I QUIT! It's over! Forever Job! 2012 Avalanche 5.3

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[Music] hello everybody good day to you welcome back glad you are here this is the transmission from a 2012 Chevrolet Avalanche you can see it's four wheel drive I've got this on the bench right now and uh we just finished up digging out those nasty broken off rusted in exhaust manifold bolts and I am now in a position yeah see that one there these ones were nasty I'm now in a position where uh I can go ahead and start prepping the back of this engine block and we can get that rear main seal and uh and the cover reinstalled if you missed any of the videos on this particular truck including the tear down and disassembly uh no worries just check this video's description and there will be a series of links down there in chronological order that can take you back in time to the previous operations on this particular truck so that being said let's go ahead and wipe this down get all the oil off of it uh we're gonna go ahead and get that rear cover unboxed and reinstalled and then we're going to proceed to get the transmission reinstalled in this on this vehicle so stay tuned because this is gonna be a very good video opening Z Hood oh yeah yeah yeah one more disclaimer also I did not record the oil pan gasket replacement on this truck I've done several of those operations before so if you wish to see one of those I will also include a link uh probably to an H2 Hummer down in this Video subscription I will show you the LS engine oil pan removal cleaning and installation procedure ending of Shameless self-promotion now opening Z Hood [Music] all right we're coming in with our replacement rear cover you can see it's got the crankshaft steel seal installed this little spacer thing is designed to allow the seal to slip over the crank without getting hung up and twisted which is good there is a gasket that runs around the perimeter of it as well as that top oil Galley up there so what we need to do is Sneak this guy into position snap it into place and we will cinch it down with the back oil pan bolts that way we create a good seal right here at the back of this uh oil pan gasket and then we can get the remainder of the bolts installed and we can get this thing torqued down to spec now first things first we need to make sure that the corners on this pan are free and clear of debris if I can't get some light in here make sure this right here this area in particular and this area in particular are clean clear dirt debris and oil and then we have to add some sealant to these Corners that way oil cannot Wick out along all these scenes where they meet up right here so I'll just get that really real good with a towel nice and shiny that's good a little bit right there clean that up and we can go ahead and get a little uh dab of sealant installed yeah nothing crazy just whoa that was too much something that was something crazy yeah a little bit of RTV came out faster than what I expected oops that's a little much but it'll smear out when uh when we tighten everything down a little bit over here in that corner press that stuff in real nice like that's good that side's good okay we can go ahead and get that cover in okey-dokes cover coming in let's see how this is gonna go we have to get it at a slight angle [Music] at first all right we're committed now okay the cover is over the rear over the rear seal this is good a little bit more a little more a little more terrific let's get some of these bolts threaded so it can't pop back off that would be bad [Music] all right she's in position wonderful okay so first things first it's going to be the two super long bolts that come up through the oil pan and then pull this unit down in order to make a seal here at the oil pan gasket and we need to get that ASAP and first because if we don't get these bolts in position then uh we could end up with a leak right here right where we started from oh you're not gonna go and as soon as I can pull this thing down tight against the oil pan gasket will go up around the rest of the perimeter and uh get all the cover bolts in see how it squeezed out that residual oil that was between the pan gasket and uh in the actual pan itself that's what that was no harm though that's not going to affect the ceiling that was just oil that was between here and it just kind of squirted out when we pulled that thing down but it looks terrible so I'm gonna wipe that off we don't want that goodbye squeezed out oil perfect all right now let's run around the rest of the perimeter of this cover and get the rest of these bolts uh tightened down a little bit oh by the way this new cover came with new bolts which is really cool because that allows me to add to my Fastener collection [Music] that one there [Music] you'll notice I didn't load this thing up full of silicone all the way around it we don't need a sealant on everything especially in places where there's already a seal foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so far so good okay Ducks torque wrench time uh we're not doing actual clicks we're doing BP clicks because I felt like using this one we're doing 22 foot pounds of torque [Music] 19. 21. [Music] and 22 it's not there yet 21.8 22.006 got it okay 22.06 foot pounds of torque you guys see that yep another let's do this one next right here [Applause] one more recheck just make sure I didn't miss any yep we're all good it's everybody's torque 22 foot pounds of torque this is good now we're in a position to go ahead and grab that trans and get that guy reinstalled let's roll it on over [Music] transmission cam first time for everything whoa this thing does not like to drive straight we're all over the road all right let's get this guy spun around point in the right direction here and we can get her lifted up and bolt it back together moving on up one inch at a time [Music] remember the tail shaft has to go over that cross member first and then it's got to go up and uh off to the right which is going to be back from our point of view and then we can get the uh the bell housing to clear the back of the oil pan well that didn't work you guys okay okay we are we're super close I'm kind of pushing it back and we're gonna go up and over that cross member and then we'll swing this side over here around and made it up to the back of the engine we need to give it all the upset it's got all the way up [Music] all right we're kind of in the home stretch we're uh I'm just going to turn this straighten it out and then bring it up the rest of the way and we can meet up with the uh the bell housing or the bell housing and we'll meet up with the back of the engine all right we're pretty close we're getting there a little bit more up and then I'll get the lean back to the rear one more time and once it's leaned to the rear we can get everything lined up this is good [Music] foreign back up the whole time I'm looking around making sure nothing's being pinched smashed bent displaced Etc because I don't want to pull this out again my concept's also going to go for the brackets and all the wires that are up at the top you don't want to pitch that stuff between the bell housing and the engine block that's a bad day okay we're looking good everywhere let's move her forward some there we go let's get real close to the uh oh holy smokes I forgot the flex plate that oh my God that could have been so horrible yeah my brain's fried hang on redo I'm just gonna sneak it in there real quick I can't believe that yeah that could have been the most epic failure ever of epic failures I can't believe that just happened oops let's see now I can't see where the bolts line up on this thing this makes this harder and I'm not taking that transmission back out so so no yep and we're gonna be okay thanks to the 90 degree impacting tools we'll be able to get in there and get these guys tight I threw some thread lock on them so no worries still gonna be a tight squeeze [Music] I cannot believe I almost did that that would have been so terrible put everything back together and look over and I go to put the torque converter bolts in and there's no flex plate what a nightmare I think my brain's fried no more critical thinking for me or planning lick oh slip that one come here these super shallow sockets don't really grip that well they're good sockets but they don't have loads of a holding power nor do the bolts that go into this uh flex plate here [Music] crisis averted again okay now that I have figured out what I'm doing here let's go ahead and run this trans back up and we'll get the dowel pins aligned and we'll start securing this thing to the engine [Music] okay A little bit of wiggling a little bit of up let's move our wiring harnesses and brackets out of the way a little bit more up we're pretty close [Music] the angle's not right but so far so good we're really close again we're trying to get this hole lined up with that PIN and once I get it close I'll run one of the bolts in and just to secure it all and then we'll go to the other side and do the same thing we'll get one bolt in it to uh make sure it's lined up I need to get the tail up a little higher let's kind of I'm dragging [Music] it's pretty close a little bit more [Music] there we go I wonder if I just kind of give it a push [Music] it's like so close one more push there we go okay that one slid in that's perfect let's put a bolt in it so it can't slide back out so what I'm doing is I'm rotating this knob and that's going to move the platform and it's going to rotate the transmission this way to bring that uh that bolt into alignment with the uh the hole because right now it's It lines up but it's at an angle so we just need to rotate this thing to bring that angle proper and then we can get that one bolt in we don't need to run it all the way down we just want to keep the thing from uh from being able to twist and turn and torque there we go a little more it's pretty close it's pretty good I got about two and a half turns into it I can't turn it by hand let me put a little uh a small wrench on it just to get one like one more turn out of this like I said the goal is not to tighten this down it's just to prevent the transmission from enabling being able to back off and come off of that pin that's all I'm trying to achieve here soon as that head of this Bolt bottoms out on the bell housing that'll be enough to kind of hold the thing okay let's get the other side aligned real quick and then we can push this thing forward and get it all mated together all right let's go over here to the passenger side and again we can there's our pin here is there's the hole right there and we just need to get that pin in hole made it together and then again one more bolt here just to kind of draw it all in now make no mistake I'm not uh [Music] [Applause] a little bit more I'm not over here um using these bolts just to just hope for the best and pull this stuff together I'm just using them to allow the pins to align and then once our pins are good we can draw it in there are many that say you know you can't just run bolts into it and and just cinch the thing down and hope for the best and they're correct you don't want to do that but once those pins are in place and the thing is sitting flush and you're good okay that pins uh pretty much right on point so that's good still isn't super tight perfect nice everything's flush this is good [Music] looking up I'm rechecking to make sure nothing's pinched in between and uh from this side we're good and from this side we're good all right now we can go ahead and get the rest of the bolts in and continue reassembly so here's what I'm going to do in an effort to drastically reduce how long this thing is going to be I'm going to fast forward past all these bolts and whatnot and uh we're just going to skip ahead a little bit Okie dokes we've fast forwarded through time a little bit dipstick tubes in bell housing is bolted together I got I have all the electrical conductors connected I've got the lines on their brackets those guys are bolted in so all of the uh the unsolar equipment that bolts onto this trans has been installed uh next up it's time to go ahead and get that exhaust set up and fitted so I pretty much made an entire video about extracting all of those uh damaged and broken off nuts bolts and studs and whatnot I've got those guys all removed the threads are all still intact in the flanges I cleaned that up a little bit so let's go ahead and get the pipe we'll fit that thing into position and then I'll put the new studs in and I'll run the bolts down nuts and we can get that exhaust installed now I've got a pair of fresh gaskets here so you'll notice that they're different one slips into oh hang on that one goes on the manifold this one goes into that flange right there so let's get that thing pressed in there yep and if you recall we had to remove this to gain access to one of those bolts so I'll take it back out we'll set this thing aside and then back over to the truck and we can put this uh I call it the donut gasket we'll slide that guy back in good to go come on why pipe let's get this thing up into its home here let's see how this is gonna go up and over this giant crossmember bracket here and it's not fitting that way let's try again there okay let's get this pushed up a little higher and I can get this flange around two of these studs and that's gonna secure this unit kind of uh sorry guys I know y'all can't see I'm getting one of the nuts on right now that way it can't fall out and smash me oh you totally can't see oh man and the lens fell off this is bad I hit you with an exhaust so as I was saying I got one of the I have one of the nuts on so now it can't fall out let's go over here to the driver's side and we'll put the studs in and the nuts all right let's thread these bad boys in [Music] they're not going to be too happy about going in there those holes were well they've been through a lot hmm I'm gonna have to uh readjust this strategy right here that's how I'm gonna do this I think I have no choice but to do it like this because I can't get those really to run down very far so I'll get them started and then I'll put the nut on them and then perhaps the nut will have enough friction to run the studs in on the uh on the flange side or the manifold side rather you know I probably could have installed these studs uh prior to putting this pipe up and maybe I should have I didn't realize this is gonna hose me an extra extra problem we'll figure it out no worries send it [Music] it's actually not too bad if I hold up a new stud I can see here that it's got full thread engagement and I can feel the stud on the uh on the back side so I guess that's okay um [Music] let's see well I know I'm gonna turn the stud into a bolt I'll flip it around and then it has no choice because it's going to bottom out the nut right there at that unthreaded section you'll have no choice but to run that stud all the way up that's what I'll do I'll just do it uh backwards get on there [Music] gravitas as Latin for gravity [Music] Go baby go yep that's what we want to see that's what I'm gonna do let's give this thing the reach around treatment here and get that back stud DED and run down [Music] okay it's going in this is good very good manifold click [Music] that's hot okay I'm gonna flip this stud too okay the stud and nut are flipped let's get this guy in [Music] threading now there we go send it [Music] okay that's too tight we got this one right here number three all right that flange is on okay we're up on the flange on the other side ah this is the hard to reach one let's get that guy started there we go okay that's two started and then we have to thread the stud and one nut on this side see if I can get this guy started in there these ones I cannot put in backwards I don't think all right I shouldn't really [Music] no no I'm gonna have to yeah I'm gonna have to run that one in threads are still pretty rough on the flange side also they're not stripped but they're just loaded full of rust and they're deformed there we go okay let's get that nut started and then we can run uh run all these ones down and we're good here nice that felt good that felt good sure okay the last one you can't see slippage all right that one's in let's tighten these down the rest of the way [Music] nice all right exhaust is reinstalled Let's uh while we're here let's go in there move the starter out of the way get the torque converter bolts installed and then we'll put that starter back okay so what we're gonna do is we're looking back into the transmission again you see the bolt there I'm going to reach around the flywheel and I'm going to turn that torque converter until I see bolts and looky there there's one right there there's the threads see that I know it's uh tough to see but I got one of them lined up so let's uh let's get that first uh torque converter bolt threaded in and then we'll uh we'll rotate the unit around and get the other two okay bolt number one's ready to go in it has a [Music] foreign lock on it and it fell down hang on I gotta get that started by hand I cannot do it with the machinery to get that thing started that's going in thread it down and I'm not going to tighten it all the way because we have to get the other two torque converter bolts lined up so what'd I do there it is what we need to do is get this guy up on the crank and we're going to rotate this crankshaft 120 degrees not 33 120 degrees we're just going to spin this guy around until that other bolt comes into position or the hole rather and then when that thing's lined up right about here we'll get the next one installed see thread lock please right there yay it's kind of a lot yeah fling it I hear a Volkswagen okay that one's in thread that guy in real quick and we need to turn that crank slightly there we go and we will torque it we'll get the final torque in a minute once they're all three installed spin it around spinning spinning another 120 degrees or 33.33333333 of a circle that's what I meant more thread lock and that one's also threaded all right ran that one down and now I can apply some torque to that unit okay we're reaching up with the ratchet and I've got to apply torque with one hand and I've got to hold the crank with the other hand see how I can do this here this isn't in like its most perfect position ever it'll slip off but I think we got it here all right and click all right there's one another 120 degrees turning turning turning there's the bolt it's exposed [Music] all right coming up to torque but it came off hang on try again there we go one more eighth of a turn perfect [Music] last one now not all engines have just three some have uh some have five some F6 I don't know if any have four I'm sure there's one out there but uh this particular one has three Chum getting toy and kick all right torque converter is installed let's go ahead and get that starter in position here tired of looking at it come on down starter right there we do need to get this plastic cover in before we put that starter in that just kind of slips up in position there and then bolts to the oil pan right there stay by the way those are very often forgotten and I don't do it but I find these all the time when they're missing this little cover foreign there's actually two one for both sides all right starter [Music] what are you doing there come on get in why are we not going with this problem there got it okay starter bolt number one coming in let's push this thing in position first before I try to run this bolt in I would love to not cross thread this uh we're already sideways hang on here there now we're not sideways we're straightways foreign I'm losing it losing control of my situation here [Music] guys I think winter time's over it's getting a little warmer around here I'm sweating my first sweat in mini sweats many moons there's one okay both starter bolts clicked okay moving back a little bit Let's uh let's go ahead and get the cross member for the transmission installed I've got to raise this up a little bit I think but I can get the two bolts on for the trans mount that will hold this thing get those in oh come on please thread there it goes okay here's one [Music] okay now I'll just use the uh the post Jack right here to raise this up so I'm okay a couple bolts four of them actually let's get two of them and there's one and then we'll get one over here on this side foreign there we go sweet now we're safe let's get the other two bolts in and the nuts and we'll tighten everything down then we can move on to the drive shafts all the nuts are in angular kicks two and of course two more over here on the passenger side loud we go and last but not least 15 in the 15. actually let me let the weight of this trans down on the mount first I'd hate to pull the studs out of the mount that would be bad it's tight trans is secure it's bolted in onto the drive shaft all right moving back let's get our drive shaft installed here we're gonna do the uh the yolk end first slip that guy in the back of the trans [Music] there's no master spline here so it just kind of goes in as it as it sees fit there we go all right now back here [Music] let's get this thing lined up extended and seated perfect okay we've got two straps four bolts let's get these guys started we'll run these down and then torque them and uh then we can go ahead and get the front drive shaft in like we're uh we're almost in the home stretch here which is fantastic put that guy in okay I'll do this the same way I removed it put a pry bar in there to hold everything and then we'll give it some torque with a wrench and I'm going to make sure that the uh this little strap is bottomed out on the yoke looks good there let's get this one tight it's kind of tough to gauge tightness when everything's all rusted okay two more here try to switch hands get noodle arm I'm noodly right there good all right drive shafts in let's get the front shaft next actually before we put that front drive shaft in I need to put this thing back in park and then get the shift lever installed you'll notice it was turning very freely because I have it neutral so two clicks that's Park that slides on and then a another 15 mil nut there we go [Music] nice place all right coming in beginning shaft insertion now about so wiggle that thing in come on Chef is there a master's line what is it there it goes got it you know well we're here I'm just gonna throw some grease in there couldn't hurt there you go skid it all in there in that snack here okay all right up here on the front side of our shaft you just pry this guy in position give it a Twist get in there okay front drive shaft set up two more straps four more bolts now that trans doesn't have to be in neutral for this to rotate because the transfer case is always in neutral I misspoke the front drive shaft is not engaged or neutral unless you uh have it in four-wheel drive which you should not you should have that in too high until you need four high or four low I don't know what's wrong with people that run around thinking they can drive around in four high all the time that's uh that's not okay I'm gonna break some stuff [Music] get in there all right guys we are nearly finished here but there is one critical step that we completely forgot to handle and that is on oiling the oil spill ah the fans pointed at me hang on that was a dumb idea hey you know what let's we're just gonna go over here we need to we're getting flames need to maneuver aggressive Maneuvers evasive evasive aggressive maneuvers you got to get all that oil out of here you can't can't ship it with a oil drips and whatnot that'd be terrible I hear it all right goodbye we don't need another uh thank you Okie dokes trucks coming down let's get her on the ground fill it up with oil and then we can finally start in the engine now I'm not completely finished uh with this thing just yet I still have a sway bar on the ground I need to put back in [Music] and I'm also going to do a couple services on this uh one of which is going to be the transmission fluid exchange I might make a video about that I might not this one is just going to be comprised primarily of uh this oil leak repair operation now listen I'm not putting Amazon oil in this and I'm certainly not putting 520 in this I'm just using this jug as a transfer jug pouring things okay we've got six quarts installed check the level later let's get the battery reconnected and then we may restarting the engine with that guy in there [Music] um okay battery cable clicks coming in a couple turns with 10 Milli lock this down and then we may restart the engine you guys nervous it's a lot of work we just did I'm not nervous it's either gonna work or something's gonna tear up and I gotta do it all over again all right restarting [Music] it is alive all right do we have oil pressure there it is we have a little pressure taking a look down below what is that an air pump something to make a noise thank you stop all right let's run this thing back up and inspect it for leaks move them back up [Music] all right taking a look well we're getting a lot of smoke coming off the exhaust that's just all that oil and whatnot it's gonna start burning away as this thing heats up no leaks here like I mentioned we did an oil pan gasket on this as well there's no leaks up here it's all looking Cherry I love it again I need to spray that off foreign put together bolted in good to go this is a resounding success electronics are connected here exhaust is clamped on no exhaust leaks there no leaks up at the manifolds on either side that is good super duper this is a resounding success a lot of work but we got through it all right guys uh all that being said I'm going to close this video out we're done so for this one as always like to thank you for watching this video hope you enjoyed this video or this series of videos if you missed any of the other episodes again this is part three uh the links for the other episodes will be down in this video's description down below there's also a bonus video in there where I'm torching out all these other nasty studs and bolts and nuts and whatnot and that was a lot of fun I took all day so I had to make an entire video about that anyway I'm rambling on if you want to see any of those of the other stuff on this truck again just check the links down below it'll take you back in time you can see everything else in Greater detail so again and as always thank you for watching this video and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later end of Chevrolet Avalanche
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 346,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fhWJR_hTFqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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