TENSE MOMENT: Lawyer Repeatedly Asks Nathan Wade To Read Invoice While He's On The Stand

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did anyone ever question whether or not you work 24 hours in one day and build 24 hours in one day I've never worked 24 hours in one day and build 24 hours in one day okay and I'm glad you asked me that question because I I like the opportunity to talk about that I think you should go ahead so if you look at that invoice where where it says 24 hours in one day it it actually doesn't say one day if you look at the top of the invoice it says date completed the date that reflected on that invoice reflects the date that the work was completed it doesn't say when it started it just says this is the date that it's completed so if you go through the invoices probably around the first five or six you'll see that that's the billing format I would build only after that particular task has been completed that's why you see a 24-hour period with the one day there I kind of wish some of the experts who had apped on that had called me and asked me the question but there was never a billing of 24 hours in one day now probably around the sixth or seventh invoice you see the format Chang I started using a range so that it got less confusing right I'm confused so maybe you can correct it okay um in in exhibit uh 14 you've got a you've got down uh a specific day prepared cases for pre-ra November the 5th 2021 24 hours at $250 an hour 6,000 now this wasn't about this wasn't about a range it was about the work that you did on November the 5th no Mr Gill look at the top of the invoice where it says date completed what I want you to do Mr Wade is focus on the on the date that you have down there and tell the court what you build for on November the 5th 2021 I thought it was already in I thought 14 14 is in again Mr Gillan it says completed date date completed the dates that you see here are the dates that that work was completed so on November the 5th I completed the task of preparing the cases for pre-trial that's the date I completed it took me just read if you would that my question was read out loud the entry for November the 5th 2021 and how many hours you build that day just just do that for me if you would I can't do that excuse me I believe the witness is entitled to answer his question that certainly wasn't the question that Mr all right well the question now is to read a certain entry so just read into the record Mr Wade on November the 5th 2021 how many hours did you Bill the citizens of Fulton County for on that day just read it out please I completed the task on November 5th 2021 24 hours was build at $250 now when you were you talked about your relationship with uh Miss Willis and your testimony is that it began in 2022 you remember that testimony no sir our relationship began in our Ro your romantic relationship began in 2022 is Sir that your testimony yes sir okay now when you were Reed on this contract you had a romantic relationship already established with Miss Willis yes or no in 20122 yeah when you were reup on November the 15 2022 you had a romantic relationship with Miss will I signed the second contract yes sir answer my question please on I'm not going to use the words reup signed up U on the we reup or whatever you want to call it your contract on November the 15 20122 you had a a romantic relationship already existing with Miss Willis yes or no I signed the contract The second contract yes sir during the course of a romantic relationship yes or no you had a romantic relationship with her at the time that you signed up the extension on November the 15th 2022 yes or no the answer to that question is yes thank you now uh the this was before the special purpose grand jury uh uh released any uh any a report isn't that correct correct are you asking me if it's before the work was completed or before the the special purpose grand jury actually released publicly released the report when they relas the report you're Rel reltionship with Miss with Miss Willis already existed when the special purpose grandury released its report correct at the time the report was released yes sir but you understand that the report had the the the work had been completed prior to the release of the report you understand that and uh your relationship with Miss Willis of course was prior to the indictment in this case correct yes sir
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,100,473
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Id: lYH3uC6ytW0
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Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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