Lawyer Asks Fani Willis 'Who In The Prosecution Team Knew' About Nathan Wade Relationship

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Mr sh honor who in the prosecution team prior to I guess the motion being filed by um defendant Ro Roman who in the prosecution team knew of your personal relationship and now I'm talking romantic with Mr Wade so sir I am extremely private oh I ask is who knew it's not if the answer is no one knew that's fine I ask you who knew answer answer and then explain this well us I am very private when I supervised Mr body and Mr McAfee they didn't know who I was dating but I can assure you I was dating somebody so that I kept something private that's my private life is not any mystery to anyone it it's it's it's like a a woman doesn't have the right to keep her private life private and I'm speaking on this because there have been all these in intimations s an answer to the question as was I'm sorry what was the question that you're onor is there anyone else who knew about it and then you can explain I I don't know I don't think so I certainly didn't um go out telling my business to the world okay so the best of your recollection you didn't inform anyone on the prosecution team that the individual that you had chosen to lead the prosecution team had a personal relationship with you is that correct that's inaccurate your question is inaccurate what cuz you you stated that the person I chose we had a personal relationship so we had a friendship we have to we have all these distinguishing factors remember when I chose him in November of 21 first of all let's get this straight Mr Wade was not actually my first choice that's no insult to him no no is you because of the way you phrased the question you said when I chose him I didn't inform people of a personal relationship we have defined personal as romantic it is an in accurate way to State the question and I will certainly restate it so it is very accurate okay and please do not yell at me you hired Mr Wade for the first time on November 1st of 2021 correct of 2021 yes sir your testimony is whether one accepts it or not your testimony is that at the time you hired Mr Wade there had never been a romantic relationship with Mr Wade before you hire him correct yes my testimony is that we were very good friends but not we're talking about a sex so let's just don't no I'm not talking about I'm saying romantic relationship doesn't necessarily have to be just sex it can be dating it can be holding hands it can be any of those things that one might call romantic I'm asking you whether or not prior to November 1st of 2021 there was a ro romantic relationship with Mr Wade that's very simple it's either yes or no I don't consider my relationship with him to be romantic before that I'm not a handh holder so no that's fine now let's move Beyond November 1st of 2020 2021 excuse me I understand your testimony there was no romantic relationship with Mr Wade until early in 2022 whether be January or February or March early in 2022 correct I would say sometime between February and April yes sir all right now I'm asking you about that time period when it became romantic okay thank you okay you didn't see the need if I understand to tell any of the people on the prosecution team when you had established a romantic relationship with Mr Wade that the lead prosecut computer that is the people the man that was basically giving orders to others was dating or having a romantic relationship with you correct I'm going to object to relevance at this point Ron relevance it just to prove we're attempting to show that there is an issue on credibility about the relationship the failure to have informed anyone anyone on her team that she was having a romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor I suggest gives rise to that inference that's the relevance the inference that the inference that that they were concealing this because it was not as it's been characterized to the court and then it in fact it started earlier than what they say all right over Mr say down I just want to make sure that we're clear from at least 2020 me and Mr W friends at least that time period okay I'm not talking about so no no no I just I want to be clear because my credibility is being evaluated here right we were friends we hung out prior to November of 2021 in November of 2021 I hired him I do not consider our relationship to have become romantic until early of 2022 CU I don't know what date and time I'm saying sometime between February and April of 2022 and very early ail of 2022 cuz I know that trip that I discussed with you was like the first week of 2022 that the relationship had become romantic I hope that answered your question but I can't have it where you know we're saying something differently all right so you establish the timeline as you put it the question originally was at the time at that time did you tell any other prosecutors on the I never tell people at work who I'm dating all right Mr s okay did you take take any trips to DC with Mr Wade never did you ever did you take okay so you have no what I would call personal trips or business trips to DC with Mr Wade I never went to DC with Mr Wade personal business otherwise never okay so I've never been in the District of Columbia with Mr Wade or Maryland Virginia the DMV as they called it so as I understand it to be clear any trips that you would have taken to C DC that was a pretty clear answer huh that was a pretty clear answer she just said no
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 345,627
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Id: CZe-6v4gIXg
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Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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