Teens React To Top 10 Disney Songs On Spotify

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- (sings along) ♪ Let it go, let it go ♪ - Another Moana song? ♪ (punk rock intro) ♪ - (FBE) I hope you're ready for some magic, because today you're gonna be listening to songs from some of the happiest films on Earth. - So it can only be from one place. Disney! Oh, I'm excited! - Like Disney songs? I love Disney songs! - (FBE) We're gonna be showing you the top 10 Disney songs on Spotify, and we're gonna see if you can correctly place them in order from one to 10. - Oh, okay, okay. I have Spotify, so hopefully I'm familiar with these songs. - I've seen a lot of Disney movies growing up, you know? I feel like every kid my age has. Disney always has killer soundtracks. - Disney songs, which has musical songs, and to be honest, I don't like musicals. - (FBE) This list comes from Entertainment Weekly, who credits UK outlet Play Like Mum, who looked at all the Disney songs available on Spotify from the early films of 1937 to July 2019, and then ranked them by the number of times that they've been streamed on the platform. - Oh wow, that's a lot of work. I feel like the ones from like 1937, I feel like those aren't so popular. - (FBE) Before we get started, we wanted to let everyone know at home that we're gonna be making a special episode of Sharing Buds on FBE2 featuring the SuperFam's favorite Disney songs. - Alright, that's sick, let's go. - (FBE) So if you'd like to have our cast check out your favorite, click the link in the bio to join the FBE SuperFam and send in your pick! - Ooh, so exciting! - I hope they pick Be Prepared, 'cause that's my favorite. Or at least something from Hercules, because that's the most under rated Disney film, I think, when it comes to music, of all time. - ♪ I can open your eyes ♪ - Oh my God, oh I love this one. - This is a very popular song. - Ooh, A Whole New World. This one's popular. I know this one's popular, especially 'cause the new Aladdin film. - I never liked this movie. This was like, I feel like this was one of everyone's favorites. - This was probably pretty high. This is like one of their most iconic songs. - ♪ A whole new world ♪ - Just a magical song. - Definitely one of the most popular ones for sure. - (sings along) ♪ No one can tell us no ♪ ♪ Or where to go ♪ - ♪ Or say we're only dreaming ♪ - ♪ A whole new world ♪ ♪ A dazzling place we never knew ♪ - So romantic! - Oh my God, they sound so angelic. - As a kid, wanting to fly on a magic carpet, I would like sit on my carpet in my room and pretend that I could fly. - This one is popular, so I'm gonna put this at a five. - That's in the top three at least, I'm just gonna put it as three. - I'd probably place this at five. - I'll put it at seven. - Number five. It's a classic, but it's not like the top classic. Everyone knows it, but not everyone knows it, you know? - ♪ I messed up tonight ♪ - Oh, ooh, this song goes hard from Zootopia! - Shakira! Okay. - Oh my God, it's Shakira, what? Oh, Zootopia! - ♪ From hitting the ground ♪ - This movie is so good. - ♪ I won't give up ♪ ♪ No I won't give in ♪ - I don't even know what movie this is. - Oh this is low. Nobody ever sings this. - Okay, this probably isn't that big, 'cause like, oh no, 'cause it came out recently. - ♪ I wanna try even though ♪ ♪ I could fail ♪ - This is such a good movie. Oh my goodness. - I love that movie, first of all. Like when I saw that, I was obsessed with it for like a week. - I'm gonna give it a nine. I'm gonna put it that low. - Nine, right now? - It's gotta be like four! Zootopia was so good. I love that movie so much. - I'm gonna put it at, maybe number three. I'm gonna put Shakira up there. Shout out to my girl Shakira. - ♪ Tale as old as time ♪ - Okay, Ariana Grande. - Ariana, look at you. She looks like a fairy. - Is it from Beauty and the Beast? Yeah. - This version? This specific version's really popular? - My heart! - ♪ Just a little change ♪ - Damn, John Legend? - John Legend too? I haven't seen this. - ♪ Both a little scared ♪ - Oh. This is such a sweet song. - ♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪ - Oh, they're so good. - This is an iconic duo right here. I'ma place them at number two. - I put this at a five. - Number two, for now. - Seven? I don't think it was like super popular, 'cause that's like from the new Beauty and the Beast, right? - I'm gonna put that at an eight. I can't imagine it's high at all, especially compared to the original. - ♪ Under the sea ♪ - Under the sea! - Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about! - This movie's so fun! I love it. - ♪ What do they got ♪ ♪ A lot of sand ♪ - This is a really popular song, by far. - ♪ Each little clam here ♪ ♪ Know how to jam here ♪ ♪ Under the sea ♪ - This one's gotta have a lot of streams. - This is also a movie I wasn't like that big of a fan of. - I feel like a lot of people would listen to this, reconnect to like their childhood. - I'm gonna do Under The Sea as number two. - This is a strong four right here. - I'm gonna put it at four for now. - Da-da, da dun-dun, da-da-dah, number three! - ♪ You'll be in my heart ♪ - Ooh, Tarzan! - Oh my God, I forgot about Tarzan! - Tarzan, I don't even remember what happened in this movie. - I don't remember a single song from Tarzan. - ♪ You'll be there, always ♪ - Aw, this is such a good movie. - This is such a nostalgic song! - ♪ Always ♪ - Damn. What a throwback. All these, I'm just like "wow, my childhood." - I'll put a six. - I'm gonna put it as like a seven. - I'm changing this all the way around. I'm gonna put it right under Aladdin though. 'Cause I think you're gonna show me some, one and twos later on. - ♪ Life is a highway ♪ - Life Is A Highway? Oh, this is one of my favorite songs! - ♪ I wanna ride it all night long ♪ - This song introduced me to Rascal Flatts. Loved them ever since. - Ooh! (sings along) ♪ I wanna ride it all night long ♪ Ooh! This is a good one! - I feel like this would be higher, just because it's like also a well-known song. - (sings along) ♪ All night long ♪ Woo, Life Is A Highway. - Six. - That's a six. It's just in the middle, everyone knows the song. - I'm gonna put this at two. I feel like there might be a bigger one. - I'm gonna put that at three. I think that was a pretty popular one. I remember that one a lot. - I definitely think Moana and Frozen have to be, they have to have a song from Moana and Frozen. Those are like the most popular. I would put those in one and two. - ♪ I know it's a lot ♪ - Alright, Moana. - Love Moana. - (sings along) ♪ What can I say ♪ ♪ Except, you're welcome ♪ - Wasn't he played by The Rock? I love The Rock! - Can't believe The Rock sings, like that's so weird to me. - I've never seen Moana either. - I've never seen this movie. - Look at the tattoo. - ♪ When you were waddling yay high ♪ ♪ This guy ♪ - (laughs) Cute. - This one's gonna be so popular. I'm gonna put it at like two. - I'll put this at a two. - Number two, it's like new and it was really popular. - Number three. You're Welcome. - ♪ I wish I could be the perfect ♪ - Another Moana song? - This movie had so many good songs. - ♪ No matter how hard I try ♪ - I love this song. - ♪ Every turn I take ♪ ♪ Every trail I track ♪ - I really need to see this movie, Jesus. - I left the theater with my friends, and we all bought the album like immediately after we left, and just blasted it for weeks. - This song gets stuck in my head more than it used to. - (sings along) ♪ No one knows ♪ ♪ How far it goes ♪ My sister, ridiculous when this song came out. - Hey! This was big when the movie came out. - What a great song. She's so pretty. - ♪ No telling how far I'll go ♪ - I love this movie. Makes me cry every time. - This song is big. I think the other Moana song is probably bigger. - I'ma place this at number one. - That's number one. (laughs) That's number one! - This is like a probably number four. - Definitely number one. I really like this movie, and the soundtrack was amazing and I hear it on everything all the time. - I'm dead! - I forgot about Frozen, okay. - I knew I'd see some Frozen. - ♪ Love is an open door ♪ - This is probably one of my favorites from this song, from this movie. - Aw, this has to be up there. Aw, this is so hard. - (sings along) ♪ Love is an open ♪ - ♪ With you ♪ - ♪ With you ♪ - ♪ With you ♪ - ♪ With you ♪ - Heh, I mean he's crazy, what? We finish each other's sandwiches! That's what I was gonna say! - (FBE) ♪ I never met someone ♪ - ♪ Who thinks so much like me ♪ - (FBE) Jinx! - Jinx again! - I'm gonna put it as nine for right now. - I'm gonna put that at seven. - I'll put that at number nine. - I'm gonna put this at 10. We still have to fit in Elsa's song. I bet you that's gonna be this one. I know that one was probably bigger than that song. I knew, I literally knew it. - ♪ Don't let them see ♪ - Oh, another, this is... - ♪ Always have to be ♪ - This is just the first song I think of when I think of a Disney song. - ♪ Let them know ♪ - I think is like an objectively good song, I've just heard it so so many times. - (sings along) ♪ Let it go, let it go ♪ ♪ You can't hold it back any more ♪ - This song was played like for two years, like every Christmas. - ♪ I don't care ♪ - So good. - (sings along) ♪ What they're going to say ♪ (laughs) - ♪ Let the storm rage on ♪ - She's a badass. - (sings along) ♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪ - Look at her, she's such a queen. - I'm really excited for Frozen 2. I will always be a Disney fan. Always have been, always will. - So I have that as number one. - I'm putting it at eight. - So I am gonna change this around a bit. But for sure that's number one. - (FBE) So now we're gonna give you a chance to rearrange. - Okay, so, Let It Go, I think is gonna be number one. - I'm gonna put Tarzan as 10. Little Mermaid, four, I feel good about that. Aladdin, three, feel good about that. - How Far It Goes, number one. And then I'm gonna put Let It Go for number two. - So Life Is A Highway is now seven, and A Whole New World is now six. Tarzan'll stay at number eight. Love Is An Open Door will stay at number nine. Everything else is staying, final answer. - (FBE) You get two points for every answer you get exactly correct. And one for every answer that you're only one off. - Okay, cool. - (FBE) Number 10 is Under The Sea from The Little Mermaid. (buzzer rings) - Wow, really? - (FBE) With 109 million streams. - That's weird to me, I thought that would be higher. That's like a really big song. (buzzer rings) - Really? Really? (buzzer rings) - Oh my God! I ranked that so highly! Sorry Tarzan, I really didn't think so well of you. - (FBE) Number nine is Love Is An Open Door from Frozen. - Oh, I put it at eight! - (FBE) That one has 113 million streams. (buzzer rings) - Love Is An Open Door, okay. Nine from Frozen, okay. (buzzer rings) - I have that as six. So I did have that as 10, and then I changed it. (bell rings) - Got that correct! Right on the money, baby! Two points. - (FBE) Number eight is Try Everything from Zootopia. - I was one off. - (FBE) With 119 million streams. (buzzer rings) - Jesus Christ. I don't think I got any of these right. - Okay, I was one off on that one, okay. - Oh I got that one right! Cool! - (FBE) Number seven is A Whole New World from Aladdin. (buzzer rings) - Oh, really? - (FBE) That one has 121 million streams. - Okay, I was one, one number off with that. (buzzer rings) - Really, okay. I though that was gonna be like top five at least. - I had Aladdin at eight. So I get a point. Oh, wow! - Oh, I'm one off! I'm one off, damn! I was so close! (buzzer rings) - Wow. That's like one of their biggest songs ever. That's so weird to me. Maybe it's just 'cause it's older. - (FBE) Number six is You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan. (buzzer rings) - I'm just, wow, okay. I put that at 10. - (FBE) That one has 132 million streams. - Six is Tarzan. Alright, I put that at 10. I had that way lower. (buzzer rings) - Why did I move stuff? (buzzer rings) - Okay, that was 10. Sorry Tarzan, my bad. - (FBE) Number five is Beauty and the Beast. (buzzer rings) - Wow, wow. I'm so wrong! - (FBE) And that one has 148 million streams. (bell rings) - I got that! Right on the money. (bell rings) - Yay, that's what I put! (buzzer rings) - Oh my God, I literally just switched it from there, you're kidding me! Ugh, I thought the classic would beat it out! (buzzer rings) - I've never heard that song personally, so I like, for me I was like that one's probably down there. Then again it's Ariana Grande and John Legend. Like I feel like that definitely plays into it. - (FBE) Number four is Life Is A Highway from Cars. (buzzer rings) - What? - (FBE) That one has 153 million streams. - Right, should've put that higher. Yeah, okay. (buzzer rings) - I had it at number four! Why'd I switch it? - I'm one off on that, I have it as five. (buzzer rings) - I have Life Is A Highway as number two. So if that's that low, that makes, top three is gonna be crazy. - (FBE) Number three is You're Welcome from Moana. (buzzer rings) - Okay. I put that as number four! - (FBE) That one has 181 million streams. - That's one point off. - I put that as two, so I'm one off. - (FBE) Number two is How Far I'll Go from Moana. - No way, really? - (FBE) That one has 205 million streams. - Damn, okay. I switched it at the end. (buzzer rings) - I had it at one at first! What the hell? (buzzer rings) - Moana's in the top three for two songs? That's really good. - (FBE) Which means the number one song is Let It Go from Frozen, with 298 million streams, which is 90 million more than Moana at number two. (bell rings) - That's ridiculous. Doesn't surprise me at all, but that's ridiculous. - Oh my God, wow. I'm happy I got one right, but that's insane that like, they did that well. (bell rings) - I knew that one! I knew that one for sure. (bell rings) - I knew that one had to be top. Like, that's the most successful Disney song of all time. - It sucks that I switched it at the end. If I, literally if I didn't switch anything, life woulda been fine. Life would've been a highway. (rim shot echoes) - Thanks for watching this magical episode of Teens React, and shout out to Christian Knight. - Let it go and subscribe to our channel so you never miss an episode. - Bye everyone! - Hi guys, it's me, Alicia. Thanks so much for watching Teens React. It's been a blast, I've had such a fun time here on the React community, and this is my last episode of Teens React, but don't worry 'cause I'll be on Adults React. So keep watching, and I'll see you there. Buh-bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,022,422
Rating: 4.9392266 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Top 10 disney songs, 10 disney songs, 10, best disney songs, top songs on spotify, top disney songs, songs, disney, top 10 disney movies, the little mermaid, frozen, zootopia, moana, let it go, beauty and the beast song, disney songs, top 10 list, top10, top 10 songs, teens react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, finebros, fine bros, fbe, Teens React To Top 10 Disney Songs On Spotify, disney song, song, disney playlist, top ten, top ten songs, top ten disney songs
Id: EvSAkhWCwiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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