TEKKEN 8 Graphics Enhancement and Optimization Guide✨ [UPDATED]

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hello YouTube and welcome to my Tekken 8 Graphics enhancement and optimization guide this video serves as an updated and final version of my previous guide which was originally in the form of a steam post on Tekken 8 forums it is now updated as a visual guide so you can easily follow everything step by step in this video what we are going to do is First add some commands to the Unreal Engine files of this game after setting the commands we will do some tinkering and settings outside of Unreal Engine like Windows settings and using some third-party tools and finally in the end we will talk about the in-game graphic settings all important commands and links needed for this guide are still present in that steam post therefore while I guide you guys here in this video keep that steam Post open at all times so you can easily copy paste important commands and links from there I have given the link to the steam Post in the description now with all of that out of the way without further Ado let's do this as discussed before what we are going to do first is ADD Unreal Engine commands to the game for that go to your system drive then users your username app data and then local here you have to find Tekken 8 folder then saved config and finally Windows these are all the Unreal Engine files of Tekken 8 now we will only be editing the engine file over here so just open this with a notepad ignore the huge wall of text here and come to the Bottom now go over to the steam post and copy the system setting line and paste it as it is at the bottom here what this actually do is tell the engine that now we will be giving you commands to follow the first command is for chromatic aberration if you don't know what that is chromatic aberration applies a purple blurry effect to an image like shown here in this right image not only it looks bad but it also makes the image blurry especially in games to remove it we use this scene color Fringe command copy it from here as it is and paste it here at the bottom this will remove chromatic aberration from the game in Unreal Engine the value of zero me means a disabled effect and the value of one means enabled the next command is Max and isotropy this command adds an isotropic filtering to the game whenever we view any surface in game from an angle like this floor here the textures on the surface far from the camera will be blurred like this green surface here an isotropic filtering prevents that from happening notice the visible green Textures in the right image image while the ones in the left image is blurred that is a higher value of anisotropic filtering as before copy this command line from here and paste it here you can set a value of 2 4 8 or 16 depending on your Hardware but this is not a taxing setting so I recommend keeping this at 16 next is depth of field quality depth of field is the effect of blurring out the far objects in certain cutscenes while keeping focus on the near object like in this picture here where you can see June very clear but the far objects in the background are blurred now Tekken 8 already has depth of field enabled by default so if you want to keep it you can ignore this line but if you want to disable it in game then copy paste this command as it is after that we have ambient occlusion ambient occlusion is the graphical technology of creating realistic Shadows on objects and characters depending on where the light is coming from without ambient occlusion the graphics will look very flat like in this example ambient occlusion by default is set to one by the developers of this game but if you want more ambient occlusion then set this value from 1 to four but keep in mind that setting higher values also means losing some performance so set this according to your needs and Hardware next is screen screen space reflection screen space reflection is a graphical effect that enables a reflective surface of any object to show a reflection of its near surrounding like in this stage you can see the wet parts of the ground showing a reflection of all the lights in the stage screen space Reflections are also enabled by default in the game but just like ambient occlusion you can increase its value from 1 to four and same as before higher values here also Al means losing more performance the next One Tone mapper sharpening is only used to apply some extra sharpening to the game so if you want some copy paste this line as well the next five lines is for shadow settings in teeken eight Shadows are a bit bright and very soft and adding these five lines will make the Shadows darker and sharper if the Shadows are way too sharpened for you then I recommend setting the value of Shadow max resolution to 496 but keep in mind that applying these five lines even with the value of 4,096 is pretty taxing and you will lose a lot of performance with a 3060 TI at 1440p resolution this cost me 8% of the performance so apply this only if you have some extra Headroom for performance use these next four lines only if you think the hit effects particles are too intensive in this game just copy copy paste them to reduce the intensity of those particles note that this will also reduce all other particles in game as well like during rage art animations so take into consideration if you have no problem with particles in this game then ignore this line in the end when you are done by adding all your desired lines save the file and set the properties of the engine file to read only now you are done setting up your Unreal Engine commands for people with outdated Hardware that cannot run the game if you want to gain some FPS then setting value of chromatic abberation depth of field ambient occlusion and Screen space reflection to zero will gain you a lot of FPS as we are literally disabling these effects to add to that you can set an isotropic filtering value to two and apply the four effect particles reducing lines as well this concludes our first step of the guide which was setting Unreal Engine commands now let us get to the second part of the guide which is settings outside of Unreal Engine this next step is only for NVIDIA users so if you are using AMD graphics cards You Should Skip to the next chapter in this video if you are an Nvidia user and you don't like temporal anti-aliasing then you might want to apply daa in game just a heads up that daa and dlss cannot be used together so only apply daa if you don't need the performance boost of dlss to apply daa go to this link and download dlss tweaks after extracting the downloaded file go inside the extracted folder and copy dlss tweaks dlss tweak config and nvng gx. dll file then paste it inside your game folder where the game's executable file is located that would be your steam Library steam apps common Tekken 8 Polaris binaries and inside win 64 folder now open this dlss tweaks config file and it will give you this message basically it tells you that by pressing okay this will do some changes to the Nvidia registry files in your system you can always undo this registry edit by going back to the extracted folder and double clicking disable Nvidia Sig override so there is not need to worry now once you hit okay this window will pop up click the drop- down menu in front of force daa and select true then hit save and you are done this will force daa in game and the anti-aliasing will not be blurry anymore now we should do some steps to smooth out our gameplay experience by reducing frame time spikes your game may be playing at 60 FPS but if your frame times are not stable you will not get smooth gameplay and stable frame times is even more important when it comes to fighting games to get this done go to the games executable folder just like before right click on the Polaris wind 64 shipping file and go to its properties now go to the compatibility Tab and check display full screen optimizations then hit apply and okay after that what you should do is somehow limit the game's fps to 60 so if you are an Nvidia user you can just go to Nvidia control panel and change the value of Max frame rate to 60 you can also limit your FPS to 60 by using Reva tuner statistic server just use the link I have given here to download it then open the app and set frame rate limit here here to 60 and you are done a fair warning that limiting your FPS by any means adds a little input delay personally I have done this for many games and never noticed anything lagging much but that does not change the fact that the input delay is still there after disabling full screen optimization and limiting FPS you can now see that your frame time graph has drastically improved and most of the time it will literally be a straight line now I will show you how to install reshade and my recommended preset for this game if you are familiar with how to use reshade you can skip to the next chapter in the video use this link to download reshade open it hit browse and select your games. exe file press next then select direct X 10112 here next click here so you get these options below now only select DPX and Luma sharpen here and deselect all the rest now scroll to the bottom and click this one as well in the list below only select colorfulness and deselect all the rest of the options click next and it will take a few seconds to download the reshade effects you just selected then click finish and your reshade installation is done now we must conf configure reshade settings inside the game once in game press home to bring up the reshade menu now click continue continue continue and finish check the Luma sharpen box here now you can use this slider to adjust sharpening according to your needs after that check the box in front of DPX which will activate DPX filter resulting in a bright image with good contrast and better saturation of colors just set the value of strength to 100 here as I think 200 is a bit too much and looks too bright you can also set contrast and saturation here according to your preference do the same for colorfulness filter but set its value to 0.10 as 0.40 is way too much now I will keep toggling on and off Reade so you can see for yourself how much reshade affects the game's looks as you can see the game has far better sharpening colors and contrast on top of that you can see a lot of clarity in the background objects when reshade effect is on compared to off and this concludes the second part of the guide now let us get to the third part of this guide and that is the in-game graphic settings first thing is upscaling if you don't want any upscaling in game set the upscaler here to taou and set rendering scale to 100 basically if you have set the rendering scale to like 70 then taau will upscale the game's image from 70% of the resolution you have set here but if the rendering scale is at 100 then there is no upscaling done and it will give you native result on the other hand if you want to use upscaling for better performance then use dlss if you own Nvidia cards and taau if you have AMD don't use any other upscaler as their results are not very good and have ghosting issues for dlss set dlss quality balanced or performance depending on your graphics card for T just set render scale higher or lower for anti-aliasing this will never have any effect if you have any sort of upscaling enabled or if you have DL AA enabled at upscaling disabled higher values just means more anti-aliasing and also more performance cost I would suggest not setting this to ultra as you will never notice the difference set this one to high or medium as per your needs Shadow quality sets the intensity of Shadows this is a very taxing setting and just like anti-aliasing there seems to be no difference in high and Ultra medium has fewer shadows and low has almost no Shadows at all I recommend keeping this at high if you have the GPU power if you want to save some performance then set it to medium texture quality controls the quality of Textures in game this setting is dependent of your graphics cards vram the game uses 6.7 GB of vram if textures are set to ultra so if your graphics card is 8 GB or above set textures to Ultra for graphics cards of 6 GB V Ram set to high as the game eats 5.4 GB as for 4 GB V Ram graphics cards you have to resort to low textures as even medium uses 4.5 GB you can try setting it to medium but it may give you some performance issues effects quality controls a lot of effects in the game these are the examples of ultra and low effects quality you you can notice that in low the fog under their feet is removed there are almost no leaves flying around and even the water quality is degraded and looks flat in the distance also to note that low settings will also reduce snow particles in stages where there is snow the values of ultra to low controls the intensity of all these effects so set them according to your preference post-process quality as the name suggests applies post-process effects in the game these include a effects like chromatic aberration ambient occlusion and depth of field we have already set most of these effects on engine level which will overwrite whatever value you set here so I recommend keeping this at Ultra the last setting is background quality this setting control quality of all background objects depending on the value you set for it at low settings you can see that the floor has low poly models the stones Pebbles and the leaves in the distance also so are very low quality and on top of that screen space reflection is also missing the value of screen space reflection will be overridden here by the one that we did on engine level as for the rest of the background objects set this according to your hardware and this brings us to the end of the guide if this guide has helped you please leave a like also kindly subscribe and support the channel good luck and happy gaming
Channel: DanteKOG Tekken
Views: 88,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekken 8, kazuya, jin, king, jun, paul, law, bryan, hwoarang, raven, steve, lee, alisa, devil jin, victor, reina, pc, gameplay, tekken 8 ultra graphics, tekken 8 pc ultra settings, tekken 8 pc max settings, ultra graphics settings, ultra settings, max settings, tekken 8 pc, tekken 8 graphics optimization, graphics settings, optimization, guide, graphics enhancement, optimization guide, best settings, graphics, enhancement, optimized settings, optimized, settings, setting, tekken 8 optimized settings
Id: lzCGq4LtVKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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