Teen Titans Go! | Cyborg Best Costumes from Teen Titans | @dckids

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look at this cool outfit Robin made for me draws attention to the quads and calves just like a costume should gotta step up your game Robin if you want to compete uh I've never been so relaxed deep breaths little attention out Reiki knuckle punch so snap oh God it's got that snap I like it yes Robin your fingers are like tiny Magic clawbone that's it every Robin who is not Robin out oh that was so helpful oh man you look cool look upon the ironic mustache made of the facial hair yeah yeah look at me I don't have a care in the world okay are you lean bruh I'm listening to Listen to Who Underground Music not like that terrible popular music all those lame-o's likes yo-yo's the dude when you have concluded listening to the cool music you can take a cool ride on my cool cycle motor I am bad to the skeleton check me out sunglasses inside at night I'm so cool I can't see nothing [Music] is this Gonna Hurt nope I won't feel a thing and you guys say I'm not funny but seriously this will be extremely painful as Wrath [Music] ah Raven you did it I'm human again now I have to warn you your human nervous system is very sensitive compared to your robot body all I'm hearing is hot tub hot hot hot hot tub e [Music] why was the hot tub so hot because you're human and humans feel way more pain than robots yeah sorry cyborg but it's hang on Wow we can't even call you cyborg anymore can we you can't yeah bro you're just a fleshy guy now fleshy guy that can be your new name man I'm so great at naming things I'm not sure I want to be you don't want to be a cyborg again do you no I just have a lot to learn about being a real boy that's all that's the spirit fleshy guy I'll be your guide to being a human just follow me these snacks taste so much better in my human belly that's what I'm saying so she died thank you my human belly huh maybe we overdid it just a little what was that that's the burdigato all right let's see what we got in the old closet too spiky too brainy nope nope nope nope nope how'd that get in my closet I need my suit back [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] there clean as the baby's behind it's soft as babies behind star those things aren't usually so clean yes I am saying we did an awful job foreign can you just put me back together be careful with it okay this is not how I go back together I don't know I'm pretty sure that's how I remember you yeah agreed then what about all those extra parts yes extra part cyborg as in you do not need them that's my leg you're sitting on sorry cyborg but we've done everything we can foreign you can't leave me like this it's undignified I feel like Webster morning Titans [Music] who wants breakfast children ah still with the voice [Music] cyborg what are you doing bro call me grandma my child seriously cyborg ow I said call me grandma okay Grandmama foreign now wash those hands before you eat go on now [Music] that dress does not flatter him [Music] seems this voice has attached itself to Cyborg's subconscious somehow but it also seems he she has become an awesome cook foreign thank you sweetie now let's clean up this mess because I'm not raising any little piggies so much work cleaning doesn't have to be work baby just put a little music on and it becomes a pie how can audio pleasantries Inspire cleanliness [Music] just feel the music baby [Music] I think I'm I'm starting to feel it and then yeah [Music] classy Beast Boy real classy must you always have the sarcastic put up and smart remark hey someone has to be the smart one around here on Zinthos dude what are you doing creating a portal to escape my despair Azarath Metreon Zinthos that cult didn't give you any powers bro it just made you no fun super no fun you are a total sack of the sadness cyborg yeah grumpy grumpster make grumpy pants oh look at you oh you're so sad oh I'm just gonna cry all day [Music] my life is so dark and gloomy oh man [Music] come on [Music] hey Raven just wanted to make sure you're meditating in an optimal environment doing great thanks okay this is boring [Music] [Applause] [Music] meditate oh meditate with me [Applause] hey guys where's Raven he's probably he has no idea what you're saying you have to speak his language [Music] our GB3 Doors Down on Yee's starboard side matey so down the hall hi A.T oh only the true pirate would understand such strange words [Music] what happened to you working on my new power moves without you speaking of where's Robin anyways I thought he was merge obsessed well who cares I'm just glad that he's not around for once hey Beast Boy what are you doing in there I move in it's the ultimate merging of our powers I don't know Robin do you really think this is a good idea for for a boy isn't it power sneeze huh huh power sneeze that just ain't right that's disgusting a little but together we can stop every threat that comes our way [Music] laughs [Music] it's not combo [Music] eat eat [Music] good now that's a mouthful [Music] fashion combo [Music] foreign [Music] dude from Mars who hunts man all the time sweet I want to hunt me some men's Raven you be Wonder Woman great so all I get is a swimsuit some bracelets and a rope that rope is the golden lasso those Bound by it are forced to tell the truth really hey Batman remember that wet spot on your pants you said was water it was pee I said it was water but it was totally pee you try fighting crime after drinking too much cranberry juice cool oh who shall I be how about the blast I am the best flash nice moves flash Green Lantern approves [Music] oh yeah sweet ring bro thank you this ring is the most powerful weapon in the universe it can manifest anything with your willpower alone witness its power this is the Golden Girls you know it what up B that ring can manifest any weapon imaginable and you choose the Golden Girls these sassy old broads are the toughest ladies around when the chips are down you want the Golden Girls in your corner wow you'd make such a great member of the Justice League it's okay B not even your sardonic one-liners can make him a pal and Confidant rock this is so cool now remember Titans we can be animals we just can't become them whatever I just want to turn into a tiny donkey [Applause] we got that good air in our face in the sun on our way I could already do the flying before sure but could you do this foreign [Music] [Applause] over there it's the hive let's get up [Music] foreign [Music] first then this should be fun [Music] oh my goodness this is fake I'm getting caught up in the Ridiculousness I need some discipline and self-control [Music] oh my God this is mildly uncomfortable the bear is not very showy but it is well executed you win bro you win you win just let us go not until you say it real wrestling truly is a noble sport thank you cyborg for showing us the light no thank you for this oh yeah oh yeah that's right I'm the champ [Music] let's go foreign time to bring an end to the beginning way more fun than mini golf hey no fair
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 2,634,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN
Id: r9jg7lPfdVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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