I used a damage progression mod on one of Terraria's Most Powerful Weapons

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just stop for a sec have you ever wondered what would happen if you took something and just drained all the life force and purpose from it leaving it to just be a miserable and obscure presence just sitting there while its true beauty and passion sits in limbo no just the me thing oh okay well anyway I did just that but to the infamous Arc of the cosmos look at that damage we got 30 damage per second you heard that right I lowered its entire damage output to Uno but fear not this shell of a goddess Slayer can be revived how you may be asking well for every boss I kill I'm going to be multip CL its damage by two which means if it wasn't already obvious enough the more bosses I kill the more this sword will regain its power and pride maybe a little too much oh my God oh my God and before we start this video was inspired by getg Goods mosama video which if you haven't already should go watch anyway enough explaining let's just hop into the video so of course the first thing I do is retrieve the dull blade I stored within this chest what hell what do we have here oh my god dude imagine this doing one damage well we don't need the copper shortsword anymore come here slime oh my god dude it's like 5-year-old be hitting the Pata it actually took like 30 seconds to kill that blue slime this is about to be quite the ride quite the ride it'll be indeed but anyway we were going to get nowhere with the way we were now even the little roombas Were A step above me when it came to combat it's like I'm trying to defend myself against a rabbit Fox with a Q-tip now I could have just allowed myself to use other weapons for you know an easier time but nah I feel like it would be more fun abiding time to use this for the entire run so I was going to need to become a literal tank if I wanted to be able to withstand getting thrown around like a pingpong ball in a category 4 hurricane which me the main objective as of now was collecting gear Life Crystals and if the game is kind enough Hermes boots okay objective ooh sword Shrine welcome home we have ourselves a trinket of chei the Jungle that way I heard it oh my gosh we found the uh Burnal pass already now I know for a fact you can't find Hermes boots over here but you could sure as H find some other cool things inklet of the wind please thank you oh that is great what's in here we have ourselves an axe okay oh out of anything I didn't think a be would be the one to uh give me my first death our first life Crystal amazing oh look at that look at that look at that why is there five Life Crystals you guys have never seen this before 1 2 3 4 5 okay oh oh my gosh dude there was like six Life Crystals next to each other I left one behind so I'm going to have to get that in a sec ooh little lab here it's in here gravitation potions o That's Prett nice I'm getting folded by these spiders when I have the power of an actual deity okay I don't want to die I don't want to die where's my recall do I haveen any recall yes I do just okay there we go and after Gathering a decent amount of crystals and or I start constructing some housings for some NPCs all I'm going to say is the NPCs should be thankful I mean I'm literally giving them the average 2K a month apartment in New York but for free man I am such an awesome landlord you got to admit after that I take to the Heavens to not only find more accessories but also find more life crystals ooh a sky island right next to my house what is in here lucky horseshoe come on give me some scrumptious loot ooh that is very nice oh here's one of these things the good thing about these little planetoids is that they have a bunch of gems in them and now we can make or we can afford a grappling hook I then make a mix match assortment of armor cuz it was all I could afford and also a grappling hook which was very helpful for the early game traveling and after that I was feeling a bit cocky it's almost as I was piping hot ready to take on my first boss cuz I was so I scadaddle into the Crimson to demolish some hearts to start the long and pitiful battle against the brain of cthulu oh jeez Crimson enemies are actually going to be a pain now we just got to bomb one and more heart and we should be good to go let me go ahead and drink an iron skin as well okay here we go throw that that should spawn him in there we go maybe I should have came a little bit more prepared with a double jump at least yeah doing some crispy damage oh my gosh blood yeah see the knockback is doing a bunch for me cuz without it I would actually be getting pummeled I mean besides this whole thing taking like 20 minutes to do we're doing pretty fine and as the fight carried on the deterioration of my plan of relying on knockback only was becoming more and more imminent by the second it started to become way too much of a hassle to find and strike the real illusion in a second phase and of course my weapon started bugging hard oh okay why is it why why am I not doing damage why am I not do damage what's going on which sort of led me straight to my Doom after I spent 15 minutes focusing and holding my breath trying to kill this thing I don't know why it just stops sometimes and it it just doesn't deal damage anymore if it hadn't have screwed me over like that we could have had that that is such a shame so like a sophomore year relationship it became indefinitely clear that the brain was not going to be my first so I snooped around the underground snow to find some more Life Crystals and whatever else I can get my hands on which wasn't much so instead let's go ahead and try out a more less uh how would I put this a less omnidirectional boss okay so now I believe we are ready to test our luck with the good old King Slime here oh yes look at that damage yeah I mean we're chipping away at his health pretty decently pretty decently just got to keep doing this for like 10 minutes hey a good good thing was I had a few potions to support me actually they wore off pretty quickly but not as quickly as my spirit when I saw this message in chat oh come on just give me a break I need to fight this guy first please don't tell me that the eye can spawn when I'm fighting another boss that would be atrociously bad not only for me but my time as well I've spent about 6 minutes on this guy so far and we're not even halfway I have cthulu dude oh my Lord they tag teaming me ah maybe if I could just get the eye to not transition to a second phase we can still do this he's not really that maybe I should stop talking oh my gosh look at this bro look at all the servants honestly dealing with the King Slime was pretty easy as it was but of course the game really never gives me a break so I had to quote unquote Thug it out until daytime arose which much to everyone's surprise was a lot easier said than done somebody help me please pleas I'm dying so not only did I have to keep track of the distance between me and the bosses but I also had to avoid all the damn servants that I was spawning like what is this move dude oh my gosh I'm taking so much damage servants are actually so annoying bye have a great time yes like th is out of here thank you oh what are you going to do now slime ain't nobody to protect you we're almost there 30 and the King Slime is dead there you go why did my thing just open well there we go the first boss is one and done now my right hand sword deals three damage yes three I don't know why I started with three instead of two just uh just bear with me though there we go now my thing has three damage nice so now we're doing just just a little bit more damage and apparently that was all that was needed to convince me to run back to the Crimson like I was a wasp that spotted a 5-year-old with no parental supervision and summoned the brain in once again oh my gosh now I'm just taking heaps of damage damage amazing amazing amazing and I'm confused amazing yeah there was no difference it's almost like bosses have more defense than other enemies I definitely knew that so it seemed I was still at a very negative power influx but not to fear my viewer I came up with a solution you know what maybe we can do the desert Scourge maybe he'll be a little bit easier my mind now that's more like it an easier task with a higher reward though I will say Scavenging the underground desert actually made me want to kill myself okay we have a chest down here but we also have this gay guy that is just ridiculous what the give me that okay we got I I got I got what I need please please let me live close the door okay we're good oh my gosh okay we got Doom stri boots nice oh there we go got one now I just need to set up a little platform to fight him and we should be good okay let's pop this and let's see how we do w a little bit more difficult but you know what not really a problem it was in fact not difficult actually the fight was as smooth as silk and the eroded flashlight needed some milk now we were really talking we have a whole six damage to our name but wait there's more and that more is a marvelous set of victide yes we now had actual armor which means I again went to fight the brain also a Go Army showed up but don't worry we're going to deal with them after we deal with this I just had to show the brain who's got better brain what does that even mean anyway I got pretty close and honestly I didn't want to spend a decade poking heavily armed Raiders with a giant icicle so I gave it one more shot and you wouldn't believe it I died guys I'm kidding I pulled it off are you proud yet and after adding another six damage to my sword not only did I go back to fighting the Goblin Army which was 10 times easier by the way but I also greeted the eye at my doorstep and you know how I treated him well I obviously let him in ped some hot cocoa when we both sat down and just started to reminisce on our thoughts together now I'm just kidding the son of a exploded we were carefully stepping closer and closer to truly bringing this blade back to its Omni poent State before we know it we'll be pulling a cuphead by repeatedly backhanding our adversaries to a pulp until they handed over their soul contract anyway though before continuing our homicide streak I had to tidy up and do a bit of normal game progression stuff like make some better armor with a pck cleaned up my workstations and made a elevator so I can acquire some hot tamalii hellstone I also killed a Voodoo Demon so I had access to the wall of flesh when I was ready and after grabbing some obsidian with the hell Forge I made myself a full set of molten armor and a pick of flames and fury and since it was night I decided to why not run over to the dungeon and grind Skeletron into bone meal and surprisingly I got the Wombo Combo ass weapon of a lifetime and I kind of knew it was mainly because of my Mobility so you know what I went on a hunt for the goblin Tinker I also search these depths for a glowing mushroom biome to fight crabulon and to finish maxing out my health and turns out mining in a certain direction does wonders cuz I found the skitso right beside the mushroom biome so I bought some items from him to combine my accessories and reforged them as well I also reforged my sword which I wasn't supposed to do but you know it it happened but after that I made some space for the fungus crab and well Summit him in and besides me almost making a few bad decisions excluding real life it was a fairly tough fight which was actually mind-blowing you know what was even more mind-blowing though here let me tell you having a whopping 48 damage on my trusty pair of scissors also sorry about there not being too much commentary for this part it felt like a barrel of bricks boned me on the head so I'm compensating for that with even more script writing but anyway after I took out the second Goblin Army I made some more houses to get the Goblin in and figured it was about damn time to fight the perforators and honestly I should have done it sooner cuz it was so damn easy it wasn't even fully because of damage I was just bobbing and weaving this thing like I had a severe case of swamp fever or in this case Crimson fever but anyway our sword goes stronger and I become hungrier so since I was right next to the dungeon I set up two rows of platforms and wait till Nightfall to finally crumble this Anatomy skeletal display once and for [Music] all 192 damage I just want to know who's stopping me who definitely not the dungeon but speaking of the dungeon there was obviously nothing in there that would really you know benefit me anym than I already am but hey maybe that Cobalt Shield will fix a non-existing gap or two so I found it reforged it and made the overloaded sludge cuz it was not time to take on the Slime Gods but unfortunately for them just because they claim to be Gods doesn't mean it'll free them for being grasped by death's hands as Kratos once said do not deny me my okay at this point the damage was starting to get just a tad bit ridiculous like I still had two more bosses I wanted to fight before hard mode who or what was going to be a threat to me definitely not the queen bee that's for sure per that oh my God a single hit took half her health wow okay we were already at 768 damage over 1,000 actually since I included the armor and accessory stats and you know what let's just head to hell to finish up pre hard mode once and for all since we were Beyond well and ready to move on from this lonely stage of the game wait is the guide even alive the guide isn't alive how is the guy not alive are you serious there we go make some more walls um oh there we go the guy okay let's go ahead and drink some beer so we can get nice and drunk and oh how you doing wall fles holy why is it two frames per second I don't understand well now with the wall down hard mode swiftly makes its way towards us so to make this challenge a little bit harder I went ahead and enabled Death Mode also yes I know I forgot to enable revengeance for the entire of preh hard mode but you know it probably wouldn't have made a difference and I'm also going to be lowering the amount of damage that gets multiplied onto my sword by .5% so instead of two we're going to be doing 1.5 cuz let's be real one tapping bosses into Oblivion isn't really all that interesting or Fair we got to make sure they at least have a teaspoon of chance on their side anyway I started off collecting souls to make the mech summons so I can get them out of the way as fast as possible cuz we had a lot of progressing in front of us that had to be manhandled good let craft up the mechanical skull actually I want to I want to I want to fight all of them at the same time uh is there a perforator assist anywhere I know they I know if I kill one of those they drop vertebrae there's one awaken him and there we go and and and and and mechanical worm there we go mechanical eye let's summon them all in okay maybe this wasn't the best idea cuz I do only have molten armor oh oh okay okay let's not fight them all at the same time I I no I was doing so good that I just completely forgot that I wasn't Invincible this time we shall start off with the destroyer and bada bing bada boom you are dead okay Skeletron Prime let's see what you got you got a whole bunch of obituary forms waiting for you buddy oh no what are you going to start doing oh no oh my God we have over 3,000 damage on this thing okay twins give me a challenge look at the damage you know what I got rage oh they're doing a lot of damage actually hold on oh okay that was a little bit closer than the other ones okay we're we're up to a good 5,171 damage on this this thing all right I forgot I needed a mithil Anvil okay give me a second I need I need to mine some mithil Anvil go ahead and break that one and replace it and now we can make even better armor and as easy as the dis pointed me were separately plant was no different okay and let's break the bulb there we go how you doing planta you're about to have a very bad day oh my god oh my god well there we go planta is down thought she would have put up a little bit more of a fight but no oh hey wizard oh that scared me dude we are speed running hard mode right now we are actually speed running this game and I'll tell you what this was too much damage so for the prior of hard mode I just capped it at around 10,000 cuz believe me I I want this video to be short but not that sure and since I was already next to the temple I slid inside to take care of gold oh I missed the fa oh no no no no no no did we do it oh we did it okay that that was a little bit anticlimactic then I wanted to go for The Old Duke fish since we were flying through these bosses and on my way to the mushroom biome I snatched up a gelon crystal cuz why not no I killed the truff worm oh Lord dude you know what screw the truff worm I'm done and I didn't end up finding another worm so instead I killed the queen slime and got a Titan heart since I wanted to try swinging at deas but first I went over to the dungeon to behead the cultist run over here oh my fellas come on cultist man h d you know I don't appreciate that's like going at 5 FPS and before cutting up the pillars to the point they had to wear sleeves I throw the Titan heart into the astal alter to fight astram deis maybe I should back up just a suggestion okay where is he oh there you are uh whoa okay it's doing a little bit more damage than I thought he would oh okay yeah surprised surprised I got absolutely folded maybe maybe you know a platform would was a little bit necessary for him probably since a majority of my accessories were still from pre- hard mode but hey maybe it was just a skill issue who knows so we begin slicing and dicing of our pillar friends specifically the Stardust one since it was in the weight of the hollow and I wanted to fight the empress simply for a chance of getting her wings oh Empress hello fighting the empress without wings this is just fantastic I'm somehow doing fine oh there we go we actually killed the ESS okay wings oh my god wow I am I am on a roll right now now with some of the best hard mode wings I turnar to De once again to at least kill one hard mode Calamity boss wa adrenaline oh sure why not and it was as easy as winning a staring competition with someone that was blind same goes for the remaining pillars there was absolutely nothing but heat seeking ass clenching death for anything that got in a 20ft perimeter of me unless they had guns but after the little show until I had EV my last challenge stood before me well if I could even call it that okay maybe should have actually made better armor I don't think Hollow armor is going to be that great for this just a suggestion hello oh oh he's doing a lot of damage oh he's doing a lot oh my gosh dude I mean he was almost dead oh he spawns in instantly I completely forgot about that there we go open that eye up for me oh no I don't have any I don't have any flight time don't have any flight time oh my God I survived you hear that Moon Lord you're nothing you are nothing and well the moon Lord fight was the fight I was going to end this off at but for some reason I decided to keep going again I continue to multiply my damage by 1.5 since I was literally going to be leeching off this thing because of my prehard mode accessories so first things first I'm going to try and make this as short as possible for you we fly up to the Heavens to collect lumite to craft up a full set of solar armor next I needed Unholy Essence to craft up the profane Shard wait was that what it was called then I Tred to slay this meatball Trifecta which was surprisingly difficult please no longer after you I was just about a win what eventually I realized the limited space I had in hell was holding me back so I moved it up to the hollow and it did just the trick I waste no time in spawning in the volcanic butterfly to grab myself her wings and the Run of cost I didn't make some space and hell to fight her again since I was going to probably you know need a better shield and with the damage I've been piling up onto the sword made it an absolute Breeze I then go for my first Sentinel the storm Weaver and by the way I was not going to be counting the Sentinels as progression steps towards my sword I didn't really see them as bosses more like more like roadblocks yeah that's it and after taking down the rest with only a minor headache to pay for it I make the cosmic worm
Channel: Topcloud
Views: 343,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Terraria #Terrariacalamity #Terrariachallenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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