Freeze! It's Team Spidey | S1 E23 | Full Episode | Spidey and his Amazing Friends | @disneyjunior

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[♪♪♪] ♪ They can climb great heights to do what's right ♪ ♪ The Spidey team is on the scene ♪ ♪ Swinging, spinning crawling the walls ♪ ♪ The Spidey crew do it all ♪ ♪ They're your friendly neighborhood spiders ♪ ♪ And their teamwork can't be tighter ♪ -♪ Whoa-oh! ♪ -♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪ ♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪ ♪ Go, webs, go! ♪ ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪ ♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪ ♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪ ♪ With Spidey and his amazing... ♪ ♪ Spidey and his friends ♪ ♪ They're your friendly neighborhood spiders ♪ -♪ Whoa-oh! ♪ -♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪ ♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪ ♪ Go, webs, go! ♪ ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪ ♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪ ♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪ ♪ With Spidey and his amazing... ♪ ♪ Spidey and his amazing... ♪ ♪ Spidey and his amazing friends! ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[Miles] Freeze! It's Team Spidey!</i></font> Whew! I can't remember a day it was ever this hot. As soon as we get to the pool, I am jumping right in. Just think about all that nice cool water. [all sighing] [child giggling] Yay! I want to splash! Slow down, honey, we're almost there. Looks like we'll be sharing all that cool water with a whole lot of other people. Well, that's the nice thing about a public pool. It's big enough for all of us. [ice cream truck song jingling] Okay, maybe the pool can wait. Let's go get some... [together] Ice cream! Ice cream! Get your cold, delicious ice cream! -Don't mind if I do! -[gasping] [laughing wickedly] [biting] [yelping in fright] [munching] Ah... that's just what I needed. [wailing in fear] [gasps] It's Rhino. [cackling] Stealing ice cream on a hot day like this? We'll stop him. H'yah! Go, webs, go! [♪♪♪] ♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪ ♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪ Peter, Gwen, Miles! Webs up, amazing friends! ♪ They'll use their best detective skills ♪ ♪ Combine their science smarts ♪ ♪ And they'll put their heads together ♪ ♪ 'Cause they're brave and clever ♪ ♪ It's time to Spidey save the day! ♪ Spidey! ♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪ Ghost-Spider! Spin! ♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪ Webs out! Mm... ah! [grunting] A whole truck full of ice cream, and it's all mine! Whoo-hoo! ♪ This ought to keep me cool! ♪ [munching] Oh, so cold. So cold! Oh. Brain freeze! [chomping] Ah... [laughing] Hold it right there, ice cream thief. And litterbug! These sticks belong in the trash. Huh? Aw, leave me alone, Team Spidey. All I want to do is cool off. It's hot! It is hot, but stealing is not cool. It's over, Rhino! [grunts] Stuck! Ah, stopped you again. What's with the drippy webs? [laughs] The webs, they're melting! Your webs don't work in this heat, spiders. I win! [laughing] [grunting] [tires squealing] [Ghosty] He's getting away! H'yah! Oh... So long, spiders! Try and keep cool! You know I will! [laughing wickedly] [laughing] I've never tried using this web formula on such a hot day before. I didn't know this could happen. We've gotta stop Rhino somehow. But how do we do that without webs? Let's get back to WEB-Quarters so I can make a new formula, one that won't melt in hot weather. [TRACE-E chirps] All right, and... Ha. There we go. Check it out! I made a whole new web cartridge. Nice! TRACE-E, I need some water, please. Now let's see if it works. [chirping excitedly] [chirping] [Gwen] Ice webbing? Wow, it looks like it's made out of snowflakes. I made it cold so the webs won't melt in the heat. Yeah, you did! Check it out! It turned this water into ice. There's no way Rhino's getting away now. Speaking of Rhino, WEB-STER, any sign of him? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[WEB-STER] Yes.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Rhino located downtown.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Switching to street camera.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[munching and grunting]</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mine, all mine!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ha! [giggling]</i></font> Ew, gross! That guy really needs to work on his manners. He'll have plenty of time once we web him up. I've got new cartridges for everyone. And Rhino may have an ice cream truck... but we've got these. My Ghost-Copter... My Techno-Racer... And my Web-Crawler. -[revving engine] -Hit it, TRACE-E. [chirps] [♪♪♪] [revving] [revving] [Spidey] Whoo-hoo! [laughing] Yeah! [Spin] He's going down. [Ghosty] Yeah! [laughing and munching] Hmm... Chewy Chunky Choco Rocket, or Ooey-Gooey Caramel Crunch? Oh yeah, I don't have to choose. They're all mine! [cackling] -Excuse me? -Huh? I'd like to buy some ice cream, please. Ooh, money! Gimme that! Daddy, it's Rhino! Hey, give that back! I was getting some ice cream for my kids! Not anymore. The ice cream's all mine, and now your money is too! -[laughing wickedly] -[buckling seatbelt] [ice cream truck song jingling] Mm... Huh? Oh, great, all the ice cream's gone! I'm starting to get hot again! [grumbling] Oh, lemonade! That ought to cool me down. Whoa! Hey! Move it, you spiders! Your droopy pasghetti webs won't work, so you can't stop me anyway! You're wrong about that, Rhino! You've done enough scaring and stealing for one day. Time for you to chill out. Hey! Ugh, what is this? [grunts] Ooh, wow. This is so cool. Kinda nice. [sighing] Ah... Huh. Didn't see that coming. H-h-hey, w-wait a minute! This-this-this stuff is too-too cold! [grunting] Uh, what's happening to our webs? They're cracking, like icicles! [grunting] [roaring] [laughs] I win again. Now you got no webs to stop me, and I can cool off however I like. See ya! [ice cream truck song jingling] [Team Spidey straining] [brakes screech] [roaring] [citizens yelp in fright] [gulping] Ah... That's more like it, and I'll take the rest to go. [laughs] Hey, where do you think you're going? -[cackling] -Come back! First ice cream, now lemonade? Rhino's taking every way there is to stay cool! Well, at least there's still the public pool. Yeah, and he can't steal that, or I don't think he can, anyway. But, hey, what if we convinced him to try? To hog the whole pool to himself. Our ice webs might be too thin to hold him down... But I bet they'd freeze the pool solid just like that glass of water back in WEB-Quarters. Exactly, and there's no way Rhino could break free from a pool of frozen water. One Rhino-cicle coming right up. [together] Go, ice-webs, go! Yeah! [cackling wickedly] I'll stay cool all day with my yummy lemonade. Time for a refill. Aww, say what? My stolen lemonade spilled out all over my stolen ice cream truck! Aw... I should have put on its seatbelt. [ice cream truck song jingling] I'll cool you off, Rhino! Oh, no, you don't! Whoa! [prolonged scream] [Spidey] Hey, Rhino! Can't take the heat? [growls] Spiders! I've had enough of you! I'm taking you down! Thanks, Ghost-Spider. Spin, we're heading your way. Get ready to lead Rhino to the pool. Ready! Hey, come back here! Yoo-hoo, big guy! Over here! [growls] Fine! I'll get you instead! [laughs] You spiders, knock it off! I spilled my lemonade making my getaway from you three, and now you got me all heated up again! And you're only gonna get hotter. [groans] Oh, this heat! There's gotta be some way to cool off. I could steal a hockey rink, or... an iceberg! [kids laughing and splashing] Yay! Whoo-hoo! Oh, come on in. Let's play! Last one in is a rotten egg! [Rhino cackling] Ha-ha! Yes! [Mom] The water feels so good. You three think you're so smart. There's a swimming pool right here! I'm chasing everyone out, and you can't stop me! All mine! [cackling wickedly] You can always count on Rhino not to share. H'yup! Everybody, out of the pool area! Rhino coming through! -Oh, no! Run! -Hurry! [cackling wickedly] Cannonball! I got a whole swimming pool all to myself! I'll be cool for the rest of the day. We can make the pool even cooler for you. Shall we? Oh, thanks. That feels good. What? The p-pool's frozen! It's a big-big block of ice! I'm-I'm-I'm s-s-stuck! Look on the bright side. At least you're not hot anymore. [groaning] Snow cones! Ha-ha! Get your ice-cold snow cones! [groaning] You g-g-g-got any hot co-co-cocoa? Brr... On a day like this? [laughs] Afraid not. You're welcome to a snow cone. We're sharing with everyone. Oh... [shivering] Here you go. Oh, thank you, Team Spidey! Thank you, Team Spidey! You're welcome. -You got it! -Anytime. It'll be a little while before the pool melts, and you can all get back in. But meanwhile, there will be plenty of snow cones for everyone! Who knew we could make snow cones out of ice webbing? Turns out it's not just cold, it's delicious, too. [laughing] [playing drums] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[Gwen] A Sticky Situation!</i></font> [♪♪♪] [TRACE-E chirps] Whoa, careful, TRACE-E. I'm making a new extra-sticky web formula. I've got to mix the ingredients perfectly, or it won't work right. Just eight drops of this chemical. One... two... [drumming] -three, four... -[TRACE-E chirps] five, six, seven, and-- Whoa! [sighs] That's some catchy drumming. I almost messed up my formula listening to it. [TRACE-E chirps] Hey, Peter, what do you think of my newest beat? Sounding great, Gwen. Thanks. All right, just three drops of this chemical. This time, I really need to be careful. One... two... [plays a drum roll] Whoa! Ah! What a mess! [TRACE-E chirps] [drumming] Oh, no. [gasping] Oh, sorry, Peter. Here, let me help. What happened? I was almost done mixing my new extra-sticky web formula, but when you hit that cymbal, it surprised me, and I dropped it everywhere. [chirping] Yeah, and TRACE-E, too. I knocked my chemicals all over the place. I guess I got a little carried away. I probably should've just waited till you were done. That doesn't seem fair. Seems like there's gotta be a way we can both do what we like at the same time. Or find a way to take turns. We'll put our heads together and figure something out. I like it. Oops. Huh, look at that. Never seen that before. Something must have gone wrong with the formula. Let's give it a good pull on three. One, two, three! [straining] [grunting] It's too sticky! Yeah. We're really stuck. Whoa! But you can unstick us, right? Um, sure, I think. Whoa! I wish I didn't use up all of our "web-off." [TRACE-E chirps] Good idea, TRACE-E. I'll just tear it apart with these pliers. [grunting with effort] Huh. Didn't even scratch it. What about you, TRACE-E? You're a super strong little robot. Oh yeah! Maybe she can chop through it. Go, TRACE-E, go! [TRACE-E chirps bravely] -[TRACE-E chirps in alarm] -Whoa! -[wailing chirp] -Yikes! Gotcha! Nice try, TRACE-E. Are you okay? [chirps] This is some seriously strong stuff. And we are seriously stuck together. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[alert blares] Webs up! Spidey alert!</i></font> [groaning] What's up, WEB-STER? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Green Goblin and Rhino</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>are heading for the Central Bank.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[evil cackling on video]</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Whee! -I'm gonna be rich!</i></font> Getting unstuck will have to wait. We've got a bank robbery to stop. Time to swing! Whoa! Ah! [groaning] Together? -Together! Go, webs, go! [♪♪♪] Ready, Ghosty? Let's swing! Ah! Wha? Whoa! This is gonna be harder than I thought. We need to figure out a way to make this work. You're right. Let's go, webs, go-- Spidey, wait! -Whoa! -Yah! Wha! Whoa! Oof! [groaning] Maybe we should agree on who goes first. Good idea, but let's start off a little higher. What if you go first, and then I'll follow you? -Okay! One, two. [together] One, two. One, two. [grunting] Okay, the climbing worked. Now let's try swinging? How about you shoot your web first? Then you shoot yours, and we keep taking turns. Got it! Ready? We can do this. Let's Spidey swing! Hup! Okay, you! Whoo-hoo! -Ha-ha, yeah! -Okay, you! Hup! You're next! Now you! Yeah! Ha-ha! Whoo! That's more like it! Now let's go stop a bank robbery. [security alarm ringing] [maniacal laughter] Shoo, shoo, little customers. Move along! [panicked shouting] My not-so-little helper and I are robbing the bank, and we'll need to make a quick getaway. There won't be any getaway for you, Gobby! Great green gobblesnitches! It's the spiders! But what's this? One spider's little hand is stuck to the other's? That's weird. [Ghosty] Doesn't bother us. [Spidey] You're going down! [Spidey senses tingling] -Uh-oh, look out! -Whoa! [roaring] [grunting] Now, that's what I call perfect timing. Quick, Rhino, the safe. First I gotta chase off these spiders! H'uah! Get outta here, spiders! You're messing up my crime! H'yah! Whoa! That almost hit us! [laughs wickedly] [groaning] We've gotta help each other out. H'yah! Watch it! Thanks. Whoa! I got ya! -[grunting] -Watch it! Thanks, Spidey. Missed us! H'yah! -Incoming! -I got ya! If you keep dodging, I'll keep throwing! I got all day! Watch it! What? This is ridiculous. Just give me the safe, and let's get out of here! You're not the boss of me, Gobby! I have the safe, and I say we stay and beat Team Spidey! Oh, gobbledygook. Do I have to do everything myself? I have the safe now! Let's follow that safe! So long! Hey, Gobby! Where you going? I thought we were gonna share the loot from that safe! Meet me at our secret spot. We'll split everything there. [sarcastically] Oh, I promise. I really do. We've got to stop him. Hup! Ha ha! ♪ Meet Gobby in a secret spot! ♪ ♪ Meet Gobby in a secret spot! ♪ [laughing] What a victory! [evil cackling] H'yah! [grunting] Hup! He's too high up for our webs to reach him. -Quick! We have to see where he's going. Gobby's flying away with the safe in that direction... and I see Rhino! [shouting] Gobby! He told Rhino to meet him at their secret spot. So we go where Rhino goes, and he'll lead us right to Gobby! We'll catch 'em both. Go, webs, go! Hup! [laughs] Now you! Whoo! Now you! Whoo! [laughs] [humming] Huh? What's this? Hey, Gobby! [Green Goblin] The spiders are following Rhino now! Oh, gobbledy-frobbledy- wobbledy-gook! [chuckling] I'm gonna have so much loot! I'll buy... I'll buy all the stuff I want! Like, like a yo-yo... [chuckles] and, and a bunch of donuts, and, ooh-- Change of plans, Rhino. Huh? Look behind you! Hup! Aw, big deal. I'm a real fast runner. [breathing hard] [groans] No. They're following you to our secret spot. You have to lose them. Stop telling me what to do! You lose 'em! What? No! You seriously have to lose them. You never listen to me! It's like we're not even friends! What are they saying? [arguing] No, I am the leader! [Ghosty] Looks like they're arguing. Good thing we work together better than they do. [chuckles] Yeah, or we'd still be stuck in WEB-Quarters. [growling] -[gasping] -H'yah! [grunting] Just... get rid of them. I'll be waiting for you at the secret spot. Aw... I guess I have to get rid of 'em after all. Ha! [laughing] [taunting laughter] [Spidey] Rhino's trying to lose us! [Ghosty] We can follow him from the rooftops! Ha-ha. [cackling] I'll lose those guys in no time. [giggling] This could take a while. [groans] We could end up following him all day. And meanwhile, Gobby's got that safe. We've got to get it before he decides to keep everything inside it for himself. Well, what if we convince Rhino that's exactly what Gobby's doing? They have been working pretty horribly together. Ooh! [snickering] I bet Rhino would believe Gobby's double-crossing him. And Rhino really wants his loot. He'll forget about trying to lose us, and run right to their secret spot. -[gasps] -Looking for us? [growls] Stay back, spiders! I'm gonna get rid of you two, and go collect my loot! Oh, you think there's still any left for you? But! Oh! Gobby's been bossing you around all day. You think he cares about you? He left you behind so we would catch you. I bet right now he's got that safe open, and he's taking everything out for himself. I-I'm the one who busted into the bank and stole it! That's right, you did, but do you think Gobby cares? You're right! He always gets his way. He's just out for himself! Well, I'm not gonna let him get away with it. I want my half of the loot! [laughing] [cackling wickedly] One for me, one for Rhino. Two for me, one for Rhino. Three for me, one for Rhino. [smashing] Y'ah! You give me what's mine, Gobby! Oh, hi, Rhino, that was fast. Did you lose the-- [yelps] Spiders! Surprised to see us? Oh, quick, to the glider! I want my half of the loot! You're not going anywhere. [yelps] Oh! -Ha! -[yelps] [groaning] Since you're partners, you really should stick together. Huh? What? No! -[grunting and struggling] -Oh, man, we're stuck! Oh, no! Get this off of me! It's too strong! Oof! Next time, we're doing it my way. No, my way! My way! No, my way! My way, my way, my way! [dissolving] Ah... and there you go. That should be the last of it. So you invented another formula to dissolve your sticky formula? Science is cool. Speaking of which, I've had enough science. Feel like playing some drums? Peter, you know me so well! I think now would be the perfect time. [tapping a count-in] [drumming] [TRACE-E chirps] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 84,685,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, spidey and his amazing friends, spiderman, freeze it's team spidey, spidey and his amazing friends freeze it's team spidey, spidey and his amazing friends freeze its team spidey full episode, freeze it's team spidey episode, spidey and his amazing friends full episodes, freeze team spidey, spider man cartoon, team spidey, spidey team, spiderman cartoons full episodes, spidey and friends full episodes, spider-man cartoon
Id: t4pZwMW-FEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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