Terrifying Disaster at the Collar Mine Nevada

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hey guys it's your favorite Gold Miner prospector and geologist Jeff Williams I'm going to take you into an underground virtual tour because I think this is something that most people should see that haven't experienced it and it'll give a lot of people out there that don't have an idea how the mining process works a better understanding all right so that guy right there he's the powder monkey that's right you see the box of powder next to him that's called stick powder and what is he doing that's right he's getting ready to to blow around and so all those little holes over there that you see is the blast pattern or the drill pattern for him to load the dynamite in back in the day they didn't use electric blasting caps they had to time their shots by the different cuts of fuse that they would use to set off the blasting caps which would set off the dynamite what he'd do is he'd Prime the first stick with a blasting cap with the fuse that he cut to a specific length and he would cram it in there and they put about five sticks in there and so the length of the fuse would give you the time that you need for the blast to go off in sequence because if they all go off at once it's not going to work you have to do one to create the space next blast goes off to create the space so on and so forth It's sequential and those fuses used to be called rattails back in the day let's keep going in the mine and explore before the powder monkey they would have to drill a series of holes now this particular guy is using what's called a stoer and sters are designed to drill only up what he's doing is he's driving what's called a raise and a raise is used to connect one level to the next or if they're doing exploration on or bodies but could you imagine running a stoer up above your head and and you're working in loose rocks and all that rock wants to come [Music] [Music] down and imagine this is after you drill your your pattern your hole pattern you you've got to load your explosives up into the ceiling or the back as they call it and I think that's one of the hardest jobs you could ever have is running one of those I'd rather run a jack leg any day this is called a Powder Magazine and of course this is where they store all the dynamite now you've seen these kind of boxes lots of times you have Hercules powder you have giant and you have Atlas those are the three major companies they always have to store the dynamite far away from the work site so somewhere around here is a place where they're storing the caps and where they cut the fuse lengths and we're going to find it so come with me see where it says cap and fuse po mag so he's got all of just boxes and boxes of number six blasting caps in there you see them and his job is to cut the lengths of the fuse and then crimp those number sixes on the end of them and have them ready to fire around so that's all he would do all day long is cut the lengths of those fuses everything down in the mine runs on air it's all pneumatic that's the way it works you'll see photographs from the com stck load where they had massive compressors running the drills everybody calls this thing an or cart or an or cart this is what's called a mine car now the reason why it's a mine car is because it's used to shuttle not only or but waist rock around all the way around through these drifts to get it over to either the shaft the incline or to haul it out the holl at it so it can be dumped these are shoots that means there's a Stope above our head big empty cavity these are the shoot Gates they usually have two of them in series that way you can control the flow if you ever wanted to know why they have two of them the biggest issue in mines is fires so these guys their job is to go down there with these apparatuses that are like self like scuba tanks basically and they would go down to try to rescue miners that were down in there they got trapped because of the fires cuz remember they're using open Flames back then in the early days they would use candles to illuminate anything and after that they went to carbide but it's still an open flame and of course once you have a fire it sucks in all the oxygen which means that's no good for you when you're down in the mine all right so you can see the timber dogs right here see there's one there and there's one there and they go across this intermediate shaft here and they're spring loaded up on top so when there's tension on it up there which you can't see then these will hold them open but as soon as there's no tension the spring releases these come down and these lock into these guides these wooden guides and it stops it so that way the miners don't fall to their death when we were digging our shaft I was explaining to you how these these hanging bolts work so you can lock the sets together you got wall plates and you got in plates and you can see where they're notched here and this is how they fit together just like in our mine so I wanted you to get a good idea of how all this stuff is put together so when you come out and you need to do a right angle turn with a mine car they have these slick plates here see that and that way they can come out and they can jockey this mine car around and then get onto another set of track right there and look somebody's got a foot over there they can get those toes cut right off if you remember the last video that we just put out on Delmar we showed you classic examples of squar set timbering Square set's perfect if you've got large stopes and you and you got soft ground brittle ground and you want to support it so they would do Square sets like you see in here and of course they invented that on the com stock load you can see what they're doing is they're using what's called a Burly a Burley is a colon drill and that was the predecessor to the famous Jack leg which is what they use in the mining industry today those things weigh about 120 lbs just the drill not the column those things are super heavy two sometimes three-man team the earlier ones were Sluggers they'd actually beat their way into the Rock and then later they they came out with pneumatics that would Spin and then water flush after that but it was a lot easier than doing single or double Jack drilling I've got this beautiful or shoot right here you see it and it connects to the upper levels and this is classic when you're in square set timbering they would run the ore from the upper levels down these long long shoots and then they come down to these Gates and you see You' got two gates down there that's very important because you need to control the flow flow of all that material coming out cuz if you don't it's going to get away from you and then of course it's just going to keep floating out and then you're going to have a big mess and the Super's going to come in and you're going to get a ride up or fired you can see where there's a mine car down there in the stagings area and it's ready to be filled with either waist rock or ore perfect representation of square SE timbering and you can see the Chute that's inside of there see how it runs down from the upper levels cuz remember they're working from the bottom up so they're carving out this ore body right here so as they do that all the material falls down these shoots and then it collects down into these bins and then you have to have somebody down here below to get it to run it back over here to the the shaft or the holl at it and over here in this case it's a shaft they have to run it over here so they can get it out of the mine so remember miners always work from the bottom up to get this ore out it's so much easier to use gravity perfect illustration of an incline shaft and you can see the skip is still in place see that that's the skip car that's riding on the tracks and you can see the signal Bell up there two is up three is down and one is stop every mine has its own Bell signals and that's how they would communicate from the lower levels to let the hoisten know hey I got some ore coming up you can do all kinds of stuff with that signal that signal Bell and most mins have a chart somewhere in here that will illustrate and tell you exactly what they are but I want you to see this skip car that's in position and I want you to see how you got double set of track here the first track is for the first front wheels and the second track is for the rear wheel so as it comes up the back wheels catch on the outer track the front wheels go into the inner track and it will literally dump into this shoot so that it can be picked up and hauled over to the Hol shaft and then taken out and this guy's job is extremely important and in fact if you were to bother him while he's working you'd be fired on the spot and you can see the Bell chart the signal codes in the background every mine was required to have them and they're all different too all different mines just like ours and over here's a dial indicator that is referred to as a depth indicator right over there and it tells you it's like a storyboard it tells you exactly where that skip car is at when it's dropped down in the shaft that's all he's looking at he's waiting to hear that Bell and he's looking at that dial indicator that's it now the controls he's got right there the one on the left is called a variable speed controller and the one on the right is called a brake so the variable speed controller basically Works electric motor which goes through a series of reduction gears to work this hoist and so what he would do is he could speed it up or slow it down and then when it gets right about where that Arrow needs to be on the the dial indicator he'll slow it down then he'll break it and he uses this brake which uses this band breaker around the outer drum to actually lock that skip into place this is the seam that they're working right here this is the veay material this would be considered a Stope the Stope is nothing more than a cavity that's left behind after you remove an or body and they're following this vein up now remember I told you that the bottom is called the foot wall and the top is called the hanging wall and it's for obvious reasons and this particular vein has a very low angle dip to it which means that it's sitting at about a 30° now most the veins the epithermal veins here in Nevada usually have about a 75° dip to them and there's a reason behind that and I'll tell you in another video why and you can see these big Timbers here these are called stalls and the Stalls are designed to keep the hanging wall from falling on the miners cuz there's a lot of pressure you got moisture and humidity these stalls start to brought out and when they do guess what hanging wall starts to come down or you have tectonic movements and the plates start to shift and that creates different stresses on the Rock and The Rock Says you know what I've got an empty void I'm going to fill it back in and it will crush these Timbers and the way the miners would work this is is they would put a platform across these stalls here so the miner would have to come up into the his working face there would be a 2x2 going across here an actual 2 X12 not that stuff you find at Home Depot or Lowe's a real 2 X2 and he would sit up here and he would have to haul his equipment up he would drill the holes and then when he was done he would leave and then the powder monkey would come in and that's right they would load that that face and they would blow around so remember drill blast muck repeat this looks like delmare right here the reason why it gets to be like this is because obviously you got a lot of groundwater that's seeping in which is riding away these Timbers and then of course the Earth is trying to reclaim these empty spaces there's a lot of pressure coming coming down geologically from the surface trying to squeeze back into these areas and this is exactly what it looks like when it starts to do that and it gets really sketchy now if you want to see the mine exhibit I just showed you in person it's here in Carson City and it's here at the Nevada State Museum you can't miss it because they have a mockup head frame right outside see the shiv Wheels that's the actual US Mint right there that's where they used to make all the coins from the silver and the gold that they pulled out of the com stock isn't that great oh and every Saturday they mint coins up there they have the original press and they'll make coins in there for you you got to pay for them of course fantastic Museum I'm telling you give it a shot so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take you into some real hard rock mines out in Virginia City so you can see what those look like but I'm not going to do anything till you smash that like button SM it hard in the shadowed veins of comstock's depths where the Earth bleeds silver in the miner's hands a weary Soul Cleaves to the rocky breast chasing Whispers of wealth in the treacherous lands daylight is a stranger here beneath the ground and candle light flickers on faes drawn and Grim each strike of the pick Echoes a mournful sound a durge for the living sung soft and dim the dust coated minor his dreams all but spent delves ever deeper his hopes worn as his Tools in tunnels where countless before him have went Bound by desperation unrelenting rules black powder blasts in the heart of the Mind stone walls shudder then grant their grudging yield but the prize they offer exacts a steep fine a life spent in Shadow with fate long sealed above the blue skies of Nevada stretch wide unseen by those buried in the earth's cold Embrace and though silver runs rich where these dark paths divide it's bought with the years etched deep in each face in the Silence of Labor there's a whisper of fears of the Mind who sleep with no more Tales to tell a caveen a spark the sum of all tears in the depths of Virginia City's personal [Music] hell for most of you that have been around Virginia City this is the collar mine but what you don't know is last year they had record snow packed this ground turned into cement and it collapsed the front of this and the entire mine in the front 50 ft collaps I mean this stuff is just seeping in it's nothing look at this this mine dump is like clay this is what it's like to own a mine here in Virginia City you can see where all the mud and clay have come in through the bottom here he's got all these 4X sixes put in just temporarily to keep the bath from falling and these are 8 by8 and they're shattering he's got all these other 4X sixes in just just to hold this stuff up and you can see the lagging is all rotted away everything is dropping down and he's trying to cool out and I got water seepage everywhere so yeah he's he's doing his best to keep this place going he's got his handsful see how these Timbers have just shattered right here look at this that is a nasty shatter and that's a lot of weight up on top and he still has all this water coming down you see and he said up here it gets even thicker and yeah you're going to get wet these are 12 by 12 look at that ah water in the eye old One Eye and look it's just shattering this Timber I mean just nothing holding it can you imagine the wind that's up above us when all this clay which comes from the mine dumps which is called propol or propy it absorbs the water it gets super heavy like concrete and it's trying to get in here they just trying to reclaim it look at the fractures oh what a mess and here he said a lot of the lagging just gave way and you had a lot of a lot of material just rush right in I mean cuz look at this I can dig it with my finger see that that's spooky so he's got all these 4X sixes propped up oh oh oh that looks bad look at this look at the back this is what it's like to dig in the mines in Virginia City Classic example that's a that lagging is 140 years old if not older and you can see where they've been spiling through here see this they pounded in these rods this one this one this one this one this is spiling this is they're trying to keep the ground from coming in cuz Mother Nature's like no I want I want to reclaim that and look at this there's barely enough room for me to squeeze in here oh my gosh oh look at this oh my God it's getting smaller and smaller oh yeah oh the back looks bad look at these Timbers right here see where they're shattered the and the water's not helping because it's rotting the wood out even faster and you could see where he had a a failure here on the ribs it's actually coming into the the drift so he's got these in place to keep it from moving any further this reminds me of delmare and look at that as this stuff gets wet what does it do that's right it expands and it wants to come in and it also looks like the mine's out of Goldfield the Florence mine so see this is all trying to squeeze in I can fix this oh yeah this I just have to I help I kept her from crushing okay yeah and the idea is to keep her from moving anymore this is grease once this gets dried I can go across these two and cut this out with with with uh hammers you know yeah but I just had to stop it's not been moving since like yeah you isolated the movement onol the moov that's what I did yeah so see repairs like that yeah and then all you have to do is come back in get some rough cut replace this put new lagging in and you're good got to stop the crushing exactly you know guy people had a guy here helped me he quit that bill he got scared that thing went down he says I'm out of here but I told him the problem is if I don't crawl to that mine and keep it held together it goes down it's over with yeah it's all over yeah cuz this is where because this will fill in instantly instantly it will and this where this is coming through right here and so I put these in here one at a time as the mud was oozing out both ways and we could hear the boulders dropping behind it but they wern't falling into us we put these in to stop that flow that was just oozing way it was cuz this came we did good to stop it yeah you know yeah you arrested it yeah once you get past this you're good but I said next this will be not at the end of the summer I can take about a couple days and cut all this out here right no it looks good not going it had moved since I did it no it looks good I'm looking at how you did it it looks good it stopped it yeah see here I just had to stop this in here for now because I was scared that the water hit me again like last year right take this Su gun apart you know yeah snap that lagging and you're oh it's but the inside's good past you here this is the worst nice you did good good job Andre and I'm not a miner I know all the way down yeah you did good getting the stuff out this is hard to muck too because you can't muck it I had me and that young guy and the problem is there's nobody left that will help you underground oh in your area don't you have yeah we got retired Miners and miners who want to work yeah but in this area they're all retired it's been too long yeah they're too old to do this yeah once you make that bend it's dry again nice you can see where they're spiling through this stuff yeah they had it held together it was this is a bad this is this is headed toward the truck route I found a bad area up there and I had to move the dirt around make a burm because the water was running my way and I stopped that's why protected this year because I got the watery routed along the truck route nice smart you got to get on top of the surface and work on it yep so it wouldn't continue to seek you got it oh you can see where they were spiling remember I told you about spiling they put these caps so you don't hit your head on it oh look at the frosty mold oh isn't that tasty looking look at the ground look how soft that is back up in there oh yeah lagging is gone lagging is gone where did it go where did it go see the spiling where they had to spile through the soft ground just to keep everything up looks like they're using conduit pipe for SP look at that laging just falling apart oo nice wow look at the Caps the Caps are starting to collapse see these caps remember I told you about caps you have posts and you have caps and you have girts and they're also referred to as collar braces in between you got what's called a spreader and it keeps the post from sliding in these here's a good example right here here's the spreader cap post this is more modern but look at the lagging the lag is just crying out because it can't support that nasty clus material which is referred to as propyl oh yeah and you can smell the creosol oozing out of the timers look at more spy see this bam bam bam bam they pound these things up into the next set just to hold hold things like this from hitting you in your head you went into that mine you went down 400 ft tell me L what you thinking of the girl where you thinking of the gold yeah it's different than the last time holy cow yeah the back is definitely trying to come down and then he's got 4X sixes just stacked side by side boom boom boom boom boom boom and of course this is all temporary keep that in mind so he's going to come back once this stuff dries if it ever does and he'll be putting these in okay you got 8 by eights this is traditional size timber here which is what you should use rough cut 8 by8 the 4X sixes here this is stuff that you can get at home dep4 Lowe's and this is just temporary to keep the ground from sagging cuz once like he said once it collapses and it comes down it's all over but the crime because it's just going to want to keep coming down wow look at that and what most people don't realize is this is an original Hol drift for the collar mine this is all original and that's why it's taking so much work to keep it open because all the ground around here is super soft and this is the only mine that I know of that was part of the original com stock load that's still open and that's why I think it's important you should come out and see it because you don't know how much longer it's going to be here hey anybody wants some cotton candy huh look at it see the 4x6 is bowing under the pressure look at that now you're starting to get into some hard rock see that finally we got through all that soft material and now we get to the first Stope and you can you can see that this place is taking a beating too so he had to reinforce it with steel and of course he's got the miner wedges in there and in this Stope you can see uh the first sign of square set timbering this is actually actual Square set on the com stock load you know how rare this is and look what he's had to do cuz if you notice this one is dropping down into the ground so everything is just kind of sitting down slowly and everything is got clay and mud everywhere but at least you can stand up here and this that is the original comto ore isn't that incredible this oh look at that see all the water look it's coming out the water see that and this is what the miners had to go through back in the 1860s and70s imagine digging this stuff out and it's just like digging clay look at that or kite but this is where they were finding those rich or bodies in this is the actual load right here this is what they were removing but this stuff is so soft so you move a little and you got to Timber the heck out of it that's why all the Sears are stripped of all their wood because it wound up down here I mean millions and millions of board feet if they fail Virginia City will go underground and this this is what you see out in the mind dumps this is what they had to dig through to get to the ore and this is propy miners would always call this pyy and they'd always say pory makes gold it's just altered an aze so don't get caught up on all the language this this is what they were chasing right here it's beautiful or body and Billy caller he left this here he went around and he drop that winds in the floor to get up underneath this but this is the only piece of Comstock ore that's left nowhere else you'll never see it it's gone forever so I want you come in here and see it put your hands on it get a feel for it this is what the oldtimers went through now imagine back in the day they were doing single and double Jack drilling so you get yourself a starter bit and you go to town one twist one twist one twist you twist it so a it doesn't get stuck and B it makes a nice round hole for that Dynamite you get a bigger one and you do double jacking so I'm going to hold the drill bit and sweetheart you swing okay but don't miss cuz I don't want you to break my hands cuz then I won't be able to work and I'll starve to death here on the comto and the comto they had phones see he could call it for powder yeah bring me in another 50 cases of powder and a sixpack yeah get out of the mine it's caving in look at this here's another power box right here now usually they have this vent on but it's not on right now so it feels stuffy in here look at this the square sets dropping slowly I should be able to walk under this but I can't and this this is a Tugger this is an airp powerered wench so you got a miner that would sit back here Bell would ring this is the brake this is the clutch it's all air powered you so you have an airline right here that comes in ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch and it would the skip bucket then he could release the clutch engage the brake and then lock it you got 8 by 8s 10 x10s and 12 x 12s in here holding this up and look how far it's dropped I mean this mine will eventually be squeezed back into the Earth you imagine working this all day ding ding ding hold on I need my six-pack now the Tugger is connected to a shiv wheel up there on the back and you can see the skip bucket right here this is the original skip bucket isn't that amazing and so he's sitting back there waiting for the bells and then that would tell him based on this chart one Bell is to have a beer Two Bells is to have two beers oh wait a minute I think that's wrong so but you can see raise lower hoist all this other stuff and every mine had it just like I showed you in the museum and look at the lagging see this is original lagging right here ooh look at that moner laging there it's all busted and coming down oh yeah because it's so sof look at that I can dig it with my finger and the mine keeps going and going and going that way but you can see there's a lot of ground fall going on in there and a lot of that lagging has seen better days remember in the museum I showed you one of these column drills or Burley as they're called see how they got oh man look at how they they squished it up into that Timber oh look at the lagging remember I showed you in the museum that's exactly what it looks like everything is trying to squeeze back in and come on down and these are Jack legs this is is what they use in the industry today and then those are the rat tails that's the fuse sticking out of the holes so the Jack legs these are what they use today to drill the holes to load the dynamite they they're not as heavy as a burle and you can see where you could pick up the the Jack leg itself and you can see the lengths of the drill bit see that the neat thing about Jack legs is that you didn't have to use a little tiny starter bit and then go up to a three or four footer and so on so forth you could start with a 6t or even an 8 or 9t so you got two controls here this is for the air and you can hear it clicking so you can increase or decrease the rotation of that bit and this is for water flow right here cuz it's a water flush system and you hold on to it so you crank that water up so the more air pressure you get here the more it wants to extend this one too and these are the rat tails this is the fuse sticking out and look how soft this stuff is I could oh I could dig it with my hand see that's all andesite see that so they would all these fuses together and they'd have a board where they could put them and they would know which one to light first and in the old days they would take the carbide L off their hard hat and light them but as technology increase they use what's called a spitter looks like a sparkler and light it that way then later they came up with electric blasting caps so much easier but they had problems with electrical current Strays getting into the line prematurely detonating those caps so today they use what's called a non-l non- electric cap and it uses a a little tiny shock tube it's a plastic tube filled with petn and then what they do is they ignite it and then it goes all the way down until it gets into these caps caps have delays on them and then blows this and you can see where the an aite is starting to change see that starting to go into this altered zone right here I can't even imagine what the miners had to go through back in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s that worked on the com stck load because we're not that far underground and it's hot in here imagine being 3,000 ft down where the temperatures are 130° and the water coming out of here is boiling oh man those are horrific conditions for anybody that's why they could only work for 10 to 15 minutes at a time then they had to go to an ice room where the ice blocks are cool off for another 10 or 15 minutes go back to work and here's something nobody thinks about it imagine working down here and you're sweating to death and you're basically in your underwear working woo I'm hot and your shift is over you go out that portal or you get in the the skip cage and run to the surface right now it's like 40° up there maybe 35 you'll catch pneumonia like that but I wanted you to see this this a piece of History A lot of people don't see and I'm going to leave a link down below so if you want you can come out here and you can experience the com stck load for yourself this is a stoer this is the one I was showing you in the museum just a minute ago but it looks like they're using this to hold the mine up so I'm not going to move him I know you're saying Jeff what's in that raise we want to see what's in the raise that's what's in the raise nothing see the incline the in Cline is chalk full it used to go down about 100 ft and you can see where the lagging is all splitting and the Timbers are shattering look at that oh yeah this one will put hair on your chest and you can see they're doing everything they can to keep the back up look at that there's that shiv wheel and there's a skip bucket and he's still sitting in his original position and you can see the trunion sticking out the side so it will dump just like an Armine if you go back here this winds around and it goes to another shaft and you can see where the shaft Daylights in front of the ward Schoolhouse and it drops down another 300 ft from here oh you know I'd love to get back in there but it looks nasty so maybe next time just in case all right come on in come on come on in yeah everybody's in the drift going hey uh you know I'd like to stand up yeah there you go now you can stand up nice yeah you got plenty of room this is what they call a stop the best way I can describe mining terminology is to equate it with a tree you have a tree and a tree has a trunk in this particular case the tree was a main shaft which was 1421 ft straight down powered by hoist works it was the only way you could access the mine from the surface now from the tree you have the branches in a mine they're called drifts so you drifted from the main shaft into where they found a large body of ore and that's called a Stope so you came in through a drift now you're in your stove now when they first came in here their whole goal with the drill holes for the explosives back breaking work cuz it all had to be done by hand and all they had to work with was a piece of Steel called a jack blood on one end pointed at the other holding in the your face and for eight long hours a day drill the H for the explosives 8B Mallet one person operated the drill it was called a single Jack if two people operated the drill it was called a double Jack two people would trade off but a three people operated the drill it was not called a triple Jack it was most likely a government project all they had was a candle now you wouldn't think a candle would give you that much light on unless you find yourself in this kind of an environment where this cattle is the only thing between you and total darkness now as your eyes become more accustomed to the low light you can actually see quite well suppose you're working in this spine and then all of a sudden now you can't even see your hand in front of your face what would cause that candle to go out on its own gas low oxygen that's right that's right oh I mean I don't know sorry no all right now this is a man who you saw earlier he's responsible for keeping this mine open the only mine on The Comstock load that you could actually physically go into and Mother Earth last year said I I'm taking it back and he said over my cold dead hands you so he did all that work in there and he's going to do it even better once the ground dries if it ever does that's right so if these people want to see a tour what do they do you give me a call if you want to 24 hours a day my phone is always on I'm personal I answer the phone I'll get you in as fast as I can we do do evening tours if you want to do investigations with hauntings give me a ring but if you would get a chance come and see the legendary collar mine in Virginia City Nevada and he knows all the history about this place more than I've ever known and he's got this beautiful gift shop in here and museum that you can take a look around all the mining exhibits out here are fantastic you don't see that stuff anymore I'm going to leave all the information so you can call him down below in the description block come out here and see it because I tell you what if Mother Nature keeps pounding him like that this mine won't see the world for very much longer so you know what I'm going to say huh so come on let's go little bit nice and slow short I know water snow makes everything slippery there you go then this foot right right there there you go I got a run right here if you want to use that a brace with and then we're in the first Stope which is only what 20 ft down see the Stope and I got a Claim Jumper down there CL jumer my first mine yep all right Taylor I'm trying down this way for y in the past this used to go all the way to the surface you can see where the two notches are cut at the top for the ladder to actually be secure to but at least I got nice manway ladder all the way down see the shear Zone you're standing on uh-huh and there's the vein material they're chasing right there here check 5x5 my brother these are called stalls this is what's holding up the hanging wall over my head and then on the other side this is called a foot wall what do you think sweetie you're the engineer oh yeah oh there's a platform where the where they were standing on oh yeah they stoed the heck out of this look at that look at that oh yeah and there's the or pass down there it's all plugged though that's how they're getting this stuff out down there yeah and you can see there's a forest of stalls in here notice they only removed what vein material they had to that's why this is so the hanging wall is so low over our heads and you can see care about anything below Bingo well cuz that's extra work and you're not getting paid for that waist rock radio check radio check I want to know what's over there what do you think the only thing that's got me a little concerned is that sto is falling out I bet you they got an or pass over here Spence bet you they got an or pass over here piece of dynamite box no wa really yeah oh and it goes down to more stopes yeah and this is where Daylights look at that look at that see how they got these boards here they act like a funnel and they funnel it down into that chute that Chute goes down to a lower level to pull it out so if we go down the manway we should be able to look up that and that's what we're going to do all right see the shoot gate here's the shoot for the skip car see how it's angled so it kicks it over to the side because of the way the the skip cars are designed this is modern lift up on this it has it's bolted in the back there and that way you can control the feed of course in the old days they use the Dual shoot Gates now take a look at this you say Jeff that's an easy mind why don't you just run to the bottom I would but look at this you not going to run to the bottom of this one oh no why that's why yeah now I know that ain't bad you're saying just stop being the baby and get down there well I'm right of time I got to go find more mines for you to explore Danny what are you doing up there you're supposed to be down hereit help you guys out at if you guys want to book your own tours to go see the mins I just showed you Virginia City off-road experience we offer a 45 minute tour and a 90minut tour so come on out and and check it out yeah but what's your name my name's Neil Thompson they got to know who his name is you get a hold of Neil Thompson I'm going to leave all that information Down Below in the description box okay so if you guys want to get a tour like I just showed you except more in depth cuz this guy knows all the good places get a hold of them let him know that I sent you and he's going to take care of you you got any shout outs for anybody my wife Lisa yeah so you know what I'm going to say huh so come on let's go you doesn't know [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 28,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ask jeff williams, jeff williams, jeff williams gold, ask jeff williams gold, ask jeff williams metal detector, Terrifying disaster at Collar Mine Nevada
Id: 1bUefAY35o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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