Fani Willis Has Tense Questioning With Lawyer Asking About Nathan Wade

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ask you questions that you can actually answer without having to explain okay yes sir my comprehension skills are pretty good so we should do all right we shall soon see if I heard you correctly you moved into what I will refer to as the YY condo in NE March or April of 2021 is that correct sometime between late February and April yes I don't just so we're clear yes but in that time period you're you're in the ballpark we're in the ballpark okay and is that yti condo would you say that it is in Hapeville it is in Hapeville yes sir and you moved in there for safety reasons my father uh yes I moved in there my we were concerned my father was terribly concerned about me continuing to live at the house and it so they were clear people came to my house at 5:00 in the morning um about the police brutality cases saying I was going to have a wake up call uh there were security threats due to gang cases and there were concerns due to the um that was at the very beginning of this looking into that and so for all of those reasons and what was happening my father wanted me out the house and um begrudgingly I left okay so the answer to the question was yes for safety reasons correct those were all of the things that caused the safety concerns I'm sorry I'm not questioning whether they are are not safety concerns I just ask that you move moved into this condo y condo for safety reasons right yes okay at the time that you moved into the condo be it from February to April of 2021 was your father still living in your house right because my father that's all I ask you but I I get to explain the answer so I don't know if there's an explanation if I ask you was your father still living at your house the answer is either he was or he wasn't yes but you are going to get to argue at the end of this as we both know I'm not going to argue anything I'm going to ask explain why yes because my father is an older gentleman he was worried about Co and he stayed I'm going to have to say that's second time whenever we have to put a pause we stop testifying okay you don't have a chance to explain yourself the question was whether your father was not staying there at the time and you're clarifying that in your answer as well you can have a brief clarification but it shouldn't be something that reaches well beyond the question all right Mr s you can Reas the question we'll see where it takes us okay thank you was your father still living in your house at the time you moved to what I would refer to as a YY condo yes sir he was due to his concerns related to co okay the safety concern was that there was potential danger at your house is that correct yes my address had been exposed so yes there was concerns about potential danger at my house okay so anyone staying at your house in the time period after you went to the yti condo was still in danger correct yeah well no no no I think you have to uh it's your attorney Miss wellis um sorry Mr B your objection is speculation yes to the question of speculation what is someone was still in danger at her condo I can just let her answer question Mr wants to rephrase no I was able to understand it I've got the objection and then I have I withraw the objection okay so and I'm remember the question so I can answer it but you you can now that the objections been withdrawn can you try to answer that question there's still a safety concern for people staying at the house I yes I was very concerned about my father still living at the house however if you have dealt with an older gentleman he was not leaving the house despite my urging him that I thought he should leave as well he did not want to leave the house cuz he was particularly worried at his age about covid but that became a I don't want to say a I was not happy with that decision of my father's but I can't ultimately make him leave and he stayed there too long in my opinion okay thank you during that period that you left to go to the yery condo did any of your children stay at your house so I don't um I don't think that they were there at that point certainly my baby wasn't there I'm talking about this entire period we're talking about if I remember correctly and you'll correct me I'm sure you said that you stayed there at what I would call the yti condo until January of 2022 correct yes okay so I'm asking you in that period which would be February to April of 2021 until January of 22 did any of your children stay at your house and you don't have to yell at me I'm able to understand so I would ask you to not yell at me that being said I don't actually expressly remember but I can tell you since I have left my home there have been times my oldest daughter came in but I can't tell you with certainty the time window that you've said if they did or not so I don't want to speculate to that but there was some time that my oldest daughter came back whether it was that period or after I left the Yodi residence I'm not sure okay okay so the if if I continue to go into more detail on this you're not going to be able to give me an answer of whether or not in fact any of your children were still at the house or stayed at your house during that time period correct what I can give you Clarity of so that we are clear is from the time I moved out in February is of 2021 um after I left there there was a time period that my oldest daughter came back but if you're asking me was it in that window or after I just don't have a recollection of that cuz you know your kids come and they go and so I don't remember the specific time period and I apologize for that did your children ever stay with you at the yti condo uh like maybe a night like for a girl night or something but live with no did anyone else stay with you at the YY condo including Miss YY never miss Yi never lived in the condo she met her husband and they moved they weren't quite married but they moved nobody ever lived with me in the condo that was a my word was my word was stayed not Liv stayed with you at the condo I guess I don't understand the distinction but no one ever my I think my baby's my oldest child I think she spent one night with me maybe my oldest and my youngest but I think that whole time I was in that place other than that one night I don't think anyone ever um that was a very lonely period in my time life I don't think anyone ever spent the night other than maybe one night I remember a picture of my baby sitting on the couch in that place and I'm thinking she spent that night but just a very lonely time in life okay we'll stay with the lonely theme just for a minute did Nathan Wade visit you at the yery condo from the time you moved in until he was hired on November the 1st of 2021 so I moved out uh of that condo but during that time period yeah I'm sure he came to visit uh he came to visit I can remember us going I think the restaurants licky split I can remember him picking me up going to lick split and EA ordering some food and coming and sitting at my table and eating so I remember times that he visited me at that condo yes because you give us an approximation of how many times Mr Wade visited you at the condo between the time you moved in and prior to November 1 of 2020 I don't think often but I don't I don't want to speculate can we say more than five more than 10 I'm going to tell you the problem I'm having here let's say more than 10 but I'm not sure that that's even accurate uh he certainly has come and picked me up want to grab some food to eat I don't remember him being in that condo a lot okay that's I don't I'm sorry you want to number and what I don't want to do giving me your your current and best recollection is all I'm asking for that's all I can give you sir how many times did any of the prosecution team how how many times did Anna cross come to that condo between the time you moved in and November 1st of 2021 I don't think an has ever been to that t what about any other prosecutor that's involved in the prosecution of this case I don't think any of them have just Mr Wade that's correct sir but it was a lonely time oh my God that yeah that 2021 uh I have a lot of guilt about this time period in my life let me tell you why but yes it was a lonely time okay I was very appreciative to the citizens for giving me this responsibility and this duty but what I very very quickly learned is that this is a very isolating job and 2021 was a lonely time I turned 50 in 2021 that's probably one of the worst birthdays I've ever had spin it alone so I have a clear recollection of 2021 being lonely okay did Mr Wade ever come visit you at the condo the time period I'm talking about prior to November of 2021 When Miss YY was at the condo so miss Yi and me were we didn't share the condo at the same time so the answer would be no well we never stayed there together so it's an impossibility it's an impossibility yeah okay now miss so that Miss YY because we need to get clarification on this Miss YY stayed in that place there may have been a time that me and Mr Wade visit like went saw Miss YY but me and Miss YY never lived there together just so we're clear well maybe that was clear but I'm going to have to try again okay was Miss YY still living in the condo when you moved in not a day okay so what I'm talking another misrepresentation in this we never Liv together I I never lived with Miss y my question though I'm trying to understand that after you moved in to the condo Miss yti had been she was out of the condo right she got a house that's all I'm asking she's not in the condo she is we never stay Miss YY and I never stay a day together in the condo all of her stuff was out of the condo and all my stuff some of my stuff not all of it obviously was moved into the condo so we never stayed there together no sir all right so when I asked you about Mr Wade visiting the condo you were staying there yes Mr YY wasn't staying there correct that would be correct yes she wouldn't be at the condo correct no she would not have been it would be you and Mr Wade alone at the condo correct yes that is there weren't any other witnesses to Mr Wade and you at the condo correct yes no security none of your security detail object she said it was just her and Mr Wade you made your point Mr s let's move on to the next one
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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