Teen Titans Go! | Bumblebee's the BEST! | @dckids

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[Music] and bumblebee [Music] being a pirate is the best now nothing can stop us from winning this race it'd be over your heart looks like we can't win even as pirates guys you don't need to be pirates winning this canoe race is about teamwork and the teen titans are the best team here you are all so different but you understand each other completely when you work together nothing is impossible [Music] never catch them again not this year eat this [Music] ew sticky ah why'd you cover us with honey not the beers [Music] look at all those crazy weapons we do not stand any of the chances against that yep we're pretty much dead perhaps not an analysis of the suit schematic shows a weakness a tiny exhaust port leading to its power source what do you think this is a star wars and how's we supposed to blast up that tiny hole it's too small fool yep we're pretty much dead or maybe we just need a hero with shrinking power exactly which is why i've recruited the adam to join us on this dangerous mission the adam what about me what about you i can shrink just like the atom you know that's my power right i thought it was making honey it's not making honey oh i thought it was making honey too in our defense you just joined the team i've been here for months bumblebee as our resident shrinking hero you will be perfect for this mission so what are you gonna do about the atom just calm and cancel no big deal he's here it is now the big deal [Music] i'll handle it adam i'm sorry but i have some bad news adam where is he yo check your shoes bro ah there you are my oh my he got eyes better shield your eyes cuz my eyes don't tell no lie oh sorry no no it's not your fault this is a contrived encounter that despite all odds will spark something between us [Music] i'm i'm the boy boy wonder batman i mean i'm robin he's my name wonder girl i like you despite this awkward introduction maybe i'll see you around ooh somebody's gonna get himself a camp girlfriend girls don't like this guy he is the unattractive both physically and emotionally it's true once a girl doesn't think so you mean the girl robin just knocked into the dirt he bumped into her helped her pick up her stuff and their hands touched for a second that means they're gonna fall in love she did seem to enjoy the awkward encounter which would normally cause the cringes if every romantic movie i've ever seen is right this man right here is gonna be smooching it up with wonder girl well who could blame her with thighs like these oh the crunches i love camp romances you know i had my first kiss at camp [Music] come here your big buzzy boy he stung a dude and died shortly after i'll be you big buzzy boy the mighty adam is ready for the mission yeah about that i'm afraid your services are no longer required oh you're kidding right it was a mix-up i take full responsibility oh come on do you know how rare it is to get a mission that requires my stupid powers never and when i do get called it's because lois lane dropped an earring down the bathroom sink can't believe i let myself get excited because for once i was gonna leave the house not to buy cat food it's just i got the shrinking thing covered good seeing you i'm not leaving i drove all the way across town i'm going on the mission i took a shower this morning for crying out loud i'm not sure what to do here easy pick the better hero uh how are you the better hero because when i shrink i still have the strength of a full-grown man [Music] so can you lift this couch yes if someone got the other side then it would just depend on the hand holds but i can also do this have you ever seen a tiny man lift an entire bag of potato chips big deal i can shrink and fly hmm i gotta say shrinking seems like a pretty useless power are you sure we need the tiny hero to defeat the brain yes in that case i propose a shrink off a tiny competition to decide who becomes the official shrinking hero of the teen titan oh we can't do that adam in the short time she's been with us bumblebee has become an essential part of our team we couldn't just toss her aside do you want to pay me back the cash money i spent driving over here no no no no no no this fight is one for the history books this is the one we're going to tell our grandchildren about what that's awesome oh my god [Music] anybody i'm gonna make some more corn no thanks cyborg i'm good i'm gonna go back to the tower and pee and i did my sweet grandchildren i went back to the tower and i peed wow yes that was back in the day before they had pea transporters we do tend to take these things for granted these what happened days grandma well it took hawkman four days straight to win that fight afterwards i got these fun selfies with hawkmen and huckman signed cyborg's butt which he then had laser engraved that tickles if it happened before she got here it is not a suitable anecdote i am serious serious you guys remember that it's time i don't get it you also had to be there ah we've made bumblebee feel slightly awkward again this reminiscing of precious memories has to stop what about a song does a song count it depends on the song the greatest song ever written [Music] best to avoid it it's too epic how can a song be too epic had to be there well i wasn't aha why don't we put her into our own memories because you can oh this is the wonderful idea no it's not you don't have a time machine oh yes we do remembers that time with george washington no well we're going to fix that we are going to take you back in time so you can be part of all our favorite memories together one time machine coming up wait your memories are your most precious thing do you really want to mess with them so i don't feel slightly out of place your social comfort is more important to us than a few wonderful memories now let us take the stroll down the memory road where were the rest of the titans grandma well honeybee it turns out looking for hawk people is hungry work so the rest of us had stopped off to get some cheese sticks oh how unpleasant i know it's hard to imagine a time when you had to chew food with your mouth but these were the days before utopia crackers which reminds me it's time to infuse your utopia crackers thank you grandmother yes i can feel the nutrients disseminating into my bloodstream well back in my day you had to taste your food [Music] [Music] waffles hey you're us great detective work now get lost we'll take over from here hey you can't boss us around no matter how handsome you are [Music] waffles [Music] i'm from the future which means i'm older which means i have seniority which means get lost baby hands i can't argue with that wobbles waffles [Music] okay we've wiped out the old memory now let's make a new one this time with bumblebee this is so exciting we get to relive one of the most annoying moments of our lives yay [Music] [Laughter] i can feel my neurons formulating the new memory with the bumblebees by the way i think bumblebee left for good what why didn't she tell us it is so the rude to leave without saying the goodbye i forgot my bag are you truly parting all of the ways with us bumblebee it's because we're garbage right we know it's not you guys it's just i've always wanted to try the solo superhero thing you know like batman being mysterious hanging out with commissioner it's kind of been a dream of mine since forever wait so you're not going back to titans east uh-oh i just realized i never told them i was leaving how very likely you to leave without saying the goodbye so the ring bumblebee we've been looking all over for you everything's been awful since you left really uh yeah we can't afford our rent anymore that's funny our rent has gone down quite a bit [Music] and we can't seem to get our chores done our chores have never been easier and battles have been tough huh we've been fighting better than ever she totally does there is good and there is evil and the line between them is clear i work alone you'll only slow me down i am saying the one-liners like a real hero i've been so conflicted and unhappy all this time and i never even knew it oh great our future selves again you know the drill out now let us relive the moment with the inclusion of our newest member let's get it is time to get really really really serious wait how do i do that face just scrunch it real hard and say something serious like welcome to my world punk got it welcome to my world punk yeah that's not the look you should be going for oh let me try again life feels meaningless come on are you even trying to look serious scrunch harder [Music] wow
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 2,309,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, DC Super Hero Girls, teen titans go, teen titans go full episodes, bumblebee, teen titans go bumblebee, best moments, funny moments, best bits, bumblebee dc superhero girl, bumblebee dc comics, bumblebee dc first appearance, teen titans go titans east, titans east, titans east vs control freak, titans east vs brother blood, robin, starfire, beast boy, cyborg, raven
Id: 4djb1n3MqrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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