps, but if you don't believe the people of Stephenville, Texas, might you believe a much more credible source? Because our next story comes directly from none other than the United States Navy. And not only that, but it comes with a smoking gun, actual video evidence of the encounter. This is Naval Base San Diego, the home port of the United States Pacific Fleet. In November of 2004, it was the site of an incredible encounter that, despite widespread coverage, remains a mystery to this day. Kevin Day is a retired chief petty officer. In 2004, he was a radar operator assigned to the U.S.S.<i> Nimitz</i> Carrier Strike Group. - My job was to man the radars and I.D. everything in the sky that flew. My watch position on the ship was anti-air warfare coordinator. Basically we worked for the captain and be in charge of the air defense team. If we ever had to launch a-a missile in hostility, I was the guy who was gonna punch the button. When those-- When those, uh, Super Hornets take off the carrier, my job was to get 'em to the fight, get 'em in the dogfight, get 'em out of the dogfight, and then get 'em back home safe. Quinto: The<i> Nimitz</i> Strike Group was preparing for deployment to the Persian Gulf and was on an accelerated training schedule. But on November 10, a normal training exercise became far from routine. In the middle of the mission, Kevin spotted unusual activity on his radar screens. - I started to see these really strange contacts off San Clemente Island. The first group I noticed had-- um, I believe it had seven contacts in it, and the weird thing is they were all-- They were all tracking from north to south off San Clemente at 28,000 feet, going 100 knots, which was extremely unusual. It was the strangest formation of aircraft I'd ever seen in my whole career. Quinto: Over the next several days, the objects kept appearing, but no jets were available to have a closer look. Kevin's consternation was beginning to grow. - I recommended that we take down the system, uh, because I was kind of suspecting it may have been a glitch of some kind. Quinto: Radar technicians tried recalibrating the system to find out if the sensors were giving false positive readings, which the Navy calls ghost tracks. - So we actually brought our entire system all the way down, brought it all the way back up and strangely enough, the quality of the contacts actually increased after we came back. This was definitely not a glitch. These were real contacts tracked by a real--real radar. In fact, I had the highest track quality possible in the system. Quinto: Kevin was desperate to identify these objects and find out if they were a threat. [radar pings] - My concern was safety of flight. These objects were at 28,000 feet, going 100 knots, and that's where I like to send my aircraft, right in that same altitude layer. I knew that I had to recommend intercept to the captain. Quinto: Finally, on November 14, the Navy got their chance to intercept whatever was appearing on Kevin's radar screen. While conducting air defense exercises using F/A-18 jets, the objects appeared on the radar once again. - This was the moment that I was waiting for. Captain Smith comes down to Combat, and I said, "Hey, sir, I strongly recommend "that we take one of the aircraft that just launched and go look at one these things." Captain Smith was like, "You know what, Senior Chief? You're right. Let's--Let's do that." Quinto: Command sent two of their top fighter pilots to investigate the object cluster. The pilots had no idea of the potential danger they were about to face. - And the, uh, tactical action officer jumps on the radio, and she asks, "I just want to know. You guys have any missiles onboard?" - There was stunned silence on the radio for a second, 'cause I think it really shocked the--the air crews. Quinto: This was only supposed to be a training exercise. Were they actually about to engage with a potential enemy target of unknown origin? If so, they were going in completely unarmed. Day: I picked the closest contact, um, that was on radar. I believe it was approximately 60 miles. Quinto: The jets arrived to intercept within minutes, but the mysterious craft suddenly disappeared, maneuvering in seemingly impossible ways on Kevin's radar screen. - The radar recorded this object going from 28,000 feet down to 50 feet in .78 seconds, and whatever can do that defies the laws of physics. I should have heard multiple sonic booms, didn't hear a single sonic boom. Uh, the--A biological entity inside that thing would've been crushed by the G-forces. Quinto: The unidentified craft had dropped at over 20,000 miles per hour, 10 times faster than any military jet has ever flown. It was clear the Navy pilots would have their work cut out for them to make the intercept. - And, at that point from an air crew's perspective, they're--they no longer care about radar, 'cause they're in what they call the visual arena. They're using their eyeballs now. Quinto: Were these Navy pilots about to have the first-ever confirmed face-to-face encounter with an alien spacecraft? As they caught up to the object, would the answer be revealed? Day: I've got the--the air control comms up in the overhead speakers so we can all listen to it in combat. And we all hear, "Oh, my God, oh, my God, I'm engaged! I'm engaged!" - Can you see it? Quinto: Is it possible that the U.S. Navy had an actual UFO encounter off the coast of San Diego 15 years ago? According to retired Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day, the answer is yes. Over the course of four days in November, 2004, using advanced onboard radar, Kevin tracked a group of what he believed to be UFOs. And, on November 14, two F/A-18 fighter jets were finally able to come face to face with the unknown aircraft. - The next thing we hear on the radio, "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm engaged! I'm engaged!" And it stunned everyone in Combat at that point. We were like, "Oh, wow, what do--what's going on here?" Quinto: The flight commander witnessed a smooth, white, cylindrical craft, approximately 45 feet long, about the same length as his F/A-18 Super Hornet. - It had no wings, no windows, no obvious, uh, flight surfaces, um, no obvious means of propulsion. Quinto: The craft began mimicking the movements of the Navy pilots as they circled it, matching them turn for turn. When the commander finally caught up to it, the UFO rapidly accelerated past the nose of his aircraft and disappeared. - We didn't know what to think. It was so far beyond any of our experience, that we were dumbfounded was probably the best way to say it. We were absolutely dumbfounded. None of them had any idea what we had just seen, other than just concluding that it was a UFO. - The Navy quickly launched six more jets from the<i> Nimitz</i> aircraft carrier to engage the objects. This time, they were equipped with onboard cameras. If they could reach the craft in time, they might capture what could be the first-ever confirmed video of a UFO encounter. - The object's out-- out in space in front of him 10, 20, 30 miles, so of course they were able to see it for quite a time with their camera system. Quinto: And sure enough, just before the object disappeared, one Navy camera actually got it. This is the first video the U.S. government has ever released of a military aircraft engaging with a UFO. The camera's infrared spectrum was able to spot a uniform heat signature, a clear indication of the UFO's propulsion system. - The fact that we have video and the fact we have eyewitnesses, uh, air crews and ship personnel, uh, I think it paints a pretty obvious picture that we indeed definitely intercepted UFOs. Quinto: But it would take 13 years before any of this footage would be made public. In December, 2017, the<i> Nimitz</i> encounter video was finally released following a Freedom of Information Act request by "The New York Times." This kicked off a flood of news stories about the U.S. military's involvement with UFOs. The government was finally about to break its decades-long silence. The<i> Nimitz</i> video was released along with a 13-page report about the incident, stating the aircraft featured "advanced acceleration, aerodynamic, and propulsion capability." It was able to hide at times from military radar, possibly demonstrating the ability to cloak or become invisible to the human eye. The report also speculates the craft had a "highly advanced capability" to operate undersea, completely undetectable by our most advanced sensors. While some of this technology sounds similar to the Stephenville UFO, there are a few major differences. Most obvious is the craft's size. The<i> Nimitz</i> object was less than 50 feet long, while the people of Stephenville witnessed something dozens of times larger. The Stephenville UFO featured lights around the outside, but the<i> Nimitz</i> pilots saw a smooth, white object with no exterior features at all. What could it all mean? Are multiple alien species visiting our planet? If so, how many, and from where? - So far, we've explored multiple alleged UFO encounters, some with hundreds of eyewitnesses. We can't verify whether any of these objects were carrying extraterrestrials, but what if I told you that we actually have had a confirmed alien visitor, one that's even been vetted by the scientific community? - On October 19, 2017, for the first time in history, scientists discovered something approaching from outside our solar system. The Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii spotted an aerodynamic object 10 times as long as it was wide, traveling at 196,000 miles per hour. It went by so fast, they were lucky to have seen it at all. They named it 'Oumuamua, a Hawaiian term meaning "first distant messenger." Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb suggested the object could be something called a light sail, a propulsion method that harnesses stellar radiation, and that perhaps it might have fallen off an alien spacecraft. While many scientists were quick to shoot down his theory, as Loeb points out, we're already developing similar light sails here on Earth. Japan successfully launched a light-sail-powered craft called the IKAROS in 2010. In the U.S., the Starshot initiative hopes to send an interstellar ship to a planet called Proxima Centauri B. It will be powered by a light sail. The light sail is a proven technology that can allow for travel between solar systems. Is it possible that an alien race has been using this same technology to explore other planets, perhaps even passing by our own? If that's the case, it raises one more important question. Why haven't they tried to contact us? According to one expert, perhaps they already have. You may have seen images like these before. They're called crop circles. Over the past several hundred years, more than 10,000 of them have been catalogued in 29 countries worldwide. Crop circle expert Dr. Simeon Hein believes that at least some of them have an extraterrestrial origin. - This area is known to have a lot of unidentified aerial phenomena, UFOs. We'd found out here it's been going on for many decades. Quinto: Today Dr. Hein is responding to a report of a crop circle on a remote farm in Texas, not far from where the Stephenville lights were seen in 2008. At any newly discovered crop circle, Dr. Hein first takes several measurements to try and determine its origin. - Crop circles are really in many ways very mysterious, and the way we can start approaching that scientifically is to see if there's any anomalous energy in different bands, in different frequencies, so we have a variety of meters that might detect some anomalies. [meter beeping] So what I'm doing right now is looking at the baseline static charges in the field near where the crop circle is. I want to see what the static gradient looks like in the absence of any crop circle. We can see, when we look out here, we're kind of getting a zero reading in the grasses outside the formation, When we go in, it kind of goes up by about 5, 10, 15, 20 volts. It shows us that it's having an electromagnetic effect right here in this field. [meter beeping] Quinto: There's no clear reason for the folded grass to show a different electrostatic reading than the surrounding field. - So you have to begin to wonder whether there's some connection between the technology involved with UFOs and the energy and strange things that are created around crop circles. Quinto: Dr. Hein's next test uses an electromagnetic field meter, which checks for changes in electrical currents in and around the circle. - Hey, look at this. I think we may be getting some anomalous electromagnetic readings right here at the edge of the crop circle. Quinto: Dr. Hein believes these test results wouldn't normally be found on Earth without some extraterrestrial involvement. But why would aliens leave behind these formations? It's a question that has frustrated researchers for centuries. - We don't know exactly why this is happening. Is it intentional from the flying disc? Is it a result of their propulsion system, their exotic technology, which we don't totally understand yet? But there is a connection between flying saucers and crop circles. Quinto: After decades of work, Dr. Hein believes he may have finally figured out that connection. He's recently developed a new theory which requires one final test. [meter buzzes] - I am detecting something strange in this particular circle that I've never seen before with this radio frequency meter. I've been using it for about a year. When I walked into the circle, I noticed that the indicator lights were not continuously flashing. They were going on and off in about one-second increments, which was really strange. As soon as I walked out of the crop circle, it stopped. Quinto: In other words, this area may be generating a small amount of radio frequency radiation, but it's not being generated at random. It follows a specific pattern, and Dr. Hein thinks he knows precisely what that pattern is. - It's possible that the crop circle's creating sounds that we can't physically hear, because it's out of the frequency range of our hearing. Quinto: If Dr. Hein is correct and this crop circle is emitting a sound frequency, then it might be far more than just a shape in the grass. It could actually be the key to unlocking a never-before-heard message from an alien race. Quinto: Dr. Simeon Hein has been collecting data on crop circles for years, trying to decipher their meaning. Today he's uncovered a brand-new formation in Texas, and he thinks it could be the key to unlocking a message from aliens. - So one of the really curious aspects of crop circles that we could see from the beginning is they look very similar to cymatic patterns. Cymatic patterns are, uh, images and shapes that are created from sound. Quinto: In Dr. Hein's lab, he has created an experiment to try and determine what these shapes mean. It's a simple process. Sand is applied to a metal plate. Then a sound frequency is created. [signal vibrating] As the plate vibrates, the sand settles into a different shape for each frequency... ranging from quite simple to much more complex. - It's symmetrical. It's circular. it's the sort of thing that lends itself to be a crop-circle-type shape. Quinto: Dr. Hein wants to determine if his newly found crop circle might also correspond to a sound frequency. - We've often wondered what's the relationship between crop circles and sound, because, if you can use sounds to create crop-circle shapes on a plate with sand, would you be able to do it in the field? Would you be able to go out with some sort of sound-generating equipment and generate the exact same shapes in the grain crop? Wow, we're getting circular shapes here. [signal vibrating] Quinto: Before long, he finds precisely the frequency he's been looking for. - Wow, look at that. If we put a little more sand on here, we'll see that this is almost exactly what our crop circle looks like that we saw earlier today. Quinto: The shape of the Texas crop circle appears to be a close match for a sound frequency of 1.21 kilohertz. Dr. Hein believes that can't be a coincidence. - You have to wonder, looking at the connection between the sound and the patterns right here on the plate and the circle we were in this morning, if there's really some underlying fundamental science principles that perhaps, uh, explain both of them. Quinto: It's an incredible correlation, but it brings up more questions than answers. Why would an alien race want to lay down a sound frequency for humans to find, and how would they do it? - I think, in theory, it would take a lot of power to have such an effect, where you'd go out and generate a tone and have the plants just lay down in a pattern. - Despite his many years of research, Dr. Hein hasn't yet discovered the full meaning of these frequencies, but he believes that if aliens are creating crop circles through sound, they must have a purpose. - If I had to speculate why extraterrestrials, or "aliens," would be involved in crop circles, it would probably be that they're teaching humans a language of nature, shapes, sound, energy, frequency, vibration, and about how nature works, how technology interacts with nature, without directly telling them. Quinto: But Dr. Hein doesn't just believe this could be a message from aliens. He believes they're trying to teach us an entirely new form of communication. Dr. Hein hopes that humans could one day use these sound frequencies and crop circles to send out a response to the aliens. After that, it could only be a matter of time before we can start a dialogue with these alleged extraterrestrial visitors. - If you add a little geometry to those living things, they exhibit new types of properties that we've never seen before. And I'm confident that what we're learning from crop circle research is gonna have applications in other areas of science and technology that we're going to discover in the future. - When it comes to UFO research, it's hard to say who might make the next breakthrough. Perhaps Dr. Simeon Hein will someday manage to communicate with an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Perhaps the U.S. military will find indisputable evidence of an alien UFO. One thing is for sure. Progress will continue. Just 300 years ago, we had not discovered a single planet outside our solar system. Now we know of more than 3,000 of them... and scientists believe that one in six is potentially habitable. One day soon, humans will make their first visit to another planet. It may start with Mars, but it will eventually lead much, much farther. In other words, before long, we ourselves will be aliens. For all the other civilizations out there on other planets who are scouring their own skies for UFOs, we may soon be the ones flying by. The search continues.
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, in search of, history in search of, in search of show, in search of full episodes, in search of clips, creatures, aliens, beasts, The Terror of the Bermuda Triangle, bermuda triangle, in search of bermuda triangle episode, in search of season 2, in search of season 2 episode 5, travelers, explorers, scientists, government, watch in search of, in search of episodes, in search of scenes, Zachary Quinto, ufos, alien, paranormal
Id: Om8xDwyWALE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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