LEAKED AUDIO: Fani Willis Whistleblower WARNED DA About Misuse of Campaign Funds, THEN WAS FIRED

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bombshell new audio appears to show a whistleblower privately warned in battle Georgia da fonnie Willis that her top Aid was abusing federal funds now in the audio Willis appears to agree with this whistleblower and say that she'd look into it yet a little less than two months later the staffer who raised the concerns was fired let's take a listen to that audio he told everybody in front of Crystal Deontay everybody we're going to get MacBooks we're going to do the we're going to get swag we're going to use it for travel I said you cannot do that it's a very very specific Grant took me off I question Junior da there's kids in there from out of the the um the county all this took me off Junior da I did not want to do it he made it look as if I wasn't doing what I needed to do because I questioned him because I knew for a fact Mr cuty respect did not know what he was doing period so I respect that as your assessment um it was clear to me that you and Mr cuffy were not getting along and I'm not saying that your assessment is wrong I want you to really listen to the words I'm saying cuffy and this is my personal opinion to one woman to another is dangerous to your Administration yeah so the implication here is that this whistleblower came forward about another employee who wanted to misuse Grant funds and and after coming forward in that kind of you know nervous heated excited way that we just heard she was the one that was ultimately fired now you also did hear fonny Willis say I know that you guys have been having trouble at work so this is a snippet of a broader circumstance who knows there's other reasons that people could be fired sometimes people are substantively in the right with their employment problems that absolutely out strip the conflict that issue here who knows absolutely we should proceed cautiously this so this whistleblower who was fired um spoke to the Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon and provided this audio but I have to say what's alleged in here is extremely serious um what the Whistleblower says is that this Grant and The Whistleblower worked uh doing uh in the da in FY wills's office doing work with um nonviolent juvenile offenders um you know this is important work um that they received a grant from the federal government earmarked for the creation of a center of Youth Empowerment and gting prevention again that sounds like a very worthy cause for Public Funding and and what she says is this this other employee Michael cuffy wanted to use it to purchase swag computers and travel um to you know misuse funds for the greater enjoyment of the office and she went to fonny wills and said he can't do that that's not what what it's for this is exactly what we want this is what everyone wants when there's misuse of Public Funding for government employees to speak up and report it and say something something about it that's what we all want so good for her for doing that um and fing Willis there is trying to you know put calm her down it's clear this was a you know a difficult workplace that she didn't get along with the person fing Wilson tries to calm her down and then we don't know what happens but she lets her go two months later um a very serious accusation that we would need to learn more about obviously we need to hear the other side of the story but um I'm glad this person has come forward because frankly independent of the Trump case it really doesn't have anything to do with the Trump case it could speak you know further to just fny wil's judgment obviously she's involved in this um other um National story about whether she similarly mispro whether she herself misappropriated public funds by um by hiring her uh her lover at the time who's now divorcing his wife and they are a couple it seems to be and then that he not that hiring him was sessily wrong but then he took her on trips so was in some indirect way a kickback um and that's all coming out um through his own this Nathan Wade his uh divorce um action going on right so again the reason this is a national story at all uh is because there has been a political effort I don't that's not a value judgment I think that's just descriptive a political effort to undermine the Georgia case against Donald Trump by having increased scrutiny at fonny Willis and it's dug up now both the allegation that she hired her lover who was under qualif ified to do the work and overpaid to do the work uh in this kind of a soft you know kind of a kickback scheme and now also that she may have retaliated against a whistleblower again unsubstantiated at this point we don't know if the other person that was whistle blown on was also fired maybe there was a lot of Discord in the office and people had to be fired for interpersonal reasons we really don't know but that does seem to be the implication but in a lot of ways I don't know we don't need this story to know that fonny Willis has already demonstrated bad judgment in the context of um adjudicating Donald Trump Cas if this is true in some ways this is worse it's some the the point is that fonnie Willis even if it was just mere Optics there was an interesting write up in in Politico a few days ago um written by anush uh kadori and they made the argument that you know having a relationship isn't illegal even having a relationship with someone that you're working with even if it's cheating there cheating on their spouse none of those things are illegal whatever you think the ethical implications of them are um but the question is whether or not she he was overpaid and whether or not he was hired when otherwise he wouldn't have been hired because it iner to the personal benefit of fonny Willis which again I think distinguishes it from the Corey Bush case where at least the Congressional budget uh Congressional ethics office looked at this and said well he is qualified to work security for her and he is getting paid a standard amount and she does have these real security needs based on the number of threats that she's getting this fonnie Willis stop is different and the case that this political argument makes is that the the her worst crime is basically how she's addressed it since the Scandal has come out she hasn't taken all the criticisms headon at all she's made these vague Illusions to the fact that she is being attacked for racial for racial reasons and uh this person say at the end of the day you just have to address fraud accusations like this quickly and then deal with it the case can be reassigned to a different prosecutor there's a lot of political interest the Democrats have in resolving this and moving on and instead of doing that she seems to be Treading Water uh she has to make a response filing on February 2nd as I understand it and you know the article says well she's in her rights to wait until then to respond in a more folsome manner but in the interim her reputation is just getting worse and worse and she's taking down with it the Integrity of this important case against Donald Trump and and this whistle I didn't use her name her name but her name is Amanda timson she has been named this isn't an anonymous accusation against uh against um fny Willis she has come forward to present her side of the story she gave audio to support her side of the story you know she's we because I always CAU you can only do so much with people anonymously complaining about the environment in their in their work I mean that's true of whoever the administration is it gets to be a little like the media loves it like oh Insider in ex office says everything's dysfunctional everything's bad and this person's horrible okay well if you're not going to say on the record if you're not going to put your own credibility at stake we can only do so much with it she's come forward which I think is a is a is important in a in a case like this and we would like to hear more about the situation um and it doesn't imp doesn't really impact their argument against Trump but it does look very bad uh rid of her I just can't for the life of me understand why she's not gone already for the sake of the country Democratic doners should be lining up to say I'm going to give you some cushy job elsewhere if you just Ste out in this case and let it proceed because the stakes are just so much higher than you obviously she has I mean sorry I shouldn't say that but the implication is that you know she I mean I don't quite know what the precise mechanism is here would could she recuse herself and they have have appointed some other da to handle it does she need to actually exit the office I don't no I don't think office at all but I think the case can be reassigned when you hand by her at this point um and even if it's not her like move the partner at the very least off of the case but I it just this is so unnecessary why why are we holding on to these two people being involved I just don't get it fun stuff more Rising right after this
Channel: The Hill
Views: 793,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, Biden, Trump, Fani Willis, Nathan Wade, Georgia, Election Fraud
Id: 4utN-SX44R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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