Tedy Bruschi and Julian Edelman Highlight Both Sides of The Patriots Dynasties

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and Sam we're here and we're joined with the man the myth the legend Teddy brewski older brother of mine three-time Super Bowl champ led the NCAA at defensive line yeah at the University of Arizona in sacs Arizona Legend Arizona Legend yeah proves its versatility by changing from the defensive line to being coming one of the smartest middle linebackers we've all seen the legendary plays in the snow the snow game where he does the snow angel with the pick six we've all seen it all we see him on ESPN looking handsome as ever I mean very handsome man what's up guys what's up thanks for having heading to two California kids who are three-time Patriot Champions just on separate ends right here that's right we sort of uh got them all represented here and uh Jill that's always great talking to you buddy I mean we've uh developed a great great relationship over the years man I'm glad to be talking to you I appreciate you coming on Teddy and uh we have to get it off right away the kind of legend that Teddy is so I'm a rookie and the first first time I get in the building what they do in in the PA in the Patriots building is they test you so they have all the stars and all these big play moments in the team room and they always have to that bill will get up there and ask you who's this who's that who's this oh that's Logan Mankins oh that's Russ well you know that's oh that's Teddy brewski and so we get there so you're already you're automatically they build this huge picture for there's like there's like five Patriots that were on the team that were like part of this huge Dynasty that was like the best franchise going into the before they won the six seven or whatever four five six and Teddy was there and and he was just this guy that it was like surreal to have in there so I the first time I interact with Teddy I see him on in the training room I think he was reading a book and he was getting like he had like two trainers working on him and we go out for a special teams period and and we line up against each other and I had to do this stab thing on them and we go down they blow the whistle and I stab him and I touch them and Teddy with the intensity I told you about looks at me and he says Hey rookie don't you ever [ __ ] touch me again yeah sure and then so I had to go with them the next time so the very next time I had to stab the air I was stabbing the air because I had to show the coaches I knew the technique I had to show them that I was taking in the the classroom work yeah so I'm sitting there with Teddy trying to stab the air but it was [ __ ] nuts and that's the intensity because when we entered this podcast right away you could see Teddy get in the eye oh and he sneered at me pre-taping because then I'm wearing an Eli Manning jersey I'm like this is the 18-1 I got it I gotta show out yeah I knew I knew we were going to discuss that season and uh I guess I'm already just a little irritated knowing it's coming but you know it's uh over the years I've come to accept that season but Jules that uh that story you're talking about like we we've had this conversation how that it was Full Circle for me because when I was a rookie in almost the same situation it wasn't special teams but it was offense and defense we used to have a tight end by the name of Ben Coates and he was a great right in then I was a rookie trying to do the same thing on him trying to put my hands on him because that's what you're coached to do and all that and the line from Ben to me was as we're walking back in between reps after that rep he said hey rookie do you ever touch me again like that I'll break your [ __ ] arm [Laughter] I'm like I said I guess this is what it is now so I knew never to touch Ben Coates like that again so I gave you a little bit of the Ben coach treatment there and he said someday that'll be me talking to a younger person but about 12 years later 12 12 13 years later yeah I mean the crazy thing is though it like he wasn't being an [ __ ] or anything he was just the vet you know he was he was getting his work and he was doing his his techniques and that's just how it is it's changed now Teddy nowadays it's changed you can't even call it a rookie a rookie anymore you got to call him the r word because you know that they're all you know entitled and and what do you think about this new generation do you think you could be a veteran player in this year this day and age with how these guys are going you know I sense the transition I think 0809 was my last training camp of how it was getting to be and I still think it's doable I don't think you can be the old school get off my lawn type of old man type of this is the way it is you respect me it's it's much different now to where it's almost you have to earn their respect first and then you can give them the hard love after that but if you show them right off the bat that you're gonna be an [ __ ] and and this is the way it's going to be rookie and all this and all that they may get they they may go into their shell a little bit so it's a little bit different dealing with today's athlete I like to think I could adapt and still find a way to to you know if you gotta establish trust first that's fine that's just the way it is but once it gets to the point where games are now coming it's not OTAs it's not mini camp it's no pre-season anymore man it's serious hopefully you've developed that relationship now where you can you can have sort of those serious conversations but definitely it's sort of backwards now than it was before to where you earn in respect rather then respect should be given so that's the main transition that veteran players have to deal with and that that's a that's a leader type answer right there and and it's crazy because when I got in the locker room he was probably thinking of us the same way we think and vice versa that's just the older guy who becomes wise if you play in the league while you kind of you see things but we do have to talk about this 2007 season 18 one now let's let's put a little context into this this was the year after they go to the 2006 AFC Championship they're up what 21-3 at halftime yeah 21-3 against the Colts Peyton Manning the Colts they owned the Colts throughout Peyton Manning's career they could never Peyton could never beat the Patriots they go into the Dome it's a little different circumstance they come back they had a great year they lose that game then they go on they sign Wes Welker they sign Randy Moss now after that year and I know how a losing season is in New England how shitty of an off season because you have it in the back of your throat all year and you have to see all the clips and all the [ __ ] what's the mindset going in after you have some of these key additions the shitty loss after you know the year before like did you you guys definitely felt something was special was coming but what was the mindset because you were one of the big leaders you you know McGinnis or every you know all the all the big guys yeah it was you know not until that week one opening win versus the Jets that you know you sort of had an eye-opening of holy smoke I mean Randy Moss you know because Moss had a little bit of a tweak of his hamstring when he got there in 07 so you didn't get to see a lot in training camp so as the week one opener started to come he started to come back a little bit and give you a little taste but it just it just exploded in the week one matchup uh everyone remembers the old the Deep Over where Tom just threw it all the way to the left side where he outran the safety in the corner the to the pylon on the left side the offensive left side and that's when we on the defensive side of the ball are looking around on the bench like we got something here here so after that seeing him in combination with Welker after that game that's when we really we really knew that our offense could be explosive which is very different than what it used to be in in similar championship years of 0.103 and 04 you know Brady was coming into his own special teams and defense where the theme and and then of course Brady this is when you got the full I guess quote-unquote Tom Brady coming in the 07 season where I mean you saw taste 704 but a note 7 it was like this guy can't be stopped I mean you started you saw the transition from Tom really becoming that type of Tom Brady I mean what did that look like the first time I really noticed that there was a different Tom was probably in the Super Bowl versus the uh Carolina Panthers now oh one oh one Tom was you know just don't turn the ball over here over give it to Kevin Faulk give a little check down and you know just once in a while break your Tendencies throw it deep and all that stuff let the defense running game and special teams do what they do I think Tom was only responsible for I mean two touchdowns in the entire entire playoffs uh he ran for one in the snow versus the Raiders and he threw for one uh in the Super Bowl versus Patton all the others were Drew bledso touchdown special teams and defense so to see from that all the way to that Carolina half that second half where he's making throws left and right because we couldn't stop Carolina in the second half because we were gassed um delum had us figured out and Tom Brady just ended up picking us up so that's when you start to see like all right he's ready to just take over the team and become MVP type of player that type of player all the way to 07 when he's plant throwing I think 50 touchdown passes and it's just absurd so to see that growth was incredible and then see it continue as an analyst was just I mean it's it just hasn't stopped there's got to be some stories of like young Tom like we all know the football the transition the this that what is the what's the funny [ __ ] about Tommy that we we don't know like you know over what they used to have the bar of the rack over in Boston I remember hearing a little I mean what what are the things that no one knows about old TB how goofy he is that like I want to hear a young Tommy story I know you got one yeah but no I think people just see him I don't know you use the term celebrity quarterback now and it's it's what he's we just turned into and that's that's great and everything but I mean he used to be he used to really play the little brother role the little irritating little brother role uh in terms of scout team quarterback to always talking about what he can do and always talking trash during during two-minute situations and we just laughed at him because also his boys would get so high and it sounds like a eight-year-old boy just complaining and also usually still trying to get the team fired up at the same time it was really comical and that's how is that the best quarterback ever or Jared Kushner what no I mean it's yeah it's the the guys let's go the whole voice and all of this is like oh look at Tom we trying to fire a team it's so cool you know that that sort of little bit that's cute that's cute tell me I still have that sort of picture in my mind of him but I definitely witnessed the transition but I still see him I mean as you know that that that kid that still came up when nobody thought he could it's crazy because I saw a completely different version of that you know I I got in and he was 34 by that time and and I saw the you know the developing of the celebrity quarterback and then I became that little annoying brother that used to piss him off yeah so that that's where that transitioned in you know what I mean now going into this this game you guys I remember hearing all we heard about was Humble Pie when that streak started going yeah you know you guys started winning ball games it wasn't like you guys were beating teams like you know 14 16 or or whatever you guys were blowing the socks off people offense explosive defense playing like one and turning the ball over an opportunistic moments like just an overall [ __ ] great football team going into the Super Bowl you guys what was it 12 and a half points twelve and a half Point favor yeah like are you going into this thing I and I know the mindset that bill he's probably cutting you down the whole week you guys are not this you guys aren't that but like deep down on the team and I know the leadership of the of the team but there's got to be some something that clicked in that like we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna blow these fools out yeah they got close to us in week 17. yeah yeah they they're on their cute little run they got their the Run game and a really good defense we're the [ __ ] 07 Pats we're the best team in the history of the game like that ever seep into your mind it was hard not to I think around week um starting week 14 when we're we're on the verge of being 16-0 in the regular season that's when you really start to think that we we just can't be beat fellas we just gotta finish and the real pressure was getting to the Super Bowl because that was I mean if if we finish the season 16-0 and you lose in a divisional round are you losing the championship game you're a laughing stock so you at least got to get to the Super Bowl definitely so you get there and it's like guys all we got to do is finish all right we know this team we've played them before we just gotta finish the job and do it again and that was the whole theme of the entire year why Belichick coached us so hard and why we felt like sometimes we didn't even win a game the entire year is because he sensed what we could become um he knew that I mean it was going to be hard for a lot of teams to beat us if we played well when we did and yes going into that it was a tough hard-fought game versus the Giants in week 17 to get to 16 you know Mark but we felt confident going in you know it was something that is we just got to go finish the job and that's the confidence that we had I mean I mean I think about it now and what happened of course and losing the game but you know it's just man I've just been on both sides of the spectrum to where you're winning Super Bowls when nobody expects you to and then you're you're winning Super Bowls when everybody expects you to and now you're playing the role of everyone thinks you're the best that's ever been so how do you play that role the target yeah couldn't get it done the the Target on the back that's what people don't realize I mean we see that with the Kansas City Chiefs nowadays and all these teams that they go out and they win a Super Bowl and they have these unbelievable teams but it it's it's almost it's not easier to win your first it's almost it's just hard to stay at the top because you become America's Most Wanted you everyone is circling when they play you guy coaches are getting paid if they beat you players are getting paid if they beat you and that's how a lot of guys think people don't realize how hard it is when you have that Target now the game doesn't go the way you want and as a professional athlete when they don't because I've lost Super Bowls too there's you always think as an individual man there's four or five plays I wish I could have [ __ ] had back yeah if I would have done do you remember any specific of those kind of type plays that like I wish I had this [ __ ] playback I I if I would have done that we could you know you never know fourth quarter the Giants are driving in their last series and there's a fourth and one uh junior CEO and I were rotating at the time he had dime responsibilities I had we both were on there I had nickel and regular responsibilities Junior was in regular two but it was a fourth in one situation and I believe it was hedge [ __ ] at fullback and Jacobs was oh yeah the tailback and it was a fourth in one situation and it was a lead right at me and I took on the full back and Jacobs was still able to squeak by and like reach over for the first down I think about that play all the time I mean if I would have gotten that stop could I have said Seymour from the right side maybe a rip call maybe a Louis call to move the entire line could I have jumped over Hitchcock which I've done before just jump over and sell out rather than taking him on so yeah as you can tell oh yeah there's a lot of plays individually and a lot of plays team-wise that you think of during that during that one game Super Bowl losses big losses but especially this one um that fourth and one I mean of course there's the Harrison play there's the Asante Samuel drop there's the Ellis Hobbs all-out Blitz in the in the for the for the touchdown to Burris it's still fresh in my mind beautiful it's all beautiful but uh uh Teddy be honest with us how seriously did you take Eli going into this game shoot I I always respected Eli I mean I never saw I mean you saw him as goofy of course and you knew at times he could throw it into a team meeting absolutely and all we had to do at times would just catch it but we didn't catch it I mean did he still in that plate of Tyree was he running around like a chicken with his head cut off absolutely did Rebel have him did Jarvis have him did Seymour Adam I mean they're all running at him and the man just throws it up and but that's the Super Bowl man you get catches like an Edelman catcher like you Bobble it twice and he catches it six inches off the ground those type of things we've been on one side of them and we've been on the other side of him and felai it just had a little magic against the Patriots in the Super Bowls yeah Teddy I you weren't around but like you said either the blitz zero on you know in the short red to Plaxico yeah short story I had to hear Randy [ __ ] about that on Friday walkthroughs to Dean Pease for two years oh yeah you know you know how Randy is Hey Dean you're gonna throw out that [ __ ] Blitz zero again lost me in my [ __ ] ring you remember yeah oh man and you know the veterans you have that you sign like it's a great move I mean for teams that have won it before to sign players that haven't before you know what I mean um so you want to win it for a junior you want to win it for Randy you know for moss and it's just like uh [ __ ] what did we do that is that was yeah that Blitz zero you got drafted by Parcells you played for Carol and then you also played for for Bill yeah when was the first time you met Bill and and what was your first impression of this guy that I he was on the coaching staff I believe a little bit right he was in uh part with Parcells he was a dude he was a DB's coach and um never heard him never heard him at all uh he was just coming off the Cleveland I mean I wouldn't call it it's borderline embarrassment I mean how that all ended over there with the relocation and how he got ousted and that so I mean he was sort of just licking his wounds and coaching defensive backs and um I never really had a lot of um interactions with him um during that year in 96 but the one thing I remember is we were in a meeting once the defensive unit and all of a sudden Bill spoke up in the defensive unit meeting which he really did and he spoke up about offensive linemen and how they get out on screens and how the DBS should really play it and he is dropping F bombs left and right and these fat asses and all this and all that I'm like who is that I mean really who is that damn he's sort of funny you know and it was like oh that's better check man I was like oh yeah that's the Cleveland guy yeah you know so that's that was my introduction to Bill I mean it was like oh man yeah it didn't work out too well in Cleveland good to have him all this up I didn't know about all the New York Giant defensive coordinator days out defensive coordinator was outgrow you know and Bill was just sort of you know that year after you lose a job and you just accept any point idiot any positional meeting on a coaching job on staff and you just boom hide behind the scenes and then that was him now the ironic thing was this after we lost that Super Bowl in 96 Belichick went around the plane because Parcell was him and craft were having problems and Parcells was ousted and Belichick went around the plane talking to guys like younger guys like he came up to me and talked to me about the season and how you know we got a bright future and all that stuff and he went to various other players like Lori Malloy and other guys and I was like maybe that's our next head coach so that was sort of weird on the plane ride back but uh that was 1996 Bill Belichick so you saw the trans you saw him go from like a crotchety guy to the Grump to you know to coddling you guys and then going back to a crotchety Grump all in a few years I mean that's that's the Belichick way I mean you are like the Patriot Way guy that you think of you know like when you think of like who's a like who set that culture and the guy like he's a family Cornerstone it's it's guys like him Kevin Faulk Troy Brown Willie McGinnis yeah I mean lawyer Malloy yeah I didn't get to experience him as much but there's there's always that group of patriot that like they kind of they regulate the locker room you learn as a young player you either get like them or you're not gonna be there yeah it was a great it was great being being there when Bill was also learning to be built you know and seeing him from where I mean I was lucky to have Parcels laid my football Foundation I mean Pete Carroll wasn't bad I learned to play linebacker under Pete Carroll you know but I mean we just weren't used to the whole College type of atmosphere because we are ourselves yeah yeah so it was a little bit different and Pete learned as a head coach toward his tenure there but then Belichick comes back in and then we go I think was five and eleven the first year and we're he is learning to be a better head coach at the same time as you know myself and Vinatieri and a lot of guys were there Bledsoe was there able yeah yeah well no rainbow can't forget Braves yeah Braves came in 2001 the next year absolutely so it was it was good to be there to to learn to to sculpt what ended up being and what it is uh I gotta ask you teddy I mean coming back from a stroke in 2005 winning comeback Player of the Year there was a vibe that Boston athletes were just like the toughest dudes because it's like you've got you coming back from a stroke Paul Pierce gets stabbed a bunch of time and misses like two games or something there was something I mean what was that like for you I mean was there a moment after having the stroke where you're like am I is this my career is this it a lot of a lot of moments man I mean something like that I mean you hope to have somebody to call you know what I mean it's like I was up so my doctor I was like hey dog give me the number of the guy that's done this before so I can talk to him and ask him all the questions like all the questions I got like well Michael is my brain going to explode is the is my heart gonna be okay because they put a a device in my heart and he was like so there's silence on the other line and I'm like dot dot what's up he said Teddy you'd be the first and I'm like [ __ ] let me hang up and call you back and let me repeat this you know what I mean so that that was the hard part about it not having um you know someone to to lean on and ask them about it but you know you get to a point where it's like every career has a comeback I mean Jules had his too and it's about five years ten years down the road I just knew I would have regretted it if I didn't give it a shot so you know that was my comeback I mean it happened to be medical not physical type of you know knee shoulder or anything like that but you know there's a lot of mental and emotional uh healing that had to go on to especially that just shows the kind of guy Teddy is man like he just always proved people wrong it's [ __ ] it was just a it was a pleasure to like be in the same building with him that's the aura he gave off because of the big play moments because of the hard work because of oh the overcoming of adversity and and it was like it was insane it was literally an insane experience and I only experienced them for Camp yeah like let me let me tell you just just my perspective of it was I don't know what's harder okay what is harder is it to to establish okay establish a championship culture or maintain it and that's what when when Jules came in I mean that group that maintained the Gronkowski's the edelman's the mccordy's uh High Towers a little bit Yeah Slater absolutely to maintain that I don't know I it's a great argument to see what's what's harder you know and but I really thought it was just as hard and to see it as an analyst from the analyst perspective I thought was super cool that I mean he was so easy to talk about my former former team just beating up on everybody and still winning championships and that was that was a fun part of my job and that's the thing they set the standard like they're I I can't even count the amount of times you'd be in a [ __ ] team meeting and Bill you know how Bill is he's breaking down film look you [ __ ] you guys aren't [ __ ] Teddy brewski you're no [ __ ] Willie McGinnis like I coached a thousand [ __ ] players like we had to hear that until we finally got there until we finally got one and then once you got one then you're like well [ __ ] they got three so like let's try to keep it going let's [ __ ] listen you know what I mean it was an inspirational type thing that motivated our team to ultimately set that standard and keep that standard well we we were in college around the same time Jules and I so Teddy brewski is how you described a beer you get the shout out in the movie Ted yeah I mean you're kind of you're you're Immortal in Boston uh drinking and sports how does that feel I was I remember when I saw that clip for the first time I mean they're in the movie and it was like oh damn did he just say that that was the coolest thing I had ever seen you know Wahlberg so of course Wahlberg being a big old Patriots guy but having the little bears say that did it would have it was it was super cool man I loved it I loved it after that everything kind of changed 08 Brady gets hurt 0-9 like yeah yeah the emotion after that like that's that's gotta be the low of of I mean you experienced the ultimate highs but after that game like the emotions did that deflate that that was that was just deflating how did you deal with it how did you how did you try to move on did you move on did was that it well first of all it was good to have a few Super Bowls still in your back pocket to realize that you've still won a few that helped that helped a lot but it was man I mean you've lost some Jewels I mean but to lose V1 I mean you had won Super Bowls you you win Super Bowls but this was the Super Bowl we were trying to get um I mean biggest upset in Super Bowl history I mean you got a team that's trying to go undefeated I mean you're hearing everything about the Dolphins and all of that stuff during the whole course of the year man I it took me a while it took me a while to get over it bro I mean it's I still I still have thoughts about it and I I'll give myself questions in my mind it's like would I trade all three of those super bowls for the one 19-0 yeah think about that would you sometimes I answer yes but most of the times most of the times I answer no let me give you a little Jewish tactic why don't you start with two and maybe they they would they would take it you get two so then you give them two Super Bowls for for 19-0 and then you got one in another little negotiation with the guys which one would I be football guys then again so I mean which one do you give up do you give up the first Brady maybe Brady is not Brady if he doesn't get that first one but then then but the first one is the one we broke through I mean and then the other two were back to back which I hold on to our group going back to back I know Jewels never did it never did it we went up to ever did it and I I that's it in the back of my head too Teddy yeah it's in my [ __ ] head too don't think I don't I don't think about that like geez we never never went back to back yeah I think if anything that 18 in one team it just it gives me an incredible perspective I mean geez I mean to have all the success that we had and then to have the biggest defeat that anyone can possibly think of so I got a lot of experiences in this head through winning and losing championships and I know what it's like to win the biggest games and lose the biggest games and that's a unique perspective that a lot of people don't have but uh that's just a small consolation prize man I had to ask you one thing uh before you go because you mentioned them briefly but I mean could you throw some shine on Junior Seau who is a NFL legend buddy buddy yeah I mean I I remember when Pete Carroll and Beau Pelini were here he was my linebacker coach and it was like I'd be watching Junior Seau in terms of how he played and I loved the way he played and I wanted I use it as an example for myself in terms of effort and just instincts and to become a teammate album and to just have the impact on a team the minute he walks in the locker room you know just this guy had so much energy one of my favorite teammates of all time uh probably the best linebacker of all time I mean just so blessed to be able to play with him no buddy buddy buddy you know that's a whole Junior thing playing his his ukulele is ukulele in the locker room there'll be another never another another absolutely not I loved that guy too I played with him a little bit 909 year uh Teddy Joe thank you thank you so much for for coming on you know I'm sorry we had to talk about this [ __ ] game he he requested it he was sorry we had to relive in New York it's important I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances Teddy but uh you can you can talk about the New England Patriots in so many angles man from controversies to victories to losses I mean it's there are multiple books about it it's because the team was so impactful over so many years and uh that guy sitting next to you right there Jules is is a big reason why too so love you buddy good to talk to you I love you man and I appreciate it and like I said thank you for everything that you've helped me with he's always came and talked to me you know giving me words of advice and terrible times great times how to handle this how not to handle this uh I've seen his kids grow up it's it's it's been yeah but it's been unreal man so and yeah and he's a [ __ ] stud on TV thank you for coming on you got any plugs for anything how's that you got any plugs for anything you good bro I'm not here to plug I'm here to talk to my boy that's my guy my [ __ ] guy I love you bro thank you so much all right Jules
Channel: Games With Names
Views: 50,700
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Keywords: #SamMorril, #GamesWithNames, #Podcast, #Sports, #JulianEdelman
Id: Cm95Gb98S_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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