UFO Hunters: PROOF OF ALIEN ENCOUNTERS *3 Hour Marathon*

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what happens when you get too close to the truth about UFOs some say you get visited by the silencers my son was shot the head at Point Blank Range they often arrive as Men In Black they know where you live and they know where you're going to be at any given time he said Mr rhs and of course I don't know him but obviously he knew me who's behind this supposed covert program some say it's a secret government agency there are at least 20 levels of security clearances above the president he has no need to know about these programs during our investigation we actually captured what might be a real life silencer guy all in black right there holy there's a guy all in black right there this is case number 6426 the silencers [Music] [Music] the one thing we have not investigated thus far is the story of the Men in Black that's kind of the most menacing and threatening part of this field who are the people who silenced the people who talk about UFOs Men In Black are real reports of Men In Black go all the way back to the 1940s when folks first started reporting sightings of flying saucer and that's no coincidence well I always thought it was just a myth I mean what do you have about men and black and if they are real then they're more mysterious than UFOs there's tons of video footage of UFOs you hear about them on the news and the same thing just doesn't happen with the men and black all you have about the men and black at least that the general public knows about is purely fiction the challenge that I'm going to have with this investigation is separating science fiction from science fact if Men In Black are real then why aren't they mentioned in the vast majority of UFO sightings we have eyewitness testimony from people who have been visited by the Men in Black we're actually going to be talking with people who were who are threatened so we know that men and black are a reality we just don't know exactly what who they are on the surface the mere mention of Men In Black sounds so unreal and so unbelievable but there are just too many witnesses in too many cases of Men In Black encounters to ignore Men In Black appear to be agents of some kind who mysteriously show up after certain UFO sightings and attempt to silence the witnesses they reportedly use fear intimidation and outright threats to keep people quiet we have reports of Men In Black being army or government officials hybrids part alien part human we even have reports of Men In Black being outright alien in the beginning they showed up just to retrieve evidence but it progressed to outright [Music] silence it was a little before Christmas in 1987 when I shot four objects flying across the shopping Center next thing I know I'm getting visits from people Danny Gordon is a radio broadcaster from withv Virginia after talking publicly on his radio show about the strange UFOs he witnessed back in 1987 the Men in Black stepped into his life and changed it forever we pulled into a parking lot of a department store in wvil and we noticed some kids in the school bus were pointing up there were four objects flying over the shopping center so I got my 30 5 mm out and shot the four objects and actually had some people that know a little bit more about physics and myself that measured the the Globes and they said they had to be four definitive objects because you could see the curvature too well to be one object with the four lights on it Danny's photo shows possibly four separate objects together in the night sky he saw it as did a handful of other people who happened to be in the park lot that night I was the only one standing on the top of step and yelling about it sending news reports to Associated Press United press so it was going out from me and I really never gave it much thought that it would come back to me as well of all the other UFO Witnesses who saw the object that night Gordon was the only one who was a broadcaster millions of people were hearing about Gordon's UFO sighting and not long after after strange things started happening in the life of Danny Gordon and I was invited to Virginia Beach to speak to United prent International I took the photos to show them but I left the negatives of home I was supposed to meet with the folks at uh oceanana Naval base and CIA headquarters and when I called them they said this the general was not here was going to meet with you by the way did you bring the negatives I'm being old dumb country boy I said no I left him at home when I got a home from Virginia I found that my negatives only those negatives had been taken if the negatives just disappeared that' be one thing but for Danny to tell the CIA that he left the negatives at home and then to find the negatives missing that just seems more than a coincidence it doesn't sound like you were actually threatened at all did did that ever happen in any way shape or form happened I us I used to get telephone calls saying you know this is time you leave alone it's a defense matter there were a government issu black cars following me me to home a gentleman called me say if you talk to these reporters you're going to put yourself or your family in in very Jeopardy and and I did 1991 the ongoing intimidation of Danny Gordon became more than just threats it became actual physical violence my son was at a party and we shot the head of Point Blank Range right here in the temple 32 Magnum he passed out on the table at 9:30 and woke up 21 days later in the rehab center blind and run up we still don't know who shot him cuz the other guys at the party first said it was some guys dressed in black then they changed the story and said it was him and from 1991 to now we don't know who shot him do you suspect that the Men in Black came to these Witnesses and persuaded them not to continue with their testimony I would hope not I would hope not so I said if there's just iota of a chance that it might have been connected to the UFOs I told my wife I cannot continue to do this and take a chance whether or not the Men in Black shot Danny Gordon's son remains to be seen the incident frightened him so much though that he stopped talking about UFOs period now talking to his 18 years later he's finally breaking his SS do you believe that the Men in Black are real they actually exist and what do you think their purposes there's no doubt because I've talked to too many witnesses who've had UFO visitations sightings and then had the Men in Black come and try to to look at their pictures take their pictures some people actually had had them seized now whether or not they dress in Black I don't know but I know that someone came to my home broke in my home and who knows may have been involved with the shooting of my son if the Men in Black did indeed shoot Danny Gordon's son they left no incriminating evidence to get closer to the answer we need to find a case where some tangible evidence was left behind I am Timothy Beckley I took one of the only photographs of an authentic Man in Black Timothy Beckley is a UFO author who had his own mysterious encounter with a man in Black only Beckley was lucky enough to have a camera with him in 1968 a rash of UFO sightings envelops the Skies over Northern New Jersey and in particular Jersey City uh there were a number of cases where UFOs had come down uh fairly low and landed in a nearby park and several teenagers had been very upset and they ran and told their parents one of the individuals that I was in touch with was a fellow by name of Jack Robinson who he was the investigator on the case and he actually claims while they were uh interviewing these teenage witnesses that they could see the black Cadillac parked down the street with the tinted windows and every once in a while the window would roll down and some somebody would uh would uh peer out while he would go to he worked in a bank in um in New York he would take the PATH train over every day and his wife would go out and do the normal air and shopping and everything like that you know and uh she reported while she would leave the building there would be a mysterious person standing in the doorway across the street dressed in black black hat over its face so we decided well we're going to take a drive over to Jersey City one morning kind of to see if anything was really going on well sure enough we get there and here is this individual standing Stone Face in the in the doorway with the hat pulled down over its eyes dressed in the black uh kind of looking like it didn't Bel didn't belong in the neighborhood so uh Jim hands me his camera I go and I lean out the window and I take a photograph of this individual standing in the doorway now what makes you think that this is a man in Black as opposed to just a man in a black suit that happens to hang out in the street every day you know it's a residential area where they would know everybody who lives in the neighborhood I mean all especially in this time period everybody knew their neighbors you know who lives next door you know who lives up stairs and this person doesn't fit we figure we would take the car drive it around the corner and get out and confront this individual and find out what was his reason for standing in that corner of that building we Circle The Block we stopped the car he was gone and the black automobile he might have arrived in was also gone he just disappeared almost Into Thin Air somehow Beckley was able to catch the alleged Man in Black off guard this is historic for the first time ever an actual man in Black is caught in a photograph yes Tim Beckley snapped a picture of a man in Black but what if that that's just it a photograph of a man who just happened to be wearing black you're confident that men and black are real this is real this is not mythology this is not something that somebody made up no no it is not this is really happening and this Photograph proves it after looking at Tim beckley's photo there are no signs of digital or photographic manipulation and the artifacts present in the photo are more than likely a byproduct of the film's emotion that Tim shot this photo in Jersey City in 1965 the truck shown in the foreground is a first generation Chevrolet C10 pickup and this is probably a 1962 C10 you can tell by the rounded single headlight the inverted windshield wiper on the passenger side and the large rectangular side view mirrors If This Were A real man in Black he more than likely would have been aware of Tim's presence and simply wouldn't have allowed this Photograph to be taken or because this is an urban commercial neighborhood with street parking and traffic he might have just not noticed Tim's presence or simply just wanted to hide in plain sight at this point we have Danny Gordon's encounter with Men In Black who may be responsible for allegedly shooting his son and we have Tim Beckley who actually took a photograph of a man in Black so far the Men in Black have been threatening from a distance what we need now is to dig deeper and find someone who's been threatened Face to Face by Men In [Music] Black two men approached uh dressed in black they looked at me and says we'll see you again soon I'm Johnny sanss and for 34 years I've been intimidated by the Men in Black we're meeting with Johnny sanss a country singer who in 1976 while driving outside of Las Vegas had one of the strangest Men In Black experiences who've uncovered thus far I could see a light beam in the sky uh directly to the right of me it was a cigar shaped looking object Johnny s's car then shuts off while he's working under his hood trying to get his car restarted two of what he refers to his aliens walk up to him and as they come closer to me I started to run but I realized I couldn't move they had very very glaring eyes their mouse was small and wrinkled he looking like a man with no teeth but they had a large wide nose and it looked like something protruding out on each side of their [Music] face the one began to talk but but he wasn't talking through his mouth so I asked him where y'all from and he said up there they asked me all these questions and he says we'll be going but we'll see you again real soon uh they turned and walked away and a flash of light went and they were gone Johnny s's Alien Encounter grabbed a lot of headlines he was a celebrity for it a few days later the Sahara Hotel invites Johnny to do a public demonstration of sorts in their Lobby they hire an artist to draw one of the aliens that Johnny [Music] saw when he got to the gills and the nose the artist says why do you why do they have a nose and gills and I said I really can't answer that question that's when the two men walked up and was standing there dressed in black I did noticed the one he was a little clumsy with in moving he was kind of on the stiff side of he would lean in toward me and then he said let me answer that question for you if I can there is an area in the sky that's 8 and 1 half light years from here that's called Sirius he said there is a planet that is known to be an aquarium type Planet half water half land so this will explain the gills and the nose he says but we got to go now but we'll see you again real soon well that's the same thing that aliens had just told me in the desert uh uh 3 or 4 days ago as they went out the door of the hallway the security guard was no farther away from behind him than you are from me but when he got to the door he turned around and he come walking back and he says them guys just totally disappeared in thin a maybe in this case the Men in Black were playing mind games with him not to dissuade him from talking but to make his story seem so weird so incredulous that when he does talk nobody believes him Johnny this is Mike Brazzle hey Mike how you do good to meet you we've drafted Mike Brazzle a forensic sketch artist so we can wrap our minds around what these men in black might actually look like he had real squinny eyes broad but stubby looking nose his hair is going to go straight back now what would you say his head shape was like kind of boxy looking with a heavy duty broad chin the mouth was not too [Music] big what do you see there oh put the black suit on him that's in 34 years you hold this picture in your mind this is he the sketch of Johnny sans's Man in Black is apparently spoton I get a sense that Johnny's actually disturbed by looking at it what do you think of Johnny Sand's story he was very specific about what happened just seemed like because of the detail I think something real happened to Johnny Sans and I don't think we can ignore that testimony Johnny Sans not only passed a lie detector test but he also passed a voice stress test according to the authorities he's apparently telling the truth and as far-fetched as it sounds I'm inclined to believe him we're hearing a lot of different things we're hearing that some of them are intimidating others are are are acting very weird like possibly their alien as you might suggest and so far the only pattern that I have is that these people are seeing men dressed in black clothing I mean it's not just seeing Men In Black clothing they're seeing men who surveil things like the photograph that Timothy Beckley showed us or people who give warnings and then follow through on the warning whether these men in black are humans trying to protect the secrecy of the presence of UFOs or whether they're actual aliens observing what we're doing one thing is crystal clear there is a direct connection between men and black and UFOs we had pulled off to the side of the road next to the Grand Canyon Caverns there were two men parked in a black car right where we were ready to pull off my name is John rhs I've been confronted by the Men in Black we met John rhods in a previous investigation when we were looking for an underground alien base in delce New Mexico in 1996 when he went looking for an underground basee near the Grand Canyon Caverns in Arizona he must have gotten too close to something important because a couple of bizarre characters cross this path I was coming here from Las Vegas to investigate the Grand Canyon Caverns uh we're pulling into this uh pull off outside the road here is a nice shiny new black car and two guys there in suits waiting for me one was leaning against the car the other one proceeded to walk up directly to me as I was parking I got out of the car the gentleman came over to my vehicle and and eye to eye he to turned around he said Mr rhs and of course I don't know him but obviously he knew me so these guys knew your name yes wow they knew my name more importantly they knew I was going to be right there I find it odd that in the middle of nowhere two men suddenly appear and know JN rh's name I don't think this was a random meeting he turned to me and he said well you know Mr roads you can fall down out there and get hurt you could fall down in some hole out there and nobody would ever find you again and I knew this was a threat and then what happened they got back in their vehicle and I didn't even see them leave because I didn't want them to think that they had intimidated me did they have any kind of identification either on their jacket or in their wallet nothing as a matter of fact when I looked at their vehicle it just didn't have any dirt on it it's not like somebody else drove by and some of the dirt kicked up from the road and covered their car their shoes were absolutely shiny you could see a reflection off them black uh it didn't look like they had been there at all as a matter of fact it looked like they just stepped out of their car for the first time a brand new car brand new clothing brand new shoes everything right down to the tea it strikes me as more than odd that in the middle of the desert they had no dust on their car no dust on their clothing how do you explain explain that you can't why would they warn you about this area what were you looking for what's here you have to remember that only 3.3% of the entire Grand Canyon has ever been surveyed which means that 96% of that almost 1900 square miles out there have never had human feet set down in it I think some of these ancient Cavern systems that in this Limestone for hundreds of square miles is perfect territory to build underground military installations you don't have to take any dirt out you just occupy an already hollowed out space and if they're connected through Cavern passages or natural tunnels it would be perfect to be actually in this Limestone area so the geology of the Grand Canyon Caverns area is conducive to underground Caverns underground tunnels and John rhs thinks a network of underground bases perhaps connecting the Grand Canyon with DL SE and Area 51 all of which are reported hubs of reverse engineering and alien technology this is incredible if Road's theory is correct that there are tunnels connecting all these underground alien bases could this be why men in black are showing themselves am I intimidated I would say that I would be more intimidated for you we're investigating one of the places where in Black might be coming from we talked to someone who claims there's a network of tunnels connecting a vast array of secret underground alien bases if this is true the US government has to know about it and most likely is very much a part of it and if that's the case there has to be a paper trail somewhere we're meeting with Michael shrat a mil military Aerospace historian who in his research has figured out how the US government might be behind the Men in Black so Mike let's get right down to it who are the Men in Black and who pays their paychecks it's rumored bill that the Men in Black are a covert government operation or organization funded perhaps by the black budget somewhat embedded within the Air Force budget how exactly are they getting their funding is this money coming from taxpayers they would probably get their funding just like many of these other programs get their funding from phony front organizations the so-called black budget is an allocation of money towards the military and intelligence agencies there is no accountability how can we prove this we have the actual Detroit Free Press article this is dated February 8th 1987 and here says secret Ledger hides military projects Pentagon black budget has tripled under the Reagan Administration you know what's going on when it comes to the money in the black budgets today well if we extrapolate the data Kevin it's clear that this black budget has blo to over perhaps $300 billion per year what are they using this for and why that's the real question here we have the actual security clearance organizational chart and if you start here at the bottom it starts at restricted then we move to confidential then we go to secret top secret SCI usap above that there are 28 levels of top secret crypto the president is at level 17 he's cleared for the go codes or the nuclear launch codes but then you'll see in point of fact there are at least 20 levels of security clearances above the president he has no need to know about these programs this is all just a theory that that there are 20 secret levels of black projects above the president of the United States it's certainly plausible though and if Men In Black are really tied into the US government then it's quite possible that the president would have no idea it's plausible deniability now if Fe programs are that secret and they're so important to our national security what kind of measures would be taken by some kind of agency if some of that information was to get out if you can take a CFT that can be to Mars and back by lunchtime are you going to let that technology out to your competitors your adversaries or people within the government no they're going to keep it completely black completely unacknowledged they've got to control The High Ground at any cost would they go as far as to use deadly force without a doubt the investigators who've gotten the closest to the truth of about the Men in Black died under mysterious circumstances T Allen Greenfield is a UFO researcher and author who's been investigating the Men in Black phenomenon for decades and he knows just how far they'll go to silence people who know too much there is a tendency to believe that the best cases about the men in black are old cases a lot of the later cases don't get the same kind of publicity for one simple reason most of the people who specialized in investigating Men In Black died off mysteriously and none of them were older than their 40s or 50s the people who got the closest to the truth died one famous ethologist is a legendary author Mars K Jessup a pioner he wrote numerous books and some researchers believe that when he got too close to the truth the Men in Black silenced him once and for all jup wrote a book called the case for the UFOs supposedly this perfectly well-balanced man who had no reason to commit suicide was suicided he supposedly had asphyxiated himself in a car apparently with such an elaborate way of doing it it was obviously done by a third party or parties who had reason for Mr Joseph to appear to have committed suicide police investigating on the scene said that it appeared to be a murder faked as a suicide I believe that he was murdered because he had stumbled upon something in his book he was a victim of what we can call the Men in Black another case of UFO researcher dying an untimely death allegedly at the hands of the Men in Black is Frank Edwards Edwards was at one time a very famous uh Mutual radio network broadcaster who was indeed talking a lot about UFOs his life was threatened he ignored it he continued to broadcast and then he wrote Flying Saucer serious business it's the only one that made the New York Times bestseller list sold over million copies not too long after that he turned to his wife and said Mary I have the strangest feeling and Dro cold dead was a cause of death ever determined they said heart failure but he didn't have any of the usual symptoms one would associate with a heart attack I think it was some sort of poisoning of sorts and it was a warning to all of us who were serious about euphology officials rule the the cause of Frank Edward's Death and apparent heart attack however medically an apparent heart attack and an actual heart attack are two different things entirely and shortly after that strike three hit Jim Keith wrote a book called case book of the Men in Black and he died of a wrenched ankle nothing else wrong with him young man in great health strained his ankle and was dead according to recent studies simple injuries like ankle sprains can increase the risk of blood clots simply because blood tends to stagnate in the injured area so dying from an ankle strain although rare is possible maybe he had a blood clot maybe he didn't the probability is he died because he talked too much about the Men in Black always good to see you and just be careful thanks alen thank you very much well gentlemen I think you've finally found the stories of people who were hurt by mibs what are your thoughts on what we've learned from alen Greenfield some of these ufologists if not all of them could have died from the causes that were reported natural deaths falling liver disease whatnot people die at inopportune times and when they die there's always something they were working on and if the work has something to do with UFOs I think it's too easy to make the assumption that that had something to do with the death there aren't that many ethologists in the world right why is it that they didn't die natural peaceful death I mean these were very strange mysterious deaths there's no doubt in my mind that there's a trend here when all was said and done Greenfield told us of seven ethologists who met untimely deaths at the heights of their careers seven ethologists who were also outspoken in the media just like Danny Gordon this is not a coincidence there is a connection here one thing we should do find some more witnesses who will take us to a place where they encounter a man in Black find a place where there are men in black find a place where men in black are guarding something and see if we can bring Men In Black to [Music] us we're here in Utah investigating the men in Black about 85 Mi Southwest of Salt Lake City is a military facility called The dugway Proving Grounds it was constructed in 1942 to test and develop chemical and biological weapons for World War II it has been in continuous operation since then what's actually going on there now is top secret and nobody knows for sure a lot of UFOs have been seen in this area and some researchers are referring to dugway as the new area 51 perhaps this is one of the places where the Men in Black are coming [Music] from hello Kevin hi Pat Dave Pat good to meet you Dave Rosenfeld is a Utah UFO researcher who's been investigating the Doug way Proving Ground for a long time he's taken some amazing pictures of UFOs and other things in the Skies over Doug way and he's uncovered some inside information I got the information from a particular individual that works at Doug way and this information was dates times locations of testing lasers ring lasers invisible camouflage aerial Vehicles testing there was a big list you know when they do these kind of tests it does attract UFOs Dave posted this information on his public website and then something happened at 8:00 at night got a knock on the door two individuals one's at the door one's at the car um dressed in dark uniforms could you describe the car that they arrived in it was a black car four-door any Insignia on the car numbers government plates the guy that came to the door he got a crew cut he blonde very intimidating he's got the cop glasses on he asked me first are you Dave Rosenfeld and I says yes he says well we've got some particular information on your website that we need to get off immediately he more or less asked me if my computer was in the house I said yes he said well can I come in and watch you take it off the website right now and I said yeah it'll be off in 10 minutes he came in watched me do it it ended with them um saying we we don't want to see anything like this again on your website if we see it again we'll be back and you don't want us to come back there are a lot of holes in rosenfeld's story if the government wanted to shut down his website they could have done it from anywhere but I have to admit that paying him a visit is in keeping with the whole Men In Black intimidation Factor how long was this information on your website before these guys came to visit you about 4 days do you feel that the information that you had on the internet was worthy of this type of treatment is it that important it was forensic sketch artist Mike brow was able to draw composits of Johnny Sans Man in Black real squinny eyes stubby looking nose John rhs man in black eyes that were rather almond shaped the hair was almost like a military cut and Dave rosenfeld's Man in Black he had a crew cut kind of a flat top narrow nose more tall than muscular three separate sketches yet there's an eerie similarity about all of them perhaps they're the same man in Black that was captured in Tim beckley's photo clearly there is a UFO men and black connection at Doug way it really is starting to sound like the new Area 51 perhaps there's a contingent of Men In Black originating out of Doug way there's only one way to find out we have to go there we're meeting with Ken Storch and Bob X who are instrumental in our investigation of underground bases both near here and in delsy New Mexico Ken and Bob have been investigating Doug way for years and They too had a runin with Men In Black we had Intel that uh this area was the new Area 51 and so we came out here to uh gather Intel and to verify if indeed that was the case we had stopped in at uh Willow Springs Lodge and a Gentleman up there uh that owned it said are you boys going out into the desert and we said yeah he said there's been some strange things happening out in the desert he said well are you are you guys carrying do you have guns and we said well yeah and he said well good he said just be alert so we drove out to this location it was about 9:00 in the morning and as I pulled out of uh a little turnout I looked in the mirror and I could see a dust cloud coming real fast this vehicle came right up on our and I kept slowing down hoping that he'd go around and pass well he didn't he kept slowing down finally Bob said hey pull over I've had enough of this we pulled over Bob bailed out of the car I stayed in the car and I adjusted the mirror now there were two individuals in the car no Insignia on the vehicle no light bar no nothing the driver got out Bob got out I walk in between the vehicles he had bloused pants on right had a vest I couldn't see a badge but I knew this guy was dressed in black he says what are you doing out here I said uh I'm just taking some pictures he says I need to see some identification I says I need to see who you are and this man goes this is all you need to see and he points to the G14 tag a G14 tag or license plate is a government plate the general service Administration or GSA maintains vehicles in motorpool across the country for official use by government agencies and departments they're number G11 through g91 G14 is issued for an inter agency motorpool system for large cars you can see this place is very remote there was the two of them and the two of us and nothing else around and it could have gone South so I I had my weapon down between my legs I had the driver's mirror focused on him and the rear view mirror focused on the passenger they were expecting to intimidate us into giving up what we were were're doing and and you know prettyy much dropped to our knees and and you know the Holy Grail type of thing well it didn't happen that way after that got back in the vehicle we took off he followed us all the way to where the road turns and we went to Vernon and he went straight but he was still on our butt maybe just like John rhods Ken and Bob were getting too close to something the government didn't want them to see I I took the tag number down and what you find out well it was very interesting when I got back to my jurisdiction cuz I was active law enforcement at that time and I ran the tag and it came back to a white Jeep for a Bureau of Land Management out of Park County Colorado and this wasn't a Jeep and this wasn't a Jeep so I called the uh Park County Bureau of Land Management supervisor and I said do you have a vehicle with this uh tag number and the supervisors goes sure do I'm looking at it right out my office window and Park County Colorado is 450 500 M away that tag number did not belong on that vehicle that I mean that raised all kinds of red flags with me it's all adding up Men In Black have a long history of impersonating people and now these two men in black are apparently caught in a lie perhaps those G14 plates were actually taken from another vehicle well let me ask your question we're standing here right now yep do you think there's an eye on you absolutely you better believe it and they monitor the communicate we've been told that number of times if you're on the radio or if you're on your cell phone this whole area is being monitored but we're on public land now why are we being monitored well Bas base is right there no sooner do we start talking about being monitored by Men In Black when two helicopters appear overhead you see that Kevin yep here they come they're going to come right over the top boys you see that Kevin yep here they come they're going to come right over the top boys we're near The dugway Proving Ground in Utah some are calling this the new Area 51 researchers believe there's evidence of reverse engineering going on here and I don't think it's a coincidence that as soon as we start talking about men in black dark helicopter show up but how how ironic that they picked this spot to fly over would you say they're black you see any sign on them I don't see that allive drab that's not allive drab no it's not and there's no Insignia do you see a tail number no I would say those were black they were black helicopters they were that's really weird I worked with a lot of Chinooks man they're they're all of dra what do you think is going on who are these guys and what you what are they about I my take on it is that they are a private entity working in conjunction with someone that's involved in flying saucers or UFOs whatever you want to call them it gives government plausible deniability in other words here's a project and you you farm farm it off to a private company and they take care of the dirty work for you I believe ET is here and I believe our government knows about it and therefore what better way to have a certain entity that you can Pawn off certain operations that you don't have to send your people on you just make a phone call and say hey we got a witness out here that's got some evidence once you go out there and intimidate them either to keep their mouth shut give up the evidence or last but not least adios amigos guy on black right there holy guy on black right [Music] there is he on he's getting in the he's in the he's walking in front of the white truck park building backing up dude they just hit that truck the truck pulled behind the building sitting right there behind the building [Music] we hear at Doug way talking about the Men in Black is it a coincidence that a man in Black has been apparently surveilling us for the whole time well look there's no denying Men In Black were surveilling us between the photo all the eyewitnesses and the helicopters and now this it seems to me that there's a very strong military connection to the men and black as investigators we've gotten close closer to the men and black than anyone we've heard stories of threats and intimidation and we've experienced some of that ourselves they're real and they know more about the UFO phenomenon than anyone we did have credible Witnesses and it's hard to question firsthand accounts but when you look at the sightings the threats the intimidations and even our own encounter at Doug way I think it's very likely that we're talking about coincidences here between the helicopters on a routine flight path and a maintenance man working the grounds like many UFO sightings these are just chance encounters you guys are missing the big point that the black projects that employ Men In Black has become so secret so buried so covered up by lies and Distortion that even the Men in Black don't realize they're Men in Black Men in Black have been around ever since the 19 50s that in the UFO Community there are all kinds of stories r with threats Menace and actual physical violence when we got too close Men In Black even approached us we know how nefarious they are and we know they're guarding a secret and they will go to any lengths to keep that truth from being disclosed we know The Secret of Area 51 has been exposed but could a place called Doug be the military's new UFO playground above us was a saucer shape that's when we started getting nervous this place is a Proving Ground and they could be testing weapons that could bring down a UFO the second time it fired we noticed these blue lights completely surrounding the beam there's no question this is evident of unconventional activity but by whom the military or private contractors we have many customers they like their privacy the whole time we were there we were under surveillance I mean it was all intimidation you came here to investigate what's going on only to be investigated ourselves here he comes whoa whoa how you guys do come back this is case number four 42104 Area [Music] 52 Area 51 has the reputation of being the most secret base in the United States all that changed in 1985 when Bob Lazar the former employee there went public with the reverse engineering technology ever since then Area 51 from a top secret site became a public display case well absolutely bill I mean if you were a testing facility you'd probably want to move somewhere else you'd have to find someplace that was top secret and turn that place into a new and better Area 51 Doug way Proving Ground has over 7even Decades of covert military experimentation under its belt moving at least some of area 51's operations here makes perfect sense it's it's a testing facility so there are already secret operations going on there if Area 51 did relocate to Doug way I would need to see some evidence of how its role has changed clearly Doug way Proving Ground has the space to handle top secret operations but is there a link to reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft we'll have to [Music] see Doug way Proving Ground is the fourth largest military base in the US and has been the home for testing chemical biological and radiological weapons since 194 2 the base is surrounded by mountains on three sides with heavily restricted airspace over the base reaching all the way up even beyond the Earth's atmosphere the area is larger than the entire State of Rhode Island and ab buts the Utah test and training range within the past 20 years the area's Runway has been retrofitted to allow the space shuttle to land in addition to its military clients dugway is the home of Def defense contractors working on alleged black budget projects with all the upgrades and the alleged UFO activity over the area we believe that some of the operations have left Area 51 and moved to dugway Proving Ground to find out about the past and present of Doug way we need to get some inside information so we're going to meet with Doug's former Chief of security and hear about his own UFO sighting I came to Doug way in 1950 I worked for 33 years Department of Defense as a security police supervisor I retired in 1983 as a cap Bush Fox was Security Police supervisor for 33 years at Doug way Proving Ground if something was going on there he's going to be able to tell us what it was one incident I remember very well well is my whole shift which is the afternoon shift we got off work about 11: 11:30 at night as we were leaving me and my friend we looked up it be almost in this direction from that area it was four very distinct lights just sitting there Le was come out and we watched those four lights sitting there for probably I'd say 25 35 seconds and then they all took off in different direction this was not con there was no noise no indication any kind of a plane or anything like that now what year was this again this is late 70 1970s could operations go on at Doug way Black Operations operations with UFOs or other things go on there without your knowledge no I had a top secret security at dugway and if anything like that was going on I would have known about it all 11 of them agreed that these were not conventional lights of any kind these were not airplanes or helicopters these guys would have known what kind of aircraft would have been around Doug way so this cement in my mind that these were UFOs did you tell anybody at Doug way what you saw we told the pros Marshall about the lights at Doug way and he said he he investigated and he died in a plane crash not very too long after that the Provost Marshall is the official in charge of all security operations at Doug way Proving Ground after his untimely death in a flight over the base the official investigation into UFOs over Doug way died as well so we've heard rumors that Doug way has become the new Area 51 um have you seen any indication that this might be true to BU your bubble but I got to laugh of course Bush fox has no knowledge of operations from Area 51 moving to Doug way he retired in 1983 several years before the move and once you retire from a top secret position you're out of the loop and you no longer have access to top secret or classified Base information to really find out what's going on out here at Doug way it's important to talk to people who have been here on the ground making observations so we're going to to talk to Ken Storch and Bob who've been out here eight times since 1997 they're really professionals at staking out unusual activity and that's why we've got to talk to them and hear what they have to say in the late 80s I was contacted by a uh Air Force Major when I was active law enforcement he or she told me that you need to take a look at Doug way there's something out there that you would be interested in I said what do you mean and they replied the new Area 51 Bob and I like we always do packed up uh our equipment jumped in the RV and we drove out here straight from uh Colorado and the moment that we arrived on scene we knew that we had touched a nerve helicopter gunships came in so close that the prop was from the blades was rocking the RV see the picture we literally had a gunship swing around land probably 100 yard from us the Gatling gun mounted underneath was pointed right at us the chopper pilot was sitting there with his visor down staring right at us were you in a restricted area we're on uh public land we're on the Pony Express Trail the whole time we were there we were under surveillance I mean it was all intimidation you know when we went to Area 51 our presence was responded to with camo dudes and and vehicles on the ground but what Ken Storch and Bob were telling us is that they actually got a much bigger reaction with that helicopters landing near them pointing weapons at them that really does say just how sensitive this area is if you get an even bigger reaction than getting close to Area 51 over the course of several months of coming out here we observed a lot of activity at Simpson Springs we went another 14 miles at the top of the ridge there's a road that goes along the ridge line not the main Pony Express Trail I've got pictur here that shows this Barracks where we watch convoys you could tell a deuce and a half High the lights were higher in the sky to Humvees I lost counted over 80 and we sat there for 45 minutes but here's The Clincher they disappeared into the ground we watched that Convoy disappear Bob's claim that an 80 vehicle Convoy disappeared into the Earth seemed suspicious at first but in the 19 1990s satellite imagery of military bases and access to it became very sophisticated so there are compelling reasons that have the military at that time move their operations literally underground into Subterranean Test Facilities now you guys said back in 97 you were investigating Doug way in an RV and you got a lot of attention or helicopter is checking you out is it possible that uh because you were in the RV you were kicking up a lot of dust and created a huge profile that just attracted a lot of attention oh absolutely you can't sneak into this base without without drawing that kind of attention I mean uhoh guys looks like uh we have company oh boy yep we got somebody coming told you here he comes there something going on where is he going that's the question no he's not look at that no yes he is whoa whoo come back it didn't take long for us to discover how seriously Doug way values its secrecy we set up a meeting with Ken and Bob on what we thought to be public land but in less than 5 minutes base police pulled up to tell us we were getting too close here he comes ni to meet you at stand back stand back d card at okay you guys got a permission to uh photograph uh actually yes we do from the Bureau of Land Management it's over there we have all the forms okay let me see your forms and your okay let me get the forms they're down over there hi hi they need to stop taking pictures right now until we get all this right now okay sure thing okay we'll get you the forms we have BLM permission to be here mhm okay actually we paid the permit okay now do you have one from Doug way but we're not on dugway property we're not on dugway property yeah you are all of this right here belongs to the Doug way you mean all this all this here all of this right here belongs to the Doug what about the the building too belong you cannot take pictures of that period okay we didn't know that there's no sign there that says that and it says boundaries right there sir yeah we just take pictures of that so if you are taking pictures of that I'm going to have to confiscate everything you got well we haven't taken any pictures yet I'm going to have to see so we're here at the entrance to Doug way proven grounds we came up here looking for answers to What doug way does why is there a Doug way what's going on here we say look we're here to find out some man about Doug way who can we talk to now we're going to talk to the public affairs officer of Doug way and we're hoping we can get some answers to our questions this could be a gold M of information let's see what she says we are the nation's cam biotesting facility we test defensive equipment such as protective gear which could mean personal equipment such as masks boots gloves and uniforms or Collective protection for our soldiers as Doug way proven grounds public affairs officer Paul Nicholson is the official spokesperson for what happens here how many people work at the base right now there's about 1450 people about half of those are contractors the other half are government civilians would you be able to tell us which defense contractors are located on Doug way and uh if so what do they do uh right now we don't tell people who those contractors are the fact that Paul is so guarded about the work of contractors at dugway gives us a sense of just how important and secret this base really is if there are secret experiments going on here they could originate with private contractors and not the military itself recently there has been been a lot of activity on the part of the army here in trying to acquire more land in the recent past we thought it would be a good thing to acquire more land because we are getting more customers we were having a lot more training area however to my knowledge at this time there is no effort to acquire more land so when you're looking at a map what you see is so much restricted airspace around here I mean what's so fascinating about the restricted airspace is that the ceiling goes all the way up into Infinity um can you explain that we have many customers that like to come here and train they don't want people to be here to know all their Maneuvers and they like their privacy if the government wanted to hide evidence of the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial alien spacecraft of course they'd give it to a defense contractor private contractors don't have to be responsive to freedom of inform requests the reason we're here is we've heard that Doug way might be the new Area 51 that there was too much attention put on Area 51 and they've moved operations here I just want to ask you uh just straight out uh are you aware of any testing or development of UFO or extraterrestrial technology taking place here at Doug way you know that's really an interesting question I've actually had that quite a few times to my knowledge I'm not aware of any UFO training going on out here Paula denied any presence of UFO technology at Doug way but she did say she's been asked this question before which supports the idea that ethologists asking too many questions and getting too close like we did may have played a part in Doug Way's recent attempts to expand one place Doug way wanted to expand was on its Southeast border we need to go there and see if it provides advantage point for peering into the base's activities there is Michael Army Airfield this is one of the longest runways in the world you know you can land the space shuttle here but you can also only guess as to what other you know Vehicles they're testing here you saw Area 51 firsthand how does it feel being here now and looking at Doug way compared to that well there's certainly the same feeling of vastness if you just look at the view I mean you can see from Horizon to Horizon and there's nothing there's nothing out there except for Doug way Proving Ground this place is actually bigger than Area 51 look at this restricted restricted restricted restricted it's everywhere well if you take all this into account and you compare Doug way Proving Ground with Area 51 I mean Doug way and Michael Army Airfield is is clearly the the superior secret facility we've learned about the size and scope of Doug way and how much private contractors at the base value their privacy now we have to learn about this pattern of secrecy from somebody who knows an award-winning journalist who covers Doug way Lee Davidson thanks for seeing us today Lee we appreciate it and Kevin Lee good meet you Lee Davidson is a journalist with the Deseret News he's been covering the Doug way story for over 30 years and if anyone can tell us about the absolute secrecy going on at Doug way it's him people in Utah are interested in dugway because it's been one of the most secretive bases in in America a lot of things happened out there for years that we never found out about for decades after there are no roads that you can just drive up and kind of look and see what's going on it's so vast you can hide things in there easily they were doing things they really didn't want the world to know about during the whole Cold War era there was chemical weapons testing germ weapons testing radiological IC weapons testing the Army always denied anything dangerous was happening but in the last 20 years or so bit by bit we were able to use the Freedom of Information Act and dig out a lot of what actually did happen World War II for example they used human guinea pigs members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church who were conscientious objectors volunteered to help with medical research and they literally lined them up along the highway next to Reese's monkeys and real guinea pigs spread of germs over them such as Q fever parrot fever to see if they would get infected and they were they weren't killed but they were also told that this was Defensive work only and it actually was offensive work according to documents we have a lot of these things that you described sound like very serious offenses uh against the public you know is there anything about the people of Utah that is keeping them from being outraged about this actually we had documents 40 or 50 years ago where the Pentagon talked about how patriotic utans were and how they probably wouldn't Sue and they would be more trusting of the government utans today are much different when the Army tells them something is fine and not secretive they've learned not to trust that have you ever filed a foer request regarding the expansion of the base yes we did and the military denied it Pentagon said we don't have to release it we're not going to so mostly what we know about the expansion is what members of Congress have said that the Army told them and they told them that part of it was UFO Watchers are getting too close we want to push them back part of it was there's contamination and we don't really want to clean up that contamination it's so vast we don't know how to do it we just want to take over that area and keep people out of it how does Michael Army Airfield fit into all of this 15 years ago or so it was essentially an unusable field but in recent years it's been buil up improved so that they could use it that by the way is one of the reasons that UFO Hunters think something's going on out there because now they can fly in and out of there so what's your take on this whole business of Doug way being the new Area 51 that the UFOs were mov from Nevada's Area 51 and brought here because everybody's looking at Area 51 nobody's looking here this is more isolated hey it's a vast bace there's a lot of places you could hide things out there and the people who watch the bay say they've seen a lot of strange things coming and going uh covered trucks with something poking out that they thought looked like a oval shaped spaceship the history of Doug way makes anything out there easier to believe because so many bizarre things have happened but one more chapter is is possible we're absorbing a lot of conflicting answers here Paul is giving us the official explanation Lee is telling us that you can't exactly trust Doug way and Witnesses are telling us some very compelling stories it's it's a lot of information and it's time we put it all together if we had a base that was so important that it was handling extraterrestrial verse engineering don't you think we'd want to spread the wealth well we know for a fact from talking with uh lee Davidson that there was a huge push to expand Doug way that in my opinion is kind of suspicious don't you think I mean we already have Area 51 so why would we have to create this new giant secret base right we got the answer from Paula they just were collecting more customers there were more corporations going in there and conducting their tests so they needed more areas the fact is that they've been trying to expand even before they got these customers were standing in front of the base on public land we're confronted by this now you know that every time on this desert you try to approach something there's a there's a whole dust storm following your car what we've got to do is come up with a plan for stealth [Music] so here's the deal that's it every time anybody comes up here in a car it kicks up so much dust along the road they can see you coming miles away so you're going to take the mountain bikes obviously kick up much less of a cloud of dust you're going to be stealth and you'll get as close to the gate as you possibly can we want to see if there's any activity on the r way we know that there are corporations present here we want to see if we can see any sign of them exactly what corporations are present we found an overgrown access road at Doug Way's Southeast border and directly towards the Airfield so if build's theory of stealth holds true we should be able to reach the gates and get an up close look at this complex without drawing any attention from security okay guys saddle up good hunting all right Bill see you in a bit be careful out there we got got it so I know we don't want to kick up too much dust he's up on the wheelies how are you doing you moving along okay moving along okay Bill just feels a little exposed out here kind of like uh we're sitting ducks so far you're all clear nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground there's not a single bit of dust coming off their wheels they're kicking up nothing that's exactly what we want they're going to get and under the radar maybe just maybe they'll see some unconventional crap could we be standing on the perimeter of the new Area 51 we're here science is danger keep out US Army Installation impact area okay hold up at the signs saying impact area you're you're getting into um possible unexploded ordinance territory I'd like you to head left along the fence line and see if you could find anything on the Airfield okay I see some kind of vehicle and it is in pieces it has been demolished and I can only guess what did it it's brown it has four tires and that's about not all I can tell you that's how messed up this thing is as you move along the fence line you might see some activity of the Airfield uh to the right of the fence to the right uh of uh the road copy that I suspect you are correct so what's your 1020 we're here we're down to the gate we can see the hangers we can see the towers and uh yeah we can see the Airfield but there's nothing going on over there can you see any any trucks with logos any signage any sign of corporate activity near the Airfield that's a negative Bill I'm sorry but we don't see any sign of any corporate activity we're back safe and sound hey guys glad you made it back safe and sound it was great to get up close so what did you guys see well we got up close and what we got to see was just the size and the scope the place you're sort of lost and exposed out there I was just this feeling of being very small and that dugway is is is absolutely huge tell you the truth it was a little bit Eerie being that close to the gate with the tumble weeds the barbed wire the unexploded Ordnance and and the vehicle that was obviously the victim of at least one explosion and this is a very vast territory and I can understand if if the government wanted to hide something that this would be the perfect place to do it but from what I saw down there this is this is simply a military base we've taken a close look at the south side of Doug way now we're going to hear about a UFO encounter that occurred on the Far West boundary from a police officer who patrolled there hey Bob hey Bob thanks for coming down today you bet thanks for meeting us pleasure to meet you we're talking to Bob Ward who is an ex-t Tribal Police Officer for the goo trap which is just west of Doug way Proving Ground he had interesting uh experiences involving UFOs and we're about to find out if these events actually tie into Area 51 relocating here in 2004 I was a tribal police officer for the goit reservation in iopa we're located west of Doug way Proving Grounds in uh 2004 it was around midnight one of the residents came up and knocked on my door and asked me if he could help pull him out of a a spot he went off the road and stuff and I said fine as we got there something caught my eye and I looked up and 6 to 800 ft above us was uh a lit up craft it almost saucer shape the guests had made it speed on it was about 5 to 10 m hour when we got there we did not see it come over the mountain it just appeared but was the light configuration on it there were six lights in a circle I estimated it at about 80 ft in diameter before it got too far ahead of us going out to the flat land I had a spotlight in my pickup truck and I reached out and turned it on it for maybe 15 20 seconds and it turned around and came back over us again and that's when we started getting nervous the fact that the craft physic physically reacted to Bob's Spotlight and then changed its flight path is significant it shows that this is not a pre-programmed drone a balloon or anything like that it was intelligently controlled as it came back going eastbound back towards the dugway Proving Ground it went up and over ibaa Peak and the ibaa peak is about 14,000 ft and then as soon as it disappeared within 30 seconds to a minute 2 F6 te coming from Nevada were in Hot Pursuit behind it in the same flight path and then they disappeared over the top of the mountain going eastbound back towards the dugway Proving Ground in the ward sighting 30 seconds after the craft leaves the area over his head two F-16 show up if they were an escort they'd be flying alongside they'd be flying at the same speed the object is moving away toward Doug way clearly it's not an escort to Bob's mind they were in Pursuit of this object that had moved away clearly hadn't caught up that indicates just circumstantially these are not our craft Bob you keep calling it it what do you think it was maybe some kind of military test of some sort military vle or are we talking about something else here could very well be a military experiment and if it's not then it would have to be the real deal never in my life have I ever seen anything like this before so the flight pattern that Bob Ward described was very interesting clearly uh we're looking at flight characteristics that are not conventional here all of this cements in my mind that this was either a reverse engineered vehicle of some sort or an extraterrestrial craft but either way this object clearly has something to do with Doug way Proving Ground were you concerned at the time that you'd experien Fallout from the Department if you reported this sighting yes certain powers could do things you know and at the time it was it was better just to keep my mouth shut you know with the military doing stuff they're you know we're told to mind their own business and so why are you coming forward now because I I truly feel that public needs to know what's going on out here it doesn't surprise me that Bob followed the typical law enforcement Code of Silence not to discuss UFOs for fear of ridicule or even retribution but now that he's no longer a police officer he feels compelled to shed light on what he's seen going on around Doug way and didn't involves a lot more than just seeing a UFO out in the general area this this craft was traveling I observed two horses that I found their heads were decapitated wow I mean the heads really are clean up we're talking with Bob Ward who witnessed a UFO near Doug way Proving Ground in 2004 and that alone might be enough to show that Doug way is becoming the new Area 51 but the sighting alone wasn't the end of Bob's experiences out in the the general area this this craft was traveling we come up to an old sheep Corral I observed two horses their heads were decapitated I got some photos that I took of those mutilated horses the horses were about 10 to1 ft apart laying the same identical way as if they were placed there laying in exactly exactly their heads had almost like laser Precision Cuts along their jaw bones where the the hide had been removed and I found no traces of blood off either animal his story brings me back to what Lee told us about Doug way proven ground having no compunctions about using humans and animals as guinea pigs for biological weapons testing during the Cold War could Doug way not only be testing Advanced craft but possibly also Advanced laser weapons and using the horses as test subjects we did do have um Mount lies out there we have badgers and we do have coyotes so if small predators and stuff were going to be feeding off these things you would actually see bite marks and rips tearing apart at them these weren't rips these were Precision Cuts were there any missing organs the eyes were gone and and the lips around the the horses were gone too well the horse mutilations that that Bob described seem to fit everything that we've already seen so it's very interesting that we have a very strange UFO sighting and this very strange mutilation well do you think there's some connection between these mutilations and other activity that's going on around here maybe it could it could be part of extraterrestrial conducting experiments it could even be part of the dugway Proving Grounds conducting experiments as well the story of what Bob Ward discovered doesn't necessarily prove that area 51 has moved its operations to dugway but it does indicate that advanced aeronautical craft and Laser likee Technology do have a role here so our next step is to speak with more witnesses who might have seen Advanced Laser Technology here at Doug [Music] way Elli and Dave yep Dave how's it going thank you Dave thank you for coming out to see us today good to see you see you see you again we're meeting with Dave Rosenfeld who is a Utah ufologist and he's had a lot of very unique experiences it's going to be worth it to see exactly where Dave witnessed these unique events and to hear the stories behind them we're at the Doug way Proving Grounds and right down here's Michael Airfield this whole area is the milit Airfield we are about right here and we need to go right about here now the only way to get there is really on ATV you're not going to be driving a car down here because the Train's pretty rough so you brought some ATVs for us yes we [Music] [Music] did our ATV route takes this largely due south towards the border of the Southern segment of the utal test and training range or uttr now UT is administered by the Air Force while while the Army runs Doug way proven ground however both these facilities frequently collaborate and host experiments for all the military branches you can see this it's the bombing range right over that mountains where we seen the test we were parked right about here right where we're at it was about 1:00 in the morning and uh we see this what looks like an arc welder off in the distance this this huge flashing light and then this beam shot out the middle of it it looked reddish in color actually and uh the light off coming off the ground was white there was a little bit of thin clouds above that and you can see it go through the clouds but how long did this beam last probably about 4 minutes wow and then it was shut off like a light switch how wide was the beam would you say if I was to compare it to something at least as wide as a car so we're not talking about a Pencil Thin laser be no not at all that's huge for a laser there was a slight smell of ozone in the area kind of a static electricity type of smell well you think you were smelling the the actual laser we didn't smell it before that and we didn't smell it after the testing we know that during a thunderstorm ions in the atmosphere can be charged in such a way that they give off this kind of a scent this is due to a partial electrical breakdown of the air by a high volume of electricity that causes this ozone smell now if this beam was creating that smell then it must be harnessing millions of watts of power that's very interesting you say that this beam actually was penetrating a cloud because I mean normally light can't go through clouds the Air Force was experimenting for years with a way to bring down Satellites by firing a merer and then through the merer that's the tunnel that punches a hole then is a laser through the ner if that's what this is then you were watching one of the most important anti-satellite weapons we have now did you notice any other activity after this the testing of this laser the second time it fired we noticed these blue lights completely surrounding the beam on the ground in the air these lights weren't acting like conventional aircraft did they fly in or they just pop up they more or less was just there and then when as soon as that beam stopped they were gone was this beam a beacon that was meant to attract UFOs or did the UFOs sense this was a weapon and arrived to surveil it a guy from fox actually spent a year trying trying to find out what exactly we seen out here he contacted the pr person uh first she denied it then she changed her story a little bit and said well there there was military contractors out there doing some tests and that was more or less the end of it alien Dave's reporting of a bizarre beam test was met with stonewalling and denial from military officials but it's not the only strange test he's seen here one of the planes just upright disappeared like this thing vanished and they were flying formation right next to each other together you still see the one but not the other we've taken ATVs out to the fence line along the boundary of the Utah test and training range the fence line runs literally as far as the eye can see in a perfect straight line our eyewitness Dave Rosenfeld has seen things that are anything but normal [Music] one night we were out here we watched these two Jets come by and you see the beacon lights on them M and as they they got near the fence line over here one of the planes just upright disappeared no more lights and no silhouette of the plane at all and they were flying formation right next to each other so you can still see the one but not the other so are we talking about invisibility technology here could be were there any other things you saw that have the same kind of Technology you disappearing planes or stuff like that yeah same year um I think it was in August we were back out here uh checking out the location once again and we noticed this dust trail off in the desert down in the valley here and you can see the dust trail but no vehicle how do you know that wasn't a dust devil well we see dust devils out here all the time and you know dust devils don't go 60 70 M an hour and wow so what year was this the same year 2004 there was a lot a lot of activity that year well yeah there must that's the same year that Bob Ward saw his UFO in the mutilated horses and that's the same year that uh this whole area that the Army wanted to expand Doug way proven ground that's true Dave sighing of this massive laser Bob's UFO encounter and his investigation into a nearby horse mutilation now I'm starting to believe that these guys really are living next to the new Area 51 Dave you've been around here for a long time and what evidence have you seen that that Doug way is the new Area 51 well when the Popular Mechanics uh article came out saying that they did move Area 51 Doug way security tripled I don't believe they moved everything from a 51 here to Doug way they've moved projects here I do believe they still have the Black Project planes down there but most of the space related stuff is here in Utah kind of spread your technology around a bit so it's not all in one place maybe I have a funny feeling given what we saw at Area 51 last year that there's still a lot of reverse engineering going on there so maybe not just are 51 not just Doug way but this this Advanced unconventional technology is spread throughout military facilities around the country why put all your eggs in one basket well guys this was something what do you think the evidence tells us I don't think we found enough evidence to support that area 51 actually relocated here and and this high security that that's going on here at Doug way it it's simply because of protecting the technology that's being tested there it's National Security and and essentially nothing has changed besides more testing going on here any facility that's pioneered biological chemical and radiological weapons testing would require an incredible ible amount of security precautions and an enormous amount of restricted airspace even if Doug way and UT have taken over some experiments from Area 51 there's just no proof that this is reverse engineered alien technology I mean we've been to Area 51 Bill and it seems to me like a lot of the strange things that are going on there are going on here you've got this huge beam shooting up into the sky you got Bob Ward seeing his strange UFO that has changed his life including the horse mutilations that he saw that year a massive attempted expansion of Doug way in the same year is that all a coincidence as well we have to really consider that a lot of this technology is reverse engineered from from this alien technology that that we're trying to get to the root of we saw firsthand how Doug way reacts when it feels it's being scrutinized just like Area 51 the things that really stand out to me in the course of this investigation are private contractors that enjoy unparalleled privacy in their operations I think the government's UFO Tech SE Secrets have shifted to Doug way and they're here to stay it's the same story all the way around UFOs are still being reverse engineered by private contractors they've been doing it for 60 years they're doing it now and the big picture for me is they're doing it right there at Doug way they're doing it at a new Area 51 if one of Doug Way's goals was to take over the testing and reverse engineering of UFO technology from Area 51 it had all all the resources to do so and nothing we've learned about base security or contractor practices threatens the future of military operations there and besides this area has the highest restricted airspace on the entire planet and if it's not the new Area 51 it will be I went from questioning whether people are even seeing things in the sky to knowing that they are but now questioning what exactly are they seeing I believe that the majority are top secret black ops military aircraft the study of anything that we uh can't explain is very important that's how we come to answers and better understand our universe so we have this phenomenon that is real maybe we can learn from these UFOs and create a better world for ourselves along the way we've seen some incredible photographs and we've debunked the debunkers and find fin a picture is coming together a picture of a truth so incredible so awesome that it would mean the end of the human race as you know it that's why the government will go to any lengths to keep that truth from being disclosed because the truth the truth is bigger than all of us UFO reports of orange balls of light are spiking all over the world whoa I'm getting a series of lights right there it's moving but most Witnesses are filled with Terror and Dread she starts screaming she won't stay out after dark what emotion do you associate with it those who see the lights I was employed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol report strange occurrences the farther I drove the closer this light got to me and they want these terrifying encounters to stop they're frightened some of these people are just scared out of their minds they are there it is video evidence seems to show that something is going on that we just don't understand wow wa whoa but what is it there is no explanation for it we have no known source for what is causing is this presence a warning of things to come this orb top 3 ft from me and I Heard a Voice say don't touch it or you'll die this is case number 9 2207 dark [Music] [Music] presence we investigated balls of light orbs last year in Indiana guess what they're back and this time we could investigate a whole other aspect of the kind of a dark presence people are reporting a frightening UFO contact that involves nightmares headaches terrifying premonitions and sometimes actual confrontations with the orbs these spherical UFOs are really nothing new if you go back into Project Blue Book there was all kinds of reports of spherical UFOs this has been going on for a long time and it it's a huge part of youology to understand what these balls of light are the spike in orb sightings is a worldwide phenomenon from Puerto Rico to Australia but we're seeing a pattern of reports in Missouri Indiana and Arizona for some reason so we need to investigate this phenomenon find out what's going on these orbs aren't necessarily UFOs there's so many conventional explanations that don't associate with any kind of communication whatsoever there's conventional and there's unconventional so I think that what we need to explore and we're going to try to get to the bottom of what this presence [Music] means respected investigator Ted Phillips has been exploring the orb phenomena for two decades and focusing on a particular area in the Ozarks of Missouri that he calls site X people are reporting nightmares animal mutilations hauntings and a deep fear of these uninvited guests people are so frightened by these orbs they don't want to come forward hi Ted how are you hi guys to see you good to see you but investigator Ted Phillips is gained the trust of this community and he's sharing with us some horrible accounts that Witnesses have told him we've had u a great deal of new activity in the light ball area I wanted to bring along Ong some photos and some video to give you a better idea of what we're talking about the light balls uh range in size from baseball to basketball they'll fly around maneuver sometimes go into a uh sort of yo-yo pattern up and down and then to the right and the left and do this for a long long time there it is wow whoa whoa I got call T man the longest duration sighting was over an hour and 30 minutes so you're eliminating things like uh gas or Earth lights because of the duration now recently more of the objects have been seen on the ground so there is a little bit of the Fear Factor what are the effects on humans dry throat um some nausea severe headaches colors in their Vision we've never heard stories like this before from anyone about the interactions of orbs with human beings so we're looking at in Close Encounter of the fifth hind here wow that was an awesome there it is Ronnie turn your camera on have there been any fatalities or injuries in relation to these sightings we had one case one of the very best and little girl's jumping on the trampoline she sees this close a light bul and she slips and twists her ankle just a bit she starts screaming her mother tells me said she won't stay out after dark has not since it's happened so the daughter is scared of these things oh yes she is the story that Ted is telling us is rather hard to Fathom and how could this be happening and yet the media hasn't reported any of this I'd love to interview this woman that had this confrontation but Ted says she's just too scared to [Music] talk are there any deaths that you can ascribe specifically to these objects we had a case in which the ranch owner and his son were sitting there one afternoon and they saw a small light bulb well he had his three Labs lying on the ground there by him and the light bul makes a low pass over the three dogs gets her attention and it starts moving away towards a small clump of trees and the dogs follow and suddenly hears uh terrible Cries From the dogs and he runs down there the light ball is gone and he finds the three dogs as three sort of gooey puddles on the ground the dogs were liquefied mhm this is a community with with a problem where where do you go when you're being plagued by strange balls of light that are actually making your children cry and also causing harm to plant life and livestock I think there's an indication in the fact that they the thing lured the dogs that puts it into an entirely different realm what do you think these objects are the one thing I can tell you is these things are real whatever they are so many witnesses seeing the same things and they are physical are we dealing with some kind malevolent Force here yeah I really think based on what happened you have to go with uh malicious intent this is an Incredible video and a story that Ted has shared with us we have to analyze the video but interesting to note that just 30 m away we have a firsthand account of orbs making nightly visits and they're also linked to a dark presence I was employed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol one night I noticed this light off to my left the farther I drove the closer this light got to me Doug Schulz is a 31-year veteran of the Missouri Highway Patrol while on duty he witnessed a single orb every night for a year so many residents in the area saw this light that it became known as the North View light in December of 1992 I was in Marshville going across the the exit 100 overpass I noticed the North View light off to my left it was brighter larger and closer than I'd ever seen it before I went West on Highway 38 and the farther I went the closer this light appeared to get to my patrol car it was really close really large so I decided I was going to stop my car and turn the engine off and see if I could hear this thing I stood with the door open got my binoculars out and I got a good look at this thing it was probably about no more than a qu of a mile from me and it was about 880 to 100 ft above the ground hovering immediately over the county road my patrol car was equipped with a spotlight so I decided that I would Shine the spotlight on the object uh just to see what what might happen as soon as I shine the spotlight on it this craft without making any noise took off and was out of sight in less than a second a friend of mine lived uh almost directly below where this light was hovering at the time uh he was a cattle rancher we found a dead cow in the farmer's residence this particular cow had about an 18 18in incision made in its neck it also had uh parts of its UD removed we've already investigated cattle mutilations and those Witnesses have reported that orbs have been cited in the areas where dead animals are found all I can say is the light appeared almost nightly during this time period and at the same time period we were having cattle mutilations what what is your take on on what happened uh during that time I wish I knew could the orb that Doug schilz has observed for over a year be part of the orb Colony that's terrorizing site X we need to analyze the video from site X to see if there are Clues to what it is Jim oh hi hi thank you for seeing us today well I've been analyzing UFO pictures for more than 20 years and in the last 10 years a lot of the tension has been on orbs because that's what we see more often now than dis shape UFOs Jim delatosso of spectrum video has analyzed hundreds of UFO and orbit videos and what he brings to this investigation is a database created from previous investigations a huge asset in trying to determine what these objects are and are not it's like a a police fingerprint database you have a bunch of knowns they're uh planets Stars airplane lights flares you have an unknown you extract the data and try to get a match if you get a match you can say well these are flares if you don't get a match then it's absolutely unknown Ted Phillips video the interesting thing to me was it it's two lights they stay on one's large and one's small and then it becomes three [Music] lights we can be sure that these lights are not an airplane well airplane lights don't remain steady like that the patterns of airplane lights are known there's specific patterns that that they need to be to to come on and off he says absolutely these are not airplanes these are not helicopters uh in his professional opinion we're looking at something completely different these lights they're [Music] unique we have this one light that plays back and forth between one light two lights one light two light and that lasts for some number of minutes Jim delosso is analyzing Ted Phillips footage and he says the video isn't matching any known objects like conventional aircraft or flares in his database but he is intrigued by what we're showing him which means that maybe we're on to something can we say that this is definitely not some kind of military operation going on there I can't say whether it is or isn't a military operation but I can say this is not flares because the lights don't modulate they don't flicker they don't change if we built a graph comes on stays on goes off and what's a flare graph look like a a flare graph is modulating frame to frame the red green and blue content are all varying in relationship to each other and the overall brightness the luminance is varying so guys you know we've been hearing a lot about orbs you've got the story of the little girl even though she experiences no bodily harm to this day as an adult she will not go out at night alone on that property what would you do if you lived in a community where these balls of light come out and and somehow threaten you actually make you feel threatened unsafe would you be able to tell people about it without them thinking you were nuts right I mean who would believe you these stories are amazing because these are the signs of intelligence Behind These balls but we have to remember these are still just stories that we're hearing without actually getting to the site you I just don't have enough yet PEX isn't the only place where UFOs have a malevolent effect on those who see them there's another hot spot where Witnesses are reporting seeing orbs in conjunction with a dark presence and it's a place we've investigated before for cooko Indiana there was an orange light what I observed that night were not any flares I've ever seen you know I think we have to use this information and let's bring that with us to Indiana all right back to cooko we're meeting with Glenn means the Indiana state director from muon who's going to talk to us about these balls of light now they're proliferating they've changed and we want to hear what Glenn means has to say about it what has been going on in Indiana I know you're investigating it mufon's been involved in it just tell us what's going on for 30 40 years easy we have had obals appear in the sky orange balls of light these are not flares gentlemen these are not things that are affected by gravity as a flyer for 20 years in the Air Force I can tell you that this is nothing I've ever seen before Glenn means is a credible investigator with the mutual UFO Network he flew Black Ops aircraft while he was in the Air Force and was involved in top secret missions so he's familiar with black projects as well as the capabilities of conventional aircraft what kind of evidence of the orange balls of Light have you been able to collect we've got lots of film we've got lots of videotape lots of still pictures but that's about as hard evidence as we can get when you look at these orange balls of light are you looking at them as if there is a tangibility to them a substance to them or they manifestations of just pure energy the ones I've seen do not manifest any type of craft you look at them and it's just like looking at an orange sphere that's glowing internally uh it's not like something that has lights on it you can see that the light is coming from inside the sphere have you ever had any sign of intelligence behind them or are they just moving sporadically that's one of the most fascinating aspects to obals because indeed they do show signs that they are aware of our presence just as we become aware of them the feelings that some of our Witnesses have been reporting would seem to back that up uh sensations of peacefulness calm other Witnesses reporting intense fear uh they're frightened some of these people are just scared out of their minds this is very different from what Witnesses told us last year there's a real fear this time and it's very difficult to get them to talk about what their experience we did locate one witness who insisted that we not reveal her identity I don't know if anybody who saw what I saw they were pinkish red and they pulsated they went on one by one just kind of blinked on and then they shut off all at the same time I've only told a few people about the lights I saw in the sky um I don't really like to tell anybody we're here in cooko Indiana where we're about to meet with an eyewitness because she works in law enforcement she can't really disclose her identity and wishes to remain anonymous one shift that night um I was leaving our president and approximately 9:00 um I saw a struming light in the corner of my eye in the Northeast sky and think it looked right so I continue to watch it a little bit longer and then the southeast sky was another strugling light coming towards the first one look like they were a fly and then a bunch of pink red lights came out a whole row of do you remember about how many lights were in this row I would say probably seven or eight that was like a half Cresent perfect it's not like they were falling you know un stly and they're all and did you get the impression that these were separate lights independent of each other or attached to a solid object oh they were they were independent I didn't see any objects and then they stayed in the sky for half a second then they all blink out and they all blinked out I just have dreams about what I saw trying to figure out what I saw my dreams haven't really been making any sense all they are are the lights going on in the sky so the lights keep coming back to you in your dreams just that just that one Dream well when you remember your dream what emotion do you associate with it always Fe [Music] We're in cooko Indiana investigating a UFO dark presence witnesses to these orbs live in fear and report a terrifying psychic intimidation along with strange premonitions they can't control most are too afraid to speak out but we've managed to find a few Witnesses who are willing to talk they come on as a light and we'll just stay there in the sky then they'll go off I don't know what they are my name's Roger lamerson and I've seen the orbs we're meeting with Roger lamerson who saw orbs on the same night as our previous witness so we know that something has been going on over cooko when I saw this uh these lights which are in fact uh I've seen them before they flares there's a military operating Zone over here they drop flares they come on sequence one and another then they pop off in that same sequence immediately after that I saw circular lights look like they were around a vehicle of some sort how many lights were there about 10 or 12 of them and did you get the impression that they were different lights from a different craft or all part of one object just all part of one object what I thought and they were closer together than the flares and they came on all at once and they went off all at once after a couple seconds was there any movement to it no it seemed like it was kind of hovering in the sky it's like the orbs that you see around here they just come on go off what we have here is a sighting that is very brief happened at night and it was quite a distance away the lights that he saw don't demonstrate the the flight characteristics that are typically associated with an unconventional craft and especially not these balls of light that we're hearing reports of so Roger uh what do you think these orbs are I have no clue I've always assumed they were extraterrestrial but then you figure uh you know what do they do in here why do they care something is going going on on the Heartland that threatens the security of the people here and involves unwelcome visitations from these orb-shaped UFOs well how sure are you that there's a genuine phenomenon over cooko I'm positive that there is I know when something can't be explained I don't know what it is but there is a phenomena that takes place in this [Music] area this is Uncharted Territory that we're in Glenn means has invited the M rer paranormal investigation team to be part of the Skywatch this evening we're just going to stand back and observe what they do and this is an unprecedented Union of traditional UFO investigators and paranormal researchers trying to solve the case over the years we have come across report after report that just don't fit in that normal scientific you know nuts and bolts craft type of genre so that's why we have started reaching out to people like Jason and Rachel Jason and Rachel's Midwestern researchers and investigators of paranormal activities is crossing over into UFO cases the team has several night vision and heat seeking cameras that they use in their investigations of ghost and other Paranormal Activity and we'll see if we can get anything on tape tonight we have three of the highresolution infrared cameras positioned out on the skyline uh where Glenn and some others have told me that they have seen things in the past things that have shopen the IR spectrum could possibly be drawn to the IR spectrum so by throwing an enormous amount of infrared light out it's possible that we might get some kind of action or [Music] contact our goal is to stay here all night and see if orbs make an appearance M Rus cameras are especially sensitive so ideally they'll pick up anything that comes into view right now we're seeing little rain droplets being Amplified by the infrared light rain droplets have a specific look that people sometimes will claim to be paranormal when it's not in fact it's rain dust has a specific look and if it's an orb it has a definitely defined appearance that you know is not water or dust have you actually captured orbs with this equipment yes we have we've caught orbs in regards to the par uh the spirit realm it is normally with within a couple of seconds we'll catch on the DVR system I've been very lucky with capturing them on still photographs what does a real orb look like a real orb looks like a ball of electricity with a clear transparent Center there is no explanation for it it's a light anomal we have no known source for what is causing this as we can see in the monitors right now the rain has slowed down a little bit we can still see the droplets coming through uh we're going to let the equipment run uh for the remainder of the evening to see if there's possibility that we will capture something this is a prime opportunity with three cameras out there if they're going to come out and play and they want to show themselves they should be doing it now it was a long slow night and we didn't see anything that couldn't be explained as dust stars or aircraft but it was a really interesting experiment including this paranormal team and it's something that we may want to try again I thought we had a really interesting time in Indiana I mean we heard lots of stories now we're going to Phoenix and we are being inundated with hundreds of reports people are seeing orbs all over the place like cooko we've investigated Phoenix previously and heard nothing from Witnesses about fear and Nightmares so something has changed and I'm puzzled why these UFO reports have suddenly taken on this malevolence I don't know if we're talking about a completely different type of orb here or maybe the same orbs could be both demons and angels you know uh a threat ends benevolent Arizona is one of the top hotpots in the world for UFO sightings and most recently orbs many reports are orange balls of light much like the orbs seen at site X people now claim there's a dark psychic connection to these [Music] orbs I have on one occasion felt extreme fear uh around an orb and it's a feeling I never want to experience again Christine dicki has taken some incredible photographs of orbs around kasag Grande Arizona near the ancient Observatory of the Hoka and Christine is telling her she's felt a dark presence that's manifested itself as malevolent premonitions followed by actual orb sighting what kind of feelings do you get well it's kind of a feeling of excitement it's like just a knowing and you feel excited like something's out there this is a feeling that you get before you have a sighting right on September 10th there was a huge thunderstorm building all day and I got the feeling so I went out I started taking photos and on top of one Thunderhead I got a UFO Christin seen photograph this orb during a thunderstorm near the Kasa Grande ruins and is indeed an incredible photograph I'm not sure what it is but it is interesting that she sees these orbs near this sacred site I had an orb was about that size a little bit bigger than a basketball this orb came down from the neighbor's house down the hill through the trees stopped 3 feet from me now this thing is rotating it's going back and forth as if it's scanning me and I reached out to touch it and I Heard a Voice as clear as day he say don't touch it or you'll die we're here in Arizona talking to Witnesses who have seen orbs and felt a dark presence in one case an orb flew right up to a witness and confronted her and I reached out to touch it and I Heard a Voice as clear as day he say don't touch it or you'll die die I jerked my hand back the next thing I know it's about 11:30 at night and I'm laying over the back of the bed and I rose up screaming bloody murder I had no idea what what just happened and so I dismissed it as I must have laid down and fell asleep and I had a really weird dream her story is similar to this testimony that Ted Phillips reported Witnesses are being intimidated threatened and sometimes even attacked not all of the reports are like this but it's a very disturbing Trend that we're hearing so I kept it to myself and then my neighbor came down and she said she was upset with her husband and she said he never believes anything I say especially when I told him about the green ball of light and I said excuse me and she said yeah just in same night she was driving home from work saw this green light come out of the clouds down over our neighborhood and disappear into the [Music] trees this is an example of the dark presence we're hearing more and more of in conjunction with the orb siding unfortunately a photograph isn't enough evidence to investigate fully but we have someone who has multiple orbs he's captured on [Music] videotape I think I do have a relationship to these orbs I've been citing and witnessing them for so long I'm Jeff Willis and I'm connected to these orbs hey Jeff hi how you doing Pat how you doing Budd it's been a long time Jeff Willis is one of the most prolific UFO videographers in the southwest now he's videotaped dozens of incredible UFOs including many orbs in fact one of his major sightings happened while I was standing right next to him videotaping Jeff in action I've been actually videotaping orbs and UFOs here in the Phoenix Valley since 1995 longer than anybody's been doing it we've had the white ones during the day the red ones at night red lights green lights blue lights you name it Jeff is telling us that the reason that he captures so many orbs on tape here in Phoenix isn't by accident he's a dedicated skywatcher that has struck gold many times and he's also reporting these weird premonitions before he sees the orbs I have had uh like a strange feeling right before they show up where I thought go outside right now and I went outside and then a few minutes later something showed up like a psychic message perhaps that they're going to be there exactly as a matter of fact when I was on the mountain with you when I shot the uh four lights moving to the left you got it pat it was funny because I was standing right next to Pat and Something Told Me Turn on press record on the video camera and I held my camera up and right away they started moving and I zoomed in and I happened to get it on tape who I'm getting a series of lights right there I got it I got it I got it it's moving how big was the object I would say they were probably uh you know smaller than these jetliners that come in out of Sky Harbor and they just appeared to be you know Big Balls of light that just hovered in the sky very slowly what do you think you're looking at what do you think these objects are I mean really to tell you the truth I don't know it seems that the orbs that Jeff Willis is taken are very similar to the ones that Witnesses are seeing in Missouri and in Indiana but is there a dark presence to them or is it something more [Music] benevolent how have your sightings been going lately the activity is intensifying and it is more dramatic really I mean the objects seem to come a lot closer now and a lot lower well this matches what Ted Phillips told us that the orbs have moved from high in the sky and are being seen just above the ground so we need to have Jeff's footage analyzed by Jim delatosso so of the Jeff Willis videos that we're looking at this one right here is most interesting to me because of the lights and the apparent structure we have a program that we use that measures the relationship of the lights one to the other to a reference point on the ground this has structure to it it had edges they're like other structured v-shaped objects that we have in the daytime and in the nighttime Jim is telling us that Jeff Willis's orbs are in fact a v-shaped triangle craft of some kind that matches Roger lamberson Indiana string of orbs so there does appear to be some pattern developing regarding these orb sightings the reflection versus light emitting filter test that we ran said that this is not reflecting the sun this is light emitting that's a key thing to know about this particular object that this is light emitting not light reflecting even a bright or a dim light is going to have a a a flare around it Jim reminded us that any kind of light source will have a blooming effect when it's video taped but these orbs don't seem to have that blooming and that's curious it means that the objects are generating their own light and it doesn't seem to be like light sources we would see on a tape if it were a conventional aircraft this object has the same pattern of Lights coming on and going off as other videos that we've seen and if we grafted it out and compared it to other orb sightings the graphs will be similar if not identical so Jeff Willis's orb video is very similar to the footage that Ted Phillips provided to us they both appear to be generating their own lights that sounds like a craft with intelligence behind it and Jim shared a very interesting Trend that he's seeing with the orbs over Arizona this is a map that I know will be of interest to you and it's of different sites in Arizona that are sacred sites some of them have petric gfts on them and clustered in and around them are places where people have either reported lots of orbs or have videotaped them I would suggest going to some of these sites and taking someone with you that can interpret petroglyphs and see if the petroglyphs have orbs in them and uh match them up to some of the the videos that have been shot recently or even sometime past of these orbs [Music] we're here in Arizona investigating the orb phenomenon and we just got a lead that maybe the orbs have been around a lot longer than we first believed look who's here guys look who here giorio you got it Giorgio sucas is the the publisher of Legendary Times magazine he's one of the four most experts on sacred sites archaeoastronomy and the ancient astronaut theory and he's come to Phoenix to assist in our investigation we've been told that the orbs that we've been investigating somehow have a relationship to these mountains these petroglyphs and the people who lived here the Ancients who lived here thousands of years ago it seems as if these orbs have clustered around these specific sacred sites and the question is what really went on a long long time [Music] ago those petroglyphs not only exist here in the United States but also in South America in Europe Africa all over the place and I've always been very intrigued at The Uncanny similarity between all these different Petroglyph sites so Georgia what do you think came first the the orbs and the UFO activity or or the ancient sites definitely the orb activity because that is what Native American legends tell us that their whole civilization if not the entire planet was seated by the Gods or as they call them the kachinas the teachers from the sky the all knowing ones the kachinas are said to have taught the Native Americans everything though it's interesting to hear that they saw things that they couldn't explain in the sky but it is possible that meteors and the movement of the heavens played tricks on them and they simply misinterpreted what they saw and here we are I mean check out all these paintings are these petroglyphs right here on the wall the the spiral is an often seen Motif in many of these rock walls and some have suggested that it is basically uh a representation of our spiral galaxy we're told oh it's all coincidence and I choose to disagree because someone the kachinas told the Native Americans about the cosmology of our own solar system what we have right here is two human beings and they're both pointing to the sky and up here we have two orbs that are floating above them and as is often reported whenever these orbs showed up the kachinas the teachers from the sky also appeared and they taught Mankind in mathematics and agriculture in engineering all these different things Georgio says that the ancient Native Americans saw orbs or UFOs and that they were craft visiting from another solar system it's possible that their descendants are the same orbs that are being seen today what Indian tribe is native to this area the ham tribe and the hokam means the vanished ones because just like anazi they mysteriously disappeared and all we're left over with is walls like this one here the challenge is to actually decipher what the Ancients are trying to tell us and we know that the Hokum tribe who carved these ancient petrols and built this ancient Observatory at KAS Grande apparently disappeared from the face of the earth is it possible possible that the message in these depictions might point to their disappearance well what's the relationship between these petroglyphs and the orbs that we've been talking about do I think that the orange orbs were anything spiritual in nature no I think it was Flesh and Blood extraterrestrials and our ancestors misinterpreted those visits as Divine in nature even though it was not we have so many people telling us so many different things about what they think these orbs are and I think there are natural phenomena that are going on on the planet Earth and I wouldn't be surprised that if in 50 years we have a scientific explanation for what these balls of light are I think the reason that the quantity of orb sightings and videos are increasing is because people often have a video camera in their possession people are seeing orbs maybe they protect this planet and when we get out of line they they come and have a word with us and make sure that we we stay on the right track it seems that a level of psychic communication is happening here that involves dreams and premonitions that are so disturbing to us humans because we've lost the ability to rely on our senses and maybe we need to listen to what these orbs are saying if the Hokum encountered the orbs it doesn't bode well for our future so I mean you have this relationship not new going on right today in the Ozarks with Ted philli sites and the story of the little girl who was confronted by the orb right in her face something is going on here one thing is pretty clear orbs have been our past and orbs will be our future and if we keep looking up maybe we'll see something I think the dark presence is an omen that a quickening has begun we've ignored these contact events for hundreds of years and maybe now that the evidence is mounting we finally see an acknowledgement that we are not alone and we better pay attention to events that have long been documented or face a similar fate that the Ancients met its lights are now scrubbing like crazy it is coming back for more than five decades UFOs have had some type of connection to the military I noticed a strange light up there that was really really bright we heard helicopters coming as you could hear them getting closer it just disappeared is the military in pursuit of UFOs or attempting to bring them down there people are endangered and the government's doing nothing to protect possible proof of this first response in an amazing video I mean this looks like something from out of a science fiction movie my wife witnessed two black twin wind rotor helicopters circling our home they were looking for something within 24 hours another object is seen being chased by a formation of fighter jets there's uh four to six Jets there between a mile to two miles behind it trying to catch up to it could these cases be evidence of the military's first response to a UFO this is four times the size of a stealth bomber that is absolutely huge this is case number 65306 First [Music] Response guys we are investigating this mystery the rationale behind the military confrontation with UFOs are they simply going out to investigate or are they actively going out to confront these craft and if possible shoot them down if extraterrestrials really are visiting us they would have to intercept the First Response of our government and Military is to protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic this includes unconventional aircraft coming into our airspace when we investigate UFO do fights we know that we talked to Chuck Soros of Edwards Air Force Base he was air traffic control and he told us that they scrambled at in F16 to investigate Pilots like General parvis Jafari over Teran in 1976 when there was a huge UFO SED he was scrambled in his F4 Phantom to intercept a lot of this began all the way back in 1952 in 1952 there were multiple encounters in what can only be described as an air war between the mil military and UFOs and to this day these events remain unexplained isn't there even a possibility that what we're looking at is simply an escort of the military of one of their own top secret Black Ops programs Bill and Pat seem to believe that the military is engaging and fighting with the UFOs in our skies but I think the reality is that this military presence is simply an escort for the UFO which just happens to be a top secret military aircraft what I think we're after is that small percentage where the Air Force or the military is actually after the UFOs there's a military encounter in Long Beach we just had a recent sighting in which according to this one report there was an object in the sky nobody knew what it was and suddenly a bunch of helicopters descended on the object and the object disappeared why hasn't there been any resolution to this and it's still going on today we're heading out to Long Beach California where on March 17th 2009 Witnesses saw a UFO in the skies that was shortly followed by a squadron of military helicopters according to eyewitness Patricia daver they were there we don't know what their intention was but we're going to talk to Patricia to find out if the helicopters were there to observe the object to escort the object to intercept the object or to shoot it down hi Patricia how are you thanks for seeing us on March 17th 2009 we saw a UFO 10 helicopters pull up on the scene at least they looked like they were looking for something like they knew it was there but they couldn't find it because it didn't shut all its lights [Music] out we came out here and set up the tripod because the space shuttle was supposed to be uh showing itself and I noticed off into the South that there was something a Miss there was a strange light up there that was really really bright Patricia Dava has lived in the Long Beach California area for more than 20 years she went through training at a police academy and has been trained by military Special Ops and other Law Enforcement Officers to help in her own business in the entertainment industry with such an extensive background Patricia knows her military aircraft and feels she can readily identify any conventional craft in the sky at first it looked round and then it seemed to change to into a dis shape and then it kind of disappeared and then it looked like there were two objects up there and then they both kind of mimicked each other and the mesh back in the one we heard helicopters coming we could hear them from both directions now did the helicopters arrive while the object was still there or had it vanished you could hear them while it was still there um as you could hear them getting closer it just disappeared so what do you think was going on that night I think they were looking for it I've never seen that many helicopters ever in Long Beach not at one place there were two that came off from here there were six that came from here there were two that came back from here and then we lost count we saw over 10 helicopters come out here it was either the military and or the um local police department Patricia has good reason to believe these helicopters were police and military her house is nearly surrounded by military installations and Commercial airports luckily for us during this unexplained event she used a digital camera and a tripod to capture multiple photographs of the UFO so can we see the photos absolutely follow me follow you now is this after he flattened out to that disc shape that's not what you saw with your naked eye I took it at n c intervals because I wasn't sure whether or not the night shots on my camera would actually shoot what I was seeing Patricia used an 8-second exposure on the camera which means that the shutter was open for eight seconds and captured the movement of the object this photographic technique offers some very bizarr looking images that can result in strobing effects or streaks through the night sky how can we know that this isn't just the result of having a slow shutter speed because I took a couple of photos um at a 30th of a second that show the two spheres together do you any photos of the helicopters yes it is these look very different from the lights in the other photos we don't know what this object is but looking at the photographs of the UFO and the helicopters they look nothing alike there were two coming from Los alos Training Center area there were six coming from this direction from Long Beach and then there were another two coming from the airport Patricia dava's house is located among the Los Alamitos Armed Forces Reserve Center the Naval weapons testing center in Seal Beach and a naval base in Long Beach it's very possible that the helicopters could have come from any one of these installations are you sure they were all working together or yes they were they were coming towards this craft trying to Corner it or something one theory is that the helicopters were part of an escort another theory is that these helicopters were investigating this UFO possibly even attacking it the third possibility is that there was a search party that night going on over Long Beach California and this UFO was simply the first on the scene misinterpreted as some sort of unconventional craft were there any other people seeing this um I sent my kids out to knock on every neighbor's door that they could get their hands on and um they did and they got my neighbor Laura it's becoming clear that she was not the only witness to this sighting one person who corroborated the entire story is l a panther who saw the object and saw the helicopters on March 17th 2009 I witnessed military aircraft Converge on a UFO and it was right before 8:00 right above the telephone po lines was a glowing ball of white light hovering we watched it for about 5 minutes and then it just started drifting Southwest all of a sudden it just disappeared and we had heard helicopters coming what Laura is telling us corroborates Patricia's statement that it wasn't until this group of helicopters arrived that the mysterious object disappeared 45 minutes to an hour after the light went out there was three groups of helicopters I think they were mixed with police and military and the police ones had their search lights on they weren't really searching on the ground they were searching for something in the sky looked like they didn't know what they were looking for and they were literally playing this cat and mouse game and no one knew where the mouse was we know that the object winked out dematerialized disappeared even before the helicopters came here and we know the helicopter spent an inordinate amount of time in some kind of frenzied search pattern if it's ours why would military helicopters be after one of their own everything is wrong about this we live under the flight path for Long Beach Airport and the airliners come this way in their Landing Direction and in this case the traffic was diverted for about 45 minutes and I've lived here almost 10 years I've never seen traffic diverted this isn't just about the UFO sighting we also learned that there were there was unusual military activity in the air and that air traffic into Long Beach Airport was completely rerouted from its normal path all the way around this way so this is very unusual acity after our investigation of the Long Beach siding we've learned of another event in Corona California that same evening so we're heading to Corona about 50 Mi away from Patricia's house to meet with eyewitness Mike who wants his identity completely Anonymous in March 2009 I witnessed uh two different sightings of UFO shortly after after my wife observed two large black twin rotor helicopters circling our home what do you think you saw that night I don't know I I I can't explain it it's uh changed my whole life we're here meeting with Mike not his real name who on March 17th 2009 shot some very interesting video of what he says as a UFO apparently the military thought it was interesting also cuz they surveilled this house after that date we're really anxious to see this video this is into the tape a little bit um and that I believe is a star that you're seeing it Go by I mean this looks like something from out of a science fiction movie it does so you have the star as a frame of reference in the background and this thing is just cruising around like on a joy ride this is the most impressive video footage that I've ever seen of a UFO and if this is real this is literally rocking my skepticism and there's something in the sky and it's flying and it's not a conventional craft that's for sure and what exactly this is I don't know yet but I'm a little shaken so what movement did you actually see with your own eyes it was darting back and forth uh at times it was going up and down and it actually dropped a few times from a very high altitude to the ground it went behind the homes and then reappeared at the same height it [Music] was you want the Smoking Gun is that the Smoking Gun well this is definitely UFO I I honestly can't decide whether it's extraterrestrial or military and even the flight pattern of this it just kind of drifts to the left drifts to the right kind of hovers it has the same type of movement as along be [Music] C we're investigating the military's first response to UFO activity we're in Corona California where on March 17th a witness named Mike who wishes to remain anonymous saw an unidentified object in the sky's nearest house that's the very same night Patricia Davila saw the UFO over her house in Long Beach according to his testimony Mike's wife told him that military helicopters circled his house shortly after Mike's sighting a coincidence I don't think so what's over in that direction actually Lake Matthews and March Air Force Base our direct line of sight where this was flying and and let's consider the possibility that this is a hoax and somebody is simply flying remote control helicopter um that has lights strung around the sides maybe it's not 10 12 miles away like you thought it's actually a lot closer but because the object is smaller it gives the impression of distance have you shown this video to anybody else I did to a colleague at work how did that person react to seeing the video he was blown away he couldn't explain it he was completely uh stunned did you ask him not to tell anybody uh no it's not just the sighting that sounds so incredible it's what happened next that blows my mind several days later my wife witnessed two large black twin rotor helicopters circling our home my wife was very shaken up by it so she knew instinctively that something was they were looking for something they were directly above our home so what you're saying is this on the 16th is is the first time you saw this object and you videotaped it that's correct the next day on the 17th of March you actually tell someone at work I did and then that same night you see this object for the second time the same object you videotape it again yes for 30 minutes and then 2 Days Later on March 19th your wife reports that uh there are two black unmarked helicopters flying around your home as though they're looking for something correct given Mike's employment with a DOD contractor and the fact that he brought these videos to work does suggest a connection between the craft he witnessed and the unmarked helicopter seen shortly after but it wasn't just the appearance of these helicopters that points to a military connection a month after I was laid off their reasoning was that they were going in a different direction which didn't make any sense to me because I was hired there under a strict statement of what my duties were and I was meeting all of those duties when did you get the layoff notice I didn't get any notice I came back from lunch and I was walked off the facility by armed guards did you feel it was somehow in relation to the the mentioning of the object at work uh I do did the video contribute to Mike's layoff it's possible but it's also possible that tough Economic Times and budget cutbacks was the reason for his dismissal this is close to an Air Force Base uh the Department of Defense uh might have had knowledge of this sighting and might have done something about it I mean to me a lot of what's going on here screams military military military in the Long Beach siding helicopters came from military bases different agent gencies to scour the skies for this If This Were a military why would this be over roughly a residential neighborhood or a lake why would military helicopters Chase as if they're searching for a military test craft could this be too good to be true the video looks great a closeup video of a donut-shaped object we all heard about the donut-shaped object that how doll saw over Mory Island in 1947 could this be it could this be the Smoking Gun for both The Long Beach and Corona sightings I took coordinate and clinometer measurements to see if there was some sort of geographic connection between these two sightings I made some calculations based on these readings and given the location of Patricia sighting in Long Beach and Mike sighting Corona I don't think they saw the same craft what I'm most interested in seeing is if these objects can be identified through image and video analysis we're going to meet with Al Murphy of analysis of motion to see if he can identify the object in Patricia's photos and Mike's video okay this is one photo that looks uh probably most interesting of the ones that I've seen at least it has some sort of a shape I've zoomed way in here to try and and pick up like an outline I've played with a little bit of image processing to try and pick up something in the background but basically all I'm seeing is the lights now I understand that this is an 8sec exposure rather than just one still shot so we have what looks like uh probably pulsating lights uh over maybe 1 second per pulse so Al uh do you think that last cluster of four lights is the object it's it's the brightest exposure uh at the at the end of the multiple exposure and I think that that's the option does this strike you as a conventional aircraft would you be able to tell is this an airplane does this seem unusual to you at all we don't have the red and the green uh Wing marker lights and if it was a landing light it would be on all the time we would see like a streak I would say that from the shape of the lights it doesn't look like a conventional aircraft are there any uh specifics about this craft that you can determine from these photographs we had two witnesses estimate that it was A4 mile away given that it would be a qu of a mile away at let's just say that it looks like 30° these lights could be 50 ft in diameter Al thinks that these objects could be about 50 ft in diameter but given the long exposure time I think we could be looking at something much smaller but just exaggerated because of the way these pictures were taken well what if it's not one object what if we're looking at four separate orbs that are traveling in in formation or four separate helicopters yeah well do you see anything in that final cluster of four that would suggest to you that it's a helicopter no we also investigated this case in Corona California which a man videotaped this strange ringlike object we think it's a UFO in some of the most exciting video footage we've seen yet uh and we'd like to know your opinion on it the first image that we have here is basically the largest indication of of what it is uh throughout the whole video it's it's zoomed in quite a bit the object seems to have kind of a donut shape to it and with the local background and the image processing I can kind of recover that shape can you tell from looking at this if this is a solid ring of light or these separate lights in kind of a circle formation if I look at this image it looks to me like there's a ring of separate lights I think Al's analysis is starting to confirm that this object has a much more conventional explanation what I see is that it's entirely possible that this is a remote operated uh vehicle that would also explain its ability to make sharp fast turns Al thinks this craft could be a remote controlled vehicle and reminds me of a similar man-made craft developed in 2008 less than 30 m away when we compare the photos of this vehicle to Mike's footage I think it's possible he videotaped one of these remote controlled UFOs although Mike's video might not be a true UFO we have another report of a similar military response on the same night hey Trevor how are you oh doing well hi Trevor louder is a software developer and amateur astronomer that's lived in the lake Kavu City Arizona area for more than 25 years he frequently sees military aircraft in the area including B2 bombers military jets and refueling aircraft so he is well versed in what the military is flying and he said that what he saw that day which just happens to be within 24 hours of the sightings in Corona and Long Beach is nothing like he's ever seen before the event took place pretty much right along the horizon here it was about 7:00 at night and what I saw was a boomerang shaped craft I could make it out by the fact that it was blocking the Starlight out as it was traveling against the night sky I could see very clearly uh orange or Amber orbs attached to the bulk of the body and from this vantage point I could see one extended wing of some sort it had an additional light on the tip of it um when the craft came overhead and I was able to actually make out a second portion of it it was actually the bulk of the body with two Wings it was anywhere between 3 and 400 ft wide and when it made this turn did it bank or did it make a sharp turn it seemed to make a sharp turn the lights stayed horizontal in proportion whereas a normal craft would sort of tilt this way the craft didn't do that at all it Main ped its horizontal latitude and just made the turn and started coming straight back towards me what about the speed did it slow down to make the turn or did it make it at in the same speed the speed was definitely consistent what about the Jets you said it was chased by Jets it was chased by fighter jets given the strobe pattern um I could tell that there was a minimum of four uh what originally brought this to my attention was the sound of the afterburners on the Jets just given that engine sound I could tell that they we trying to catch up to it Trevor did it look like this object was was heading in a specific Direction I could tell that the craft was heading in a Northern Direction and it was definitely headed towards uh Needles California what's interesting about Trevor's description is that the craft turned and headed back toward Needles California that's the site of May 2008 crash which was the subject of our investigation last year Trevor we're excited show us what you got [Music] absolutely we're investigating multiple UFO sightings that took place on March 17th and March 18th in 2009 and each sighting was followed by what seems to be the military's First Response to UFO presence are they intercepting the objects engaging the objects we don't know but we're about to view Trevor louder's video maybe that's going to help us figure this out what you can see here is the Western Horizon traveling south what really stood out to me were were these Amber orbs that were attached to it uh they seem to be in sort of an oval shape uh and there seem to be several of them attached to the the bulk of the crap coming into Focus here in just a moment we're going to see a solitary light on the end of the object and you're able to kind of make out a a wing now when this flew overhead I was able to make out a second Wing So what we're looking at here is the fuselage wing and then what you don't see is that other wing tip Trevor's testimony is very interesting and if his estimation of the size of this object is correct he may be on to something but the video is very shaky so it's hard to get a reference point to determine just how large this object really is so what is it about this craft that strikes you as being um unconventional possibly extraterrestrial it's sheer size the sheer size of it I can tell that it was at least 3 or 400 ft long and I can't think of a single craft that is that large that'll uh travel through the sky at 7 or 800 mph a 747 jet has a wingspan of 195 ft and a B2 stealth bomber has a wingspan of 175 ft if Trevor's estimations of this object are correct then we are talking about a gigantic aircraft uh here we can see the fighter jets there's uh four to six Jets there scrambling behind the CRA and about what distance would you say they were from the craft I would have to say they were anywhere between a mile to two miles behind it trying to catch up to it as I look at this one of things that I'm thinking is you want to say this is a military weapon and they're escorting it but the fact that they've got their afterburners on really bothers me right because they wouldn't be escorting with afterburners Bill is saying that because these jets are using their afterburners this means that they are chasing the object but this could very well mean that they are using the afterburners to Simply catch up have you ever seen a B2 bomber and and could this simply have been that I have seen several B2 bombers in the area um again we are between a couple of different military establishments here I frequently see bombers Fighters uh commercial aircraft flying through the area and this doesn't compare it's not even close how so in terms of size so absolutely size the amber light Arrangement the orbs that are attached to this thing each represent nearly the size of a of a standard aircraft you've seen this thing multiple times you have video you've kept notes you've taken records what do you think this craft was honestly Kevin I have no idea what this object could be after talking to Trevor it's clear that he saw an object followed by a military first response we don't know if that's a sign of aggression or support [Music] lay them out we started with petricia sighting in Long Beach now that object was drifting and hovering heading in a general Southern direction towards the Naval Weapon Station at steel Beach what we have going on here in lake havu that is very interesting we have military jets possibly chasing a UFO heading at First South hangs a quick 30° turn heads back toward needles I think we might be looking too closely for a connection it's also possible that these are just isolated incidents you know and it's just a coincidence that happened around the same date even if they are to me it's the military presence military helicopters military jets in an attack formation that's the connection we can make between these cases the military is involved in one way or another Well since Trevor said this thing did make a hard turn a hard pivot toward needles I think we should head to Needles and investigate what kind of UFO incidents are going on in Needles we investigated a UFO crash in Needles uh last year and I think there might be some connection we're going to talk to Frank Costigan at ktox radio and needles and uh see if he's received any phone calls from eyewitnesses that could help us kind of put together a picture of what what might be going on here we are Frank good to have you back thank you Frank it's really great uh that we're back and I want to thank you for inviting us to Needles and talking to us well we had so much information back in May of '08 we had a object crash here off the Colorado River this area is very remote although there's five or six military installations like 50 to 100 miles in each direction we never saw military aircraft and all of a sudden we're inundated with it now did that military presence a or did it continue and pick up well the presence on the ground continued for like 3 or four months it still comes through MH and the the thing of it is you think about this thing that crashed here in Needles and all the military presence all started with that object that flew in our opinion from Area 51 and I feel that it just fell in the wrong place are people keeping themselves or is it Talk of the Town it's the Talk of the Town if I go into a restaurant people recognize me from the station immediately the conversation turns to UFOs and what the military is doing and why these people are being left out of the loop why are they endangered and the government's doing nothing to protect them we're getting calls reporting different objects in the sky glowing oval objects glowing cigar-shaped objects triangles triangle lights so basically we should be talking to Witnesses now you need to talk to Witnesses well guys let's go we're hearing that Frank is being inundated with phone calls about a heightened UFO activity and an increased military presence here in the area ever since the crash in 2008 that leads us with the question what is the relationship between the military and these UFOs is the military actually developing these UFOs and there's some sort of experimental top secret Black Ops craft or do these UFOs actually have extraterrestrial Origins we've seen light anomalies objects in the sky that I don't know what to make of them between 7 8:00 every night there'd be multiple helicopters come very low over our house every [Music] night we're investigating the military's first response to UFO activity it's clear to us after talking to Frank Costigan at ktox radio that the residents of Needles California who've seen these objects can help us put the pieces together so we're meeting with the Bry family Bob Charlotte and Christine who've got some intriguing stories to tell us in May of last year we've had every day and into the night we have military going over our home somewhere between 7 8:00 every night there'd be multiple helicopters come very low over our house heading north to south every night Bob Riley runs Riley Automotive in Bullhead City Arizona just outside the Needles California area local residents including the Ries see military aircraft all the time but something has drastically changed since our first visit here in 2008 now what are they looking for here you say they're coming over for what reason purpose we've seen light anomalies objects in the sky that I don't know what to make of them but I'm tying the two together what about you Christine what kind of uh military activity have you seen I see a lot of the U the double blade helicopters at night minimum five out of seven nights a week we've also heard um from Frank hosan that a lot of people are talking about strange sightings strange things in the area can you describe some I'm coming home from my shop in Bullhead coming south on 95 it's probably January of this year it's about 7: in the evening just Twilight I see a white object probably running about equal with the 40 down by needles was there any proximity in time between the appearance of the helicopters and some of the objects you saw in the sky well you know since they're here every night every day uh I would say there's definitely some kind of connection what I don't understand is you know we're in a small town we've got the desert here and the desert here and I don't understand why they're coming right over the town you know 10 mil either way and no one would know what they're doing to me the Riley's testimony what they saw is another example of the military's first response to the presence of UFOs but exactly with that link is still remains a mystery I actually started talking to you guys and uh that very same night I went to get the camera and I thought I'll get some pictures tonight and this will help out no more uh helicopters came over the house they didn't show up in the morning they didn't show up at night this has been going on two weeks now not a single sighing I mean it could still just be a coincidence right we didn't have two days in a row that they didn't come over that's a little more than coincidence for me so not only have the helicopter stop flying over the area but you stop seeing UFOs in this guy as well exactly although we haven't proven a definite link between the presence of UFOs and a military's First Response our most compelling proof yet may still be Trevor louder's video it showed fighter jets in the sky we think it showed this Boomerang shaped object making its turn but the truth is in the analysis so we're taking the video back to Los Angeles for analysis and let's see what the analysis turns up on Trevor louder's video we have uh three lights here in kind of a triangular shape there's some maybe dimmer lights in the center it's like rows of Lights actually one of them has kind of a bluish tint to it does that resemble an aircraft light that you're familiar with um no nothing specific that I'm familiar with can you decisively say whether this object in the sky this UFO is boomerang or triangular shaped um to me definitively from this one frame it looks like it's Boomerang shaped beyond that I can't really make an opinion although this video is shot at night and it is a bit shaky we do have the presence of fighter jets the footage and witness report is similar to what was seen in the Belgian flap of 1990 and the boomerang scen by many during the Phoenix light sightings of 1997 both cases involved apparent Pursuit by military aircraft what we need to do is talk to a military expert and determine what kind of formation this was is this an attack formation are they pursuing engaging or is this just an escort formation we do have Trevor's drawing of the formation of the Jets and the object shape itself so at least we have some kind of graphic description we can give if we're going to get anything from Trevor's sighting it's going to come from a military expert so we're going to bring in George Meritt who is a former military and civilian test pilot this is four times the size of uh of a stealth bomber this is really really huge we're investigating the military response to a UFO presence the case that's intrigued us the most is a sighting that took place in Lake havu City Arizona where a huge boomerang-shaped object 400 ft across was chased by Air Force fighter jets we're meeting with retired Air Force fighter pilot George Merritt to ascertain what the intent might have been of these Air Force jets here's the situation George we need your expert to help us figure something out okay George Meritt has flown some of our nation's most advanced and top secret military aircraft the eyewitness described a craft that is uh Boomerang shaped and about 400 ft wide that is absolutely huge this is four times the size of uh of a stealth bomber it's up there even bigger than Howard hughes's flying boat the Spruce Goose so this would be the largest thing in the air I if that ever ever known to American Aviation or even foreign country I think it's obvious that a craft of this size would attract a lot of attention and according to Trevor's testimony the majority of the attention came from the military he says he saw two sets of fighter jets that appear to be scrambled uh on full afterburner trying to catch up to this craft and unable to do so well first show me what type of formation was this would be the formation that the witness saw now what does this formation mean well practically all uh formations will have will have a wingman uh it's for Mutual support you know your primary uh direction that that a fighter pilot would like coming up on an unknown is from the tail because you're more of a uh uh you can shoot it down without it shooting you down what George is telling us really validates the hypothesis that these jets are engaging this UFO in an attack formation with a lead fighter and a wingman that we can prove what we can't prove is how a craft this large can make such an unconventional maneuver without banking he can make a turn without banking then he's not aerodynamic as we think of it the any fighter that was after him is an aerodynamic craft he's going to be pulling G's when he turns he's going to be um outside of the visual contact with that aircraft for some period of time uh so he's at a a disadvantage during the turn obviously if you can turn like this versus a bank you have a real Advantage when we look at the aerodynamics of conventional aircraft they have to Bank in order to make a turn if this UFO is being chased by fighter jets and made a turn without B banking then these jets would overshoot the UFO and lose their visual on the object if they were close enough to see the size of this and the speed of this vehicle and the fact that it made a turn without banking it's in a different League what George is reinforcing for me is that the military's first response to the presence of a UFO is aggression why else would these Jets be in an attack formation there's no doubt in my mind that uh there are uh unidentified craft that appear in our skies and the military have to be scrambled to engage them for sure something very unusual happened here at Long Beach don't you guys think we have two eyewitnesses who reported something very unusual and uh military activity that was absolutely abnormal on top of that we spoke with one of the best video analyst on the west coast who says that the object that's in the photograph is absolutely not conventional so it's quite possible we're dealing with a genuine UFO incident of some sort here there were possible UFO sightings over Long Beach Lake havu and needles but what can be confirmed is that in all of these sightings there was a military response what facts do we have here we have some photographs we have videos one of which is more than likely a hoax now if Trevor's testimony is true he did not overestimate the size of this crap and if what George told us is accurate which I believe it is he is an expert then something bizarre happened in Lake havu that I can't explain I think a lot of these UFO sightings and the subsequent arrival of military aircraft can be explained as a coincidence but the sighting in Lake Havasu City Arizona simply cannot be explained there's no rhyme or Reason Why an attack formation would be pursuing this UFO perhaps our government is still reacting to intrusions over our airspace intrusions intercepts with no resolution the military doesn't know what it is we could be in a cold war with the UFOs the cases we just investigated all took place in 200 n and to me what they indicate is a continued stance of aggression toward the presence of these unidentified objects bottom line they don't know what these objects are but the UFOs are definitely considered a threat
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ufo hunters, ufo, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, aliens, alien sightings, ufo hunters history channel, extraterrestrials, spaceships, ufo footage, ufo hunters full episode, ufo hunters marathon, ufo hunters s2, history channel us, full episode, history shows to watch
Id: B60IFPSwm58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 34sec (10654 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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