Tent Camping in Heavy Rain - Wet and Cold Solo Camp

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to the YouTube channel I'm up here in the mountains again and it's just started raining it was about a 1 hour slog to get up here and a 2hour drivein but I'm at camp now it's freezing cold and I have no idea what the weather's actually going to do tonight there could be rain rain and snow maybe hail thunder lightning but at the moment it's just Misty and Atmospheric which is pretty cool I got to get the tent all set up before I get wet gather wood and then just chill out you guys know the drill but really good to be back up here so sit back relax and enjoy their camping look at this thing such a beauty looks so nice in this landscape I kind of want to sit here maybe face out this way so I might use a pole from a previous Camp right out the front of the tent and I can view out this way probably have the fire here or something which should be pretty nice looks like I got the ttin up just in time she [Applause] we're all set up I might be able to adjust it a little bit better and get it a bit more tight and get the angles right but this will work for now get the chair here and fire out there yeah it's coming in [Applause] [Applause] whoa listen to that Ry man this is glorious sitting out here po SE up real nice view out and the water's just gushing off the top listen to that give you rain coming in and it's real cold too [Applause] [Applause] let's get the tent set up I'm getting quite cold got get some warmer clothes on kind of struggling to speak got the Zen Biv again so I'll get that all set up in the tent get everything warm get dry clothes on and then get a brew on [Applause] [Applause] that was a pretty heavy Deluge that just came in seems like a it's easing off a bit now which is all right I have reception here so I can check the forecast and see if any more bad whe is coming in that was quite fun it's freezing absolutely freezing I'll bring a temperature probe so I can show you guys um the temperature soon I just haven't got around to ordering one I'm going to get this coffee on Brew this up get the puffer jacket on get myself warm and cozy then get a fire going I think now we're talking wow so much cloud has just come in It's like white all out here I love camping in this spot this is such a nice spot I got my heavy duty winter beanie for this camp this is wool with a fleece liner and it's also got like a wind stopper material inside it so this one's super warm blocks all wind it's quite nice I think I'm going to need it look the weapon yeah I love this thing such a pleasure to use the silky Zubat arborist time to go get some logs that's a good Dead one this one looks pretty thick and good nice and dead and dry it's a bit roughing is the big one it's quite a lot of wood this place is a gold mine a Wood Cove back to camp load one oh the wood hit the camera silly me all of this should get me going [Music] what a stack looks like more rain's Inc coming almost finished the wood chopping few more pieces got to organize all this now managed to find some rocks finally in the spot have the fire out here just out from the top and all my wood stacked up huge pile nice and dry so I get this set up and get a fire this is probably the most wood I've ever had on a camp and it's real good dry stuff too so with the Little Rock pet and all this wood it's going to be a glorious evening I also brought my little um My Little Bushcraft knife so I might P up some of the sticks this is the Moran Bushcraft it's got a flint on it you it's got a little sharpener it's a real nice little knife so I might split a few of these pieces and then get this fire [Applause] lit look at that right I'll finish doing this and we'll light it [Applause] up build a little base of the smaller nice dry logs then I'll get the twigs and stuff on tuck the fire starter in it people ask me all the time in the comments what fire starter do I use and the answer is most of you know it's little Lucifers I just pick it up at the supermarket it's the best stuff man watch this I mean this is quite a big chunk but it just gets this wet wood burning like well always you see the videos you just got to make sure it's burning pretty good just nistle it in there she'll be right sweet there's a slight breeze this way so the tent won't fill up with the smoke like it did on the last camp that was horrible hopefully I get camp fire Redemption and just have a beautiful fire and I can sit out and have an amazing evening cook my Burgers hopefully it gets freezing cold it's definitely dropping actually could actually start snowing soon which would be nice [Applause] [Applause] now we're talking look at this pouring rain in the mountains we have a roaring fire no smoke blowing on my face water's just gushing off the TP water a sit up [Applause] going to have some digestive biscuits these are the mcvities dark chocolate ones you guys know I love these these are like my favorite biscuits the Jeffer cakes well they're not biscuits they're cakes so I can't say they are my favorite biscuit that's going to be nice they brought up some fresh little ptle of fresh milk and yeah this Fire's just putting out an immense amount of heat now I've done a lot of work I'm going to enjoy this big Brew cheers everyone thanks for coming on this Camp hope you guys are enjoying it so far this is pretty much like the perfect camping conditions for me beautiful fire you know going to have a great dinner hopefully an awesome sleep and it's just probably my favorite spot like I said before it's it's got views it's got wood it's remote isolated no one's here and it gets snow and rain and it's just beautiful up here oh that's so good need a digestive man for this fire is going so good the split logs almost producing no smoke at all and there's essentially no wind so it's just pushing out so much and the Rocks reflect it back at me this is 10 out of 10 fire wood king subscribe for the fire as the channel grows you get more and more stupid comments which I find quite funny some guy said the other day I have all of the gear but no idea and I read it and I thought about it and I was like well actually I don't have all the gear and I have a small idea so mate you're wrong but try again next time and you might be able to troll me some guy also called me a yappy and I had to Google what it meant and it's like some young middle-aged guy who's in pursuit of wealth or like material Goods or something and I thought that was kind of funny cuz you really think I'd be in pursuit of wealth if I was out here camping all the time some people he the comment section these aren't complaints I just like sharing it with you guys if you if you don't read them I see all the comments I get all these stupid ones most of them are nice and I really appreciate it so thanks to everyone who leaves nice comments and sometimes I get good tips cuz I am a bit of an amateur I've only be doing this a while even though I do it frequently I'm not like a seasoned Bushcraft King I'm just an Enthusiast but yeah look at that fire man that's like the best one I've had in a long time for dinner we're having the most Deluxe Burgers I've probably ever done Wago caddies bacon Swiss cheese onion jam on a Brios bun and I mean look at this the fire is roaring it's starting to rain or snow I'm not really sure what it is but it's brutally cold just outside of this the orb of the fire man it's freezing but I mean I'm so toasty warm here cuz like the perfect sit up so I'm going to cook these and just going to be absolutely glorious listen to that man is that snow or rain not sure oh yeah it's coming in I should have brought up some beers man that could be snowflake [Applause] the good thing about this little guest stove is it can invert the canister when it's freezing cold so it burns efficiently it's the fire Maple blade too it's pretty much what I've been using on all my camps apart from when I'm cooking up massive meals I use the primer which I'll probably get out again in the winter do some spaghetti bolog in the snow but this one for the tops it's a good we stove [Applause] okay I think the burgers are done these just look Next Level I'm going to get them off and onto the buns and I've got some like B stomach onion Jam which are smear all over the G pan but look at this I'm like C giveing right [Applause] now and I'll put the onion jam on the bottom this is going to be so worth it get these Burgers on [Applause] try not to get bacon fed on me you want to see something cool get the fat on the fire quite possibly the best burgers you're ever going to see on the camp I'm a very very happy man right now I'll take a photo of these for the Instagram whoa smoke if you don't follow me on Instagram go check it out there's a link on the channel page and I just post random photos and updates about the channel on there so give me a follow if you feel like it I'll take a photo of these let try these [Applause] out unreal oh I can't describe it hangy sweet meaty Smokey soft Brios and nutty squishy [Applause] cheese pause the video go cook yourself a burger get yourself a beer and enjoy it with me it's perfect I have to show you again just in case you didn't see it properly the best ever the best ever [Applause] [Applause] Burger there's a lot of people that do camping videos and they just eat freeze dried meals I mean I watch a lot of camping videos and I enjoy watching people eat and cook meals you know free stride it just never hits the spot yeah it's lightweight packs down small and it's easy but we come out here to have a good time I advise you if you go camping yourself or you make videos try cooking some burgers just give it a shot trust me it's worth it [Applause] [Applause] last [Applause] bot oh [Applause] well that was dinner quite possibly the best Camp meal I've ever had in my entire camping experience just chucked a bit more wood on the fire and there's like a rain falling and it's absolutely just perfect this is a good one guys we did it we had the perfect camping experience I was going to chill for a bit watch the fire maybe put a bit more water in it get it warm cuz it's freezing out here and then probably have another cup of tea and some more biscuits later for dessert maybe in the tent or out here I'm not sure time for dessert cup of tea and some more digestive biscuits the tea that I'm having is pure caramelized pier and something what is it caramelized peer I think that's all it is it's like a black tea flavored black tea it's delicious man and I just love to have it you know P week that's how I drink my tea but not my coffee I have my coffee straight espresso or black oh it's like creamy sweet and creamy it's delicious not sure if they have it overseas I think it's made by b b see that's good stuff and it goes perfectly with the digestive I was going to have a hot chocolate but I just felt like a good old copper all right I'm inside the tent it's like Mega cozy inside here oh man the Zen bivy it's something else this is the big Hood up the top end of the bed got my pillow on it so it doesn't move around it's amazing and this whole system man it's just so comfy I love the black color and this nice red interior I'll clip the whole thing up soon and go to sleep but I come out camping you know the main reason is to have a good time but now it's like I can actually have a fantastic sleep as well which you know I'm coming out quite often so it just makes the whole experience like way better I'm on the light Beed as well also from Zen a it's pretty amazing setup it's going to be hard for me to want to choose anything else other than this but yeah everything's good in here got my vents open so hopefully there's no condensation there's a bit of wind gushing in the trees but it should be good it was a fantastic evening and hopefully tomorrow is a great morning but I want to go to sleep hopefully nothing crazy happens if it does you know I'll go straight for the camera but yeah other than that we'll see what tomorrow bring and good night everyone it's unbelievable how comfy this thing is man oh good night people I'll see you tomorrow there's a bit of condensation in the tent you can see water droplets but on toasty warm look at that big bird looking for scraps good morning everyone I had a pretty good sleep this is to be expected now in the new system it is cold uh there's ice on the top I can see it it's a pretty nice color in the sky um and I'm surrounded by Wier this coffee man oh I can smell it already first set oo that's good there was a bit of condensation in the tent um I had the I didn't have the top zip completely open on the Fly which I think I should do cuz I'm covered by a top anyway and that would prevent any well it would help mitigate condensation but it's not a big deal I've just got a little um I got this little microfiber cloth this is super absorbent and I can just wipe it down and it's pretty much gone away but yeah it was cold last night and I was so warm on the pad and with the um the quilt so I mean I think it's rated to7 Comfort it wasn't anywhere near -7 it was probably -2 or something but yeah it's a great system and I was toasty warm that's some serious IED up rain overnight on the flly who still quite a bit of heat in there for as soon as the fire is going the entire campsite just feels better it's such a cold and crisp morning that this is going to be essential it would have been nice to have some snow but that's coming but still an iced up top no wind freezing cold it's pretty much perfect might finish off the digestives too why not I'm camping absolutely perfect fire so much heat coming out of that already the spot delivers with the wood the weather the angles the views and everything oh that's so good yeah the Swiss cheese man the salty bacon and look at that breakfast Burger man in the comments let me know the favorite meal that you like watching me cook and eat and I might do it in the next video whatever is the most popular response I'll cook it next some people wonder how I eat so much and how I'm not really fat it's because when I go on these camps I'm actually walking up mountains carrying a lot of gear and I burn a lot of calories plus I'm quite a large individual well larger than some people anyway so I require feeding and then outside of the YouTube channel and what you guys see I actually don't eat heaps of food so I indulge on the camps and then I kind of adopt like an intermitted fasting method throughout the rest of the week so then come out here and feast so that's how I do it okay we're fully packed up now we're going to head out I'll show you some of the Senor in the walk out and maybe some of the drive but you know I don't really want to leave two nights here would be good but I'll wait for the big snowstorm for a two nighter up here anyway get the pack on and we'll head on out looks like there's a bit more rain coming in it's not a big walk down though so I'll beat the rain down I think you can see down there that's where I do my car camps down on the valley and up this way I do my snow camps kind of up on that Ridge there as well such an amazing spot and I pretty much have all of this to myself especially in storms there's like no one here lucky me and I get to share it with everyone it's pretty awesome made it back it's a short sharp walk that one get sweaty but it's not super taxing all right I'm going to get my pack off get sorted out get in the car come back to you guys let's begin the 2hour drive home just want to say thanks to everyone who watches the videos likes and subscribes and just comes along on these adventures with me big special thanks to the channel members really appreciate you guys additional support to the channel really helps you know helps get me out more and hopefully bring you guys cooler content so if you like the videos consider joining up to members I'll put a pen comment down whoa it's a bit bumpy but anyway I'm going to sign out here and focus on driving but yeah thanks everyone and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Abel & Victoria
Views: 45,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, heavy rain, rainstorm, tent, camping, deluge, ultralight, hikinh, nature, tentcamping, campong in the rain, heavyrainstrom, storm, water, wildcamping, wilderness, zpacks, offsetduo, solo, camp, abelandvoctoria, wet, tenting, campfire, outdoor, cabin, bushcaft, fire
Id: Jn8qKbfwqi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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