This Teenager Murdered His Ex-Girlfriend To Win A Bet (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] they should be the most innocent members of society but children can be capable of the most sadistic premeditated and brutal murders they beat him and hit him with a bottle and one of them stabbed j straight through the heart what drives these kids to kill men women friends family she was determined that her mother had to die even their teachers this was the first occasion upon which a teacher had been killed in class in the course of conducting a lesson could they be born evil he did have a weird dark sense of humor he was a little bit different to most of the other kids he was aggressive threatening and dangerous or are they victims of their environment there was a lot of gangs there was a lot of violence a lot of drug abusers with exceptional access to real police tapes the voices are talking to me you need to make a sacrifice so we're going to come and get you you need to do it and interviews with those closest to the victims and the perpetrators a red mist had simply descended we reveal what made them such savage killers [Music] on the 24th of october 2010 the body of teenager rebecca ailwood was found lying in woodland in south wales she had suffered violent and repeated blows to the head it was a severe friendship attack as a mother as a parent it's your worst nightmare rebecca had last been seen on route to meet her ex-boyfriend 15-year-old joshua davies she thought they'd come back together i have no doubt about that she would have been over the moon for her there was romance in the air but at the very same time davis was planning to kill her that same day davies was arrested and less than a year later was convicted of her murder this wasn't a crime of passion this was not impulsive this was a murder he had planned for months throughout his trial and even after his conviction joshua davies maintained his innocence he blamed his friend his friend blamed him but in 2018 eight years after rebecca's death davies finally admitted to killing her that hurt even more because that means she's just sat there knowing that for eight years what caused a 15 year old boy often described as charming and intelligent to ferociously bludgeon his ex-girlfriend to death and why has it taken him so long to finally admit to her murder rebecca ailewood was born on the 28th of february 1995 and lived in meisteg south wales as a teenager she attended archbishop mcgrath catholic school where she met one of her closest friends irving smith through school background and i were best friends with each other i'd go over her house and just stay over and um be like oh he's here again rebecca was a gorgeous girl she had everything she was kind i she was a lovely big sister she was intelligent she was funny she was just really happy person just really always laughing things just really energetic she was five foot three petite really attractive wonderful girl rebecca's number one ambition uh was to be a barrister she felt that would be a fine and fulfilling job it was all about doing something worthwhile rebecca or becca as she was known was incredibly close to her mother sonja and her younger siblings jessica and jack beck was obviously the one who kind of the other two looked up to she was a kind of their role model rebecca's parents were divorced so it was just sonja and the three children living in their house which they'd literally just moved into and like many teenage girls rebecca was falling in love rebecca and josh better nurse secondary school he got on really well with the family so he used to be up there a lot becca's family really really liked him a lot he was almost part of their family and they welcomed him with open arms he was that kind of boy he was witty he was personable he was great fun to be around he was always coming round you know they'd known him for a long time beckers and joshua davey's relationship though wasn't always a smooth one they had an on and off relationship it was always them too but it was just a lot of the time they were broken up but then there's some other times they were together she would spar with him and i think this may have been one of the things that attracted him to her the fact that she would take him on she had the intelligence to do so and i think he was used to having a little coterie of people around him who adored him and looked up to him and hung off his every word and she wasn't that [Music] we know that rebecca was supporting her mum through her divorce and had quite a negative relationship with her father and that may have been why rebecca was so keen to be loved and supported by joshua on the 23rd of october 2010 the bright and conscientious schoolgirl disappeared obviously i mean a missing young person is an extremely urgent call it was highly unusual for becca not to be in touch with her mum she was a responsible girl she always kept in touch with her mum always let her know where she was at the time of her disappearance rebecca and joshua davies were split up again but she had gone to meet him that day she thought they'd come back together i have no doubt about that she would have been over the moon she was a young girl that was actually in love unfortunately in mr davis's mind with something considerably more sinister the next morning police discovered her lifeless body in neglected woodland joshua davies was arrested on suspicion of murder the absolute tragic part of this case is that rebecca shared things with her mum she didn't hide she didn't sneak around she didn't meet joshua in secret she told her mum where she was going to be sonya still couldn't protect her from joshua davis what the subsequent investigation revealed would be shocking he'd lured rebecca into a violent and deadly trap it's impossible to imagine knowing that your child has been murdered brutally murdered why did joshua davies an intelligent and well-liked schoolboy commits such a horrific crime this is a 15 year old where did it go wrong on the morning of the 24th of october 2010 fifteen-year-old rebecca elwood was found violently bludgeoned to death rebecca's on off boyfriend joshua davies who was also 15 was arrested for her murder but why would this clever popular schoolboy want to commit murder this is not a career criminal at the end of his career this is a 15 year old boy where did it go wrong davies grew up in the small town of abba kenvig a well-behaved young boy he was the eldest of three brothers and had a loving relationship with his parents irving smith was at school with joshua davies and knew his family josh davis has two younger brothers his uh father's been in the community for absolutely ages they are really normal nice family they're just really like nice great people as he grew up he became a model student and was never in trouble with the police or at school [Music] joshua davis was quite a catch he was a very very popular boy in school he had a big following a bit of a top dog especially as you approach year 11 it's quite a big deal he was physically very strong very sporty and he was bright davis and his friends would meet in a local cafe for breakfast every saturday morning it was a thing they always did they'd go rugby training it was a little a little regular in their lives he was the alpha male of the group and we see that type of behavior in lots of young men and boys we see boys that are fighting for that alpha male position it may be being better at sports it may be being top of the class it may be having more girlfriends than everybody else but not everyone was enamored with joshua davey's domineering personality josh came across as very arrogant but a lot of people within his own year really did like him i found him completely unlikable in school he was known for being arrogant he was known for being the one that thought he was better than everybody else and at home we know that he was put on a pedestal he was lucked up to by his younger brothers and he seemed to be somebody who liked that attention and liked to be in control unsurprisingly as the alpha male of his peer group davies had no problem attracting girls and was in an on-off relationship with another pupil at school rebecca ailwood [Music] to the outside world they seem like any normal teenage couple but as police began to discover josh's behavior towards becker exhibited disturbing signs of abuse [Music] becker kept diaries she'd kept diaries for a long time and he was obsessed with seeing what she might have written in them um so much so that she had taken to letting her mom look after them in her bedroom so that joshua couldn't get his hands on them josh would make up rumors about her there was one where he told people that she was pregnant and then took her aside and said uh you're gonna say yeah you are and she wasn't i always thought it was about control making her same things going on in her own life that just aren't happening what is probably alarming for people to hear is the controlling aspect of rebecca and joshua's relationship is actually quite common in adolescent relationships they haven't got the life experience they haven't got the previous relationships to draw on they don't know what is appropriate behavior and young people often describe that they think it's that somebody really loves them so they have a very skewed view of what a healthy relationship is he was very obsessed with knowing what people were thinking about him and saying about him but it was this element of constantly checking out what other people were thinking of him constantly wanting to know where he stood whether his status was intact because of his age joshua davis cannot be described as somebody with narcissistic personality disorder because you can only diagnose that at least at the age of 18. however we can certainly say that he has narcissistic traits what this means is that he would have been very full of himself he would have thought himself as superior to others and also put his own needs above the needs of everybody else in january 2010 the pair split up yet again after a seemingly lovely weekend together joshua davies broke up with becker via text message joshua and becker's final breakup was came as a complete shock to becca she didn't really understand why it had happened why he'd wanted to finish with her the way he did joshua davis describes this weekend as the best weekend he's had he's spent time laughing and joking and having his nails painted by rebecca it's a weekend of fun but it's almost like he's building her up he's making her have a perfect weekend so she's the happiest she can be so we can then just let her crash by ending the relationship it's something we call the push-pull effect you push somebody away and that makes them want you more he wanted to make her suffer and in fact the opposite happened after the breakup with josh becker was going from strength to strength as the month swore on becca began to move on with her life but even then davey still tried to exert control over her at school he would say things to her like you know you know your mum loves me the best so you can't go out with anybody else she did in fact start seeing another boy another boy called josh and he clearly didn't like this at all maybe that was part of the reason he became so antagonistic towards her that she was putting him in a smaller box than maybe he felt he deserved furious that rebecca had not crumpled as davies had expected he began a ruthless campaign against her after becker and davis's final split um things were markedly different there seemed to be a bigger rift this time he often threatened violence as well singer's gonna kill her or he's to ruin her life and because he kind of ran their friendship group he could and actively did a couple times just make the whole group just stop talking to her so she'd suddenly have no friends this would have isolated rebecca this would have made her feel absolutely devastated what we can see by this behavior from joshua it's very narcissistic in nature it's wanting people to look up to him whilst the person that he has got rid of people demean and turn away from the power that would give him the sense of control that would give him would be intoxicating for him rebecca's relationship with joshua davies appeared to be over for good however nine months after their breakup davies suddenly contacted becker out of the blue and asked to meet up it had thrown her into the usual teenage male strum of emotions excited nervous every every emotion in between but it was clearly a very big deal for her she clearly still had strong feelings for him they've been quite wrathy to each other after after they split up they'd said some very bad things about each other to their friends but that seemed too uh cool and they were on their way to getting back together again as a boyfriend and girlfriend so even though rebecca knew that behavior was wrong she was drawn to him she loved him and also because of the amount of time that she'd been with him her self-esteem would have been affected by that so she would have started to believe that she had to be with him on that particular day they'd arranged a meeting haberkenvig she was very excited she'd been shopping for new clothing rebecca had gone to cardiff and gone uh shopping the town center bought a whole new set of clothes just for the meeting up with josh davis wanted to look at her best so the original plan had been that becker would be dropped up in um other kenfig by her auntie linda and she'd pick her up later and the plan had been that he'd meet her at saan station he then proceeded to send her on this mad wild goose chase as as he prepared to meet her in abbot config after he thought she would have set off he started to redirect her by text messages to different locations he moved her to one location then to another so she's wandering around abba kenfig nervous generally anxious certainly nervous of going under the underpass in the park and just feeling vulnerable it felt like he was playing a game a very sinister game a very dreadful game but he was playing a game with her feelings [Music] as davey's directions became more and more erratic becca decided to call her mom sonia's anxious and as as becca's getting anxious because josh isn't where he's supposed to be and not answering messages all sonia's instincts by now are screaming out this isn't right he's messing her about she had by then got to the point of saying just come home but at that very moment rebecca told her mum that she had spotted him so sonja had said i'll stay on the phone until i know you're safely with josh and once she finally met him that was the end of the conversation and she'd said bye mum i love you they were the last word she said to sonja on her mobile phone on the day of her death unknown to rebecca though joshua davies didn't intend to get back together he decided to kill her he first tried to strangle rebecca or break her neck but couldn't manage that and so it picked up a very heavy stone and used it to cave a heading for me it's significant that joshua selected strangulation as the method to kill rebecca this is a very intimate way of murdering somebody you are literally feeling them die you are having their life in your hands but i think what happened he underestimated the strength it takes to strangle somebody and because she wasn't dying he had to resort to using a rock to hit her within hours of rebecca's body being discovered joshua davies was arrested but astonishingly he wasn't the only suspect one of davey's best friends another boy from the cafe was also taken into custody the police were faced with the dilemma that only two people were at the scene and they each blamed each other david said that you say i did it i say you did it and what the police had to do was to be sure that they had the right person on the 24th of october 2010 fifteen-year-old joshua davies was arrested on suspicion of rebecca elwood's murder initially police have been unable to find rebecca when she'd been reported missing but then they received some important information from one of davie's friends who hung out with him in the local cafe the reason the police had found becca's body was because they'd had a phone call from one of the boys who was in the cafe the day before [Applause] he was becoming increasingly anxious that actually josh had killed becker he then told his father what he thought had happened with davies in custody the police now began to look at possible motives for the murder [Music] to gain more insight into rebecca and joshua's relationship police interviewed their friends and were shocked by what they uncovered clearly there was some sort of hate campaign going on social media at this time was coming into its own and was a big factor cyber bullying and that sort of thing it was certainly a very unpleasant time for becker in school i think joshua was in his own world top dog at school and he didn't seem to have too much trouble getting other people behind him to join in with this hate campaign against becker when we look at joshua davis it seems shocking to us in hindsight looking at how he control people when he's saying such awful things but we need to remember what everybody said about him yes he was arrogant but people talked about him being charming being lovely being likeable people liked joshua he was a likeable person as the investigation progressed police soon discovered that davey's hatred for becca wasn't just confined to the internet davis and his friends would meet in a local cafe for breakfast every saturday morning at these meetings he would often make reference to becca and obviously say not very nice things about her he dragged her reputation through the dirt that turned into like josh's planning sessions for ruining becca's life josh then started uh saying to his friends that he wanted to kill him joshua made no secret of the fact that he wanted to see rebecca dead and that he wanted to be the person to kill her he told friends what he planned to do they dismissed it as teenage talk but of course looking back those statements were far more sinister than what they appeared to be at the time it was this ability to make people like him that made people unsure of what he was really saying it made them think oh he's not really serious he's just joking because this likeable guy couldn't possibly be the person that's going to commit murder with his friends engaging in what they assumed to be joshua's jokes about killing becker davies began to embellish his threats he had several plans to see her death come come about one for example was to invite her to take a stroll along along a river bank [Applause] he knew that she couldn't swim he could he would push her in he would then jump into the river apparently to save her but use that as an opportunity to make sure that she drowned he came up with a second plan this one would involve poisoning her he in fact researched the subject he decided upon foxglove and deadly nightshade he actually got hold of the substances he mixed them together [Music] this concoction was found at his grandmother's home after his arrest teenagers will say i'd kill her i wish she was dead or wish he was dead but to go from that to specific plans to actual detailed ways in which you'd like to murder somebody takes it to another level and that that isn't common suspicion arose that davies may have already tried to carry out his plan to poison rebecca but had been unsuccessful thoughts were um that josh davis had poisoned back [Music] becker was actually hospitalized with a very strange mysterious stomach complaint um she collapsed a couple of times and she was suffering from a very painful stomach um to the extent that she was actually having to stay off school the cause was never found she underwent various tests nobody got to the bottom of it he had been planning to either poison her or push her over a cliff or strangle her this shows us that he was really enjoying planning different ways to murder her he was getting enjoyment from the actual planning not just the merger itself but the how he was going to do it and that adds to his risk but back at the cafe davey's friends were still unaware of his true designs on becca's life and began to tire of his constant threats his friends became annoyed and a little bit fed up of all his boasting about what he on all his threats about what he's going to do to rebecca one jokingly said that if he did really kill her then he'd buy him a breakfast the other friends were just teenage boys making a joke while josh davis was and is something else i think that tells us that he's so sure of himself he's so sure that he also controls his friends this tells me a lot about joshua davis it adds to those narcissistic traits it adds to that level of manipulation the one person who had no idea about davey's deadly intentions was becca who despite being ostracized still carried a torch for joshua davies rebecca really really just absolutely loved him it's a bit even at the same time she realized he was the worst i don't know whether it was partly that she thought she could change him make him into like a nicer person or she thought there was something nice under there she really was mad for him [Music] on the day of her death becca had gone to meet davies in the hopes of rekindling their relationship but that was to be the last time she was ever seen alive for her there was romance in the air but at the very same time davis was planning to kill her [Music] he engages in trying to make her believe that she could get him back and that is what is really chilling about his personality within hours of rebecca's body being discovered davies was arrested as was his best friend it would become clear though that davies had attempted to create an alibi for himself [Music] the police were faced with the dilemma the only two people were at the scene and they each blamed each other [Applause] [Music] davis's story was that he and rebecca had in fact played a joke on his friend that he invited his friend to the scene rebecca pretended to be dead his friend looked alarmed and then rebecca leapt up laughing and they both laughed at him and that his friend became so angry at this that it was his friend who carried out the murder with a promising young girl brutally murdered and two boys in custody the police needed to be sure the right person was prosecuted an important piece of evidence was rebecca's last known phone conversation with her mom sonia sonja had said i'll stay on the phone until i know you're safely with josh and once she finally met him that was the end of the conversation it's almost a timeline of putting um rebecca with joshua davis they had davis's constant threats towards rebecca to drown her poison her they had his text messages redirecting her to various locations on the day immediately prior to the actual murder the police now had a clear picture of the events leading up to rebecca's murder and through forensic evidence they were able to ascertain how she died but the statements of the other boy they had arrested and the second friend told them of davey's actions immediately after becker's death the next thing he did was to invite his friends to come and view the body two of his friends came one had a broken leg in plaster and couldn't get up the hill to the scene one went to meet davis and there was rebecca lying dead his friend was able to say that joshua davis took me to the scene where i viewed rebecca's body that is extremely good evidence in a prosecution case with the evidence stacked against davies the cps took the decision that he alone would stand trial and the boys he had invited to see the body would become star witnesses against their best friend [Music] less than a year after the brutal killing of rebecca ailwood her ex-boyfriend fifteen-year-old joshua davies was on trial for her murder the papers would soon be awash with headlines that becca had been killed for the promise of a free breakfast [Music] joshua davis's trial for the murder of becca aylwood began on monday the 20th of june 2011 at swansea crown court i decided to go to trial but i needed to see him get put away because we were all dreading that maybe he actually wouldn't i don't think anybody could have been prepared for the relaxed way he was he had this massive smile on his face and he was so smug and confident and yeah he remained that way basically the whole trial he seemed to take very little interest in the proceedings he was interested when witnesses were talking about him describing him saying what he'd done what he'd said but when the evidence was of a different nature didn't take any real interest in what was going on he is so convinced that he's going to get away with what he's done in addition to that he's got his parents believing him and that is just going to enhance his narcissistic traits that i'm going to get away with this even my parents believe me i've got this but during the five-week trial the jury heard evidence about davies and rebecca's turbulent relationship they argued a lot threats of violence saying he's going to kill her or he's going to ruin her life davey's torrent of abuse towards rebecca and his fantasies and plots to kill her culminating in a bet to take her life in return for a cooked breakfast it was also well established that davies was the last known person to see becca alive but why hadn't he met her where he said he would [Music] as the trial progressed as the police managed to establish that there was method in his madness he had devised a route that meant avoiding cctv cameras basically to get her away to the woods on his own without being seen it also appeared that davies had a backup plan in the event that becca was seen in person and astoundingly it involved the other boy becca had briefly dated one of the areas was outside the other josh's house and then he could say yeah she'd actually gone there the prosecution submitted forensic evidence which proved that sometime after davies did eventually meet up with becker he smashed her skull in with a rock the prosecution were also able to obtain copies of text message conversations between davies and his friends josh what would you do if i actually did kill her oh i'd buy you breakfast mate [Music] josh don't say anything but you may just owe me breakfast best text i've ever had mate seriously if it is true i'm happy to buy you breakfast josh i hope by then it will be done and dusted i want all the details smiley face josh large breakfast with extras of everything sick sick boy in addition davey's friends were also cross-examined their account of the events immediately after rebecca's murder was not only harrowing but also damning josh davis's friend said are you still with becca and he said define [Music] with that statement of define with that shows that he's enjoying the moment he's not regretting what he's just done he's reveling in the fact that he's just taken somebody's life and in a 15 year old boy that is really shocking despite all the evidence stacked against him joshua davies continued to proclaim his innocence his friend's presence at the scene became vital to david's defense and throughout the trial he maintained that it was this friend who had committed the murder joshua davis actually tried to implicate the boy by actually taking him to the scene so therefore he was at scene i say in true do you want to touch the hood that would have actually if you like would have left forensic evidence on rebecca i think that was quite a quite a deliberate callous act really however the boys that davies had invited to the scene instead testified against him and joshua davies plan to pin rebecca's murder on his friend backfired he obviously believed that they would keep his secret so when they actually informed the police when they testified against him this would have really angered joshua davey's former friends were also able to tell the court what had happened on the evening of rebecca's death the same evening she had gone missing [Applause] [Music] joshua and one of his friends went to his grandmother's house he changed his clothes they then sat down and watched a very violent movie which they also popped on facebook as a status update i imagine it was designed to make everything look normal it's really concerning that after the murder joshua davis as well as his friends were able to act as if nothing had happened were his friends terrified were they scared of what he would do or did they still not believe the absolute horror of it i think his friends were probably in a state of shock and that's evidenced by the fact that one of them did go home later and inform his parents what had happened during that evening davies received a call from rebecca's mother who by now was becoming increasingly worried about her whereabouts he pretended they hadn't met rebecca he sent her text messages asking where she was saying that people were concerned about her he was already putting in place almost an alibi in a further attempt to bolster his alibi davies posted yet another update on social media by expressing sympathy to sonia on facebook joshua is demonstrating that he is continuing to try and deflect suspicion away from himself and he's also continuing with his enjoyment he enjoyed the preparation he seemed to enjoy the act itself he enjoyed the aftermath showing off to his friends and now he's publicly expressing sympathy to sonia knowing what he's done he's playing with sonja this is a very callous devious controlling individual and and i suppose what should we should all look at ourselves about is this is a 15 year old boy who's who technically has got his life before him yeah he's acting in such a cold and callous way and maybe we should ask where did it go wrong at the end of the five-week trial in his summing up the judge described davies as devious calculating and controlling and that he'd show no remorse after four days of deliberation the jury decided on a guilty verdict when the verdict of guilty was returned there was a lot of emotion in the court from rebecca's family from davis's family what there wasn't was any emotion from davis himself joshua davies was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 14 years but even after his conviction it still remained unclear why he murdered rebecca i think that she saw through him and because that was so wildly at odds with his own version of himself she had to die by his hand violently rebecca seems to be the only person that stood up to joshua and i think with his personality his controlling personality that wanted people to adore him he wouldn't have liked this and that ultimate sense of control was taking her life for eight years joshua davies continued to deny any culpability and maintained that it was his friend who killed rebecca it was one thing to have killed becker but to have flatly denied having had anything to do with her murder was just adding more pain to already unbearable pain but in october 2018 without ceremony or warning joshua davies finally confessed he confessed to prison officers that he was in fact him i can't imagine the um trauma that must have heaped upon sonia and the rest of the family it's almost like they would have to relive it again but rather than an act of remorse could this be yet another calculated maneuver there's no way his confession isn't an attempt to get some reduction or anything base to help his sentencing so i'm sure this is just another way for him to try and help himself i hope the professionals take into account the trauma that has been caused by eight years of someone denying something he now says he's done he is still refusing to say why he killed rebecca and for me that in this case is a sign of his continued control so he's refusing to give the family that information it's yet to be decided when or if davies will ever be released from prison [Music] but could there have been anything to prevent him committing the violent malicious murder of rebecca elwood in the first place thing is about children who kill they predominantly come from adverse childhood experiences joshua davis came from a loving family there doesn't seem to be anything at all in his background that can explain his behavior however what we often see in people who have narcissistic traits they often have elements of antisocial personality disorder as well and with his controlling personality i don't think anything would have stopped him i think he would have gone ahead and killed rebecca [Music] were she alive today she would be pursuing her dream no question she would indeed be a barrister yes i think in this case becca would have become everything she wanted to you just think of this gorgeous girl just breaks your heart you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 797,690
Rating: 4.7497602 out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, full documentary, full episode, joshua davies trial, joshua davies interview, joshua davis killer, Britains Deadliest Kids, Britain's Deadliest Kids joshua davis, rebecca aylward documentary, rebecca aylward joshua davies, rebecca aylward funeral, rebecca aylward crime scene, rebecca aylward facebook
Id: HMcaB-Jx5f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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