Teens & Parents Play Never Have I Ever! (Tattoo, Drinking, Cheating | REACT

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- In my defense, I was home alone. - (gasps) In our pool? - Yes, in my pool. My wife and my son were off in Australia. (record scratches) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - (React) I will give you a list of things to read off, and you'll hold up a paddle to indicate whether you have or have not done that thing. - Oh my goodness. (laughs) - Okay. - Never have I ever gone skinny dipping, really? (both laugh) I have to state this next to my son, really? - Not together! - Not together, not together, not together. (laughs) - Even if the opportunity came around, I don't think I would. - (React) Did you know your dad had done it? - No! - Well, you know, in my defense, I was home alone. - (gasps) In our pool? - My house, yes, in my pool. Are you kidding me? - Never have I ever cheated on someone. (bell rings) - Good job, dad. - Wow. - Just had to throw that curveball. - Next please! (laughs) - Never have I ever kissed a stranger. - Hmm. - (gasps) Dad! I mean... - Pre-mommy, pre-mommy. - Okay. - Mm, no. - I can't do it, I have not. - No, me too, I can't either. - I always wonder how people can even do one night stands. No judgment! - Hey, I had a life before mommy, but pre-mommy, yes. - You still have a life with mom. She's gonna watch this, and she's gonna beat you up. - Hi! Never have I ever sent a sext. - This one, yes. (bell rings) - Hmm. - Hmm. - What's that? (bell rings) - To my wife, all the time. - Dad! - What? (Kae laughs) - Eh, that's really gross. - What's yours? - Yes, yes! - Hmm. - Ken was in the military, okay? - Ew, I don't wanna, ew! - So he was deployed for... - I mean, I get it, but also, like stop. - For like months and months. - I understand, but stop! Never have I ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours. - Mm-mm. - I'm not. - Not me. - I, no. - I've never even had my first kiss, so. - I ain't about that. - Like, I just know so many people that have, and I support my friends, 100%. (Kae laughs) - You're gonna keep it in the middle. - No, no no, I, no. - Never have I ever gotten a tattoo. - I'm too young. (bell rings) (Kae laughs) - I already know that. - I've always wanted one. - I don't know why my mom decided to get like a little Tinker Bell on her tummy. - His tattoo's really nice. - It's a rosary, and I have it along my right bicep. - I'd get a Tinker Bell tattoo, because she dies when she doesn't get enough attention. - Oh no. - Never have I ever ditched school or work. - I have not. I have never ditched school. - You better say I have not. - My mom used to pick me up from school. - Like say you're going and you don't go, and you lie about it, that's what it means. Thank you. - I guess it's not like ditching, but sometimes I would have no reason to, and I'd be like I need a mental health day. (bell rings) - Yeah, I'm sure I did. (bell rings) - (gasps) Dad! - The attendance lady became my best friend. - I had to give her a gift. - My mom would give her gifts. - I would give her gifts every end of the year. Never have I ever snuck out of the house. (bell rings) - I don't recall doing that. - When did you move out again? - Yeah, shut up. (laughs) - I think I have, but it's not like sneaking out, sneaking out. - Because she just won't mention it me that she left. - Yeah, I'll just leave. - Not even your childhood house? - I was petrified of my parents. - Oh, yeah, yeah, his parents were really scary. - My parents would have killed me. - Never have I ever peed in a public pool. (bell rings) (both laugh) (bell rings) - Of course I have. - Of course, who hasn't? - I've peed in every pool that I've been in, I'm sorry. - When you gotta go, you gotta go! - You don't wanna get out of the pool, you're having too much fun! - I've even peed on like water slides, like as I'm going down, I'll like pee on the water slide. - I should've walked out to the 10 feet, where the restroom was and took care of something. - It's too far. - Especially like a lazy river in a water park, you don't wanna get out. - That's so gross, but you know what, you have to do it, sorry. - Never have I ever stolen something. Oh, yeah. (bell rings) - Wait, are we saying like stolen someone's heart? - Oh God. You are such in a relationship right now. - I haven't either. - Actually, wait. I was like five, I was in Walmart, there was like this baby little Buzz that I really wanted. I took him home. - Yeah, I did something very small at a liquor store one time. - I've never been placed in this situation, like we are blessed that we're able to afford things. - We're honest people, see the little halos right there? - Never have I ever lied about my age. - Oh heck no, I'm proud of my age. Oh no, have not. (bell rings) - I wear that like a badge of honor. - You're lying. - I didn't, I never lied about my age! - To go to like a Knott's Scary Farm, you have to be a certain age, and apparently I looked young, so like how old are you? And I didn't wanna say 13, 'cause that's the exact age you had to be, so I said I was 14. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - You can't do some things on like Instagram or Discord, like you kinda have to say that you're 18. - I've always been younger for my grade. - Yeah, true. - So I would go to like older people's parties, I'm not gonna be like yeah, I'm 15 years old at this all 18 year old senior party. - You know what, I've had friends that had fake IDs. - (gasps) How did... - I never needed that. - Nah. - I had a friend that had a fake ID. - You had bad friends. - From New Mexico. (laughs) - Never have I ever smoked a cigarette. (bell rings) (Kae laughs) - Ew, that's so disgusting, mother. - Absolutely not, never in my life. I've never done drugs, and I plan on keeping it that way. - Dad, put I have. - I have. - During my generation in high school everybody had a cigarette. - I would fully expect someone, a late teen, or something like that to have at least tried it. - But I only did it, because you know, it was to look cool. - I have never done any drugs in my life, period. - You've done... - But I've done cigarettes and cigars. - That's considered a drug. - And that's Nicotine, it's not drugs, right, okay. - Never have I ever gotten drunk. (bell rings) - Yeah, that was easy. - Half. - What do you mean? - Because I've never got... - This is the dumbest thing. - No no, you know why! - I've been offered a sip of alcohol from family. - He only has like one or two beers like at a party. I don't see him drink often. - I drink, not to get drunk, so yes I have. - Getting tipsy is still not sober. - Never have I ever drunk dialed an ex? - First of all, I've never been drunk, second of all, I've never dated anyone. So I'm gonna go with I have not. - No. - Drunk dialed? No. (laughs) - Sober dialed... - Yeah. (laughs) - No, I have not. I had to think about that one. - Never have I ever gotten into a physical fight. (bell rings) - I didn't know you got into a fight, with who? - With my sister, and then one time at school. - Max. - Oh, with your brother, that doesn't count. - I've gotten in a girl's face and screamed at her before, but I've never touched somebody. - This was the extent of my fighting ability. - Yeah. (laughs) - Never have I ever gotten in trouble with law enforcement. - First of all, I can't drive, so I can't get in trouble by the police, second of all, I've never been to a party, so I can't get like caught holding anything. - Do parking tickets count? (Kae laughs) - Yeah, but it was minor, I mean, I got pulled over, so big deal. Never have I ever used a fake ID. No. - (laughs) Wait, you have? - Fake ID. - I even got my cousin's fake IDs back then. - You look 12, so I mean it's... - Thanks, thanks. - Back in the days, we knew exactly where to get it in Downtown L.A. - Never have I ever lied to my parents. (bell rings) - All the time. - All the time. - Yeah, yeah! - Everyone done, every does. If you say you don't, you're lying. - I've sometimes lied to my parents, and never gotten caught. - My... - Never have I ever talked to a stranger on the internet. (bell rings) - Duh. - I mean, does Instagram DMs count? - Yeah. - Okay, then yeah. - Have I initiated it? No. - If they're at like a dance competition this weekend, and they're like you did so good, I'll be like thank you. But no, I've never like had a full-on conversation with someone. - No. - No offense, some of you guys are weird! (Jason laughs) - Never have I ever blacked out. I have not. (bell rings) - I have not, no. - Just don't do that. - Yeah. - (laughs) Just don't. - I've been close. (Kae gasps) Mommy, you know that! She picked me up from the club one time, and I was just like yakking. Never have I ever tried marijuana. - Yeah. (bell rings) - Come on, Jayka, if you're thinking about it... - I've never like smoked, but like, gummies? (bell rings) - Gummies? - Like I said earlier, 48 years of my life. Never done any drugs in my life, so I'm proud to say that with a smile on my face. - It doesn't work on me though, so I was like this is dumb. - There's gummies? - Or no, it just... - Brownies, I know brownies. - No, it's gummies. - (React) For our next round, I'm gonna give you each a few chances to come up with your own questions. I leave it up to you, this is optional, you do not have to, but if there's anything you wanna ask each other, now's your chance. - That's, oh... - That's bad. - I'm trying to think what I would really think of outside of what you've already asked. (laughs) - Never have I ever told you I was somewhere else, when I wasn't. - No. - Okay. - Never have I ever put something in my butt. - Really? - Hey, you gave me full range for this one. - (laughs) Wow. - Have you ever seen anything inappropriate on your phone, and deleted it because you didn't want me and your mom to see it? - No. - No. Wow, why? - Ew! - Hey, I'm just asking. - Dad, who would go on that? - 'Cause when I was a kid... - Oh my God, please stop. - That was something hard to get ahold of. - Oh. - And now, as a kid, it's in your fingertips. - That's all I wanted to know. I'm good now, I'm good. - He's a teenager, come on. - We have a really good relationship. - I think we have a pretty good relationship. - Sometimes he's annoying, but other than that, I love the kid. - We are transparent. - Yeah. - And honest with each other. Most of the time, just kidding. - I trust her. I trust her most of the time. - Yeah. - Yeah, I trust her. - Love you girl, girlie pop. - Yeah. Girlie pop bestie. That's what we call each other. - Thanks for watching this episode. - Never have I ever... - Subscribed to REACT. - (both) Thanks for watching! Bye! - Listen here, viewers. If you hate on my pops, I will come to your house and beat you up, okay? He is... (whispers) How old are you? - I don't know. - He's somewhere in his 40s.
Channel: REACT
Views: 745,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: never have i ever, parents react, react, teens and parents play never have i ever, teens react, teens and parents, never have i ever react, never have i ever game, parents reveal secrets, react media, truth or drink, awkward moments, would you rather questions, social experiment, would you rather, truth or dare, never have i ever challenge, never have i ever challenge questions, awkward moments with parents, Never have i ever teens and parents, teens reveal secrets
Id: ltBg9yfKPYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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