Nobody in the game can beat Bruiser Leona top and this video shows you why...

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Leona in the Top Lane running pressy attack presence of Mind elac cut down cheap shot and ultimate Hunter we're going to do a Bruiser per slow perone Leona Build where I'm going to do a play of the ruin King first into a iceborn gauntlet second and the iceborn will then create a slow Zone on top of my stuns it's going to be very difficult for the enemies to get away from me after I go in approaches we're against a shiobana top who I think is actually going to be decent into us but I don't think I win early we'll see I think once I have blade I'm strong but before that I just don't have enough damage but if I get a gank for sure we will cuz the thing about solo Lane Leona is you don't get to use your passive at all if my jungler comes then she'll activate the passive but I have teleport so if I get pushed out of Lane I can just get right back we'll probably wait for three to even try to trade want my w resistances didn't want to go in there I was trying to eat the minion but I got hit by hurry if I get hit by hurry in a trade and she Autos me I'm just not going to win it it shreds Max Health on our Autos I mean if I'm pushed in I'm more likely to get a gank they'll have to get through me an enemy has been slain my God almost perfect farming under turret Twilight uh she roams that's good and bad Shana's coming need to make sure they know she's there if she gets a free kill off this of the kind of ruins my Lane an enemy has slain wonder what's best to Max an ally has been slain W gives a lot of resistance I will break their Ally SL the E cool down though is really good for sticking on people doing I'm a level up on her so I need to take this fight wow wait I'm actually deleting her I don't think she thought I'd just fight her yep that's what I was hoping for her to throw her Lane by doing something dumb because if she just like fights me and plays The Lane normally I just lose cuz she basically stat checks me with her e but since she roamed I got to level up and she used all her abilities on the minion wave actually did more damage than I expected good thing that didn't hit will there too many minions for her to fight me need to make sure it goes into turret all right cool ad ad she could go AP AP see I guess I'm going to go the life steal route I need to TP I'll lose the majority that wave if I don't first light approaches but since I have the life steal and the potion now I think I can just tank the minions yeah I really didn't didn't take any damage there got a mo so I'm thinking she might go AP stand and fight or she's going like Shi and leand I think is what they usually build I'll slow push this I really can't push fast if I wanted to but I think she loses Cannon here and she recalled no she went in the river for something an enemy has been SL I mean I'm level six I should actually just try and fight her cuz once she's level six she beats me okay got her Flash you have SL an enemy I do damage ah she has CDR boots those boots do not help her too much in this but she never tpd earlier grubs are nice an Al yink down all right I mean since I'm up two kills on her I might still be able to beat her when she alss but stay at the Vanguard I'm going to chill maybe I can get her off this cannon yep it worked an auto won't get it but two Autos will yeah I had a Leona in one of my games do this build except I think the Leona did the iceborn first which I could still make it work since I already got kills without it but prot you definitely blade first is better she's roaming mid I mean I couldn't have pinged him more I will break I don't think shyvana's getting the kill my cans it's actually only one can all right she got the kill unfortunately it but I mean even though she got a kill out of that room he actually is uh losing out cuz I got a freeze going and while I've got this freeze going you guys go hit the like button for me I'd appreciate it she got an assist it's fine I'm still going to be a higher level than her one to two levels higher I might as well stay in Lane till my teleports back up I should have a full blade by then lots of Merk Treads coming out on their team both their adcs are building the same thing the sun always Rises I think this might start going into her maybe not I think this freeze is pretty set I must not fall it's still frozen rally to me she's still roaming I have to push now she's not coming back and she has no teleport well carus being fed is not good I'll need an MR item for sure vers them she's going shun crazy he hasn't been topping like like 5 minutes I will prot I can get some plating she died oh yeah good thing I got grubs want to get these in a line so I could hit two e on the whole wave Jinx and carus are going to be very scary though I can beat them solo but I'm not going to be a good like on V5 I think will be if I split push I'm going to be able to One V one anyone okay you guys don't understand how far ahead I got off of that she may have gotten three assists and a kill but I'm two levels ahead of her with a full item now first approaches I don't know what boots I want probably armor boots versus to double ADC made her Miss Cannon well that's good shut down okay we got a lot of money back an ally has been SL want grubs an ally has I can't really do them on my own I'm going to proxy and see if she actually K is come up here I could proxy one feel the sun's Glory if she tries to fight me I'll beat her I must not fall we going to Al away I think we just do these I have a feeling carus is on Dragon they'll have to get through me all right let's go deal with the dragon she probably going to Al away I could go cool down boots and get a frozen heart What if I an ally to TP probably should have just let her TP though since my team died anyway me your tret has destroyed going to maybe e one more time I will break their I'm dead at least I didn't die to carus actually that's fine you took a bit more Autos than I thought Al my team is getting run over I might need to go roam your hased ever Vigilant want that red buff oh I won't get it maybe no that sucks chosen of the sun yeah we need Harold and get free Tower I will protect you might be able to kill her this is really bad where their jungler gets up there before mine even though I pinged it all right armor boots that's really bad that they have a super fed carus what do I need like a wits or something oh she lived I have teleport I shouldn't lose a turret but I might need to go bot and just give it yeah your team destroyed oh my god dude F we'll pretend it hit this guy should be dead too all right not bad darus is going to on V5 though unfortunately he's just one of those Champs where he gets a bunch of kills and you can't really beat him cuz I could kill him but he's just going to end up killing me he's just going to keep getting more and more kills I mean we still have a chance to win but it's going to be insanely hard arus kind of hard counters me unless I get like enough magic resist but the thing is they got a lot of AD too probably going to kill me here your te has destroyed a tret honestly I think I need to go pry force over iceborn I really want the iceborn though but we're going to we're going to lose I must not I need to do damage carus is going to do the most damage to me out of all them and iceborn doesn't help me stay at the vard that's huge at least he was worth a big Bounty he Jinx died okay we should be able to get this Dragon I got to go up top though your turet has been destroyed bar you did not need to TP up here but anything he actually just cost me from killing her never mind she came back and she wasted flash that works en leave please you got the kill come on man please why does everybody Troll me there's no reason you need to take three of my waves um wit or M honestly I think Ma's better an ally has been SL ah she's dead cuz her red oh wait and not bad why am I slowed not ah I got hooked back in the turret it's fine he might get him one more Auto oh he could have just autoed and got him cringe and not all this will die all right we can win my teammates are doing damage at least it's just there's like no waves for me to farm cuz I have to keep roaming or else my team's going to lose and then they take my waves after I roam well I have a hex drinker literally tping here just to take these Minions zerth only tries to take what I want and I attack pretty fast now first line approaches your CH is recalling javana is just going to keep splitting though I could kill Jinx but she's just going to run and have her team here the always Rises thing that sucks about this shobana she's going to going to be too fast for me to kill where are you okay I don't know what she's doing maybe she thinks there's more people chasing her I shred her though you probably thought she was surrounded if she just ults away though and run for me I don't think I can catch her she's really fast he carthus didn't Al yet must have been down he's going to Al in 30 seconds though if people are low oh I could get a stride breaker I might do that next Twilight FS therewi Magi is kind of risky versus carthus he's going to be able to kill him later but we're doing good destroyed sh shut down get out of there oh died BM going to stop my base [Music] no at least Jinx recall an ally has been slain yeah we could do stride breaker the slow would be really good I must not fall maybe a jack shows last for like super resistances that would give me armor and More Mr and it will work really good with my Wally to we need to keep an on Baron first light approaches they're definitely multiple people here I will break their line we need carus not to get to the backline tri I will uh he could go clear bot if he wants farm so bad hopefully he goes there javana shouldn't be able to get the turret nice okay I can assassinate arthus but the thing is I don't really want to be on top of him like that cuz then his passive is going to melt me after luckily I'm doing insane damage I was going to do this but the whole Squad be pulling up darus is on uh kugs or not kugs red or blue my bad I'm up everything they really going to try this oh we have two oh they got it there's our jungler I got to just fight my way out of this bro our jungler just threw the game so hard we we go in and she doesn't even go in the pit there's nothing that stopped her I don't think we lose I don't know why these two are still pushing but it works if we get an inhib i in literally nobody on their [Music] team leave leave leave destroyed an inhibitor tret has destroyed maybe she got NAU assaulted but like still no there was nobody zoning her what the hell she literally was alone they went for us those was really smart of their team to rush Baron though we had two people bottling all right why did it look like he got six shots will almost have stride the sun always Rises we don't have Tia y not bad see that's why you got to build a defensive item I will protect you pick if he kept his recall going ooh this is soul we actually need this ah stay at theard I don't even think our jungler has been typing dude okay our jungler is actually terrible think is going to get the turret and get excited and kill him she didn't hit it I think she's still might have gotten excited oh man no that's so unlucky the plant and the gate dude everybody's just too fast all right I'm huge Let's do let's do Jack shows we need think getting melted by armor and Mr physical and Magic yeah so I'm really strong splitting I can One V one anybody but I also can clean up fights really well but if I go in first and get Focus we're going to I'm going to die which is fine if zerth can clean up fighting right back this is good as long as Jinx doesn't get a reset here we're good we're good has been slain ever vigilant oh my God he lived if they all died there I think we lose youram destroy I don't know who's uh who else is recalling I'm dead wait I have them all no not the random turret shot holy out play okay an enemy has I got to leave your team has desty I get TP back though your team hasy I could huge oh eny has been all right you won't come out I'll just end the game GG we did it top diff had a good little split at the end there I can't believe I lived that was close to Ma the Savior ma give zerth the honor even though he pissed me off by texting my waves cuz like the thing is he didn't need to take the farm it's whatever he took the farm but there's no reason he needed to stay top with me for three waves when he could have like farmed mid or bot and helped the team all right we did 28k damage I did the second most expected with a zerth in the game arthus did a lot too here's our Rune stats press the attack did 2,000 cut down did 1,000 cheap shot did 1,000 if you guys enjoyed the Leona game make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next I'll see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 143,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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