Tekken 8 SteamDeck 60 FPS Settings & ALL STAGES TESTED

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hello everyone quick video today not going to get into it and I'm just going to show how you can play Taking eight on your steam deck I just figured it out so I might as well just make a quick video about it so we have to go to properties compatibility layer and we have to force here G proton 27 others might work as well well I tried Proto experimental and hot fix didn't work and then I went to this and it works with 27 it was the only thing that was working otherwise I will get a fatal error so we going to hopefully hope that it doesn't cross doesn't S the set again I'm using an external controller so the camera can focus and usually after here you will get the fatal error on the steam deck but since it works with proton G they will get on with it and fix the situation and I'm pretty sure that they're going to make it verified soon all right so I was able to somehow accomplish 60 FPS this is just the first settings that I could find them working on 60 FPS I will probably be able to F tune them later but as you can see here the sync off viable rate setting off 65% render scale TSR and everything on low you may be able to play a little bit with a texture if you like better texture and you will have to play a little bit more with the Rend the scale if you want that but the the screen honestly is small so I don't know how much difference you're going to see I hope I will be able in the future to make something that works just fine overall okay go right now Zoom Kazama and I'm going to show a couple of stages first I'm going to show the one that I know it worked and if we see something that we don't like on the frame rate we will just go back and Che uh what we can do about it so we can have 60 for most of the stages oh it even has vibration okay d as you can see I'm a missa scrab and yeah whatever I'm not going to I'm not going to pretend though it's the controller I'm just bad the taking pretty new but as you can see here I I just wanted to play a little bit so you can see the motion as well that it keeps being on 60 it's not like just for a moment now let's see if it does the same on the just need to find play raids raids okay yeah I need to check the ra Arts also okay there was a little bit of a deep but it could be just compiling it dropped a little bit there a bit but hopefully with this net code you won't suffer too much from it hopefully okay damn here here here electric God win fist is pretty cool and this this one is pretty cool too yeah her hit is pretty cool okay so let's go now to let's see if we can quick select okay we can quick select immediately which stage we want so we can keep the same characters going on I we just check all the stages if we get 60 FPS and which we done with these settings and find unit later so there is a little bit of a drop here when the big thing is happening there is a lot of things going on in the background on this stage as you can see it's not really the people but the effects okay let's just show it a little bit more okay yeah it keeps fluctuating a little bit okay so we can see already that this stage not the best with these settings let's check if this going to be the same too get ready for the next battle now I may be a bad player right as you can see but I do understand that it's important that all the stages have some kind of stable situation because if you don't then if you play rank then you're going to have some issues uh there is a chance that things will just get better with updates but we're not above it to like not change it this is more stable there's no people there is a couple of effects but this is definitely like the the better for us there is a smoke behind so far there's no huge things going on outside of this let's test the ra up as well but it also could be in many things when we see the fluctuations and the frame rate many things as well it can be that it's still compiling things on the stage so there is that like it could get better the more you play but there's going to be a limit to how much it will have to build up the saders by the way again I'm using the disable frame limit and the command like I saw yesterday on the undernight video and I'm going to include the command on this one too as well so if you want to put the L command you will have it there as well okay I think this overall is way better it's uh like almost 60 all the time now let's go to the urban Square get ready we also have to take a look a little bit on the consumption of the wat because when we see that it reaches like to 24 25 we understand that the Apu is on its limit right by the way for any uh questioning I'm using cry utilities 2 and I'm also using 4 gab vram oh look at that cool nice one day will be able to have three I think this is more of the one more polish stages because if I remember well it was on the demo as well and we see also that it didn't really fluxate a lot like the other stages when your rard was going on okay so let's go I I think this pretty much sold right pretty much sold that it's uh 58 to 60 most of the time don't really see any issue in this stage let's move on because small frame rate issues it's it's not as too bad but the problem is when you have stages like the first one we saw actually the second one we saw that it had a little bit of like 50 55 okay so this one is like that as well so it has to be the thing surrendering on the background for this stage it gets better but it gets worse again so it's not stable 60 you can see the fluctuation there with the frame rate going up and down this is not good for online play but if you just want the CLE set up for your friends to just play quickly when you are outside or somewhere with a portable setup it's definitely fine as it is even now let me just do RoR as well going to see a lot of rain rers here this one had the I think this this stage had the most trouble right so far was going to 54 55 52 was not really stable it went to 60 there is a chance that it's still like hard to render stuff and when it has it on the pipeline it's better but we still a bit of fluctuation we will keep that in mind as well so so far Urban Square and Arena are the ones that we had the issue with so we will try to get a little bit lower and if there is a change it's fine but if there is not change then it is what it is in some stages maybe it's not the best I want test the story mode first because spoilers and second because there is a lot of cuts and I'm definitely sure that the game won't really perform well like if you if we see problems on this part um I don't think that I'm not confident for the cuton and everything that goes on on the story mode so if you're fine with less than 60 FPS that's probably going to be the experience on the story mode there is a lot of cut scenes especially on the late and a lot this stage is perfect Yakima is good we did Coliseum I really like how fast it loads compared to Tekken seven and this is just steam deck right like I'm pretty sure on on my desktop I think it's faster all right d this stage seems fine as well I don't really see any drops anything weird so so far is two stages we're not really focusing on the frame rate from the razar we are mostly focusing ing on what we are getting from here because as you can see like pretty much stable 60 right there's we have already seen the pattern where there is a lot of stuff going around on the background that is where the stage kind of changes so this stage I think it has a lot of stuff going on so this may be the worst stage we have seen so far this is done the last part of the story I'm not going to say anything more than that there was it was on the dam as well all right color me long call me wrong because look at this this is doesn't even move from 60 okay it moved a little bit but whatever it's a super move let's take this back to back bum bum bum know your place yeah we love Raina here all right have all this uh Destiny descend into the subconscious get ready for the battle I'm surprised that the previous stage was I think they have nailed maybe PSR works really well with the fog but the fireworks and stuff don't really play well so as you can see here behind normally on this side here this Vortex is way more appealing when you play with the full graphics and all but here yeah just doesn't show too much because of the lower Graphics that we have chose but it's still pretty much fine and it works like f go again maybe there is the models so if models on the background are the issue there is definitely going to be a potato mod that is going to remove people from the stage or maybe even official implementation removing the people from the stage and when that happens it's just going to be like running the best right but probably it's going to be first the mod but not sure how many kind of PC is going to have the issue with this and even even the steam they could be improved because right now I'm forcing it with the layer compatibility I'm pretty sure they will come up with some settings on their own that probably work oh okay stage transition all right I'm glad there was massing to for this yeah we love to see this woohoo you all right all right this this is pretty good as well so so far one and two Urban square and Arena have been the ones that had isue for batt I know that the video going to turn out long but I can't really do anything about it this this just has to be done right okay stay transition we good do your thing again this stage is perfect so I'm pretty happy overall that except two stages so far everything is going right this could be a stage with a lot of suit going on get ready for the next battle going to the stratosphere no 60 all right even with the things going around behind us we're pretty good right did I do this it also helps because it moves a little bit around the stage you can see like something when this happens and you can see that we are reaching the limits right TDP is going to 25 so there is not much that we can do to get better in this situation not too much that we can do and again it goes up and down depending on what is going on in the game okay there is not really any graphic okay yeah this this stage seems great as well there not obvious [Music] issues and uh if this continues to be the case at the end I'm going to change a little bit more the scale and then go to and then go to test if we can get 60 on those stages as well otherwise obviously you're free to change a little bit around the settings as well this is by no means definitive settings or anything this is just what works right now and because we're using Force compatibility layer we just try to get away with everything we can I don't think at this point there's much done to have uh lay not layers saders so things could definitely get better there was no pose or anything for saders when I started the game the this stage has some humans but it's not like the arena so not really much things going on this is also fun for me because I play stages that I didn't even try before and at least I get to know what it's all about as a taking scrub all righty okay this is pretty good too secluded draining ground this is very close stage I don't think it's going to have any issues there's no extra effects behind it so we have understood we have taken into account what is making the things go harder right so far we have seen that it's human models more human models getting into The Fray getting things worse one thing that I want to say because I have covered FSR 3 on my channel don't expect any FSR 3 coverage for fighting games I don't believe it will ever be a good solution not only just for the input lag that is already bad on the steam deck LCD but in general it's not a good idea for fighting games because a lot of things going around on the visual aspect and just having worse visuals and visuals uh not worth it it's not like you're going to get 120 F frames here so we just hope that FSR 3 gets implemented and everything is supported becomes team deck verified and we can even hope for medium settings if everything goes well really well with saders and we we can hope I'm hopeful we can hope for things like this this was pretty good all right only two stages left get ready for battle your nightmare is almost ended and I will I will put the conclusion in the end and what we have to do I will have chapters so people don't freak out I like this the sound on this one let's go okay yeah not much to see here maybe in the stage transition something to keep in mind is that you're going to have some frame drops but it's not the end of the world so let's go from here to the last stage get ready for the next battle yep I don't really see any so at all so far and even on the low settings I'm surprised that this looks so good okay all right so now what we're going to do is that we're going to go to the main menu and see if we can change a little bit the TSR because Arena and urban was a little bit just below 60 so we can put it on 55 and see what we get if this doesn't solve it just those stage is going to have an issue till things get better with saders and stuff like that we just have to take the L there's not much around it yeah this is the customizer one all right so we go with the arena this I think is the state that has the most Troublesome [Applause] performance okay I'm not going to lie this doesn't look that much different in my eyes from here it is because the screen is is smaller if you put it on a monitor um this definitely going to S the 10% difference but because we have a small screen this is the good thing about it we have a more flexible worker okay okay okay yeah if it plays on this stage I don't think the other one going to be the issue because Arena had more people and more effects on the background you see all these lasers and flames and fire these don't seem as much reduced as the other ones and we see that here we have 60 FPS quick select let's just go to the open squ the normal one because everything else was working fine so we can have this and maybe we can save a little bit more battery or have more stable performance more stable 60 let's see how this goes now okay this one didn't change M okay actually did change but you can see there is some fluctuation still a bit all right yeah as I I noticed now the closeups when it SS her hair it shows a little bit more pixelation not the 10% defense this is the only being able to see the difference I'm here now the the hair but outside of that not really all right this is it so we going to conclude that our testing so these are the settings that we can get away with it so far day one it's all of custom 55 TSR everything on low and so FPS if you want or not and 800p in full screen we can change that if we want I'm not going to mess out on anything like this that's it thanks for your patience and watching I when when it gets more stable I will try online play as well but because there is issues with online playing right now there is really no reason to show any of this thank you for watching have a great day
Channel: Handheld Game & Tech Reviews
Views: 4,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tekken 8, T8, SteamDeck, FGC, Fighting Games
Id: qiWavOjB9FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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