Teens React To THEMSELVES On Kids React (Jaxon, Jackson, Caden)

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- (FBE) Jaxon, how well do you remember being a kid? - Very vividly. - Oof, I barely remember yesterday. - (FBE) Oh well today, we're doing something we haven't done in a little while. You're gonna be reacting to yourself from the first Kids React episode you were ever in. - (laughs) I actually, like I saw this not too long ago. Probably like a year ago, and it was hard to watch. And I like it, but I'm, it's definitely like, I'm definitely gonna cringe watching it. - (FBE) So first, we're gonna show you a picture of what you look like in your first episode. - (sighs) That's disgusting. - Baby face, I still have the hair the same way, it's perfect. I love it! - I remember that outfit with the squirrel shirt. Yeah, I loved that shirt. Like, my hair was ridiculous though. I don't know how I had it like that. Well, I've changed a lot, but back then, I feel like I was like more shy. - Oh, I hate those shirts. (laughs) My hair was also, a like wreck-fest. - 11, that is like, really... I'm 16 now, that's five years ago. I'm so young, I'm so tiny. - I'm 15, that's actually, that's like only four years ago. I look completely different, that's crazy. - (FBE) That's kinda crazy, huh? - Yeah. - I really don't think we've changed. Like, the handwriting's still the same. Just liking cars. - It's not embarassing, but it definitely is like, hard to watch and like cringy. I'm not embarrassed by it though, 'cause like, a lot of people saw this and a lot of people at my school knew me like that. This was Drag Me Down by One Direction. I don't remember exactly what I said, I probably didn't like it. 'Cause I still don't like that kind of music. - (FBE) So now we're gonna show you some footage of your very first episode. - I was mostly nervous, so I didn't say much. It's like the new Avengers, yeah! You'll see it, you'll see it in a second. - (Kids) Kids React to Music Videos! This episode... - I forgot about the intro. It's different now. - Aw, I remember that! (laughs) Oh my God. You guys haven't used the whole Kids React To. That kinda stuff, and I remember sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, everyone would always tease me. Kids React To! - (Caden) Oh, I love this game. - (grunts) Gosh, my voice. Back then, that used to be a deep voice. (laughs) That used to be like the deep raspy voice in fifth grade, and now it's like (squeaking) Oh my gosh, this is crazy! (laughs) Oh, it's terrible. - (Ultron) I'm gonna show you something beautiful. - (Jaxon) Okay, the new Avengers, yes! - That's what I was talking about! That's what I was talking about, what'd I tell you? What'd I tell you? - (FBE) And if you didn't have school, and your parents let you, how many hours a day do you think you would play? - (Caden) Probably like the whole day. - Wait, Killzone? Hold on, what? I remember wanting that game. - (Jackson) Why would you make me watch this? - Oh, I was trying to make my voice sound so deep there. I was trying to make my voice sound like how it is right now. - I remember this now! It's Xbox vs. PS4, isn't it? Please tell me I picked the right one. I swear, if I picked the Xbox. - (Jaxon) I've been waiting for this for so long. So long! - That's, that's Tyler! Tyler went to my school at the time, and I was asking him hey, how did you get on? Like, just about everyone would. He was telling you to go on like Instagram, and that kinda stuff, where you would post the new kids wanted stuff. I did all that stuff, and I got on the show, and then not only Tyler was there, but I was on it, so people from the school knew both of us from the show. So Tyler's technically the one who got me on the show. - (Jackson) This is the opposite of cool. - I was just saying like [censored], I didn't know what to say, I was just like saying whatever I could. The only reason why I knew what One Direction was, was 'cause like, I had a bunch of friends that were girls, and like, they would talk about it. Other than that, I would have no idea what I was reacting to. - (Royel) PlayStation 4. - (Troy) Xbox One. - (Caden) Playstation 4. - Yes! I have a Playstation 4. (laughs) Oh, I was such a smart kid. - (FBE) Would you want to? - (Jaxon) Yes. - (FBE) Then why haven't you? - (Jaxon) I don't know! - Oh, wait, wait, wait, pause it right there! You can see my hands like this, because I didn't know what to do. I literally did not know what to do with my hands, so I was like trying to, I didn't know, I was like... - (Jaxon) I've been to comic book stores, but I've only been there for like toys. - I do remember that as well, because my uncle would take us to comic book stores, and we'd look at action figures, not the comic books, so that was kinda funny. - (FBE) What do you think about that too, the fact that those movies are still popular today? - Well if you think back on it, Avengers: Age of Ultron, nobody remembers it compared to all the other ones. Like you got the first one, you got Endgame, you got Civil War in the middle area that people remember. Nobody remembers Age of Ultron very well. - (FBE) Do you think that the band is actually breaking up? Or do you think no, they will get back together one day? - (Jackson) I hope they're just gone forever. - I mean, opinion hasn't changed that much. - (Jackson) I wish they were still together, because they're all apart and making different music. - Oh, they were apart then. - (Jackson) So there's gonna be more songs on the radio like that. - I didn't know that they were... I thought it was more recently. Time has flown, that's crazy. I mean, I'm kinda right there. My opinion hasn't changed than that, there's so much music from them. When they were like all together, it would just be like one song playing on the radio, but now there's like multiple songs from each artist. - (FBE) Now that we've finished watching those yeah, what did you think then being so young and being on the show? - I just hate my voice. I think I was too like, okay, I gotta be perfect. I can't, like that was my audition. Now people like send in auditions, but that was my audition. - I was just overwhelmed, the first shoot, because meeting two people that I've seen on YouTube, and now I'm like actually working with them, so it's just... (babbles) video. - I was so scared, 'cause I was like watching, I was watching this channel a lot, and I remember like, oh my God, I wanna be on this so badly, it'd be so cool if I was on this show. And then when I was there, I was literally [censored] bricks. Like, I didn't know what to say. My palms were sweaty and everything. - I've pretty much came from just about the start. 'Cause this was like, this is the first building they had. Before that, I think they shot at their house. Back then, I thought I was like, oh, okay, cool, I get to go in a room and react, and make some money! And now it's just like oh, I get to go hang out with you. Hang out with everyone here, and just have fun. - It's actually kinda done like a lot for me. It's kinda cool to have like a first job, but like really early in life. It kinda puts you in like a sort of mindset on how like work might be in the future. Even though like, this isn't like any normal thing. - I've been in the family, the FBE family, for like a long time so, you guys have requested parents to be in it, with my mom, my dad. - First episode, my family had, or like my dad or mom had to join in on a video. I thought it was gonna be embarrassing but it turned out, like, it turned out to me kinda liking it more. He was telling me after the first video we did together, how he was like really glad that he did it, and he had fun doing it. - The fact, it'd just be pretty much a big family. Like everyone gets to know each other, even if you're new, everyone just kinda brings you in. When we have those big groups, it's more of oh yeah, I know him, I know him, I know him, and I can just talk to them easier. - This is a big part of my life. It's a big part of my life. There's not gonna be a time where I won't look back on this. I mean, I'm gonna have all these memories lined up. I remember looking on YouTube, just looking up my name, and someone has a playlist of every single video I'm in. Like every single one, not you guys, some random fan that just has every single video I'm in. That's really cool. - I thought it was gonna be cringy, it really wasn't though. It was fun to look back on it, and just like to compare how much I've changed. - (FBE) How does it feel to watch yourself being on Kids React, and now on Teens React, all these years later? And how you could be like on the show your entire life? - It's just crazy, to see how much it's grown. It started from that little building, just that little one room pretty much, with other companies in other rooms, to oh, we only have the third floor, to oh we have the third and second floor, oh, we have the whole building now. Just, it's surreal. It's crazy what happened in seven years. - The fact from me switching from Kids React to Teens React already, was like a big transition. Like, I remember the first time I really did it, and I feel like if you just kept doing it to different generations from like Kids to Teens to Adults, it'd be like a strong impact every time. - I like it, I like being on this show. I like having a bunch of friends on here. It's great, and being on it for so long, it's just, it's crazy to think about. - (FBE) So finally, if you could give you know, your kid self a piece of advice, now that you're a teen, what would you say? - Keep your grades up. Man, ugh, sixth grade. I had an F in science for most of the year. I'd be like oh I'm fine, what do you mean? I'm gonna keep playing Minecraft, dude! It's so fun hanging out with my friends on Minecraft. I don't care about homework, what? What's homework? - Oh, if I gave advice to the 11 year old me, there's no chance they would listen. Oh, I would tell me to cut my hair, for sure, 'cause that was a life-changing moment. When I had long hair, and then the next day, I came to school with short hair, it just made my life for better. - I wouldn't say anything. I like the way I turned out, and I wouldn't wanna change it. There's no point in changing things that have led to now, you know? It's a part of my past, and I gotta kinda live with it. It's there whether I like it or not. - I'm like where I'm supposed to be and it's good where I'm at right now, and like how I've like progressed from then to right now. We're always reacting to stuff that are more current. It's cool to take like a blast from the past, and watch like how it used to be. - Hey guys, it's Jillian! I'm not actually in this video, but I wanted to let you guys all know that I am graduating from Teens React to Adults React, so you can catch me there. And thank you so much for all your love and support. Bye! - You guys were so nice to me, back then. Now you're like, you're having me chug vomit. You guys are [censored]. ♪ (smooth piano music) ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,944,724
Rating: 4.9605947 out of 5
Keywords: teens react, react, reaction, fbe, kids react, reactception, jaxon fbe, one direction, one direction drag me down, avengers, avengers reaction, avengers age of ultron, best react episodes, nostalgia, classic youtube, react to themselves, commentary, heartwarming, jaxon reaction, jaxon react, playstation, playstation vs xbox, best of react, Teens React To THEMSELVES On Kids React, caden react, caden fbe, first episode, behind the scenes, react audition, blast from the past, throwback
Id: okaX9cr9ccI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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