ALL EPISODES Season 3 ✨ | DC Super Hero Girls

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[Music] [Applause] Killer Moth wants to play huh well brains can't keep up with the bat bat girl meet my upgraded shield now let's say five eyes and affect you emergency system malfunction come on get me out of here ah oh good you're awake I hope my cocoon kept you warm enough I wouldn't want my new partner catching a cold new partner our team name will be creatures of the night you know cuz we're both in a bed I even got us matching jackets you're a medium right uh you kids should be calling it a night soon your shop projects will wait until morning just a few more minutes hey Doc Magnus I got that copper wiring whoa look at that beauty Oh my parents did the real work I'm just adding some mods what a specimen oh you got a little gunk there ruining that spaceship shine Thanks dust from Krypton crystallizes sticks to everything I'm Leyna the new IT girl oh you got that girl's old job welcome to that's batgirls emergency call she must be in trouble time to see what this ship can do nice to meet you Supergirl bat and moth pageant crime fraud all of the time nice call on the homing tag Batgirl led me right to you just in time he wanted me to sing with him yuck but I even got us matching mugs too bad you can't use them in jail the special Crimes Unit will be by to pick you up what about being partners sorry Killer Moth I already have the world's finest partner [Music] [Music] my spring break by frost it all started with a special assignment for principal Wohlers task force X class we've intercepted machinist plans to break the female Furies out of Belle Reve if she succeeds the female Furies will certainly enact revenge on superhero hi let's go over our strategies again remember a successful mission is all about expecting the unexpected the unexpected female Furies come out come out wherever you are [Applause] hello supers let me introduce you to my old pal um I'm sorry what was your name Brian but Baba Brian's gonna learn all about the agony matrix unless you find him you have two minutes tick tock what do we do I can help big Barda I know how to disable the agony matrix but you're a female fury why would you help us I like Brian he always gives me extra mashed potatoes come on if you don't let me out lishchyna will but there's no way you can deactivate the agony matrix without me this way please hurry I'll give you all the potatoes you want the female Furies we can't let those villains escape no offense none taken katana stay here with big Barda I'll stop the Furies fairies book back to yourselves what you were supposed to be occupied with bribry girls get her out of my way stop about to catch blue girl stop is about to catch a cold [Music] fine I'll do it myself [Music] we told simple baller about how big Barda helped us and the rest is the streets or at least better suited for my next history of Heroes report whoa you think you'll have it fixed before our vehicle projects do yeah most of this will buff out plus now I have a chance to downsize it like I've been wanting better get to work [Music] and the aquamarine wire connects to the puce wire defense missile activated targeting superhero high school [Music] the IT office at least the new IT girl doesn't work on Saturday should we text her to let her know that her office was destroyed I think that's more of an in person conversation hello pretty kryptonite crystals you're so weak that not even Supergirl knew you were there but I have just the cure for that my very first trip to might that calls for a selfie smile what are they doing here hello Lena anyone here hello how's it going actually Lena I wanted to let you know that I accidentally exploded your office at school sorry no problem things like that happen every day so thanks for stopping by buh-bye now she took that well [Music] Oh No what did you do oh I don't feel so good oh you're Supergirl you don't do sick look kryptonite no one kryptonite's my friend especially not some weird moving hunk of kryptonite [Laughter] you're safe now Supergirl Thanks well let's get you back to school [Music] [Music] [Music] things again Batgirl I have to get Supergirl away from the Kryptonite you take the lead how leading huh [Music] [Applause] what the nuts and bolts if we smash them they'll just make more how are we gonna stop them bring its kryptonite hey wait a second what is that chemically it's just a crystal fine it was also organic we'll need both chemistry and biology to defeat it to the science lab wait for me three rocks [Music] thanks flash working here makes me so angry other colors can affect humans in different ways using reds the mad kryptonite we formulated in the anti hydroscopic solution that inhibits the crystallization it steps them now get screen that's the last [Applause] ah they won't miss one plus you match my daughter we were meant to play Holi your pranks are the worst you would think that pranks are only appreciated by God humour gasps I thought they were the phone's three weeks of detention for you flash-in-the-pan make it four credit to Claus Lightening you're always wearing my stuff without passing headband looks better on me Thunder maybe if you would enunciate I would have understood Ambu breath no it was you who broke the roommate treaty how long were you in the bathroom not as long as you they should call you wonder how long she can hog the bathroom woman [Music] [Applause] that oh you've got this is not the way to behave in the society rip tonight the red makes the humans be angry but mr. Fox's studies proved that my Tam Iranian DNA does not react to the wily waves of the Kryptonite Supergirl use the vision of x-rays to find it why would I help you um I would find it the most upsetting if you told me to wear the Kryptonite went it went that way look at the weird way she flies you know what I think is the dumb IV the anti crypto my chemical that you created it smells of the unwashed gym sock and I would never wish to be sprayed with it that's too bad because I still have some in my locker [Music] this kryptonite was making you the not nice thanks for saving us Starfire you are the welcome now I need to go to the shower that truly does smell of the unwashed gym sock of course you can have Friday off take Monday - sorry I didn't mean it my apologies flash your mission if you choose to be mission is to get just sneak on and help me put this my face of rising best girls rule but isn't batgirls birthday six months from now that's why itself that was close let's get fuzzy [Music] [Music] on a bed let's get out of here [Music] can we please get out of here now now leave until the package is delivered Harlee hurry I was almost a meat in a bed ceiling sandwich [Music] be there soon I need to grab my utility belt then we can be out all day for me what a surprise yeah someone left me a gift that's sweet but how are we gonna get out [Music] [Music] another time again what enough sonic booms we're settling this once and for all an old-school Street race no super power just horsepower I love a good race hey Wonder Woman where's your bike you're not forfeiting Lee invisible cloaking technology [Music] thanks for shutting down the route for the race dad happy to oblige as long as you uphold your end of the bargain and never ever ever ever ever ever drive over the speed limit on your mark get set [Music] [Music] [Music] that girl really blows me away [Music] [Music] where they go [Music] [Applause] welcome to the end of my rope known if I can come up with a pun relating to my weapon first [Music] no superpowers [Music] which one of us would I win yeah wish slowpokes race yeah [Music] Kitana all the other students got their art up and got out of here hours ago you ready almost miss noon I want my artistic debut to be uber perfect welcome to the superhero High student art show fundraiser and a special welcome to miss silver st. cloud who was generously let us display this masterpiece from her gallery Supergirl would you do the honors absolutely principal Waller oh no the painting go straight to the double dare to ends hey give that back we got something in our bag of tricks Oh kryptonite someone stop them oh look a leaky we got company better bring out the good over don't worry I brought my own [Music] [Music] [Music] you gotta love super proof steel stop another step we got a hostage like painting put that down or I'll make you put it down dare accepted in split it is a masterpiece yep that's why they wanted to steal it so lively so unique so unexpected where did you find your inspiration actually it found me POW picnic on I love to pick the Nick there's nothing better than getting your grub on in nature not cool snake bro snake bro we must save the humans let's go heroes drink does daddy night fuzzy-wuzzy time - 23 skidoo away from this critter whoa shape-shifting superheroes next the humans of the park are secured but where'd those animals come from the zoo of course my name and now we're going to help metropolis get in touch with its wild side why don't you listen to your instincts and join me baseball [Music] do not mess with my friend or your flat will face my fish no please I had good intentions it is not safe for the animals of high aggressiveness to be loose that should keep him dreaming until the metropolis special Crimes Unit gets here yeah nice hearing now to return the animals to the zoo come along animal friends what here a riddle what do you get when an elephant sits on your fence starfire cut the elephant off in front I'll flank him and then be spoil do his thing you beasts of the wrinkled adorableness anybody you up for some Follow the Leader pull the door there you go sweetie I guess it was okay for a um I'm a volunteer here at the zoo names Mari McCabe no time for the talk of the small we have many species of the class Animalia to return I want help too told you it would work [Music] here's one for the road pal okay just one more oh don't be the wildlife we are the grateful Mari yeah you got some pretty okay skills I guess I'm just good with animals we've already called metropolis SCU they'll be here soon to get Lion mean oh no rush welcome to the party of pledge [Applause] Ares God of War Ares you are not welcome here and I invited our Father to my feast but he did not arrive is he celebrating with you instead Oh Zeus isn't here he's probably with Dionysus this guy's your brother half-brother it's a long story easy on the redecorating half-brother or not this creepers got to be stopped [Music] [Music] I know [Music] Oh Judas wasn't here don't wanna leave us alone how dare the little sister give me orders [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and feeling all harmonious I'm totally sorry for tearing up your party I'm just gonna go home and meditate namaste friends [Music] sorry about all that whenever I come home for a holiday there's always family drama where is crazy quilt haven't seen him if he doesn't show in five class is canceled right the art of being undetected your assignment is to create a stealth suit with a partner the first pair will be Batgirl and hmm yo yo yo pick me I could blend in anywhere [Music] [Music] okay that girl and Ivy but she's so colorless and boring and she's so frivolous and and green since my I mean our grade is dependent on this I went ahead and took the lead on some designs but mr. crazy quilt said that we had to work together and this one could use more green Ivy's don't push that the whole point of stealth gear is to not be noticed so we can avoid confrontation I love your flowery look for every day but for this assignment we have to be like Randy not Grundy I was thinking more like Oh welcome Solomon Grundy epic fail [Applause] [Music] with these dark colors I blend in no way croc will see me but isn't crocs dominant sense smell that's why I covered my scent with Lily's picker stealth fails [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna fail I've never failed before what if they kicked me out of school then I'll have to get a job at the hotdog stand the only costume I'll be wearing is hot stuff the hot dog I don't want to be a hot dog almost ready I think you might like it now suspicious activity detected intersected sweet Oh No Killer Moth took crazy quilt but if crazy quilts out tomorrow he can't fail me I mean IV let's go what do you think Wow stealth suit on yes you can't do this to me I'm an important member of the superhero High faculty I was a project super suit semi-finalists yeah my finalists but your resume said you won who must have been that typo whatever you will make me the superest super suit something with style sophistication a sense of love affair hmm ah fine anything to get your current fashion abomination out of my eye line [Music] Killer Moth has crazy quilt hostage so it's important to stay under the radar until crazy quilt is safe you got it Batgirl IV I said under the radar under is where he has his infrared laser alarm he never expected anyone to go over whoa nice thinking [Music] no faster I am trying but I'm getting your calles okay don't touch that it could zap us I have to get closer here this way did you hear something [Music] must just be jumpy thinking about my new suit has my adrenaline up I just think I need a partner now I know I just need the right costume I can't wait to have a shoot the screams Killer Moth super villain unlike your current suit that screams I got dressed in the dark you again yep me and divey too and it looks like you're going back to the bug house no I won't go back here [Music] [Music] Oracle bring the Battie wagon yes miss backhoe make sure the DA knows that's one count of kidnapping and forth labor plus a whole slew of crimes against fashion hmm for the amazing work of your stealth outfits I give the Ivy Batgirl partnership an a-plus jumpin geraniums Batgirl and Hawkgirl with a prisoner drop by babs hawkgirl great work bringing in the cloaked shadow all in a night's work Commissioner Gordon she was gonna end up in Belle Reve sooner or later I'm just glad we made sure it was sooner oh me too dad thanks for bringing me and girls getting past security is a real pain now I'll just get my female Furies and we'll get out of your hair you won't escape us I will if you want to save him the dart was poisoned and the antidote is at the place in Metropolis that reminds me most of home don't mean to throw you into a sticky situation but time's a-wastin what'll it be me or him [Music] take talk ladies let's go home Furies stupa how do you make the mother box the burp said the antidote is in the place that reminds her most of apocalypse apocalypse is dark dangerous and smells bad the Centennial Park Tar Pits that's what she meant by sticky situation [Applause] you take the West quadrant I'll search the East quadrant there it is [Music] [Music] don't worry I got you know let's get me antidote to my dad then come back for me [Music] come on commish sorry dad I let the female Furies escape Oh Babs being a good hero is about making tough choices and you made all the right ones huh does it smell like tar in here yeah well crime stinks you win again Babs now I guess I should be getting back to work dad the doctor said you have to stay until they're certain all of the apocalyptic and poisonous whoa who took my sunglasses crisis averted girl you need to get yourself some anger management I don't have an anger problem hey no one messes with our Chris thunder lightning let's take this big lady down let's give this all we've got [Music] yeah nurse I need your help code copper code car for patients we need power stat watch where you're going it's your fault bad girl help I used all my power during the fight with Giganta and now I can't recharge don't worry we'll fix this we can't fix it we have to restore power or metropolis will plunge into chaos we can help the citizens but electricity isn't our thing I know whose thing it is emergency shelter inside lightning I need your help but what about thunder I just need you come on [Music] I can't do it I can't yes you can dad always said we can do anything yeah when we do it together one two three yeah [Music] for your work and returning power to metropolis [Music] I wonder what it's like to have a sister you should know because you have us [Music] this is PE fat girl as in physical education and that grappling thingy over [Music] you're doing 282 in a 218 zone for that I must revoke your Flyers license keys for two miles over no texting in class pads ed to dead your items will be returned when we determine if you have filled out the proper paperwork for each one paperwork why so glum Batgirl oh no teenagers [Applause] [Music] I need your technology to free come on windshield wipers windshield wipers [Music] so not another word from review depleted few depleted [Music] your gear is gone in your bat Jets wrecked not so super now I don't weed all that to be super and I certainly don't need it to defeat you [Music] [Music] looks like your wish will come true you won't spend another day away from mr. Clayface now you'll be an Arkham to Supergirl now I really need to find my comm bracelet I probably missed like 100 texts no need to stress I was just dropping by to see my sister got you this peace offering one of my most treasured possessions Golden Fleece Wow this isn't just some trick the amulets of Harmonia is really working no tricks only treats here ever since I've had this I feel like the God of peace vegan if you've never been part of a drum circle you should try it'll change your life a large milk to go please oh sorry Catwoman let me get you a new one this is no chance to make it big you'll be a star IV so good to see you you're looking radiant I told you I don't have any catnip oh you act like I only come here when I want something then why are you here I want something come on Harley's in Gotham girl's gotta stick together right you knew Helen of Troy oh yeah she was a real special lady Harley's in trouble come on we'll be right back Aries take your time no rush I'll be here savoring this elixir [Music] [Applause] so I says to her Keeley's that's not a siren that's my mother pollen grenade it's alright I'll get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Aries I'll get the mobile HQ I heard the save the day Lars where do you need me what should I do I need you to [Music] [Music] what happened to the bat-jet in the shop it got clay faced everyone else Pilate in peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Oracle what do you see identifying weaknesses starfire bubble be the lightning rod [Music] [Music] [Music] but it could be anywhere I might be able to help Miss Martian Bionic powers you have that yeah I don't like prying into people's minds but this seems important [Music] Catwoman's fault to the mobile HQ I'll run it what's the status it looks like it uses a visual scanner that will only open for Catwoman I'm gonna need a sledgehammer a quart of nitroglycerin or I could you can shape-shift - why didn't I know you could do that I don't like to brag [Music] flash get this to Wonder Woman as fast as you can I got the amulet of Harmonia good that's the only thing that can stop him from going berserk mmm you this mess is all your fault for stealing it I didn't know I thought it was just a cool necklace well if you could just keep your paws off everybody fighting is what Ares once we need a plan to get this on him and save metropolis I'm the sneakiest Kadett superhero hi I'll do it [Applause] [Music] so shiny you would have looked great with my prom dress but duty calls [Music] gnarlie headache oh I did it again didn't I yeah come on really you'll help me after all that that's what family's for ooh so what else can you do Miss Martian hey Catwoman paws off my wheels glad I installed that anti-theft device huh I guess cats don't always land on their feet for your role in this catastrophe six months detention better make that black fire I am so glad you are here for the sister together miss do you not love the day of fun ship yay brain freeze you won your brain froze the first on earth we celebrate the winner by dumping the drinks upon their head add these to the tab of mine you got it I know the most funnest of the ways to celebrate our day of fun ship sitting quietly in peaceful reflection Oh Blackfyre you are the silliest Caniff stirrer I meant the trip of extreme fun-ness to the zoo isn't this the most funnest I think we have different ideas of fun would you rather see the Bears of the polar or the long neck spotty horses I've had enough of your weird earth animals I mean like what's this guy even supposed to be a shark it's ridiculous that is not the zoo we must stop him yeah you can buy dinner instead what do we do black fire the nursery rhyme from when we were the little ring around the well back to Corrigan Academy see you at home for Tamaran sovereignty day I would not miss the its mm-hmm thanks cannister I had fun thanks vice principal Grodd for that impressive demonstration of primate power up next we'll be doing a drought going with the teacher gets kidnapped drill again coach Wildcat are we clear to begin the drill are we prepared for my entrance I have no good my cue oh now those gorillas kidnapped by spread simple cross get him oh so it's the pretend we're not doing a drill drill initiate strategy 800 pounds yeah time to get my simian on yeah gorilla grodd we have come to rescue you from captivity and return you to your proper place as ruler of Parrilla City stop let go of me vice principal vice principal I don't get into that villain stuff anymore these supers have brainwashed our leader [Music] oh it appears gorillas haven't adapted to chilly climates [Music] come well your breasts are distracted I'm telling you yes my needle I am not brainwashed and I don't need you to rescue me but then why have you not returned to gorilla City yeah I thought it'd be weird like you guys will want to take off in Metropolis and that's not my thing anymore well we don't have to take over anything we can just hang out we miss you rod I miss you guys too they tell you what I'll be there for the next bamboo festival okay all right no stirring don't your father a lot of you see I still know how to have fun [Music] [Music] big Barda this class has advanced martial arts art was never making katana work with big Barda the rest of you to the sparring that thanks for hanging with me but I don't need any fancy hi-yah stuff I can take out anybody with my muscle and Vega rod the ancient martial arts will always be superior to that Samaki anything you're doing sorry to drop in on you like this but now we got the double dare twins and they have the weapon omits cross blaster prototype [Music] [Applause] hey hey I stole that from the weapon omits of all fair and square [Music] [Music] double Phooey lays and moves in there you're right you don't need martial arts Wow for being so scrawny you sure know how to fight you think you could teach me how to do that leg sweep thing yeah I could teach you that and I'll teach you some of my moves too that's great but this is better [Music] okay switch it to autopilot [Music] I'm never gonna pass flyers ed you're overthinking it relax how am I supposed to relax when I'm flying a huge vast invisible hunk of metal another morning in Metropolis what shall I stay for suspicious / mysterious activity wiggle my wings that's Wonder Woman sheet signature she must be flying in the elusive invisible jet target's locked that you want delish coming turn hello Wonder Woman I'm commandeering your invisible jet [Music] the invisible Jets cockpits super proof nothing gets in or out this is the turbo seat right yes but Frost I should I can't fly the jet e-value but I can you take your shoulder oops too many cylinders tech panels down the Jets gone into lockdown super proof I'm stuck no the city she's thinking and ice floes [Music] [Music] thanks Frost oh it's all thanks to the hydrogen bonding properties of water that creates a crystal lattice structure temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit chemistry aside you were the one doing the grapevine the turbo seed is more my speed I think I could borrow it for the Flyers ad test absolutely now let's get this bug to the authorities [Music] mobilization on armories activated how the shield's come in sheaves who miss shields are in perfect order our shop midterm is as good as ace let's call it a night known criminals spotted in Metropolis or take it for a test drive [Music] Perry assailant identified as Perry species parademon so you know this monster he's no monster look at that face his grandeur goodness his pet from apocalypse she must be behind this he scared him alone we should help him big Barda wait if this is part of granny's plan it could be a trap we should stand here where it's safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at 10% trying to wear down the shield no he's just plain but I am no parademons plate thing but Barda granny goodness might she's not here he must have gotten hurt and Granny left him behind hey we're gonna help you all right I don't know why you're keeping that destructive thing hurt parademons hurt rope everything and we all deserve a second chance Perry [Music] Kryptonian proximity alert they're gone that's weird the Kryptonian proximity detector was activated must be broken or it's working and someone may be a Kryptonian criminal has escaped from the Phantom Zone to save the day alarm oh no they're here if there's another Kryptonian out there we'll find them yo I thought what trip has saved the day alarm someone with some major muscles went through here judging by the damage if I didn't know the culprit was Kryptonian I would have guessed parademon whoever did this went that way kitty-kitty you'll be perfectly safe in here have you seen anyone strange around a Kryptonian no but whatever has those cats spook must be bad us feelings have a sixth sense about predators who did this I don't know it was so fast and big wild where'd the perp go that way young guard we don't know who we're dealing with my hackles are up in the cars are out each other this is crypto my dog sorry my Kryptonian hound is a little rusty oh I don't care how I'm just so happy you're here look like we're getting another bed at superhero high let's get these out for delivery Wow holiday toy drive success luck Wonder Woman you're a present yeah are you thinking what I'm thinking does it have to do with superfood cake no Batgirl giving out all these toys is great but we can do more we can do the sharing of our selves Hey I could totally share this pumpernickel sandwich I had in my armpit we're gonna make this a super special holiday would you like to partake of the cookie oh thank you sweetie well aren't you nice it wasn't easy but when you're a firefighter that's what you do well bro you are a legit hero the children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads Oh hot cocoa Supergirl here you go thank you supers hey Dad I knew you were working late so I brought dinner ah thanks Babs [Music] here let me help you with that thank you the neighbors will never be able to top fix me money it's just my size mom dad we knew you couldn't go home for the holidays so we brought your family to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy holidays everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: DC Super Hero Girls
Views: 22,049,304
Rating: 4.4327269 out of 5
Keywords: dc super hero girls, dc superhero girls, superhero high school, super hero high, superhero girls, dc super girls, super hero, dc super hero girls episodes, dc super hero girls cartoon, DC comics, super heroes, supergirl, batgirl, poison ivy, hawk girl, wonder woman, harley quinn, bumblebee, katana, hero, starfire, ms martian, barbara gordon, comics, dcsuperherogirls, dc superhero high, dc super heroes, dcshg, UGC, full episodes, top 5, top 10
Id: IySRxv-RbMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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