Teen Titans Go! | Dad Jokers | @dckids

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[Applause] fear me mere mortals brian raven daughter of trigon the terrible excuse me would you can i just please stop with the magic oh boy lost my cool there uh now what's with all the wanton destruction ugh my dad is making me take over the planet i know dad sheesh say you should be using those spooky moves for good instead of evil a superhero huh my dad wouldn't like that stop that i mean see you at tryouts [Music] i'll take one of those you've got no chance pal [Music] hello hello what do you want dad have you forgotten tonight is demon prom not going you must go raven no but i nominated you for prom queen as my daughter you're guaranteed to win i don't want to be prom queen dad if you don't do this you'll regret it for the rest of your eternal life being prom king made me the demon i am today i'd rather just stay here and read me daughter you will go to demon prom and be crowned prom queen or i will raise fire upon the earth until it is what cinder and ash ah fine good now all you need to do is show up in your most evil dress with a nice cruel demon boy and the crown is yours whatever [Music] you grew up so fast now go ahead and get ready oh no you don't understand he's not your typical dad i can relate i mean i am half robot after all [Music] catch daddy kids it's just i had a lot of issues growing up who had childhood issues um excuse me but are you my mother okay okay thanks anyway uh are you my mother are you my mother look my father trigon is trigon devourer of a million souls conqueror of countless worlds trigon is one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe he is your father yep my dad is literally a demon who feeds off the suffering of others especially me behold trigon master of the dark destroyer of dimensions enslaver of civilization enough with the resume dad [Music] hi i'm raven's father you must be cyborg is that an upgraded optical sensor uh yeah thanks for noticing all powerful trigon sir greetings i am starfire your daughter's best female friend within the teen titans young lady least pale in comparison to your beauty and the party animal himself beast boy [Applause] no introduction needed boy wonder the honor is mine how is your back it's fine why thought it might be sore from carrying batman all these years why are you here dad to see my only daughter and her friends of course and now you have goodbye raven that was harsh man even for her yeah i mean a dad doesn't seem that bad robin raven starfire where is everybody uh excuse me ma'am oh hi guys long time no see robin what is that thing it's not a thing it's my baby nobody cares about that baby we're talking about your mullet dude uh just a new look and i go by the name nightwing now all part of growing up so you and starfire finally tied the knot huh no me and batgirl hi guys [Music] what happened to you man you used to be so much cooler relatively speaking i gotta get you out of here let's go to a movie i can't it's my night to fix dinner says who it's just one of my responsibilities this is a nightmare you're being a baby dad why is the trigon so upset i didn't give him anything for father's day no wonder he has destroyed our city you damaged his feelings who cares about his feelings [Music] excuse me trigon sir what do you want this is for you [Music] this was very thoughtful thank you you know what i won't destroy earth after all well got rid of him dad is making me go to demon prom wow he loves prom oh you must bring us with you raven guys it's not prom it's demon prom you know for demons if you show up with me my dad will be super mad at oh hey you guys want to go to demon prom yeah hello hello uh back so soon let me guess you're here to convince me to embrace my inner demon actually i'm here to see your friend me i just wanted to drop off a little gift for being so thoughtful oh he is the perfect i was going to devour his soul but i thought you'd enjoy him more oh i am so glad he did not devour your soul okay thanks dad goodbye i have feelings [Music] mr trigon i was just going to have a silly dance party by myself but would you like to do the silly dance too would it [Music] [Applause] [Music] well at least he's not my problem anymore hey butterbean want to go to the candy cane forest that sounds delicious hello hello i've brought caramel apples i hate caramel apples king jellybean not for you butterbean they're for sparkle face they're so good king jellybean i'm real numb hey those apples are supposed to be mine you dumb horse playtime raven am i supposed to be like the face sparkle dumb if the horseshoe fits [Music] now now girls there has to be a way to settle this there is [Music] he's just going to disappoint you like he always disappoints me i do not care all i want is to be treated like the father's princess raven i am sorry i'm sorry too starfire why are we even fighting i don't know i was never mad at you i was mad at my dad this whole time oh come on the fight was just getting interesting you wanted us to fight this whole time didn't you oh seeing you lash out an anger raven reminds me you're still daddy's little girl this is the best father's day gift ever well if you like that gift we have one more for you [Music] sorry star my dad may be a horrible demon but i still want him to love me i too wish for the fatherly love will you be my father raven yeah will you be mine star yes [Music] [Music] get away from my friends [Music] thanksgiving needs a turkey [Music] fine just eat cyborg you never listen to me anyway [Music] [Music] all i wanted was for today to be perfect perfect for who dad well if your perfect thanksgiving doesn't include eating one of your friends then well so be it thanks dad now change cyborg back and let's go get ready for dinner oh uh i can't he's stuck as a turkey until at least christmas magic pretty crazy where are you dorks going prom baby what the prom um uh hello sir i'm here to pick raven up i'm her date raven be right there i don't know what's going on but i am not going to let my daughter go out with someone like you oh don't worry sir i'm a good boy i'll have her home by 7 p.m and i'll make sure she doesn't get into any trouble that's the problem raven is half demon she must stay out past midnight revel in mischief and possibly enslave another dimension i was thinking about maybe stopping for ice cream afterwards you disgust me i'm ready lady you look stunning raven your friends can't come they're going to ruin your big night sorry dad but this is my squad your squad this is not a taylor swift video this is demon brum if i'm gonna go i want to be with my friends very well [Music] raven has an unwelcome surprise for her evil dad hi i'm raven growing up my dad always wanted me to follow in his footsteps you know destroy the world with evil magic he doesn't approve but all i ever wanted to do was dance [Music] raven demons don't dance sweetie [Music] i told you demons don't dance demons don't dance my dad thinks demons don't dance but i plan on proving him wrong tonight in style i spent the last two weeks making this outfit for tonight's performance isn't it beautiful dad how could you for the last time raven demonstrate your squad is humiliating you i guess i won't be prom queen after all raven honey don't throw this opportunity away this is what's best for you it's best for you dad you never think about anyone but yourself shut up dork what's got you down pops ugh raven was a shoo-in for prom queen until you all embarrassed her all i wanted was for my little girl to have a moment where she could see how much everyone loves her including me but she always thinks she knows what's best we did not realize we were ruining friend raven's chance to be the queen of the proms well you did you guys are dorks there's got to be something we can do to get her that crown we'll have to find a way to win over the crowd don't worry guys i got this [Laughter] my whole life kneel cousins neal no you should be the happy yeah your pops is right yo who's gonna look back on this day and remembers how much everybody loves you you think that's what demon prom is about making memories it's about deciding who's gonna rule the underworld for the next millennium you darks that's right finally my evil little buttercup will be where she belongs come on let's go i'm not going anywhere i'm the prom queen [Music] why do you refuse your destiny my destiny is my choice see you at demon graduation [Music] what are you gonna do now that your dad ripped up your costume and forbid you from dancing ha he can't stop me from doing what i love as a wrath metrions oh dang this is gonna be good [Music] hi i'm raven and i'm doing a dance [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] well dad what did you think i think i think i think you're a fantastic dancer my little sweetie kids who's so much feeling so much emotion oh give your daddy a huggy thanks for watching our video you could hit the subscribe button if you want i don't care whatever let's go
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 35,975,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, ParentsDay, TTG EN, TTG EN Raven, TTG EN Love
Id: YSP2wpxT5_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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