TEN HOURS to replace one sensor! Ford 150 torn to pieces! Evaporator Core replacement.

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hello everybody good day to you and welcome back this is your first time here just welcome i'm glad you're here i know i'm glad to be here what we've got is a 2011 ferd f-150 and uh this has been featured in a few episodes already um last week i put a uh entire new mechanical ac system in this which uh consisted of a compressor condenser um a thermal expansion valve and i flushed out all the lines the compressor had annihilated itself and turned itself into a brown mushy substance which was then passed through the rest of the system anyway that entire system was replaced and i noticed after completing the repair that the ac was actually over performing uh oh fun fact i got my thermometer back to it returned today uh anyway the system was over performing it was uh making center vent temperature right around 20 degrees i think at one point even saw 18 degrees now the reason that this ac system was performing uh so vigorously is that the evaporator temperature sensor i believe the other day was reading 127 degrees now the evaporator is the core unit inside of the hvac box inside of the dash now the temperature of that core should be around 40 50 degrees tops maybe and it was uh the other day reading 127 degrees on the scan tool this morning we're getting 109 degrees and so it's still thinking it's hotter than it actually is now what that's going to do is cause the hvac control module to command the compressor on at 100 duty cycle meaning it won't cycle on and off so it's just going to keep cooling and cooling and cooling and cooling until ultimately it freezes up part of the system and that's what we had experienced uh before which took out the mechanical side of this ac system now i've got the uh as you see here the data pulled up on the scan tool and i've also located the evaporator temp sensor which runs into the box right here off this little wire it's clipped to the top and then that runs off to the hvac control module now according to the labor guide i have to remove the seats center console steering column and dash in order to get this hvac box out of here in order to separate it and then remove and replace the sensor which is plugged into the actual fins of the evaporator however i don't want to do that that's a whole lot of work and a whole lot of expense for a 20 part so i'm gonna try to work around this as best i can now before i get in too deeply with this i just want to kind of prove out that the sensor is in fact faulty if we look here we're looking at a 116 degrees vent temp and i'm gonna go ahead and unplug this guy and remove it from the equation and look at that it's saying negative 40 degrees now that tells me that here's the issue because if there was a short on the harness side anywhere between this connector and any of the wires all the way over to the module or there was a faulty module that reading would not have changed so since i've isolated this component from the rest of the circuit and i got a huge change in the uh in the pid that tells me that this sensor here is in fact faulty now i've already gone and taken the liberty of removing some of the screws that uh that clamp this hvox box together and i'm going to try to separate this enough where i can reach in with some pliers to extract the sensor and hopefully be in a position to install a new sensor in the same location okay let's shed some light on the subject here see if we can see what's going on alrighty so like i said i've already managed to remove one two three four and a fifth one back there five screws that hold this thing together and i'm gonna go in here with a couple of soft plastic wedges and try to open this box up enough hopefully the plastic is pliable enough to give me i mean just an inch will do just enough space to get some needle nose pliers in there so i can extract this sensor right here the replacement of this sensor the book time calls i think for well over 10 hours it's like 10.8 hours or something like that and i want to see if i can achieve the desired results in about two hours if i can that would be great and if i can't then well no harm no foul i suppose but i'm sure the customer would appreciate the chance of saving some money and i would like to save a lot of time because this is a very small insignificant component does a lot of a lot of work and i'd hate to have to pull this entire assembly apart just to get one component out i'm kind of getting some space opened up here i've got about a about 3 8 of an inch from what i can see but if i can just get in there nope just get in there enough where i can fit a tool into this box we're gonna be in business so i think what i'll do is double up on the wedges on this side just to create some pressure and then i'll go in on this side again with that little pry driver and try to open up this clam shell a little bit to gain some space and i've got looks like i've come up with about a half of an inch or so to work with i cannot be too aggressive with it because i gravity if i break the plastic i'm out of i'm out of business here and if i break uh if i break the evaporator core i'm really in trouble okay i've got the wire free out of its mount and it looks like the sensor hope you guys can see looks like the sensor plugs in right around down here somewhere now i can see some of the core right there i could probably insert a new probe into that same location or into one of these visible locations and it would perform as designed but i want to try to uh extract this existing sensor first just so i can get a good look at it okie dokes so i'm not really having the best of time uh trying to fiddle this thing out i can get a pinky finger in there and i can feel where the probe is going into the core but i can't get enough leverage behind that uh behind that probe to pop it out of the car yeah the reason i was trying to get it out is i want to show you guys um kind of what that thing looks like looks like however since i can't get it out i busted out the uh the boroscope camera device it's got a little camera with a light on the end of it and we're going to use this to go inside of here and see what's going on now you can see on the screen there's the evaporator core let's get a better angle for our dangle here and we're moving down in the box now let's move that okay there she is right there see that little square box with the wire sticking out of it well that little box has a thermometer protruding from it which is placed in between the fins on this evaporator core now i can't can't get that thing out the the probe itself is actually probably longer than the amount of space that's between the uh the sensor and the case however that will not be deterring me because i have enough space up here somewhere to install a new probe so what i'll do if i can't get this one extracted i'll just go ahead and cut this wire off and then install a new probe right here at a more accessible area and then connect that one to the control module so i think with the amount of space i've generated right here i'm gonna be able to pull this off without having uh to remove this entire assembly uh from the vehicle so let's get the new one ordered and uh get it plugged in and connected and see how this system performs after there's a new sensor installed all right guys well it looks like no good deed goes unpunished um as i mentioned the uh the temp sensor for this evaporator core is not available separately it's actually part of the evaporator now that can't be replaced unless you get the entire assembly according to ford that's what they told us so i didn't like that answer so what i did is i found a very similar temp sensor this one actually goes to an f250 and i got this uh as a delivery this morning and tried to substitute this one in however the resistance values are way off point and although the old one was reading like 127 degrees at the temps or at the evaporator this one brought it down to about 90. now that's not going to correct the condition so my experiment has failed and unfortunately for me i've got to pull the dash out of this so that's what we're gonna do today um this is probably gonna be a couple more videos this is like a six or seven hour job i think so i i think i can get it all done in one day um but we'll see i've gotta pull i think maybe the seats center console i know the dash has to come out then i can get that evaporator box assembly out of there so this is going to be quite a project so stay tuned enjoy okay first things first i need to start pulling off panels i've got the side panel already off here trim has to come off the kick panel has to come off and then i've got to start just peeling away the onion until there's no more parts left next oh don't want to lose that one that one's different than the rest there's another one right there let's pull these guys out and where's my wire who knows there it is more trim pieces to the pile my technician sense is telling me from the witness marks in these bolts that this has been out of here before all right we moved over here to the driver's side i'm gonna pull some more panels and stuff off as soon as i get the right size socket again try again [Music] and floor trims gotta go because that kick panel has to go pull this guy up goodbye door trim a couple more screws goodbye [Music] this is a little premature to get these but while i'm here i'll pull them out gravity [Music] okay this little plug's got to go for the speaker in the panel panel there goes the clip clip gravity okay next up let's lose this piece of trim here for the uh center console that was easy up and over someone's definitely been here there's missing bolts it's not the first one that i found that has been gone either okay next up is this big piece of trim on the console and the uh the console lid so let's pull that guy out a couple bolts i believe these torques 30. [Music] you are unstuck you are to the pile almost what are you stuck on it's stuck on something nothing it's just more clips that are not unclipping i hope i think got it and another for the pile you go right there okay i need to move the seat forward because there's another bolt way down there to disconnect the center console from the floor so let's roll this thing forward and get it from the back gigging yep there it is that's my guy right there wrong side let's try again with the right socket we got here okay other side moving on forward yep there's the other one goodbye this thing should be free now yeah ish let's go back up front yeah there's one i already got this one's counterpart on the other side uh let's lose the shift cable next because that's hanging up the console here all right so uh i went and threw on the uh head mount for the gopro it's gonna make editing a real pain in the butt however it's going to give me more mobility with my extremities [Music] [Applause] throw those in there [Music] [Applause] now how do i get that cable off that's the question i need a miniature pry bar oh let's turn that gopro on too okay so i need to get this disconnected then it should just push off of the pin there's stage one and then there's a little pin right there that the cable presses onto should just pop off i may need a medium pry bar nope got it okay back to the pile with you oh long lost socket give me that okay there's one harness wiring harness on that which is these guys over here pinched wire all right this piece is pretty big so i'm going to start a new pile take a deep breath then i get real high ooh an amplifier nice okay i found more bolts to remove the wrong socket again where's the right socket i just had it hmm it's hiding [Music] i do believe this bracket's gonna be in my way and if it's not well then i took a couple extra bolts out for no reason clear amplifier you go back over there what uh there we go you go back there in the pile what else we got here to the pile everything goes in the pile okay okay back around to the driver's side again seat back there's something over here kind of hanging up the whole show probably a steering column i think i should pull that out next another wild socket hunt because this is like a five millimeter [Music] little guys right there let's pull this thing apart because i have to disconnect the wiring harness from the column oh goody [Applause] what are you stuck on it's nothing to the pile hope you guys can see oh here one more connector where'd that one go that one goes up here all right so you guys remember where all these things go so i can put them all back okay i don't want to forget anything all right next we need to get the steering shaft off that's a 10 mil and then i think a big 14 and then some t55s this column should come free let's find my 10. hmm not here there it is well that's not going to reach no not like that this one do it yeah oh really that's not gonna reach either we have to use an actual wrench no power snap see if this little guy is gonna fit maybe it will maybe it won't yeah it will that's cool gravity all right reverse click okay i need to back up and get in the seat so i can take the weight of this when it comes free try this okay so left arm is going to hold this up right arm is going to drive the tool and we're going to drop this guy down there goes it fell down i did say drop that's the easy part putting it back is going to suck now we've got to be careful to keep this oriented properly if it uh rotates then it'll break the clock spring behind the steering wheel and uh that would be bad so you just set this down like so actually now i'm going to put it over here so it's safe and i'll lean it up against the tire so it can't really move stay okay there's something holding this up a little bit i'm trying to move it and it doesn't seem to want to come free i think there might be another fastener for the uh the core assembly that holds this to the the chassis or to the cab actually and i think that bolt another bolt i think it's back uh back there somewhere so i'm gonna go ahead and pull this gauge cluster out it's only four more bolts and if i'm wrong then whatever but i can't seem to find what's uh what i'm getting hung up on so i'm just going to keep pulling pieces off until i do i don't think there's anything back here for me to see no no it's not here i wonder where it is yeah see we're just getting stuck on something here oh you know what i see it there is a big fastener way back there so i think i've got to get to it from well from the top down but i can't uh can't see how i'm supposed to do that let's pull more trim off and find out i just realized that this thing kind of hinges down so let's pull that back and well i can see the two bolts back there they're far away how do i get to them does this come off i don't know hmm a little confused here all right well i'll just take uh more pieces apart and add those to the pile yeah they're damn things are way back there but how do i get to them this i don't know i know there's a way oh just right down through that hole okay i'm silly uh wow yeah my line of sight was blocked it's whatever [Music] okay that's gonna be a little tough let's try a different extension combination that one is just too long and it will be hitting the window that one's a little too short but i i guess it'll do [Music] go baby go here it comes okay and if i reach down with my fingies i dropped it it's okay i can get it from here now there's one that's a big one uh [Music] [Music] there it is okay let's go to the other side because if there's two bolts here just hold that on i imagine that there's two more over on that side okay yeah there is one more bolt right way down there i can i can barely barely feel it maybe if we go around to the outside i can see it from that angle but yeah there it is right down there i don't know if i can really reach it let's try that oh yeah i can barely see it that's clever crack let's not break the glass [Music] here it comes [Music] oh there goes the dash all right okay most important part let's take the keys and put them somewhere safe like right there to the pile with that and i think it's totally free now there may be a couple wire connections i need to remove but yeah this thing's it's free okay now is the scary part getting this out of here that's gonna be a two-man job all right let's nudge this thing back some and see if i have any wires oh i got a crapload of them that need to come come out yeah all these connections here have to have to come loose let's see i'll reach into the glove box there we go hope i'm not blocking the view if i am i'm just removing the wire harness connections from the dash to the rest of the harness i think we got all of it yeah it's uh it was these guys right here let's see next up i need to lose this wire okay i think all the wires are disconnected now i i just got the uh gps and the antenna wire off i think that's all of them on this side let's head over to the other side and uh get the next ones after that we've got a popping z hood and discharge the ac and disconnect the heater core lines and then i'll be able to pull this hvac box assembly out of the vehicle okay this side's all cleared up i had two more connections three more down here at the bottom um but everybody on this is disconnected this whole assembly is now free i'm gonna go fetch a healthy helper and we're gonna walk this thing out of the truck okay let's get this thing out of here okay so it's free we just got to nudge it in this direction in my direction just a little bit oh i lied it's not free yep you can set it back down i'll call you later there's there's another there's a hose connection in the back ah man all right okay all right so i found the wiring harness that was hanging me up it's this one right here uh trouble is it's run underneath of this uh hvac ducting right here and i can't get it to come out so i think i'm gonna have to pull this seat out right here so i can pull the carpet up so i can pull the ducting out so i can pull the wiring harness out so i'll be back in just a second once i get all that stuff removed okay front two bolts are out um if anybody asked why didn't uh or was wondering why didn't disconnect the battery this is why because i have to move some of the stuff around periodically in order to service this particular piece of equipment and two more bolts right here pop that cover the mini pry bar that one more there [Music] oh that's a long one all right goodbye seat connector you stay there okay i'm not going to take the seat belt off i think i have enough here to just kind of swing this out and set it down over here i think we're gonna find out [Music] yeah that's good right there okay now i didn't give him really myself any extra room to do anything except maybe pry up on this okay bigger pry bar i'm not prying on anything with this i just need something to uh hold this ducting up a little bit so i can fish the uh this wiring harness out so i'll stick it in there and rotate it in the curvature of the rod will give me just the right amount of contact i hope or clearance i should say to pull this out i think yeah ford built-in tool trays check that out look at this big ol mess i just needed a connector right here that's all it needed one connector this thing is oh it's attached it's attached to something i can feel it with my fingers i'm gonna unattach it i know you guys can't see i can't see there it is that's that's what was hanging us up this little clip right here shove that in there let's get my pry bar back so nothing becomes deformed to the pile [Music] okay let me go fetch my healthy helper be right back all right uh help me walk this guy out of here um right there in the pillar there's one bolt holding it in okay see that yeah pull that little bolt out and it's as soon as you pull that bolt out it's gonna take the weight's gonna come at you so be be careful because this thing's kind of heavy um just put on the floor so we'll show up and go ahead and climb out climb out because you're gonna need that foot space a little look behind it make sure it's not stuck ready everything good yeah just bring it this way a little bit now yo or you can climb right through that works woo all right and then just set her down like so okay this is the prize right here this is the hvac box we've got the heater core the blend door actuators there's one one there one actuator over here the ducting uh the evaporator core is housed right here in this section uh there's another door actuator that's the mode door yeah all kinds of goodies in this thing um okay so before this comes out i think i need to remove this bracket because all these wires are going to stay on the cab so that's got to come off shouldn't be too much trouble yeah all these little wire connections have to go that one this one that one over there then i need to go under the hood discharge the ac and disconnect the coolant lines from this heater core right here so that's what [Applause] okay so under the hood there i have the uh heater core lines disconnected i have the ac refrigerant system discharged and there are three bolts that hold it in or nuts rather hold it in from that side and i think there was the one and two and one down below that hold it in on this side so the thing is free we'll go ahead and peel it out of here and uh get ready to take it apart that stuff's gross let's uh let's get that out of here goodbye okay now it kind of hinges down and around and into this ducting right here oh there we go that was easy just got to remember to repeat the same maneuver as it goes back together what is this hmm it doesn't go there but okay yep there's the seal for the drain that's the drain tube i'll have to figure this out that's uh that's not good okay well gravity handled that uh okay let's go get this over on a on a workbench and uh take it apart and dig the evaporator out of here come on out what a wreck all right guys that's gonna wrap up episode one of this evaporator core replacement have no fear my next posting will be the replacement of the components on the hvac box and reinstallation of the dash i hate to leave you hanging but this was a very very in-depth job and there is no way i was going to be able to stick this all in one video but that being said have no fear the next posting will be the reinstallation of this hvac box after i replace the evaporator core that being said i'd like to thank everybody here for watching this video i certainly do appreciate it the only thing i would ask of you is that if you like this video please let me know by tapping tapping that like button down below and dropping me a comment or two so again and as always thank you guys for watching and most importantly don't forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 465,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9L790WEys9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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